
“Were going on a Dragon hunt” – Repetitive story language/ story
mapping/ drama
Dragon Stories/ Fantasy Writing – punctuation, fantasy settings.
Fairy tales/ traditional tales – character profiles, exciting
vocabulary/ story openers
Warwick Castle Trip – Recount / information writing
Castles – Information writing.
Medieval Sports – Newspaper reports/recount writing
George and the dragon – Drama and story telling
Movie premier posters – presentation/ handwriting focus
Values (inducing PSHCE, RE and Assembly themes):
 Do your best / Going for Goals
New Beginnings - What would you like to achieve?
How would you achieve it?
Respecting School Property / being responsible
Making sure everyone is safe and cared for /ESafety / Anti bullying
Number- revisiting counting skills and looking for patterns in number.
Addition and Subtraction (using money too)– revisiting adding up and taking away,
ensuring children are secure with writing number sentences.
Handling Data – looking at topic related questionnaires, collecting data and then
presenting it in the form of graphs and charts.
Measurement – beginning to record and measure with more accuracy.
Shape – knowing the names of common 2D and 3D shapes and discussing their
Problem solving – ongoing applied to different contexts
Year Group: 1
Term: Spring 3 & 4
Topic: Dragons, Knights
and Castles
PE (Wednesdays and Thursdays)
Games (sometimes outside)
Acquiring and developing skills to play games.
Be able to move confidently and safely with
increasing control.
Thematic Learning:
WOW DAY: “Dragon Hunters” – The children will hunt for dragon eggs, create their own dragon eggs from paper Mache
Dragon eggs – ART/DT link – create dragon eggs using paper Mache
Real vs Mythical Dragons – HISTORY/GEOG link - Labelling Dragons, sorting real and mythical dragons
Salt Dough Dragons – ART/DT link - Children follow instructions to make their own Dragons.
Big Dragon Art – ART/DT link - Collaborative work showing different dragons (Ice/ Fire/ Water/ Earth)
East vs West – HISTORY/GEOG link - Looking at Dragons in different cultures, linking to Chinese New Year.
Castles, Dungeons and Dragons the credits – MUSIC link – children compose and perform their own dragon inspired music to be recorded and played over the credits
at the end of the movie.
Castle creations – DT/HISTORY link – Children design and create model castles including the different features of castles.
Facts about castles – COMPUTING/HISTORY/ GEOG link – Looking at different castles in the UK and finding them on a map, features of castles.
Medieval tournament – PE link – Coordinate and control their bodies and a range of equipment during medieval style games.
Medieval Life/ Knights and battles – HISTORY link – Children learn facts about famous battles and rein act a battle in slow motion for the movie.
END PRODUCT: “Castles, Dungeons and Dragons Movie Premier” – Throughout the topic all activities and work will be filmed and added to the documentary.
Parents will be invited to the premier along the red carpet and will get to view the documentary and the children’s work that they have created during terms 3 and 4.
If you are able to support this topic in any way please contact your class teacher or the school office. Thank you!