Campus Update - University Jewish Chaplaincy

Annual Campus Update
Rabbi Yossi & Sarah Bodenheim
Both Yossi and Sarah were born and grew up in Israel.
Yossi is a graduate of the Ohr Lagolah Hertz Rabbinic
Leadership Programme where he received Semicha from
Rabbi Zalman Nechemia Goldberg of the Jerusalem Beth
Din, a Bachelor of Arts in Judaic Studies from Tanenbaum
College and a Teaching Certificate from the Israeli
Government. With a background in youth work, Yossi complemented his rabbinic studies working
with American University students visiting Israel on a short term programme.
Sarah studied in Seminary in Israel. She has trained in teaching and special education, has worked
with High School students and ran a doctor's office for a number of years.
Yossi and Sarah have four young children, love having a good time hanging out, creating a warm
welcoming home, making lots of food and meeting new people.
First Term - Rabbi Yossi & Sarah Bodenheim have continued their successful programming at
campuses across Scotland, with a packed first term. Yossi attended Freshers’ Fairs in Aberdeen,
Edinburgh, Glasgow and St. Andrews, introducing himself to new students, explaining how he can
help them and informing them of events at their University. The Bodenheims’ events regularly
attract large numbers of students. They ran a special ‘Tortilla with Meat’ week at all Universities
which were very well received. Scott Saunders, the Programme Director at ‘March of the Living’,
came to speak at St. Andrews, Glasgow and Edinburgh, followed by falafel lunches. The students
really enjoyed hearing about the programme particularly as Yossi was sponsored to go on the March
last year representing University Jewish Chaplaincy.
Yossi met with the principal of the University of Aberdeen who was very keen to help him and
facilitate putting on events there. Yossi has been in touch with a few students in Aberdeen and
hopes to continue visiting there very shortly.
 The Chaplains held a Succot BBQ for students in Edinburgh for 12 students
 Following on from their successful Shabbaton last year, the Bodenheim family held two
successful Shabbatonim in Edinburgh, attracting 30 students, with many new faces. A
Shabbaton is a great opportunity for the Chaplains to spend quality time with the students
and really get to know them. Yossi also helped the local community there with leining on
 Yossi runs regular Bagel Lunches. Sarah also ran a special Bagel Lunch, which drew 20
 The British Ambassador to Israel came to speak to the JSoc. He enjoyed hearing about the
work that the Chaplains do in Scotland.
 The Bodenheims held Yom Tov meals in their house over Succot
 The Chaplains held a Succot BBQ for 20 students
 Yossi & Sarah open their home weekly for hosting students for Shabbat meals and hosted a
large Friday night in their house, including a lot of new faces
 Yossi runs well-attended weekly Bagel Lunches
 Yossi & Sarah hosted a Chanukah party in their house for 12 students, which involved
Chanukiah making and lots of food, with students not leaving until after midnight!
St Andrews
 Yossi and his family spent a Shabbat in St. Andrews where they had 35 students for Friday
night dinner. Yossi then held an ‘Oneg Shabbat’ social event in the flat of one of the students
after the meal, with drinks and snacks. After Shabbat they held a Havdalah event with
supper, attracting 20 students.
 Yossi held an exciting Pre-Chanukah party with Chanukiah making and dinner for 16
 Yossi ran his first ever Bagel Lunch at Stirling University, bringing in 4 students
 Yossi prepared a warm meaty dinner for 5 students at Stirling University. The students were
very grateful for a warm, home-cooked, kosher meal.
 Yossi ran his first Bagel Lunch for 6 students, igniting an exciting discussion amongst
 Sarah ran a special Bagel Lunch for students at Strathclyde.
Second Term - As well as his successful bagel lunches at Edinburgh, Glasgow, Stirling and Strathclyde,
Yossi has also held exciting sushi evening at Aberdeen, Edinburgh and St. Andrews.
Before attending the annual Edinburgh JSoc Burns Ball and got into the spirit by wearing a kilt! Yossi
hosted a Friday night meal in Edinburgh for 20 students.
 Yossi & Sarah hosted a Seder in their home for approximately 20 students, some of whom
had never experienced one before
 10 students joined Yossi & Sarah at the Shul Friday night dinner.
St. Andrews
 Yossi spent Shabbat in St. Andrews with the students, attracting 28 students in total. After
Shabbat he held an uplifting Havdalah, followed by a trip to the pub!
 Together with members from UJS, Yossi attended the freshers fair at the University of
 Held a delicious dinner for students.
Third Term - Term started with an inspirational Pesach Seder for 12 students from around Scotland,
for some it was their first ever Pesach Seder. During Chol Hamoed Pesach, Yossi drove to St.
Andrews University and provided a meat lunch for 20 students there. Edinburgh students received
visits from both the Israeli Ambassador and the Chief Rabbi, with the Chief Rabbi travelling to
Glasgow and spending time with the students there. Delicious BBQs were held at Edinburgh and
Glasgow towards the end of term to celebrate Yom Ha’atzmaut and to say farewell to the students.
To top off the end of term at St. Andrews, Yossi held an exciting sushi lunch for the students there.
Yossi has continued his programme of bagel lunches at campuses across Scotland.
We do not currently have formal representation for the students in Durham but are in regular
contact with the JSoc and have responded to their need for a Chaplaincy presence in Durham.
Durham JSoc approached Suzy Richman, UJC’s Director of Operations, to ask if they could have an
increased Chaplaincy provision. Rabbi Jonathan Dove – former Chaplain to Leeds and London and
practising psychotherapist - was asked to cover the position and gladly agreed. He visited Durham a
few times during the year. He gave ‘Lunch & Learn’ sessions entitled ‘The Positive Power of SelfEsteem’ and ‘Judaism in the Modern World and How Scripture Fits Into That’. Around 18 students
attended and on one of the visits Rabbi Dove was accompanied by his wife Joanne who also gave a
demonstration how to make students – of course the students had a great time eating it too.
He was very well received and there are plans for him to visit again.
Rabbi Yitzhak Brodi visited the students in Durham for Purim. He said a few words on Purim, and
then read the megillah for approximately 25 students, followed by the distribution of hamentashen
and beer!
First Term - New Chaplains, Rabbi Yonasan & Braha Bender arrived in August from Israel.
On Mondays the Chaplains facilitate the running of ‘Meeting of the Minds’, which is a
student-run educational programme, featuring speakers from various Jewish organisations,
followed by a ‘meat’ dinner and one-on-one learning amongst students. This event draws
approximately 30 students, with 15 staying for the one-on-one learning
Braha has set up a weekly event titled ‘Midrash from the Movies’, where a small group of 510 students gather to watch a film together and then discuss themes afterwards
Yonasan leads a small discussion group on a weekly basis for around 5 students where they
delve into the sources and meaning of Jewish practices
Braha has set up a Writing Workshop. The group is limited to 6 students but more groups
can be set up if demand should increase
Yonasan facilitates the running of ‘Lishma’, a weekly student run educational event. Yonasan
helps the presenting student to prepare the sources on their given topic and present it to
the group for explanation and discussion. This regularly attracts 30 students
Yonasan & Braha organised an indoor ski trip for a group of 6 students, which was really
enjoyed by all
Yonasan runs separate Gemara classes for men and women in the student residential area.
