Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan Procedures





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Restricted Mobility Or Sensory Disabilities

Disability, evacuation, emergency

Procedure for staff and students regarding Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans

Nov 2013

Nov 2015

Nov 2017

Karen Parker

Staff & Students

Fire Safety Procedure

Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan

(PEEP) Procedure


PEEP Assessments for STUDENTS and

STAFF should be directed to the Additional

Learning Support in the first instance:


01202 965663

A document to assist schools in assessing the Means of Escape and Safe Egress for disabled people in case of emergency evacuation of a building


Last amended: February 2014


Issued by the – Chris Hewitt, Fire Officer BU - This guide is to be regarded as a general statement of requirements and is in addition to relevant British Standards or any other instructions received from the Local Fire or Building Control Authorities.

BU Fire Safety Note No: DS 01


1.0. This document is for Deans of Schools and Heads of Professional Services and for members of staff and students who, because of a permanent or temporary disability, require assistance to leave a building during an emergency evacuation. It outlines the procedure for Deans of Schools and Heads of Professional Services for carrying out the assessment of the suitability of their facilities and to identify the individual’s specific needs in respect of emergency evacuation from a building.

1.1. The assessment will assist in identifying the suitability of the buildings, equipment and procedures to meet the needs of an individual requiring evacuation assistance. The document should be used to assess the work location for staff and the study, teaching and living space used by students. This initial assessment provides a basis for management decisions and what practical and physical arrangements can be provided.

1.2. Evacuation for Disabled People - Guidance - All requirements for the evacuation of disabled people, identified by the Risk Assessment should where possible, comply with

British Standard BS 9999-2008: Section 46 - Code of Practice for Fire Safety in the Design,

Management and Use of Buildings .

Deans of Schools or Heads of Professional Services Responsibilities

1.3. Members of Staff, Postgraduate Students or Long-Term Contractors - the Deans of

Schools and Heads of Professional Services are responsible for ensuring that evacuation procedures are pre-planned, that staff have received instruction in and have practised the procedures adopted for the safe, emergency evacuation of disabled people. The Deans of

Schools and Heads of Professional Services must have this assessment completed and agreed with all parties as soon as reasonably practicable once it is known that an individual requires assistance during evacuation. For staff, this may be identified at pre-employment or induction. Arrangements should also be in place to identify staff and students that have a temporary health matter which means that they require assistance to evacuate (e.g. a fractured ankle).

1.4. Undergraduate Students - for undergraduate students the Deans of Schools and Heads of Professional Services must ensure that the following responsibilities are recognised, that procedures are in place and that actions are carried out at the earliest opportunity for example, before the student arrives or as soon as a temporary immobility effecting evacuation (i.e. injury) is reported. a. When an offer to a student with restricted mobility or sensory impairment is made, the Additional Learning Support and the Residential Services should be informed, as soon as practically possible. b. c.

The Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (Annex A) should be completed by a competent person, appointed by the Manager of Additional Learning Support, in conjunction with the individual. A case study conference may be organised to coordinate the response in terms of both managerial and practical arrangements.

Specialist staff including the University Fire Officer can assist in dealing with practical issues. The PEEP should be signed off by the individual and the Assessor and then distributed for information and action to the relevant parties.

Suitable arrangements are in place beyond the first year and until the student leaves the University, this should include reviews of the PEEP as necessary.


Last amended: February 2014


Issued by the – Chris Hewitt, Fire Officer BU - This guide is to be regarded as a general statement of requirements and is in addition to relevant British Standards or any other instructions received from the Local Fire or Building Control Authorities.

BU Fire Safety Note No: DS 01 d. Students with restricted mobility will need assistance with both access and emergency egress from centrally booked, department and faculty teaching space.

The School must make all reasonable adjustments to the individual's course timetable / programme to ensure that the student has suitable access to lecture theatres, seminar rooms, study areas and tutorial staff. As far as may be practicable, the School should facilitate arrangements for the student to have a

"buddy" or "buddies" to accompany him or her to classes and for those people to be prepared to assist the disabled student in the event of an emergency.

1.5. General Principles for Evacuating Premises - impairments or disabilities may be permanent or temporary and need to be considered when assessing emergency evacuation procedures. They generally fall into one or more of the following categories:

Hearing Impairment - affecting a person’s ability to hear or react to the emergency warning systems or instructions (i.e. the activation of the fire alarm or instructions given as part of the emergency procedures).

Visual Impairment - affecting a person’s ability to identify escape routes, directional information, instructions, objects or hazards that may reduce the evacuation time of these people.

