WRITING SKILLS – MARKING CRITERIA - LEVEL 1 – Post A-Level The criteria below give an indication of how examiners grade written proficiency in first-year language modules (Post A-Level). The criteria are cumulative (a higher grade implies the possession of the skills described at lower grades, as well as the absence of deficiencies described at lower grades). At the same time, the grade profiles are necessarily general and typical: a candidate need not fit all aspects of a profile to fall into that grade band. There may be elements that do not apply to every written assessment task. Cohesion & coherence Content Structure Vocabulary, idiom and register Grammar Use of discourse strategies Exceptional comprehension of A critical, analytical and sophisticated Exceptional use, wide & varied range No grammar or spelling / character* the question and sophisticated, argument logically structured. of expressions, technical vocabulary errors. Very effective use of wide nuanced and critical Consistently accurate and idiomatic and idiomatic language. Authentic range of advanced grammatical High 1st understanding of the topic. Level use of punctuation. understanding and use of register structures. 90-100 may be close to publishable appropriate to the task. standard. * for non-European languages. Outstanding text clearly An accomplished and coherent Outstanding use and wide range of Virtually error-free with regards to demonstrating independent and argument precisely structured with expressions, technical vocabulary and grammar and spelling / character Good original thought and an ability to outstanding use of logical and idiomatic language. Highly effective accuracy, demonstrating an 1st 1st engage with material in a chronological connectors. Generally no understanding of the register outstanding use of grammatical 80-89 consistently critical and analytical errors in use of punctuation. appropriate to the task. structures. manner. Excellent text showing a detailed An effective and coherent argument Excellent ability to use a wide range of Consistently high level of accuracy in analysis based on critical and logically structured and demonstrating appropriate topic-related vocabulary grammar and spelling / use of Low 1st independent thought, such as an excellent use of wide-ranging logical correctly which may include idiomatic characters, with only few minor 70-79 ability to ‘see beyond the and chronological connectors. expressions. Excellent understanding errors; grammatical structures question’. Consistently correct use of of the register appropriate to the task. supporting development of fluent punctuation, with only minor errors. style. Displays an excellent range of complex structures. Very good text demonstrating Very good, clearly structured argument Very good ability to use a range of Very good level of grammatical general critical, analytical thought demonstrating a varied use of logical appropriate vocabulary which may accuracy with few significant and a very good comprehension and chronological connectors. Sound include technical vocabulary and grammatical or spelling / character High 2:1 of the implications of the structure overall. Very good use of structures and/or idiomatic errors. Displays a very good range of 65-69 question. punctuation despite occasional errors. expressions. High level of accuracy structures overall. Few occasional Very good capacity to synthesise overall, with some minor errors. Very slips or non-systematic errors. rather than describe. good choice of register appropriate to the task. 2nd Low 2:1 60-64 Good text in general with clear critical analysis supported by relevant examples and ideas demonstrating a good comprehension of the implications of the question. Good capacity to synthesise Good and clear argument, which uses a variety of logical and chronological connectors showing link between ideas. Good use of punctuation despite some minor errors. Good ability to use a range of suitable vocabulary, expressions and structures. Some inaccuracies occur, but only few major errors. For the most part choice of register appropriate to the task. . Good level of grammatical accuracy and good range of grammatical structures with relatively few major errors. Occasional slips or nonsystematic errors. Minor and relatively infrequent spelling / character errors. information. High 2:2 55-59 Low 2:2 50-54 45-49 3rd 40-44 Fail 35-39 Appropriate text with some attempts at analysis but a tendency to be descriptive rather than analytical. Slight confusion as regards implication of the question. Appropriate and mostly clear argument using logical and chronological connectors. Use of punctuation not always appropriate. Appropriate range of expression with satisfactory use of vocabulary and structures, despite a few gaps.. Inaccuracies occur, some of them major, but not overly affecting comprehensibility. Reasonable choice of register, but not always appropriate to the task. Adequate text but overly descriptive. Tendency to assert / state opinion rather than argue on the basis of reason and evidence, or argument is not sustained by choice of examples. Some confusion as regards the implication of the question and gaps in understanding are evident. Limited text in terms of ideas. Evidence mentioned but used inappropriately and little attempt at analysis and a tendency towards excessive description. . Adequate, but not always clearly, chronologically or logically structured argument showing use of small range of simple connectors. Use of punctuation shows some inconsistencies. Adequate lexical repertoire although the range is limited both in terms of expressions and structures.. Some major inaccuracies, but not overly affecting comprehensibility of text. Choice of register at times inappropriate to the task. Basic argument showing limited use of simple connectors making the overall coherence and structure of the text underdeveloped and often difficult to follow. Limited mastery of punctuation. Limited range of vocabulary and structures. Frequent inaccuracies affecting comprehensibility at times. Mostly inappropriate register for the text. Text overwhelmingly descriptive at a basic and / or subject level. Often misses the point of the question, asserts rather than argues the case Very basic argument with little attempt to link ideas. Lack of clarity in presentation, which makes the structure difficult to follow. Basic and sometimes inaccurate use of punctuation. Patchy or restricted use of vocabulary and idioms. Relatively high level of inaccuracies which affects comprehensibility on a number of occasions. Inappropriate choice of register. Inadequate text affected by limited development of ideas and Little or no argument lacking coherent or logical structure. Evidence used Inadequate range of expression caused by restricted vocabulary. Reasonable level of grammatical accuracy, but with some significant grammatical errors and a number of spelling / character mistakes. Some slips or systematic errors in grammatical /sentence structure may occur but without leading to misunderstanding. Possible interference from other languages, but not a barrier to communication. Grammar and spelling / characters have some inaccuracies but display an adequate range of grammatical structures. More frequent major slips may occur and systematic errors slightly affect readability. Some interference from other languages may slightly affect understanding. Fair grasp of basic grammar, spelling / characters and grammatical /sentence structure, though frequent major errors and limited control of syntax. Frequent spelling / character mistakes. Many inconsistencies affecting readability. Much interference from other languages impedes communication. Grasp of basic grammar, spelling / characters and grammatical / sentence structure, but many inaccuracies and very limited control of syntax. Very frequent spelling mistakes. Major errors clearly affecting readability. Substantial interference from other languages impedes communication. Limited grasp of grammatical principles and limited familiarity with 0-34 ability to illustrate those with examples. Lacking critical engagement with issues, based on description or opinion. Very little comprehension of the implication of the question. Very limited, and seriously flawed understanding of the question or fails to address the question entirely. Omissions and inaccuracies make most of the work impossible to understand. inappropriately or incorrectly. Difficult to convey the intended meaning due to lack of connectors and discourse markers. Inadequate use of punctuation. Frequent inaccuracies strongly affecting comprehensibility. Language not appropriate to the task. spelling conventions / characters. Constant slips and flaws in grammatical / sentence structure still occur which make understanding difficult. Deficient argument. No attempt to construct an argument and incoherent or illogical structure. Almost nonexistent use of connectors affecting dramatically the structure and cohesion of the text. Punctuation is non-existent. No awareness of lexical repertoire or register. Many repetitions because of the limitations in vocabulary. High number of inaccuracies severely affecting the comprehensibility of the text. Grammar and spelling / characters are significantly inaccurate and very limited. Severe flaws in grammatical / sentence structure cause misunderstanding and lack of communication.