This attracts 7-10 people on a weekly basis
Both Yonasan & Braha have regular one-on-one learning with students
Yonasan officiated at the first ever official Chanukah lighting on the University of Leeds
campus. This event was immensely successful, attracting 200 students, the Vice Chancellor
and members of staff and drew attention to the Jewish presence on campus. After the
lighting and singing, doughnuts and hot drinks were distributed
On the last day of Chanukah, the Chaplains hosted a party in their newly refurbished home
for around 40 students
Yonasan attended the annual JSoc elections, bringing with him ‘cookies and treats’ to get the
students through the long evening
Yonasan gave a small seminar to Medical Students on Jewish issues in medicine
During interfaith week on campus, Yonasan participated in an interfaith panel, attended by
40 students
Yonasan has been in contact with the JSocs in Hull, York and Bradford in order to organise
educational events there next term.
Second Term
 On Mondays the Chaplains run a practical Judaism session at the Hillel House. The session
focuses on interpersonal responsibility and practice
 On Wednesday evenings the Chaplains host a ‘Dinner and Discussion’ programme in their
home addressing a variety of contemporary and philosophical issues based on classic Jewish
sources. This session typically attracts 8-12 people
 Every Friday afternoon, before the evening Shabbat services, the Chaplains provide homebaked goods and drinks for the students
 Yonasan continues to work closely with the University and with Hillel regarding kosher food
supervision and the provision of kosher accommodation for students
 Both Yonasan and Braha have continued their one-on-one learning with students
 Yonasan attended the ‘Refreshers Week’ and sat with JSoc on their stall, bringing with baked
goodies and Chaplaincy promotional materials
 Yonasan and Braha took a group of students ice skating
Yonasan liaised closely with York and the surrounding Yorkshire JSocs about the Yorkshire
Friday night dinner. Yonasan hosted a Shabbat Oneg in his home for all the guests who
attended the Yorkshire Friday night dinner
When David Olesker visited the York students, Yonasan accompanied him and gave a short
talk on the importance of Israel, followed by a talk by David Olesker on Israel advocacy.
Third Term - At the end of the second term Rabbi Yonasan & Braha Bender handed in their
resignation. Since then we arranged for Uri Rosen from Manchester to visit the students in Leeds on
a consultancy basis. Uri visited Leeds four times during the third term and bought food and beer for
the students and was available to assist with educational, pastoral and event support.
We have recently recruited Rabbi Eli & Rivka Magzimof to be the full-time Chaplains in Leeds for the
upcoming year, subject to contract and visa. They will be arriving to England from Israel in August
and they are looking forward to working with and getting to know the students in Leeds.
Rabbi Ephraim Guttentag
Born in Newcastle and educated at the local Gateshead Jewish Institutions and
Yeshivot. After marrying Malki in London in 2007 they made Aliyah where
Ephraim completed the Ohr Lagolah Rabbinic Leadership Programme at the Ohr
Sameyach Tanenbaum College and graduated with Semicha and a BA in 2010.
The couple moved to Hale Barns, Cheshire in 2010 where Ephraim holds a supportive rabbinic role at
Hale Synagogue and is the Director of Education for the Hale Adult Hebrew Education Trust.
Ephraim is an engaging educator, dispensing depth with his trademark charm. He loves barbecues
and fine whisky!
First Term - Unfortunately, due to the diminishing number of students studying in the area together
with a lack of funding, the Chaplaincy position in Manchester was made part-time, with Rebbetzen
Vanessa Kos being made redundant. Rabbi Mati Kos continued for the term as the part-time
Chaplain for the region and continued to support the JSoc and Tribe in their events.
 Rabbi Kos attended the JSoc stand at the University of Manchester freshers’ fair,
meeting and signing up new students
 He helped students in halls with their kashrut and koshering kitchens
 He attended the JSoc pub quiz, which the students really enjoyed and which was a very
successful evening
 The Chief Rabbi visited the students in Manchester for a special ‘Lunch & Learn’. He was
very well received by the students and they look forward to hosting him again
 He represented University Jewish Chaplaincy at the Manchester Yeshiva/Sem fair,
meeting with students looking to take a gap year and then return to take up a place at
 He facilitated in the running of some of the JSoc bagel lunches.
Second Term - Rabbi Mati Kos left his post as part time Chaplain for Manchester, Liverpool and the
North-West at the end of December by mutual agreement, to pursue new opportunities. Two
interim Chaplains have been appointed to cover the area – Rabbis Ephraim Guttentag for
Manchester and Rabbi Dan Lieberman for Liverpool & The North West.
Chaplaincy sponsored a special bagel lunch to introduce Ephraim to the students
He attends all the JSoc bagel lunches as well as the Monday night learning programme
with Tribe. Ephraim has given a couple of classes at this event
Ephraim spent a Shabbat in Fallowfield with the students for the G. E. Shabbaton. There
were 80 students for Friday night, 50 for Shabbat lunch and 20 for the third meal.
Ephraim spoke at the meals about Purim and pertinent messages from the Parsha.
Third Term - He has continued in his role as the interim Chaplain for Manchester. This term Ephraim
helped students with exams that clashed with Shavuot, including rearranging exams with the Open
University. Ephraim popped in to the student revision centre to meet the students and offer
support. Rabbi Guttentag has been maintaining his relationship with the Chaplaincies at each
University in the region.
Rabbi Dan Lieberman
Rabbi Dan is also the Rabbi of Liverpool’s Allerton Hebrew Congregation.
After graduating from Manchester Jewish Grammar School, Rabbi Dan
studied at the prestigious Beis Yosef Yeshiva in Gateshead following which he
spent 2 years in Yeshiva Pri Eitz Chaim in Johannesburg, South Africa. While
there he worked teaching informal Jewish education at King David High School.
After receiving Semicha from Rabbi Zalman Nechemia Goldberg in Jerusalem, Rabbi Dan embarked
on a life in the rabbinate with the goal of “making Judaism more relaxed, user friendly and enjoyable
for everyone.”
Rabbi Dan is currently studying and working towards a diploma in counselling and psychotherapy.
An avid musician, Rabbi Dan is often found playing his guitar and believes that alongside cholent,
music is the quickest route to the soul. Rabbi Dan commenced his role as interim Chaplain for
Liverpool & the North West at the start of the second term.
