Job Description - Jobs at the University of Leeds

Faculty of Medicine and Health
School of Medicine
Leeds Institute of Clinical Trials Research
Clinical Co-ordinator
Part-time – 20% of full time basis
This post is available for a fixed term of 6 months
Please note, this post is open to staff in the Leeds Institute of Clinical Trials Research
A Clinical Co-ordinator is required to take up this exciting opportunity to take a lead role in
the delivery of a portfolio of pressure ulcer and wound research; and to provide clinical
expertise while co-ordinating trial implementation across 40 community and acute NHS
organisations. You will work closely with Professor Jane Nixon (Chief Investigator), and
other co-applicants including senior academic and NHS colleagues, clinical nurse
specialists, Leeds based Research Fellows, the LICTR team and RM&G and Finance
The post holder will contribute to the development of strategic direction and strategy
development of the LICTR Comprehensive Research Division and Skin Portfolio from an
NHS perspective. You will also develop strategic partnerships with NHS organisations,
including commissioners, to translate the research outputs across acute and primary care.
We are seeking a Registered Level 1 Nurse who is educated to degree level in nursing (or
other health related subject) with solid experience in tissue viability and evidence of leading
and facilitating Trust wide evidence based nursing practice in the NHS using clinical audit
(or similar) methodology.
You will have effective organisational skills demonstrated by proven ability to prioritise work
and successfully manage and complete projects; as well as strong negotiation and
facilitation skills. Applicants must have a current, valid driving licence with the ability to
travel to research centres, as required.
The University of Leeds is committed to providing equal opportunities for all and
offers a range of family friendly policies (
The University is a charter member of Athena SWAN and holds the Bronze award.
The School of Medicine gained the Bronze award in 2013. We are committed to being
an inclusive medical school that values all staff, and we are happy to consider job
share applications and requests for flexible working arrangements from our
University Grade 8 (£38,511 – £45,954 p.a pro rata) depending on qualifications and
Informal enquiries regarding the post should be directed to Jane Nixon, +44 (0) 113 343
If you have any specific enquiries about your online application please contact +44 (0) 113
343 1477,
Job Ref:
Closing Date: 26th October 2015
Job Description
Role Summary
The post-holder will provide clinical expertise and coordinate and support the design and
delivery of a portfolio of pressure ulcer and wounds research.
Working with the Professor Jane Nixon (Chief Investigator), and other co-applicants
including senior academic and NHS colleagues in Leeds, clinical nurse specialists across
40 acute and primary care Trusts, Leeds based Research Fellows, the LICTR team and the
Leeds Teaching Hospitals RM&G and Finance Departments,
Main Duties and responsibilities
Strategy and Leadership
Contribute to the development of strategic direction and strategy development of the
LICTR Comprehensive Research Division and Skin Portfolio from an NHS
Take a strategic approach to the development of partnership working with academic
and NHS organisations, including the developing clinical research networks to ensure
the infrastructure is present to support the pressure ulcer and wounds research.
Identify from the programme implementation and results issues with strategic
implications to the NHS.
Develop strategic partnerships with NHS organisations including commissioners to
translate the research outputs across acute and primary care.
Research Excellence and Research Conduct
Work in partnership with Professor Jane Nixon to develop further grant applications
and implement high quality research.
Promote the academic profile of the LICTR through contribution to high quality
publications in peer-reviewed clinical and methodological journals.
Present research and/or issues in study design and conduct at local, national and
international conferences.
Work in partnership with the project lead, contributing to research protocol
development and implementation from a clinical expert/NHS perspective.
Research Management and Supervision
Ensure effective communication between all partners in the research grants,
including funder’s applicants, Data Monitoring and ethics committee, Steering
Committees, partner NHS and academic organisations, Tissue Viability Nurse
Specialists/Consultants, clinical research nurses and associated clinical teams.
Set up Management systems to maintain an overview and monitor progress including
current and planned timelines, budget handling and resources.
As a key member of the project team co ordinate research activity across the
portfolio of research
Establish and maintaining professional relationships with academic and clinical
collaborators participating in the portfolio of research.
Take a lead role in negotiating with clinical leads their membership of trial teams,
ensuring adequate clinical expertise and input.
Lead negotiations with NHS and academic organisation in relation to their specific
involvement in the implementation of the research projects
Agree budgets with each NHS organisations including clinical research nurse
resource requirements and models of working across NHS Trusts
Working in partnership with the participating NHS organisations to appoint and
coordinate the clinical research team (ie across NHS organisations and staging their
involvement in concurrent projects).
Negotiate additional clinical research nurse and other NHS resource through the
Local Clinical Research Networks.
