NURS-03 - Motlow State Community College

Motlow State Community College
Action Plan & Outcome Assessment Report for Institutional Effectiveness
Planning Year: July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014
Assessing Year: July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013
Unit: Nursing
Related Strategic Goal:
3.1 Monitor and improve the effectiveness of educational programs and services.
Action Plan #: NURS-03
Action Plan Title: Nursing Program Accreditation
Desired Outcome: Motlow State Community College will maintain full accreditation for its nursing
program by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC).
Description of Action Plan and Related Activities:
 The nursing department director and faculty will review the Systematic Program Evaluation Plan
(SPEP) annually in May to assess for any needed changes in the plan and to review results, in
accordance with NLNAC standards.
 The Nursing Director will complete the annual report for NLNAC and report any substantive
 Pay annual dues to NLNAC as required.
 Recruit and hire qualified, MSN-prepared nurses to use as clinical adjuncts to meet the NLNAC
criteria 2.2 – “Part-time faculty hold a minimum of a baccalaureate degree with a major in
nursing; a minimum of 50% of the part-time faculty also hold a graduate degree with a major in
 All full-time nursing faculty members that did not attend an NLNAC Self-Study Forum in AY
2012-13 will be given the opportunity to attend in AY 2013-14.
 All newly-hired full-time, tenure-track nursing faculty members will attend an NLNAC Self-Study
Forum within the first two years of employment.
 All nursing department members will follow the created, ongoing timeline for completion of the
NLNAC Self-Study submission and site visit.
Team Members: Nursing director and faculty
Timeline: Annually and ongoing
Est. Cost: $ 2125
Budgeted: Included in current budget
Evidence of Success:
 An SPEP review will be conducted every May and updated as needed. Minutes of this meeting
will be kept.
 The annual report will be completed and submitted by due date, Fall 2013.
 The NLNAC dues will be paid from the nursing budget and receipts kept on file.
 > 50% of part-time faculty will be Master’s prepared nurses for the academic year 2013-14.
 Opportunity given to remaining full-time faculty to attend an NLNAC Self-Study Forum.
 All newly-hired, full-time, tenure-track nursing faculty will attend a self-study forum within two
years of employment.
Adherence to the timeline to completion for the NLNAC Self-Study Report submission and site
Statement of accreditation.
Complete the following when assessing a plan
Current Status: On Schedule
Describe Progress:
Program maintains accreditation. May 7, 2013 SPEP meeting in which nursing director and faculty
reviewed the 2012-13 report and planned for revised SPEP, based on new 2013 NLNAC Standards &
Criteria, to be implemented Fall 2013. Annual NLNAC report completed and submitted by director.
Annual dues paid to NLNAC. Greater than 50% of part-time faculty held an MSN degree or higher during
AY 2012-13. Six faculty members attended the NLNAC Self-Study Forum in March 2013.
No changes in status. NLNAC notified of placement of permanent director. Annual NLNAC report
submitted and on file in director’s office. The next accreditation visit is scheduled for Spring 2015. Six
faculty members scheduled to attend an NLNAC Self Study Forum in March 2013.
No changes in status. The annual NLNAC report is on file in the director’s office. The next accreditation
visit is scheduled for Spring 2015.
No changes in status. The annual NLNAC report is on file in the director’s office. The next accreditation
visit is scheduled for Spring 2015.
The nursing department received formal notification of the action taken by the National League of
Nursing Accrediting Commission at its meeting on February 25-26, 2010. The board of
Commissioners voted to affirm continued accreditation of the program with the next accreditation visit
scheduled for Spring 2015.
Nursing Department currently awaiting the NLNAC commission’s decision upon review of the
supplemental Follow-up Report submitted in April 2009. NLNAC Review Panel met to review Follow up
report on January 23, 2010. Their recommendation will be submitted to NLNAC Commission for a vote
in February 2010.
Focus visit by the NLNAC to review expansion to McMinnville Site October 2008. The commission voted
to extend the accreditation of the associate degree program to include the additional location at
McMinnville. Letter on file in the Director’s office. The nursing curriculum will be offered at the
Motlow McMinnville site Fall 2008.
The Nursing Program remains accredited. The review was conducted, and the accreditation was
confirmed in summer 2007 pending written report addressing noncompliance with Standard Criterion 5
by Fall 2009. The Nursing Department has added an online LPN transition program, and in the fall of
2007, a full Nursing Program will be offered at Motlow’s Smyrna Site. NLNAC report on file in Director’s
office. Expected outcome is met.
The Nursing Program remains accredited. The department is preparing for the 2007 review.
The nursing program remains accredited. This expected outcome is met.
Describe Needed Changes: For faculty support and to promote a more complete understanding of the
accreditation process, all newly-hired, full-time, tenure-track nursing faculty members will benefit from
attending a self-study forum. Revisions were made to SPEP according to new Standards & Criteria by the
List of Supporting Documentation:
NLNAC letter of accreditation kept on file in the director’s office.
NLNAC report and SPEP kept on file in the director’s office.
Receipt of dues paid kept by nursing secretary.
A faculty profile list is kept by the director, outlining the educational preparation for all part-time
Date Last Updated: 05/17/13