9th Grade Book Club Information (click here)

9th Grade Book Club
Information Sheet and Permission Slip
 Promote independent reading
 Encourage participation and discussion with a like-minded group of students who enjoy reading
 Urge students to read and vote on favorite 2015 Young Reader’s Choice and Evergreen Nominee
Book Club Student Expectations During Pack Time:
1. I will sign up in the library for each book club, in advance, by turning in a Book Club Participation
Form (see below) to Mrs. Timson in the library. Sign up deadline dates will be announced in the
student bulletin. New Book Club Participation forms will be available in the library prior to each
meeting. You will need to sign up for each book club you attend.
2. To be dismissed from Pack Time, I will have passing grades and all my worked turned in. Grades
will be checked!
3. I will be prepared for the book club by reading the entire book prior to the book club meeting in
preparation for the discussion. (You do not need to read a book before our first meeting on
January 9th)
4. I know I can attend any or all Book Club sessions. I understand if I attend all 5 sessions and read all
5 books, I will be invited to the Literacy Celebration in June. (1 excused absence may be allowed).
5. I will be on-task and participate in small and large group discussions/activities related to the
assigned book at the Book Club meeting.
Meeting Dates/Books are listed below. We will meet in the library DURING PACK TIME on the
following dates:
January 16 Assign: Ten by Gretchen McNeil
February 27 Discuss January book
Assign Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo
March 20
Discuss February book
Assign Boy21 by Mathew Quick
April 24
Discuss March book
Assign Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein
May 15
Discuss April book
Assign The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater
Literacy Celebration:
June 12th Book party for students who attended all 5 sessions and read all books as part of the book club.
Discuss the Raven Boys, too.
--------------------Tear here and return to attend the January 9th Book Club-----------------------------------
January 16 th Book Club Participation Form
I would like to come to the first Book Club meeting on January 16th.
I have passing grades, and work turned in at school.
I do not need to have a book read for this first meeting.
Student Name:
___________________________________________ Student Number: _____________________________
Due by December 17th to Mrs. Timson in the Library.