DAY 2: 05.11.2013

EU funded programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and man-made disasters
in the ENPI East Region (PPRD East)
on the Start-up of the Information Campaign in Ukraine
04-05 November 2013
Location: Novoselytsia town, Chernivtsi oblast, Ukraine
Start-up event of the PPRD East Information Campaign in Ukraine (Task D2.3.8 Information
campaigns on public awareness raising) took place in Novoselytsia town, Chernivtsi oblast on the 0405 of November, 2013 in order to increase awareness of wide public on Civil Protection, Disaster
Management and Disaster Risk Reduction issues with strong emphasis on improving the culture of
individual behaviour and participation in prevention, preparedness and response to disasters, to
draw attention of national and local media to the ways of minimization of the natural and man-made
disasters risks by the cooperation between citizens and rescue services before, during and after
Participants(altogether up to 40 people):
- Journalists from national and local media
- Representatives of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine
- Maria Nikorich, Mayor of Novoselytsya
- Mr. Alberto Ferrando, Mayor of Quiliano town, Italy
- Mr. Cosimo Versace, CIMA Foundation, Italy
- Representatives of Novoselitsa local community
- Representatives of Ukrainian NGO’s
After visiting the places located in the flooding risk areas, the participants discussed Ukrainian and
Italian experience of natural disasters prevention and preparedness. The foreign experts were met
by the officials of Novoselytsya District Administration, staff of Direction of State Emergency Service
of Ukraine in Chernivtsi region, mayor of Novoselytsya town and NGO representatives. PPRD East
Programme was represented by the team of experts and Colonel Oleg Pinskyi, National Coordinator,
Head of the Sector of bilateral cooperation, International Relations Department of the State
Emergency Service of Ukraine.
Making the announcement about the launch of the campaign, Volodymyr Kuznietsov, Key Expert on
Communications of PPRD Programme, emphasized: “It is not an accident that we are starting our
campaign from Novoselytsya. People here are regularly faced with the natural disasters. And their
saving depends on how correctly they behave during emergencies. PPRD East campaign will not
replace the education system for proper behavior during disasters, but we want to show how
seriously this issue is taken in by European Union.”
Maria Nikorich, mayor of Novoselytsya, told that during a flood in 2008 a district had been covered
with water. There were 2500 people in the flood zone and 19 houses had to be rebuild from scratch.
"In case of emergency signal council staff with rescuers goes from house to house and warn the
locals, call them and send SMS. In the city council there is a list of people, mostly fishermen, who
have boats and are always ready to join the rescue operation ".
Experience of Novoselitsya has a lot in common with experience of Italian town of Quiliano. "In 1992,
there was a dramatic flood in our town – says Alberto Ferrando, the mayor of Quiliano. – Two
Business Center “Berehynya”
12b Ihorivska St., 2nd floor
Kyiv, 01021 Ukraine
Tel.: +38 044 425 5825
Fax: +38 044 425 5943
EU funded programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and man-made disasters
in the ENPI East Region (PPRD East)
people were killed, the city was in ruins. It taught us to respond and be ready as of today. The most
important is to not improvise and act strictly according to the local response plan, which comes into
effect with the alarm. Twice a year we have training that allows us not only to check the response
system, but also to improve it, because it shows some weaknesses”.
The most important feature that distinguishes the system of civil protection in Italy from Ukrainian is
developed volunteerism. For instance, in Quiliano the team of volunteers exists for 20 years. They
monitor water level, clear riverbeds and streams daily. In the case of disaster volunteers with
carabineers carry the main function to save the native community. These people regularly attend
special trainings and pass medical examination, they do their job efficiently and completely free of
charge, so they are trusted and respected by town authorities and neighbors. Cosimo Versace,
representative of CIMA Foundation, told more about the organization and the role of volunteers in
Volunteerism is a very important and prospective direction of cooperation between citizens and
rescue services in Ukraine. Local rescuers have demonstrated the bridge in the village Marshyntsi,
which creates an artificial dam if the level of water is rising. If it is not cleaned in time, Prut River
spills in 2-3 kilometers, flooding 8 villages and 500 houses. There are many such critical points
throughout the region, and there are only 800 rescuers. In case of emergency situation they work
round the clock, but the human resources are not enough.
