Ladies hockey club report 2014

Ladies hockey club report 2014
The ladies section has had another good year across all teams and age groups.
We continue to build the club through developing the youngsters and integrating them where
appropriate throughout the teams in particular the 4th team which has again been able to put
out a consistent team most Saturdays which has really improved their performances. They
have played some very good hockey demonstrating that attending training does impact on
Saturdays games even thought the results have not gone their way. Hopefully this will come
next season as they play in a league with more competitive teams rather than some clubs
second and third 11s. Laura Shambrook has led the team by example and with the more
experienced members of the team supported May youngsters to do well with Daisy Aylott
voted Young Player of the Year. The team came 8th in the league and Frankie Limmer was
team player of the year.
The 2nd team led by Jen Heath produced some strong performances during the season
winning Club Team of the Year. Again the team supported it's young players who in return
contributed to the team's success. They came 4th in their league and Player of the year was
Olivia Brookhouse. Miranda Wilson who won the 4th Player of the year last season
established herself in the twos and was awarded Most Improved Player. They also provided
the ladies and club leading goal scorer in Fran Pettengell who scored 23 over the season.
The 3rd team led by Claire Shillito struggled a little with consistency of players however
played some good hockey and finished 9th in the league. Young player Jessica Roach was
Team player of the Year.
Finally the 1st team began the season well building in the success of last season. With a fairly
unchanged side led again by Jemma Smith for the 3rd year the team began strongly.
Unfortunately due to a couple of injuries early on the team suffered a few weeks of back to
back defeats including being knocked out of the cup the they came so close to winning last
year in the early rounds. However the teams fortunes turned round and they had a strong end
to the season finally finishing in 5th place. Player of the year was Sally Powell, and Suzi
Fletcher was awarded Lady Master.
The ladies Masters also put in some good performances reaching the last 16 of the O35s cup
losing to Canturbury. The O40s went to St Albans to contest the county championship losing
to the eventual champions Cambridge City in the semi finals.
Pippa Bull was selected as Captain of the East O50s which won the Regional Championship
this weekend for the first time, managed by Karen Jones. She has also been selected as
England 50s Captain for the world Cup this summer in Rotterdam and the home countries in
Swansea in June .
The ladies indoor team also had a great season captained by Laura and Jemma winning the
league. Emma Hynds was player of the season,again this year, playing in goal.
Thanks to Dan Leonard for coaching the 1s and 2s all season, unfortunately for the last time.
Dan has been very committed to the ladies club over many years and has contributed a great
deal to its success, we will miss him. Thanks also to Rick Oakley for managing the side all
season it makes a huge difference to a captain and team to have someone dedicated to the
team on a Saturday. Thanks also to Phil, Kyle and Gregg for coaching the U14s and the 3/4s.
Finally a big thank you to all captains for their continued hard work and enthusiasm for
selecting and leading their teams. All are standing down this year Jemma, Jen, Thumper and
I am also standing down for the role of Club Captain this year after 6 years. It is a challenging
role supporting the Captains to select and build their teams over the season and years, getting
the balance between youth and experience, fitting this around school and family
commitments. The Ladies club now has strength in depth and will continue to go from
strength to strength enabling ladies of all ages and abilities play and enjoy their hockey,
something I will continue to do for as long as the body holds out.
Pippa Bull
Ladies club Captain.