Physical or Mobility Impairment - affecting a person’s ability to leave the premises independently or negotiate structural elements including stairs, steps, doors and fire doors etc.

1.6. Consideration should be given to locating people with mobility impairments as near to ground floor level, and close to fire exits as possible. (If working in or visiting the ground floor of a building, people with mobility impairments or disabilities should be able to make their own way out of the building and facilities should be provided that allow them to do this.)

1.7. The evacuation must be planned to be carried out successfully by the building occupiers without dependence on assistance from the fire brigade. There is a real need in emergencies for Fire Wardens and Marshals, line managers and colleagues to provide reassurance and assistance to people who may become distressed during an emergency.

1.8. If disabled people are located in basement or upper floors of a building and are unable to make their way out, they may need to use ‘Refuges 1 ’ while waiting for help to move from the refuge to safety. However, these areas should be used as a last resort and all other options should be considered first.

1.9. Evacuation Chairs:

The provision of evacuation chairs to assist in the evacuation of disabled people should be considered. BU buildings where necessary have evacuation chairs provided and a sufficient number of staff are trained in their use. Whilst the provision of these chairs can assist in evacuating disabled people, the following matters should be borne in mind:


Refuge - an area that is both separated from a fire by fire-resisting construction and provided with a safe route to a storey exit, thus constituting a temporarily safe space.


Last amended: February 2014


Issued by the – Chris Hewitt, Fire Officer BU - This guide is to be regarded as a general statement of requirements and is in addition to relevant British Standards or any other instructions received from the Local Fire or Building Control Authorities.

BU Fire Safety Note No: DS 01

Both the disabled person using the chair and those operating it should be properly trained in the use of the equipment in order to avoid accidents and to maintain adequate safety for other users of the stairs.

The chairs must be stored so that they do not obstruct the Means of Escape under normal circumstances.

Inevitably, the use of such a chair will restrict the use of the route as a means of escape by others. In order to minimise the problem of congestion on the route, those using the chairs should begin to evacuate from a safe area but allow the majority of the occupants of the building to pass, before themselves moving down the escape route.

This is for the safety of the occupant of the chair, people assisting and other building occupants using the same stairway.

1.10. Communications - at each refuge a specially designed communication link is provided.

1.11. Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) – a record of all active PEEPs shall be maintained by Additional Learning Support and available for inspection. The PEEP assessment document is reproduced as Annex A.


Last amended: February 2014


Issued by the – Chris Hewitt, Fire Officer BU - This guide is to be regarded as a general statement of requirements and is in addition to relevant British Standards or any other instructions received from the Local Fire or Building Control Authorities.

Annex A To BU Fire Safety Note No: DS 01


Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP)


1. Why you should complete this Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan

The University has a duty of care to protect you from fire risks and ensure your health and safety whilst studying, working or living at one of the University sites. To do this we need to know:

If you require enhanced information about our emergency evacuation procedures; and

If you need assistance during an emergency evacuation.

Please indicate whether you have difficulty in carrying out the action indicated below:

 Raising the Fire Alarm by finding, then breaking a ‘Fire alarm Call Point’;

 Hearing the Fire Alarm sounders;

 Following the Fire Exit direction signs;

 Moving quickly down the staircase unassisted to exit the building in the event of an emergency.

If you require support in any of the above areas you need to complete this form.

Before you started your studies or working at the University you may have already considered the issue of responding in an emergency. If you have, it is possible that these strategies could be used at the University and should be discussed when completing your PEEP.

A copy of this completed document will be held electronically on the University I Drive with access strictly limited to appropriate staff within relevant Schools and Professional Services. A copy will also be retained by the University Fire Office.

2. What will happen when you have completed the form?

You will be provided with any additional information necessary about the emergency evacuation procedures in the building(s) in which you study/work/live.

If you need assistance, the PEEP will specify the type of assistance you need to assist you out of the building. In a few cases it might not be possible to provide safe access or egress and as a result other solutions will need to be found.

Brief description of your disability including permanent or temporary.

Anticipated start and finish dates of course or employment.


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Annex A To BU Fire Safety Note No: DS 01

Employment location/Course attending

3. Your main location(s) during study or work periods.

3. 1 Please indicate where you will study or work for the majority of the time?