Alexander Tomko, Colonel of civil protection service, Deputy Head of State Emergency Service of
Ukraine in Chernivtsi region, said: "Taking into account experience of flooding in the past, rescuers
and local authorities have developed a system for responding to emergencies related to floods and
flowages. Every year we arrange the action of cleaning up the river banks, river beds and small
streams. The involvement of the volunteer organizations will bring only positive results. However, we
must be sure that volunteers have been trained and know exactly what to do and will not hurt
themselves and others".
PPRD East Programme experts presented to the local community the Family Emergency Guide, which
contented the useful information about behaviour in emergency situations, and posters for
schoolchildren with gave a clue what to do in the case of fire. These publications, as well as social
commercials, are the elements of the national informational campaign, designed to raise awareness
about the problems of Civil Protection and behaviour during disasters in Ukraine.
Also, the organizers promised that they would facilitate the process of setting up volunteerism in
civil protection sector and contribute to the dialogue between the State Emergency Service of
Ukraine and the citizens.
Main outcomes:
- PPRD East Information campaign to increase awareness of citizens on Civil Protection and Disaster
Management issues started on the national and local level
- New approaches to the participatory work, voluntary work’ experience in the field of civil
protection in Quiliano town (Italy) with practical recommendations are well presented.
- Local community of Novoselitsia’ awareness about the effective interaction with the rescue services
before, during and after emergency situations is increased
The event was in Russian. Simultaneous translation into English/Italian was provided.
Business Center “Berehynya”
12b Ihorivska St., 2nd floor
Kyiv, 01021 Ukraine
Tel.: +38 044 425 5825
Fax: +38 044 425 5943
EU funded programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and man-made disasters
in the ENPI East Region (PPRD East)
DAY 1: 04.11.2013
Arrival of participants to Chernovtsy
Working meeting with Mr. Nikolay Yalovoy,
First Deputy of a Head, Department of State
Emergency Service of Ukraine in Chernovtsy
Oleg Pinskyi, PPRD East National
Coordinator in Ukraine,
Sergey Babchuk, Head of press service of
the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in
Chernovtsy region
Alberto Ferrando, Mayor of Quiliano and
Cosimo Versace, CIMA Foundation (Italy),
Other participants and journalists
Dinner at the Bukovyna hotel
DAY 2: 05.11.2013
Transfer of participants from Chernovtsy to
Novoselitsia town
Survey of hazardous areas subject to
flooding: riverside of Prut river,
Komsomolska and Krasnoarmeyska streets
and a bridge
Announcement of PPRD East information
campaign in Ukraine to increase the
awareness of wide public on Civil Protection
and Disaster Management issues
Presentation of PPRD East Programme
informational materials package.
New approaches to the participatory work presentation of CIMA Foundation.
Presentation of voluntary work’ experience
in the field of civil protection in Quiliano
town. Practical recommendations.
Coffee Break
Presentation of the local plan for prevention
and emergency response. Formation of the
local CP volunteer team finalized.