First Term
Rabbi Mati Kos took a group of 15-20 students in Liverpool to mini golf
The Kos family spent a Shabbat in Liverpool with the students
Rabbi Kos visited the Jewish students studying in Keele and Preston during Chanukah.
Second Term
Rabbi Dan started this term with great gusto.
He visited Keele, Lancaster & Liverpool and met with the JSocs at each University
He ran a ‘question and answer’ session at Keele and Lancaster Universities
Over 30 students have been hosted in his home since beginning as the interim Chaplain
at the end of January
Dan ran a Purim party for the students, with a megillah reading, food and lots of drink!
Dan met with prospective students from South Manchester.
Third Term - The students have enjoyed having Rabbi Dan Lieberman as the interim Jewish student
Chaplain for Liverpool and the North-West and Rabbi Dan will be continuing in this post for the next
academic year. Liverpool students received a visit from the Chief Rabbi this term, he spoke to a
group of approximately 50 students who felt thoroughly honoured to have the Chief Rabbi come to
visit and speak to them.
Rabbi Zvi & Esther Bloom
Zvi grew up in San Diego, California exploring the
wilderness and riding the ocean waves. After attending
Jewish high school in New Jersey he set off to learn in
Israel. After several years of learning Talmud in Telshe
Stone, Zichron Yaakov and in Jerusalem, Zvi returned to San Diego and became a high school teacher
and mentor. Zvi enjoys using the wilderness, the waves, woodworking, beer brewing, music playing,
instrument building etc as a means of connecting to one's creator and discovering one's inner
confidence and abilities.
Esther grew up in a small town in Wisconsin until her family moved to San Diego. She finished high
school there and went on to the University of Southern California where she graduated with a BSc in
Mechanical Engineering. After graduation she went on her first trip to Israel where she experienced
her first introduction to Torah Judaism. Esther continued her Jewish learning while working in a
robotics lab for the army/navy in San Diego. After two years of engineering work she took a break
for some more intense learning in Israel. Esther enjoys playtime with their three boys, dance,
snowboarding and lending an open ear.
Zvi and Esther met in San Diego and spent their first two years of marriage in Israel. During that time
Zvi learned in the Jerusalem Kollel and Esther at Midreshet Rachel and Shearim. They spent two
years working with Jewish Experience of Madison (JEM) reaching out to Jewish students on the
University of Wisconsin Madison campus.
First Term - Now in their second year, Rabbi Zvi & Esther Bloom are well-known within the student
community in Nottingham and the East Midlands. They have continued with their abundance of
exciting and edifying events.
Zvi took a small group of students on a three-day camping trip to the Scottish highlands
A freshers’ BBQ at the beginning of term attracted over 80 students, with new and old
students meeting each other in the garden of the Chaplains’ home
Zvi has continued his weekly TLC (Tuesdays Live with the Chaplain) sessions at both
Nottingham University and Nottingham Trent campuses. He brings with him a hearty meat
meal, which is welcomed by all the students!
The Chaplains handed out 500 hot dogs at the Nottingham annual ‘Booze 4 Jews’ non-stop
from 12:00am-3:00am. The students really appreciated the gesture and having a solid meal
before the night of drinking ahead
Zvi, an experienced beer brewer, held another successful beer brewing night, where he
taught a new group of 10 students how to brew their own beer
Students gathered around a bonfire together with their Chaplains for havdalah, together
with s'mores, snacks, hot chocolate, and lots of songs (led on the guitar by Zvi!)
Zvi & Esther held a groundbreaking student minyan in their home. By 9:50am there were
already 12 people there. The students, together with their Chaplain, lead a soulful Shabbat
morning service, followed by a cheesecake Kiddush! It is hoped this will be the first of many
Nottingham Jewish student minyanim
The Chief Rabbi, Rabbi Mirvis paid a special visit to the students of Nottingham. The students
were very excited to hear him speak, and he urged students to become leaders of their
The students of Nottingham were lucky to have the opportunity to make their own
Chanukiah out of copper and wood. Each student had the opportunity to design their own
unique Chanukiah
Thanksgiving/Chanukah (Thanksgivukah) – Zvi & Esther hosted three generations of JSoc
committees for a Thanksgivukah feast. Zvi also attended a special Thanksgiving dessert
event hosted by the University of Trent Chaplaincy Team
The annual Chanukah party was held in the Nottingham Hebrew Congregation synagogue,
featuring an extensive adventure treasure hunt around local shops and pubs. Following the
communal lighting, latkes, soup, nosh and ice cream was served to a group of nearly 50 tired
On the 8th night of Chanukah a crowd of around 40 students gathered together at the
University of Trent campus for a large lighting, followed by singing and a talk by Zvi
Zvi constructed his very own wood-fired pizza oven from local bricks and materials. Students
then eagerly waited to put their own pizza into the oven. 25 students attended this exciting
event, and there have been many similar events since due to popular demand
Zvi & Esther held a challah baking evening at their home. The students learnt to braid their
challot in various creative ways, and of course got to take their challah home and eat it!
Second Term - The Blooms have continued their successful ‘TLC’ lunch and learn programmes at
various campuses across Nottingham & the East Midlands.
Zvi & Esther had dinner with a physically disabled student and his family, getting to know
him and his family better
Beer brewing – the students regularly gather in Zvi’s home to brew some delicious beer and
did again in anticipation of Purim!
The Chaplains hosted a successful Mexican themed Shabbat lunch and Seudah Shlishit
‘Brownie Brigade’ – Zvi & Esther delivered brownies to the Jewish students of Nottingham
Trent University in order to meet new students and brighten up people’s day!
Zvi & Esther provided a hearty shwarma lunch to the students of Nottingham Trent
University, using the opportunity to ‘act out’ the various ways in which Chaplaincy can
support them whilst at University
Esther teamed up with the Rebbetzins of the other organisations on campus – Aish &
Chabad – to bring together women from across Nottingham to bake hamentashen for Purim
The Chaplains held a larger than life themed Purim party based on the movie ‘Toy Story’,
featuring wiggle cars, a Green Alien Game and a make-your-own Mr. Potato Head Bar.
Approximately 80 students attended this unforgettable evening
Zvi and Esther regularly visit the JSocs in both Loughborough and Leicester – numbers are
increasing in attendance each week as the students have come to love their visits and enjoy
spending time with the Chaplains.
Third term - As in previous terms, Zvi & Esther held a couple of wood fired Pizza evenings as a break
from revision for the students. They have also continued their successful ‘TLC’ (Tuesday’s Live with
the Chaplain) lunch and learn programmes at Loughborough University, Nottingham Trent and the
University of Nottingham.