Ensure that the clinical research nurse team members have adequate local
accountability and management arrangements and fulfil research governance and
professional requirements.
Working in partnership with the participating centres to manage the performance of
the clinical research nurse team.
Planning and generating publicity for the research portfolio of studies.
Quality Assurance and Regulation
Ensure that all projects fulfil approval and research governance requirements,
developing strategies and systems for quality assurance for the programme of work.
Develop an understanding of the LICTR QA system and identify common standards
and requirements for project teams (eg version control, data protection, protocol
development, ethical submissions).
Liaise with project leads, research fellows and the LICTR QA team, co-ordinating
training for non LICTR research staff.
Monitor standards across all projects against agreed portfolio standards.
Ensure that appropriate security measures are in place to prevent unauthorised
access to patient named data in accordance with the Data Protection Act, in liaison
with the Assistant Director (Information Systems).
Set up and co-ordinate project oversight committees including Management Groups
and Steering Committees
Act as a key line of communication and producing written reports to the funding body,
sponsor, the UKCRN Co-ordinating Centre, members of the Steering Committees
and regulatory authorities as required.
Manage the Senior Trial Co-ordinator ensuring effective appraisal and individual
personal development plans.
Support the LICTR Senior Management Team in team and role development.
Support the LICTR Senior Management Team and Scientific Advisory Committee in
implementation of LICTR strategy and associated developments.
Advise the Operations Director, Head of Trial Management and Business Manager of
resource requirements including estates, IT and staffing resource needs for the
portfolio of studies.
Maintain an overview of and manage NHS components of the portfolio of studies
budget, liaising with the NHS Finance Managers as required.
Teaching and Learning Support
Contribute to the LICTR’s internal and external post-graduate training and education
Develop, co-ordinate and evaluate training for clinical research nurses, Tissue
Viability Nurse Specialists and NHS staff in research related roles and responsibilities
and practice development.
Specialist Knowledge/professional responsibility
Maintain active status on the NMC register.
Act always in accordance with the NMC Code of conduct and guidance documents.
Maintain a high level of awareness of NHS organisational issues including
Maintain a high level of awareness of nursing research and practice issues and in
particular current issues in tissue viability.
Maintain a professional portfolio.
Take responsibility for personal development and education with regard to
revalidation, Personal Development Plan objectives and KSF.
The post-holder is responsible to Professor Jane Nixon, Leeds Institute of Clinical Trials
Research through whom he/she is accountable to the Head of Institute, Professor Julia
Brown, the Dean of the Medical School, Professor Paul Stewart and ultimately the Dean of
the Faculty, Professor Peter McWilliam.
Key working contacts will include:
Deputy Director LICTRU
Study management Groups (including co-applicants (senior academic and senior
NHS staff)
Study Steering Committees (including national and international academics)
Tissue Viability Nurse Specialists/Consultants in lead clinical centres
(approximately 40)
LICTR team including Director LICTR, skin portfolio statisticians and Trial
Management/data management teams
LICTR Business Manager
Regular liaison with:
RM&G managers for all participating centres
Local Clinical Research Networks
United Kingdom Clinical Research Network
Local, national and international research groups
A range of national and international organisations concerned with clinical
University Values
All staff are expected to operate in line with the university’s values and standards, which
work as an integral part of our strategy and set out the principles of how we work together.
More information about the university’s strategy and values is available at
Professional Registration
As a qualified Nurse, you should have up to date registration with the NMC. You will be
required to maintain such registration so long as you remain employed with the University of
Leeds. You should produce registration upon request.
Person Specification
 A Registered Level 1 Nurse
 Educated to degree level in nursing (or another health related subject)
 Solid NHS experience in acute and/or primary care environment
 Evidence of leading and facilitating Trust wide evidence based nursing practice in the
NHS using clinical audit (or similar) methodology
 Evidence of setting up/co-ordinating critical incident systems in a clinical environment
 Experience of setting up and facilitating collaborative working arrangements with
specialist/consultant nurses, medical colleagues and senior NHS managers to
develop practice and effect change.
 Experience and ability to participate constructively in complex multi-disciplinary
meetings and decision making processes
 General understanding of the research governance environment in the UK
 Experience in the implementation of research in the clinical environment within the
therapeutic area of pressure ulcer prevention/wounds
 Experience in developing, implementing and monitoring policies, guidelines and
standards in clinical practice
 Experience in staff management and development.
Skills and abilities
 Effective organisational skills demonstrated by proven ability to prioritise work and
successfully manage and complete projects
 Negotiation and facilitation skills
 Ability to work effectively both independently and collaboratively.