Summarizing of common vision of the
cooperation and outlining of the next steps
Group photo
Interview for TV and Press
Departure from Novoselitsia
Maria Nikorich , Mayor of Novoselitsia
(Ukraine) and Alberto Ferrando, Mayor of
Quiliano (Italy) together with activists of
the local community, rescuers and
Volodymyr Kuznietsov, PPRD East Key
Olexandra Zarutska, PPRD East non-key
commumunication expert
Dmytro Khilchenko, PPRD East non-key
commumunication expert
Mr. Cosimo Versace, CIMA Foundation,
Mr. Alberto Ferrando, Mayor of Quiliano,
Maria Nikorich, Mayor of Novoselitsia
town, rescuers and a team of volunteers
of Novoselitsia
Maria Nikorich, Mayor of Novoselitsia
Mr. Alberto Ferrando, Mayor of Quiliano,
Sergey Babchuk, Head of press service,
Chernovtsy Department of the State
Emergency Service of Ukraine
Lis t of par ticipants
Business Center “Berehynya”
12b Ihorivska St., 2nd floor
Kyiv, 01021 Ukraine
Tel.: +38 044 425 5825
Fax: +38 044 425 5943
EU funded programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and man-made disasters
in the ENPI East Region (PPRD East)
List of participants
Organization & Position
E-mail, Phone number
Olexandr Khmel
Olga Kalinichenko
Veronika Zalevska
Olexandr Tkachuk
Myroslav Shevchuk
Sergiy Gudak
Olga Palamaruk
Zanna Bezpyatchuk
Оксана Кваснишин
Alexander Tomko
TRK Chernivtsi
Bukovyna Radio
5 Channel Chernivtsi
TVA (Chernivtsi)
1 State Radio Channel
UkrInform (Chernivtsi)
Inter (Chernivtsi)
Radio Svoboda
Deputy Head of State Emergency Service of
Ukraine in Chernivtsi region
Deputy Head of the District Administration
Head of District Emergency Service
Mayor of Novoselytsya
Deputy Head of Red Cross in Chernivtsi
International Project on Prevention of
flooding in Novoselytsya District, Coordinator
+38097 995 31 84
+38095 607 47 20
+38050 672 53 42
+38050 672 53 42
+38099 976 43 92
+38098 790 78 57
+38 067 547 74 76
Representative of the District Administration
Representative of the District Administration
Representative of the District Administration
CIMA Foundation
Mayor of Quiliano
PPRD East Programme
PPRD East Programme
PPRD East Programme
+38037 225 5-03-00
+38037 225 5-03-00
+38 037 225 5-03-00
Eduard Topala
Alexander Mamavko
Maria Nikorich,
Taras Kornilovych
Stanislav Skrykulyak
+38037 225 0901
+38095 760 77 12
Vasyl Gorbatyuk
Mykola Oberst
Anatiliy Nikitin
Cosimo Versace
Alberto Ferrando,
Vladimir Kuznietsov
Olexandra Zarutska
Dmytro Khilchenko
Business Center “Berehynya”
12b Ihorivska St., 2nd floor
Kyiv, 01021 Ukraine
Tel.: +38 044 425 5825
Fax: +38 044 425 5943
EU funded programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and man-made disasters
in the ENPI East Region (PPRD East)
Startup event of the PPRD East public awareness rising campaign attracted considerable media
attention. TV spots was broadcasted by 5 national and regional TV channels (Inter, ICTV, Channel 5
("Local time"), TRC "Chernivtsi", TVA) and 15 articles was published in online media.
Estimated number of viewers reaches 10 million people.
The State Emergency Service of Ukraine site:
November 6, 2013
November 6, 2013
Business Center “Berehynya”
12b Ihorivska St., 2nd floor
Kyiv, 01021 Ukraine
Tel.: +38 044 425 5825
Fax: +38 044 425 5943
EU funded programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and man-made disasters
in the ENPI East Region (PPRD East)
TV channels
TRC "Chernivtsi" - Chernivtsi reporter, November 5, 2013
Online news, November 5, 2013
Channel 5 - "Local time", November 5, 2013
TVА, November 5, 2013
ICTV, November 7, 2013
Inter, Podrobnosti – News piece on November 6, 2013
Online news, November 6, 2013
Online media:
Gromadsky Prostir, November 11, 2013
Evropeisky Prostir, November 11, 2013
Vid I do, November 6, 2013
City Council of Novoselytsya, November 5, 2013
Broadcasting of the PPRD East TV social advert “Do not let the fire steal your dreams” launched by
the State Ukrainian National TV channel “First Ukraine” in November 2013, with rebroadcast in April
2014. Estimated number of demonstrations more 200.
General results of the PPRD East Information Campaign in Ukraine will be summarized in April
Business Center “Berehynya”
12b Ihorivska St., 2nd floor
Kyiv, 01021 Ukraine
Tel.: +38 044 425 5825
Fax: +38 044 425 5943