DEEP Data Access Committee

Deutsches Epigenom Programm
Controlled Access Data and Data Access Committee
Completed DEEP datasets will be deposited in the European Genome-Phenome Archive (EGA)
repository (
In line with IHEC policy (Jan 2013) there will be two categories:
Open Access Datasets
Disease Pathology / general sample
characteristics (metadata)
 Histological subtype
 Gender
 Age range
Gene expression (RNA-/smRNA-seq)
 processed data (e.g. bigwig, bed)
Methylation marks
 processed data(e.g. bigwig, bed)
Histone modifications
 processed data (e.g. bigwig, bed)
Controlled Access Datasets
Detailed Phenotype and Clinical (meta)data
Raw genotype data
Genome sequence files (e.g. bam-files)
Regulating and controlling data access is not the responsibility of the EGA. For each dataset that
requires access control, there has to be a corresponding Data Access Committee which determines
access permissions. All submissions made to the EGA must be affiliated to a DAC. The DAC should
consist of one or more named individuals, which are responsible for making the data access decisions
for the data to which the DAC is affiliated.
DEEP Data Access Committee:
Following the regulations of the EGA a DEEP Data Access Committee (DEEP DAC) is formed. The DAC
processes applications.
The DEEP Steering Committee will serve as the DEEP DAC, chaired by Jörn Walter and co-chaired by
Benedikt Brors representing the Data control center DCC. Decisions will be made by a majority vote
of the DAC. The votes are obtained by exchanging email and/or by a DAC telephone conference call.
Decisions should be made within 20 days after application.
EGA guidelines for Data access Committees:
EGA policies:
Deutsches Epigenom Programm
Required documents:
Informed consent
The informed consent form should include a detailed explanation of the modalities for data use,
archiving, sharing (open vs. controlled access) and publication.
Data access application form
The Data access form should be drafted by the DAC, for the purpose of capturing the necessary
information from a user wishing to access data.
Completion of a Data access application form by the applicant/s should form part of the application
process to the DAC.
Data Access Agreement (DAA)
The Data Access Agreement is a contract made between user and Data Access Committee. The
agreement should be drafted by the DAC and includes, but is not limited to, details of data use,
publication restrictions and storage.
Completion of a DAA by the applicant/s should form part of the application process to the DAC.
Optional: DEEP internal confidentiality agreement
The confidentiality agreement is a contract made between DEEP partners with access to controlled
access data and the Data Access Committee. The agreement should be drafted by the DAC and
includes, but is not limited to, details of data use and storage.
Completion of a confidentiality agreement by DEEP internal user is a precondition for access to
controlled access data.