 Demonstrates capacity for original thought and to solve problems, identify issues and
plan strategic action
 Effective communication and presentation skills.
 Well developed interpersonal skills and the ability to work with collaborators at all
 Computer literate
Physical capabilities
 Current and valid driving licence
 Able to travel to research centres
 Post graduate qualification in nursing or other health related subject
 Evidence of leading cross NHS organisational boundary change
 Knowledge of consensus development methods in clinical practice development or
 Experience of user involvement in clinical practice development or research
 Experience of regional or national project work/collaboration/initiatives
 Experience as an NHS Principle investigator for multicentre studies
Further Information
Faculty Information
With more than 6,000 students, 1,600 staff and annual research income of £50m, the
Faculty of Medicine and Health at Leeds is bigger than some universities. Leeds has one of
the largest medical and bioscience research bases in the UK, and is an acknowledged
world leader in cancer, cardiovascular, psychiatric, genetic, musculo-skeletal and health
services research. Treatments developed in Leeds are transforming the lives of people
around the world living with conditions such as HIV, TB, diabetes and malaria.
The School of Medicine
The School of Medicine at the University of Leeds is a major international centre for
research and education. Our ambition is to improve health and reduce health inequalities,
locally and globally, through excellent scientific research and the translation of that research
into healthcare practice, and through the education of future scientific and clinical leaders
who will advocate and practise an evidence-based approach. Our major strategic aims are
Deliver outstanding research including basic discovery science through to applied
health research that makes a significant difference to health.
Produce exceptional graduates, clinicians, educators, doctoral and post-doctoral
fellows whose learning has been informed and inspired by our research excellence
and who will form the next generation of academic and clinical leaders.
Develop and support knowledge transfer activities that flow from our academic
Create and maintain an efficient and sustainable environment for research and
teaching within an organisational culture and management style that enacts and
supports the university’s core values of community, inclusiveness, integrity and
The School of Medicine is organised into seven Institutes. All are committed to high quality
research-led teaching, through their training of postgraduate research students, delivery of
postgraduate taught courses, and its leadership in undergraduate teaching. The School
works closely with the local NHS, having a number of jointly funded clinical posts to ensure
this relationship is effective and strong for both research and student education.
Leeds Institute of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Medicine (LICAMM), Director:
Professor Mark Kearney
LICAMM integrates basic and clinical scientists with a common goal of understanding the
mechanisms underpinning common chronic diseases of human health and developing new
approaches to treating patients at an individual and population level. At the heart of
LICAMM’s philosophy is a vibrant multidisciplinary approach to science that provides a
platform to deliver internationally competitive translational research and teaching in
disorders including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer and neurodegenerative
diseases) our key aim is to improve the lives of our patients and the experience of our
Leeds Institute of Health Sciences (LIHS), Director: Professor Tim Ensor
LIHS delivers problem-driven research that supports decisions about the content or delivery
of healthcare. Our interdisciplinary approach incorporates expertise in applied health
research designs, health implementation sciences, social sciences, health economics,
informatics and statistics, as well as skills in communicating with basic scientists, policy
makers, healthcare providers, public and patients. We conduct research at the individual,
population and organisational level.
Leeds Institute of Medical Education (LIME) Director: Professor Trudie Roberts
LIME provides the administrative support, co-ordination and leadership for the School of
Medicine’s undergraduate medical degree, including admissions, curriculum development,
assessment, student support and clinical placement liaison. It provides the technologyenhanced learning and innovation support for the School of Medicine. LIME also has a very
active scholarship programme of research and innovation in medical education and uses its
expertise to influence medical education policy and practice nationally and internationally.
To achieve this it works with a range of stakeholders including the academic community, the
profession, the public, regulators and policy makers.
The Leeds Institute of Cancer Studies and Pathology (LICAP) Director: Professor Tim
The Leeds Institute of Cancer Studies and Pathology addresses both laboratory based and
clinical research into cancer with a major focus on translational science. LICAP is one of the
largest cancer Institutes in the country and has major financial support from the cancer
charities. The laboratories and clinical research are all based on the St James’s site with
laboratory activities being located in the Wellcome Trust Brenner Building and adjacent
buildings while the clinical work is based within Bexley Wing.
Leeds Institute of Biomedical & Clinical Sciences (LIBACS) Director: Professor Philip
LIBACS undertakes clinically-driven research from the level of the gene through cellular,
tissue and organ to clinical trials. Our vision is to develop a sustainable centre of excellence
for the advancement of patient care by translating research results into clinical practise and
contributing to medical education at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Our research
interests are encapsulated in 6 clinical themes (Gastrointestinal inflammation &
tumorigenesis, Genetic disorders, Infection & immunity, Neuroscience, Perinatal medicine,
Perioperative outcomes & technologies) underpinned by 4 generic science technology
strands (Animal models, Cell biology, Gene regulations & Genomics). We are based
predominantly at the St James’s University Hospital site.