Rabbi Zvi & Esther Bloom ended the last term with a matza baking session, using what used
to be their home-made pizza oven. This was a unique opportunity for the students to make
their own kosher-for-Pesach matza
Zvi & Esther held a Lag B’Omer bonfire with delicious treats, songs and an opportunity to
relax before the exam period
Numerous dinners during the exam period to help the students relax and make sure that
they have a good meal before their exam!
Zvi has continued his successful fortnightly TLC programme at Loughborough University,
where the number of Jewish students has increased, bringing with him a delicious meat
lunch, attracting around 8 students a week.
Zvi also delivers food for Shabbat and warming equipment for the students in
The Chaplains paid a visit to Leicester, bringing with them a delicious hot dinner, and had an
opportunity to get to know each other and discuss ideas for the upcoming academic year
At the end of term they bought a BBQ to the Leicester students, attracting a good crowd of
Rabbi Fishel & Esther Cohen
Having been Chaplain in Birmingham and for
campuses in the Midlands for over 30 years, Rabbi
Fishel Cohen has experienced the tremendous growth
of the student population in this region.
The trademark events, warm hospitality and Esther’s
chocolate cake have inspired generations of
First Term -Rabbi Fishel Cohen is continuing to host popular events and provide home hospitality to
students in Birmingham and the West Midlands. Still very successful is Esther’s Cafe, where students
come for a warm drink and some delicious brownies, together with an informal conversation with
the Rebbetzin on different topics, attended by 55-95 students regularly.
Fishel meets with the Birmingham University Chaplains every Monday
Rebbetzin Esther Cohen runs a weekly Beit Midrash style learning evening every Tuesday for
At the beginning of term, Fishel held a BBQ for the medical and health studies students who
had come back to campus early, attended by 40 hungry students
Over the chaggim, the Cohens hosted a ‘Salt Beef in the Succah’ event for 80 students, a
highly successful Simchat Torah hakafot, followed by supper for 275 students and a Simchat
Torah lunch for 85 students
The Central Synagogue hosted a student Shabbat lunch, attended by 85 students
The first welcome Shabbat lunch of the year was attended by 80 students, bringing new and
old faces together
The Chief Rabbi was the special guest at a Friday night dinner, jointly hosted by Chaplaincy
and Birmingham JSoc, bringing in 250 students
To celebrate the arrival of Chanukah, Fishel created a doughnut chocolate dipping event
On the fourth night of Chanukah, Fishel hosted a Chanukah party in his home for 50 students
On the last night of Chanukah, there was a large Chanukiah lighting on the Birmingham
University Campus, drawing 200 students
The students who had been living in the Hillel House ate their Friday night dinner at the
Cohens (at very short notice) after a room caught fire. Fishel and Esther were also first on
the scene that Thursday night comforting the students with Esther bringing refreshments at
Second Term - Rabbi Fishel & Esther Cohen have continued with regular events such as ‘nosh and
knowledge’, Women’s Beit HaMidrash and ‘Esther’s Cafe’, as well as exciting one-off events.
Term kicked off with a brilliant Tu B’Shvat chocolate fondue party, attended by 70 students
Fishel regularly holds a ‘Shiur and beer’ educational session
The week before Purim Rabbi Cohen delivered mishloach manot to students which had been
bought by their parents. Rabbi Cohen runs this initiative yearly and the students really
appreciate the personal touch
The Chaplains hosted a Las Vegas themed Purim party attended by 90 students and Fishel
read the megillah to around 80 students
The students and members of the local community came together for a memorial event for
Esther’s late father. Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet came to speak to the crowd of 160 people
Rabbi Cohen hosted the medical and postgraduate students for a special Shabbat dinner at
the end of term
Third Term - In the final term, Rabbi Fishel Cohen held a special Shabbat lunch for Graduates,
drawing 22 students. He held a delicious Shavuot meal, followed by an all-night learning programme
and a cheesecake Kiddush. Towards the end of term, Fishel held an afternoon tea for past students
and parents, which was enjoyed by everyone. He held a BBQ for Yom Ha’atzmaut, Lag B’Omer and a
special one for the Birmingham JSoc committee. Rabbi Cohen as continued his ‘Nosh and
Knowledge’ events in Birmingham. Fishel meets with Birmingham University Chaplains every
Monday. Over the years he has worked very closely with the Academic and Examination Offices at
Aston, Birmingham and Warwick Universities to develop a system to ensure that those students who
did not want to sit exams on Shabbat or Yom Tov would not be set exams on those days. This has
ensured that more than 100 students filled out the relevant forms and consequently no students
were set exams on Shabbat or Shavuot.
Fishel travels to Warwick on a weekly basis to meet with the Chaplains there. He also
delivers his bagel lunch to the JSoc there, bringing in around 5-10 people a week
Fishel delivered a special ‘Dessert & Discussion’ at the end of term for 8 students
He hosted a Chanukah party for 50 students, featuring lots of doughnuts
Fishel has delivered two ‘dessert and discussions’ to the students of Warwick the second
He meets with Warwick University Chaplains every Wednesday
He continued his visits throughout the year building close relationships with the students
Fishel travels weekly to Coventry for a bagel lunch for 8 students bringing with him words of
On the first night of Chanukah he hosted a Chanukah party in Coventry for the students
As with his visits to Warwick he has maintained excellent relations with the students
studying in Coventry.
Rabbi Yisrael and Elisheva Malkiel
Yisrael has been teaching and counselling Yeshiva
students in Israel and has worked as part of a
team on Halachic research and writing. He
graduated from Hebrew University where he
studied Islamic and Middle Eastern studies. He
enjoys Classical and Jewish music, history of all
kinds and good humour!
Elisheva was born in the UK and went to live in
Israel at a young age. She has studied in several
batei midrash for women in Israel and recently initiated one in her hometown community of Yakar in
Jerusalem. She has a BA in Social Work from Hebrew University and has worked with individuals
dealing with family based issues, mental health disorders and drugs. She enjoys doing yoga,
drawing, singing and acting.
Yisrael and Elisheva have three little boys.
First Term - Rabbi Yisrael & Elisheva Malkiel are now into their second year in Cambridge and have
been extremely well received by the students. They continue their regular home hospitality and oneon-one student learning.
Yisrael and Elisheva hosted a cocktail ‘Meet & Greet’. Students could make their own
cocktails, and sample a variety of snacks which were on offer. 50 students attended this
event and it was a good opportunity for the freshers to bond with their Chaplains
The Chaplains hosted a musical Melave Malka, where students played instruments, sang and
ate hot cholent
A Shabbat lunch for freshers was hosted by the Malkiels, amongst which there were 18 new
Yisrael runs a weekly event called ‘Food 4 Thought’ where they provide burgers and chips for
dinner, followed by an educational session led by Yisrael
Every Monday, Yisrael teaches a Gemara class in Hebrew. This has attracted a range of
students, from Israeli, British, religious and irreligious backgrounds
Elisheva teaches Gemara to girls every Tuesday evening
Following the daily Shacharit service, the Chaplains provide breakfast to the students
Both the Chaplains attend JSoc Friday night dinners. Elisheva attended the Cambridge JSoc
Learning Forum and Yisrael attended the re-launch of the Cambridge Israel Society
The first joint Chanukah party to be hosted between University Jewish Chaplaincy, JSoc &
Chabad attracted over 260 people. The party was entitled, “What if the Greeks had Won?”