(Building, floor, room numbers)

3.2 If applicable, indicate where you are residing whilst at the University.

(Building, floor, room numbers)

3.3 Will your employment/study take you to different buildings and campuses?



Please provide further information below if necessary:



Awareness of Emergency Evacuation procedures

Do you find stairs difficult to use? Yes

Please provide further information below if necessary:


4.2 Are you a wheelchair user? Yes


Please provide further information below if necessary:

4.3 Can you self-transfer into another chair? Could you use, with assistance, our evacuation chair?



*Please ask the individual about any aspects of their condition that might make a transfer difficult or could cause further complications- i.e. brittle bones. Also discuss the use of an EVAC Chair for a non-fire/emergency situation


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Annex A To BU Fire Safety Note No: DS 01

Are you aware of the Emergency Evacuation procedures which operate in the building(s) in which you study/work/reside? (See information contained at the back of this form)


Please provide further information below if necessary:


4.5 Do you require written Emergency Evacuation Procedures in an alternative format?

(e.g. Braille, large print, tape or BSL) Yes


Please provide further information below if necessary:




Can you read the Fire Exit notices which indicate the emergency exit routes?



Please provide further information below if necessary:

Fire Alarm

Can you hear the Fire Alarm in your place of work/study/residency?



Please provide further information below if necessary:

Don’t Know 

5.2 Could you raise the Fire Alarm if you discovered a fire?



Please provide further information below if necessary:

Don’t Know 




Do you need assistance to leave your place of work/study/residency in an emergency?



Please provide further information below if necessary:

Don’t Know 

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Annex A To BU Fire Safety Note No: DS 01

6.2 Is anyone currently assigned to assist you in an emergency?



 Don’t Know 

Please provide further information below if necessary:



Are the arrangements with your assistant(s) a formal agreement? (A formal agreement is an arrangement specified for them by a recognised health or social care professional and agreed in formal documentation e.g. a care plan)



 Don’t Know 

Are you always in easy contact with those assigned to assist you?



Please provide further information below if necessary:

Don’t Know 

6.5 In an emergency, could you operate the refuge communications system provided in your work location, study area or residence and advise where you were located?



 Don’t Know 

Please provide further information below if necessary:

7. Summary of action required: To be completed by PEEP Assessor

Additional Learning Needs Support:

Estates Department:

By the Individual:


School or Professional Service:

Individual assessed


Date: ………………………………


Completed by (PEEP Assessor)


Date :…………………… Review Date:…………………………….

Last amended: February 2014

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Annex A To BU Fire Safety Note No: DS 01

Action plan to assist wheelchair users in an emergency evacuation

1. Assist this person to the nearest safe refuge .

2. Ensure the communication link has been activated, that you have a response and they know where you are, and how many are with you.

3. Read the information on the “PEEP” sheet above, can this person self transfer into an

EVAC chair or not? (SEE QUESTION 4.3), Follow the flow chart attached accordingly.

4. If the person cannot self transfer, more assistance may be required to assist this person, make an assessment and ask for further assistance if necessary.

5. Wait with the person in the refuge. You are perfectly safe as it is a fire protected area.

6. Soon a trained Evacuation Chair operator will join you in the refuge.

7. Follow any instruction given to you by the Fire Marshal/Fire Officer via the communication link. They may ask you to move to another refuge, or to a nearby lift, or to proceed down the staircase.

8. Report to the Fire Marshal on reaching the ground floor.

After the evacuation

Additional information to assist support after the emergency evacuation has taken place.

EMERGENCY CONTACT: …………………………………………………………………..


ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ………………………………………………………………..

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Annex A To BU Fire Safety Note No: DS 01

Able to self transfer to an Evac chair Unable to self transfer to an Evac cha ir

Advise the Fire Marshal on the ground floor via the communication link that you can self transfer in to an Evacuation Chair

This will determine how many assistants the Fire Marshal will send to you.

Advise the Fire Marshal on the ground floor via the communication link that you cannot self transfer in to an Evacuation Chair.

This will determine how many assistants the Fire Marshal will send to you.

Await further instructions from the Fire Marshal, you will be kept informed of any necessary action you must take via the communication link.

There is no immediate need to transfer into an

Evacuation Chair, or commence an evacuation at this time.

If advised by the Fire Marshal to move to another refuge, or lift, do so using your own wheelchair, your trained assistant will bring the Evacuation Chair with them.

Re-establish communications with the ground floor using the communications link when you arrive at your next refuge, or leave via the selected lift if advised.

If required to use the staircase to evacuate, the trained Evacuation Chair operator will assist you into the chair and take you down the stairs.

If required to use the staircase, sufficient help will be at hand to either carry you in your chair to the ground floor, taking advise from yourself or your helper, or, assisting you to transfer into the Evac chair.

Report to the Fire Marshal that you and your assistants are out of the building

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