The Malkiels hosted a Chanukah party in their home with candle lighting, singing,
doughnuts, latke making and candle making sessions
Two special ‘Lunch & Learn’ sessions with guest speakers were hosted by the Chaplains.
These were given by Tamra Wright and Professor Simon Goldhill
On the 15th Kislev, Yisrael & Elisheva hosted an evening of Hassidic thought and songs
On Shabbat mornings, Yisrael runs a pre-prayer Hassidut and singing session
Elisheva hosted three classes on “Heretics Rhetoric’s” in Bible and Midrash, one of which
was given by her mother, Gila Rosen
Yisrael hosted a visit to the local shul and a talk with students from the Muslim College.
Second Term - Cambridge featured some exciting events such as a kabbalistic Tu B’Shvat Seder with
over 30 students, and a special lunch and learn with Professor Elliot Horowitz on the topic of ‘Jews,
Christians and Jewish-Christian in 19th Century Cambridge’.
Rabbi Yisrael & Elisheva Malkiel continued their regular events and one-on-one learning,
home hospitality and guidance and support
The regular Food 4 Thought on Mondays is still as popular as ever, the session focuses on
Yisrael gives a weekly Gemara shiur in Hebrew for Hebrew speakers
A new ‘Yiddish Club’ has been set up, where students get together every Tuesday to learn
Elisheva continues her ‘Gemara 4 Girls’ every Tuesday, covering the topic on Hanukah
Yisrael has created a new weekly session in Starbucks entitled ‘Starbucks Hasidism’
Yisrael gives a weekly talk to the Orthodox and Egalitarian Shabbat services
Both Yisrael and Elisheva attended a reception to mark the formation of the Jesus College
Jewish Society
Over 30 students attended a tour of the Cairo Genizah collection, led by one of the
researchers there
During the first week of the month of Adar each day had two 'Purim Chaplains', i.e. students
who had the role of chaplains for one day. The two students, one wearing a fake beard and
the other wearing a hair covering went around Cambridge looking for the Jewish students
and giving out chocolates and other treats. This got everybody into the Purim spirit!
The Chaplains held a special pre-Purim bagel lunch outside with funny masks and hats,
brining in approximately 30 students
Yisrael & Elisheva organised a pub crawl, featuring a creative Purim drinking game. The game
was called "The Unbelievable Torah", based on the Radio 4 game hosted by David Mitchell.
Within each person’s Dvar Torah, the speaker had to smuggle three true statements/real
Torah into it. The other participants had to shout when they thought they have identified
some real facts/Torah. If they were wrong, they drank, if they were correct, the speaker
drank. The crawl finished at the Student Union, followed by singing and dancing
The Chaplains hosted a Purim feast, with a scrumptious meaty meal, alcohol and a live
kletzmer band for over 50 students
Elisheva attended the JSoc egalitarian minyan social
Yisrael played in the JSoc football game
Yisrael & Elisheva both spoke at the University of the Third Age in Cambridge.
Third Term - This term, Rabbi Yisrael & Elisheva Malkiel have continued with their regular events;
Food 4 Thought, a Talmud class in Hebrew, Yiddish club, Gemara 4 Girls and a new Chassidut and
Seudah Shlishit class. The Chaplains held a bagel lunch throughout the term on the green at the
University; this was a great success, with 25 students attending and enjoying the sunshine. The
whole Malkiel family featured on the ‘Hava Nagiggle’ student radio show for Cam FM.
To commemorate Yom Hazikaron, the Chaplains organised a talk with a former IDF soldier
who spoke about his experience of loss in the battlefield. Following this there was a festive
Israeli dinner following by music and dancing to celebrate Yom Ha’atzmaut. During the day
the Chaplains organised a bouncy castle, a giant jenga and a BBQ to celebrate Yom
Ha’atzmaut, 55 students attended this exciting afternoon!
To celebrate Lag B’Omer, the Chaplains held a bonfire in their gardens, replete with
sausages and marshmallows for approximately 20 students
For Yom Yerushalayim Yisrael & Elisheva held a musical and instrumental Hallel service in
their home, followed by a Jerusalem-style dinner later in the day
Elisheva and their son, Avraham, visited the local libraries and revision centres, bringing with
them chocolates and other goodies to cheer up the students studying for exams
To end the term the Chaplains held a leaving lunch on the last Shabbat of term for all those
students in their final year, they also held a BBQ for everybody at the end of the term once
all the exams were over.
Originally from the US, Michael graduated from
University of Wisconsin (History, Hebrew and
Jewish Studies) and received smicha from
Yeshivat Hamivtar. He studied and lived in
Israel for eight years. Michael is an active
participate in interfaith dialogue groups both
locally in Oxford and nationally as well. He
enjoys teaching Jews and non-Jews about Jewish practice, observances, thought and philosophy as
well as running creative and diverse Jewish programmes and events for the Oxford student
community. His previous career as a University radio DJ came into use recently for his appearance
on JewkboxOx. He previously served as the rabbi for Kingston, Surbiton & District Synagogue for five
Working for the last ten years in the Arts, Tracey’s most recent post was Marketing Campaigns
Manager for the Barbican Centre where she looked after the programme for Theatre and Dance.
Tracey graduated from Monash University, Melbourne, Australia with a double Bachelor degree
in Arts (Drama and Theatre Studies) / Business (Marketing). Having always been extensively
involved in Jewish youth education in a voluntary capacity, Tracey loves her new career as Chaplain.
Tracey enjoys talking with students about anything and everything, as well as biking around Oxford
with Michael and their two children Shalva and Oriel.
First Term - Rabbi Michael & Tracey Rosenfeld-Schueler have replaced Rabbi Daniel & Hannah
Braune-Friedman in Oxford.
The Chaplains hosted an ‘R’ themed party as a welcome party and house warming. This was
an invaluable opportunity for the students to meet their new Chaplains
Michael & Tracey hold ‘Meet the Chaplains’ at a local coffee shop, where students pop in for
a chat and a hot drink
The Chaplains bought hot dogs, which were very well received, to ‘Imbibe with the Tribe’ – a
JSoc social event
Michael & Tracey hosted ‘Roll with the Rabbi’, a sushi making event hosted in their new
Michael took a handful of students for a bike ride through the Oxford countryside, followed
by lunch and a talk
Michael and Tracey attend the weekly JSoc and Oxford Jewish Community Friday night
dinners, attracting an average of 93 students, and they host many students each week in
their home for Shabbat lunches
Michael has been asked to participate in interfaith events at Herford College and to light
candles at Oriel College
Michael took a few students rock climbing at the Oxford Brookes Sport Centre
The Rosenfeld-Schuelers held a special Lunch & Learn with Dr Rabbi Rafi Zarum from the
Michael is continuing to run the ‘Challah for Hunger’, where a group of around 15 students
come together to bake and sell challah and then distribute the proceeds to the local
homeless shelter
Michael and Tracey hosted an evening of ‘decopatch’ decoration of Chanukiot. Michael
tirelessly crafted 15 individual wooden Chanukiot and these were then decorated by the
students. This event was very much enjoyed by all those who attended
Michael lit Chanukah candles on the Oxford Brookes campus
The Chaplains hosted a ‘Thanksgivukah’ meal in their home to celebrate the rare clash of
Thanksgiving and Chanukah
Michael was invited to speak at Oriel College with the Chaplain Robert Tobin. 20 Jewish and
non-Jewish students attended the Chanukah lighting, followed by a group learning
programme, Q&A session, and dinner
Michael joined the Hertford Chaplain as one of his honoured guests at Evensong. He gave a
sermon and was hosted for dinner in the formal dining hall
 Michael attended (as an audience member with the Jewish students) a controversial AlJazeera debate at the Oxford University Union with Mehdi Hasan and Shlomo Ben Ami,
former Israeli foreign minister. The debate focused on the failures of the Israeli peace camp
and how Zionism has dictated Israeli policies towards the Palestinians.
Second Term
 The Chaplains held a Shabbat cookery class, showing how cooking for Shabbat can be quick,
easy and cheap!
 Michael and Tracey held a very successful 3-part lunch and learn on the topic ‘Is Orthodoxy
Sexist?’ Approximately 18 students attended each session
 The Chaplains hosted kindertransport speaker Bernrd Koschland, for Shabbat lunch, to
commemorate Holocaust memorial Day
 Michael provided a screening of the film ‘God on Trial’ for Holocaust Memorial Day at the
Oxford Jewish Centre. Around 15 students attended the screening, which was followed by a
 Michael attended the Holocaust Memorial Day programme hosted by Keble College,
featuring the Oxfordshire Jewish Choir and the Keble College Choir. After the programme,
Michael was a guest at the high table for formal dinner
 20 people attended a Friday night after dinner ‘Speed Chevruta’ based on a given text. The
event was very successful, with students wanting a repeat in the next term
 Michael teaches a weekly Hebrew class, attracting a wide spectrum of students
 120 challot were sold for ‘Challah for Hunger’, raising £150 for the local homeless shelter
 The Chaplains and their daughter, Shalva, competed in a cholent contest, hosting a record
25 students in their home on Shabbat to be judges.
Third Term - Exciting programmes have continued into the final term. At the beginning of the term
the Chaplains moved house and held a house warming event and bonfire which coincided with Lag
B’Omer, the students really enjoyed roasting marshmallows over the fire.
This term Michael led a ‘Walk and Talk’ with students on a Shabbat afternoon across local
countryside and meadows
Tracey bought in a jewellery making instructor who specialises in making recycled jewellery.
The students up-cycled beads to make necklaces and they were beautiful
Chaplaincy joined together with the Council for Christians and Jews to run an event with
Rabbi Natan Levy, Reverend Patrick Marrow and 15 Church of England Chaplains. Rabbi
Natan and Michael lead textual sessions about Judaism which integrated learning between
the Christians and Jews. Several students and community members attended the session
Michael and Tracey held a sheva brachot for a current student who had recently gotten
married in Israel. Over 20 students squeezed into the Chaplains’ house for what was a very
special evening
Students who had an exam clash with the festival of Shavuot had to be quarantined over the
festival whilst their class mates took their exam over the festival. This turned out to be a
great way to strengthen relationships between the students
Michael addressed the Oxford University Chaplains regarding Judaism and raising awareness
of issues pertaining to Jewish students. The issues discussed to the group of about 20
chaplains consisted of Jewish rituals, exam conflicts and the relationship between antiSemitism and anti-Zionism. There was time for questions following his presentation
Michael guest hosted the JewkboxOx which is a Jewish radio show in Oxford. Beyond
choosing the music, he delivered a Dvar Torah, promoted diverse Jewish music and engaged
with students via this previously uncharted territory. The radio show boosted Chaplaincy,
perception of the chaplain and enhanced the chaplains’ relationships with students
There were at least two speakers who came to Oxford in May that have an Anti-Israel past.
Rev’d Sizer and Norman Finkelstein came at different times and the chaplains were very
involved with the students’ reactions to these potential hate speakers
A full Tikkun Leil on Shavuot was organised by the Rosenfeld-Schuelers for the students and
the wider Jewish community
The Chaplains had a series of meetings at St Hugh’s College to gain affiliation with a college
which will be helpful in navigating university administration and getting access to the
Student Union and other university groups that require collegiate affiliation
Exam relief bagels were spontaneously shipped in to the courtyard of Radcliffe Camera twice
this term to give the students a well deserved lunch break over the exam period
Chats with the Chaplains at Starbucks have continued. This was designed to be an informal
way of connecting with students and providing pastoral care and stress relief during exams
Modern Hebrew conversation courses have continued in addition to one-on-one learning
with a number of students
At the conclusion of the term Cambridge Chaplains came to Oxford for Shabbat. Much
discussion took place as to how they could partner Oxbridge Chaplaincy events for the next
academic year
Rabbi Gavin Broder
Popularly known as Rav Gav, London Region’s Jewish
Student Chaplain for nearly 15 years is also the former
Chief Rabbi of Ireland and Chaplain to more Universities
than anyone else on the team. Rabbi Broder is regularly
found giving Lunch and Learns on different campuses,
distributing rogelach, representing Jewish causes within
the Universities and offering one on one attention, where
needed, to students of all backgrounds and affiliations.
First Term - Rabbi Gavin Broder continues his excellent work as the London Chaplain.
At the beginning of each term, Rabbi Broder meets with JSoc presidents and committees of
most of the London campuses to introduce himself to offer his services and build
relationships, along with scheduling events for the upcoming term. He hosted a Friday night
dinner in his home for them
During Yom Tov, Rabbi Border hosted meals in his house
Rabbi Broder attended freshers’ fairs at the following campuses: Queen Mary, UCL Brunel,
St. Georges, Goldsmiths, Middlesex, and LSE. (Kings College, City and Kingston had their fair
on Yom Tov, so he was unable to attend)
Rabbi Broder provided shwarma and spoke at UCL’s ‘Meet & Greet’ event, attended by 60
At 11:00pm on a street corner in Camden, Rabbi Broder provided hot dogs to over 150
hungry students during the fresher’s bar crawl
King’s College (KCL) hosted a pub evening at the University, which Rabbi Broder attended
LSE & KCL held a table tennis evening at ‘Bounce’ which Rabbi Broder attended
Rabbi Broder is continuing his ‘Lunch & Learn’ sessions at Goldsmiths, City, Brunel and UCL,
bringing in anything from 5-30 students
He hosted a Friday night dinner primarily for those students residing in Harmony House for
16 students
The annual regional Friday night dinner in conjunction with UJS, was held in Golders Green,
Over 200 students attended this incredibly successful evening
Rabbi Broder held Chanukah parties, featuring lots of doughnuts, on the following
campuses: UCL, Brunel, Goldsmiths, Middlesex, Queen Mary and City
Due to increasing Friday lectures and exam clashes with festivals, Rabbi Broder finds himself
sending numerous letters and e-mails to Universities and students in such situations.
Second Term - January to April has been a very successful one – probably the most eventful and
engaging term in many years. The JSoc committees, encouraged by Rabbi Gavin Broder (‘Rav Gav’),
worked together to effectively create a London Region JSoc committee committed to bringing
students across London campuses together. This was facilitated by Rav Gav, together with Roxy
Kaye, UJS London Officer, by inviting the Presidents from all the London campuses for a working
meeting at Isola Bella. Many ideas were tabled and individuals took on specific responsibilities. This
was done with the knowledge that Chaplaincy and UJS were there to give solid support. Suzy
Richman, Chaplaincy’s Director of Operations was also in attendance. There were three main events
that came about due to this meeting:
1. A London-wide JSoc charity evening was hosted by City University, the Event was in aid of
Save a Child’s Heart and Rav Gav provided hot dogs for the evening for approximately 50
2. A pub quiz hosted in Kings College’s student union bar. This event attracted over 150
students with teams from Universities across London. Rav Gav circulated the entire evening
with rogelech. Chaplaincy funded the 2nd prize of the evening, £75 to the runner up team
3. A Purim party hosted by University College London was held on motzei Shabbat. Rav Gav
read the megillah for the students and provided greggers and hamentashen for the
attendees. There was a good attendance of approximately 50 students who enjoyed a great
evening dressed in fancy dress, enjoying food drink, music and dance.
Additionally this term, the following has taken place at campuses across London:
Rav Gav’s programme of ‘Lunch and Learns’ has continued across the capital. This term
multiple sessions were held at Goldsmiths, Brunel University, Kings College, University
College London (UCL), Middlesex University and the Courtauld Institute of Art
Rav Gav accompanied 17 students from Imperial College to Gibraltar for a weekend trip.
The trip was well co-ordinated with full participation from Rav Gav and included a hike to
the top of ‘The Rock’. The students formed a close bond with Rav Gav and appreciated him
being there with them
Rabbi Broder attended and spoke at Brunel University’s Holocaust Memorial Day
commemoration programme. This was a successful event which was open to and attended
by students from the general student body
Many hours has been spent on supporting students who have exam clashes with Shavuot,
notably 22 students doing their degree through Open University in London, Manchester,
Gateshead and Israel
Rabbi Broder has attended as many JSoc AGM’s as possible ensuring an early connection
with new JSoc committee members
Rabbi Broder attended the UJS Student Awards and presented the award to Middlesex JSoc,
who received the Developing JSoc award sponsored by Chaplaincy. It is no coincidence that
London, among other awards, received an award for the JSoc of the Year (UCL) and the
Developing JSoc Award (Middlesex). The cohesion of the JSocs across London through the
efforts of Rav Gav and Roxy Kaye (UJS) was definitely a catalyst towards reaching this goal
Rabbi Broder continued to host Friday night dinners at home and support regional ones.
Third Term - The focus of the month of May has been University exams. Rabbi Broder spent a lot of
his time corresponding with Universities on behalf of students and sorting out postponement of
scheduled exams to the day after Shavuot and September for 30 students. This included arranging
quarantining of students and centres to sit the exam in London, Manchester and Gateshead. This
was primarily for students doing degrees through the Open University as most of the regular
Universities had finished exams before Shavuot. Rabbi Broder has already written letters on behalf
of students who have exams around Sukkot (October) and for students who have placements
outside of London.
Rabbi Broder met with Student Services at City University to discuss how the University could best
provide for Jewish students in the coming year. Management were very conscious of the start of
year clash with the Chagim and sought advice on best practise regarding Fresher Fairs and induction
days. Discussions also centred on use of multi-faith rooms for davening and availability of rooms for
Jsoc meetings.
Rabbi Broder focussed the month of May on giving the smaller campuses some invaluable support;
notably attending the Middlesex University JSoc evening BBQ which was hosted in one of the
student’s homes and attending and speaking at University of the Arts Yom Ha’atzmaut gathering.
Rabbi Broder met with the following people:
 UJS to discuss collaboration for the Shabbat UK programme
 Board of Deputies to discuss exam and Yom Tov clashes at University
 Chaplaincy head office to discuss Chaplaincy training seminar
 Children’s Aid Committee to discuss funding of new London Chaplaincy Office
 ‘Stand with US’ to privately view and discuss appropriateness of their video ‘Crossing The
Line: Tackling Anti-Semitism on Campus’
The renovations taking place at Central Synagogue for the new student centre have finished and the
room has been furnished. Rabbi Broder will be doing a grand opening at the beginning of the
academic year. We are very excited about this new student centre and hope it will become the focal
point for Jewish students in London.
Rabbi Jonathan Hughes
Raised in Reading, Berkshire and, as a teenager, was signed by Swindon
Town and Reading Football Clubs. He went on to gain a law degree from
University College London. After studying Talmud for 8 years in Jerusalem at
Midrash Shmuel, he was awarded semicha and, in 2011, was appointed
Associate Rabbi at Hendon United Synagogue, Raleigh Close. He was
appointed Rabbi of Richmond Synagogue in November 2013. Rabbi Hughes
also serves as the United Synagogue's 'City Rabbi', delivering talks in the City
of London, Westminster, the West End and Canary Wharf.
Rabbi Hughes has written 2 books on the writings of Rabbi Chaim Soloveichik and Rabbi Elchonon
Wasseman respectively and is also a songwriter and guitarist with 2 albums to his name. He is
married with 4 children.
First Term - Rabbi Jonathan Hughes is now covering Bristol for the rest of the academic year. He
visits students there on a fortnightly basis. He has visited three times and has led discussions on
topics such as ‘Is Judaism Racist?’, ‘The Reality of Evil’ and ‘Is This a Cult?’ Attendance at sessions is
anything from 10-25 students. Rabbi Hughes brings dinner with him and advises them on a range of
Jewish and Halachic issues. He is currently in conversation with the Anglican Chaplain at the
University and is becoming an honorary member of the University. He is now working closely with
the president of Bristol JSoc to programme events for next term.
Second Term - Rabbi Hughes regularly visits the student centre in Bristol and provides a delicious
dinner, followed by a talk on a variety of topics such as Déjà Vu and reincarnation. Rabbi Hughes
also held a successful Hamentashen making session for the students.
Third Term - As this was a short term with exams at the end of the term, Rabbi Jonathan Hughes
visited Bristol students once. He bought food for the students and attended a pub event for the
Rabbi Joe Kaye
Rabbi Joe completed his Semicha course in Israel.
He worked with Hamerkaz-The Israel Experience for
American college students and worked as the
executive director for Jeff Seidel's student house in
French Hill for Hebrew University.
Since moving back to the UK he has been visiting
Brighton and Sussex. It’s been over two years since
he started, and he loves every minute of it!
In addition Rabbi Joe works part time as the Operations Manager for Chaplaincy and is a qualified
and practising Life Coach and NLP Practitioner. He is in the process of publishing his first book, ‘Why
am I here?’
First Term - Rabbi Joe continues to visit Brighton for his ‘Dinner & Learns’ on a fortnightly basis. The
students really enjoy his visits and approximately 10-12 students attend his sessions. He has been to
Brighton four times this term and also attended both the Brighton and Sussex University Freshers’
Fairs. Rabbi Joe also hosted a Friday night meal in his London home for students over the term
break, 10 students came, including the president of Bournemouth JSoc and the president of Brighton
& Sussex JSoc.
Second Term – Visits to Brighton fortnightly have continued with dinner and discussion and visits
regularly for a Shabbat. Rabbi Joe receives a lot of positive feedback from students regarding his
dinner and learn. A ground breaking inter-JSoc shabbaton was held in Brighton with 30 students
from the entire South Coast region. This was a brilliant opportunity for Rabbi Joe to meet with
students from Southampton, Bournemouth Reading and Brighton. Rabbi Joe gave a talk on ‘Living
from Within’. He is currently helping students in Bournemouth with putting together a JSoc and
visited for the first time in March, together with members from UJS.
Third Term – Rabbi Joe represented Chaplaincy this year on ‘March of the Living’ where he spent an
inspirational and emotional six days with students. When he next visited Brighton he held a group
discussion on the survey sent by the Holocaust commission. Rabbi Joe then passed on their ideas to
the Holocaust Commission, which was set up by the Prime Minister. Rabbi Joe hopes to plan some
kind of event in his house during the summer break.
First Term - Various Chaplains have represented
University Jewish Chaplaincy at the Immanuel College
and Yavneh College University fairs. Rabbi Broder gave a
talk to 70 Year 13 students on ‘Being Jewish in a NonJewish Environment’ at King Solomon High School. He
gave a similar talk to 50 Year 13 students at JCOSS at the
end of January. Further school visits are already in the
diary for next term.
Second Term - Rabbi Broder spoke at Hasmonean Boys
(together with Rabbi Jonathan Hughes), Hasmonean Girls & JCOSS schools about ‘Jewish Life and
Welfare at University’. The purpose of these talks is to promote the work of Chaplaincy on campus
and to give the students an understanding of what to expect once they leave Jewish schools and go
to University.
Third Term - Rabbis Fishel Cohen and Gavin Broder visited 6th Form students at JFS for their Freshers
Fair, along with Suzy Richman and Rabbi Joe Kaye. The fair took place over two days and was
comprised of a panel presentation and Q&A, followed by a fair where students went round to
various campus organisations and spoke to the representatives there about Jewish life on campus.
In February Suzy Richman sat on a panel with UJS and CST and spoke to a room of parents at the UJS
parent’s information evening which was held at JW3. Suzy spoke about the role of Chaplaincy at
University, the provisions available for Jewish students on campus and provided advice to parents on
helping their children choose a University.
Suzy Richman also attended the Yavneh College Higher Education evening in June and spoke on a
panel with Joe Tarsh, UJS President to parents of year 12 students. They gave a short introduction
about themselves and their organisation and then received questions from the audience.
The two new Chaplaincy couples underwent new Chaplains’ training at the Chaplaincy head office,
followed by a ‘Mental Health First Aid’ training session at the Jewish Association for the Mentally Ill
(JAMI). The Chaplains from all over the country then gathered in Mill Hill Synagogue for an
Orientation day, where they met with representatives from CST, Tribe, MASA, UJS and our Chairman
and Treasurer, Uri Goldberg and Julian Lewis. This was a good opportunity for the new Chaplains to
meet the existing Chaplains and for all Chaplains to meet the new members of these organisations in
order to form links which could enhance the Chaplains’ work on campus.
Further a full Chaplains’ training day was held at Woodside Park Synagogue and was led by Larry
Shulman, a professional leadership trainer. The Chief Rabbi attended lunch at the Training day and
gave some inspirational words of chizuk to the Chaplains.
University Jewish Chaplaincy had a stand at the Jewish Living Expo at Wembley stadium. The stand
was visited by parents, grandparents, past and present students and inquisitive members of the
public. Four of our Chaplains were on the stand throughout the day answering questions and
handing out flyers, pens and lollipops.
This is a vital piece of our work. 1:1 counselling continues at anticipated if not higher levels than
usual. Issues addressed span the expected range: loneliness, relationship issues, mental health
issues, bereavement. Added stresses have included problems with the universities when exams clash
with Shabbat or the Chaggim. Anti-Israel incidents still continue to intimidate.
The Chaplains have continued support and advice from both Rabbi Dr Harvey Belovski (Rabbinical
Consultant for Chaplaincy) and Suzy Richman. Suzy has visited all the Chaplains this term spending
quality time with them enabling them to discuss a variety of matters as well as giving much support
and guidance.
These figures do not include the numerous cups of coffees, chocolate brownies and pints of beer the
students have with their Chaplains!
First Term
This academic term alone the Chaplains have hosted 815 meals in their homes..
Term not
Term not
Second Term
Home hospitality numbers were good again this month with 829 meals being served and 1818 meals
served since September 2013.
Birmingham Cambridge Leeds Liverpool London Nottingham Oxford Scotland
53 n/a
Third Term
Home hospitality numbers were good again this month with 448 meals being served and 2252 meals
served since September 2013.
Birmingham Cambridge Liverpool London Nottingham Oxford Scotland Total
14 n/a
Home Hospitality Meals Served Since
September 2013
Scotland, 66
South Coast, 10
Birmingham, 636
Nottingham, 511
Cambridge, 407
London, 67
Liverpool, 48
Leeds, 322