Leeds Institute of Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Medicine (LIRMM), Director:
Professor Paul Emery
LIRMM is dedicated to improving diagnosis, therapy, intervention and outcome across the
spectrum of rheumatic and musculoskeletal medicine. It boasts a dynamic portfolio of
research and education, delivering wide-ranging clinical, translational and basic research
across five Sections: Clinical Musculoskeletal Medicine, Experimental Musculoskeletal
Medicine, Clinical Biomechanics and Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation Medicine and
Orthopaedics. A multi-disciplinary approach is the core of our activities, with significant
interdisciplinary links between Experimental and Clinical research. LIRMM’s clinical
activities are focussed at Chapel Allerton Hospital, which is also base for our NIHR
Musculoskeletal Biomedical Research Unit (LMBRU) and our basic sciences at St James’s
University Hospital.
Leeds Institute of Clinical Trials Research (LICTR) Director: Professor Julia Brown
LICTR delivers innovative design, delivery and knowledge transfer in clinical trials
research. Our multidisciplinary approach, in collaboration with basic scientists, clinicians,
policy makers, healthcare providers, public and patients and University colleagues, delivers
internationally competitive research and teaching that makes a significant contribution to the
evidence base for healthcare delivery. The Institutes research is conducted through the
Clinical Trials Research Unit where we have expertise in design and conduct of complex
clinical trials incorporating novel designs to evaluate CTIMPs, complex interventions,
diagnostics, medical devices and surgery.
Clinical Trials Research Unit (CTRU)
The CTRU is a National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) accredited and UKCRC
Registered Clinical Trials Unit. It has a national and international reputation for the design
and delivery of innovative, complex, and rigorous multi-centre early to late phase clinical
trials. The CTRU provides multi-disciplinary academic leadership with input to all aspects of
trials activity, including statistical design, protocol development, randomisation,
development of outcome measures, data management, logistical issues, statistical analysis,
interpretation of results and publication. Both the CTRU’s track record in conducting
innovative, complex clinical trials and its associated methodological research (efficient trial
design and analysis, novel outcome measures and patient reported outcomes, electronic
data capture) inform the academic development of this specialised field of clinical research
on a national and international level. The CTRU particularly specialise in efficient phase 1/2
trials, biomarker driven designs, seamless phase2/3 designs, adaptive designs and
development and evaluation of complex interventions.
The CTRU is organised into three therapeutic area divisions cancer, health sciences,
comprehensive) underpinned by a cross cutting methodology division, within which the
portfolios reflect both national priorities and strengths in Leeds:
Cancer Research Division - Co Directors Prof Julia Brown & Prof Walter
Solid Tumours Portfolio
Haematological Oncology Portfolio
Psychosocial Portfolio
Early Phase Trial Portfolio
Health Sciences Division - Director Prof Amanda Farrin
Mental Health Portfolio
Diet and Obesity Portfolio
Older People Portfolio
Stroke Portfolio
Complex interventions portfolio
Comprehensive Health Research Division –acting Directors Prof J Nixon, Prof
J Brown
Cardiovascular Portfolio
Musculoskeletal Portfolio
Oral Health Portfolio
Skin Portfolio
Methodology Division - Directors Prof Walter Gregory, Prof J Brown, Prof A
Farrin, Prof J Nixon
Statistical Methodology
Efficient trial design
Outcome development
Complex intervention development
Data capture
The CTRU is currently undertaking approximately 100 trials/studies including
methodological studies that underpin scientific rigour in our trial design and analysis. The
CTRU has approximately 130 staff members and grant income is approximately £5 million
per annum. Grants have been achieved from a variety of funders: NIHR, MRC, Cancer
Research UK, BHF, ARUK, Wellcome, LRF, EORTC, European Union Biomed Programme
and a variety of Pharma companies.
Enterprise and Knowledge Transfer
National Networks
LICTR hosts and provides the leadership for the UKCRC Registered Clinical Trials Unit
Network and the NIHR Trial Managers Network.
Research Design Service
LICTR provides the academic leadership for the Leeds hub of the NIHR Yorkshire and
Humber Research Design Service and provides research design advice and consultancy
through the RDS.
LICTR is committed to high quality research-led teaching and provides training of
postgraduate research students and delivery of postgraduate taught courses.
St James’s University Hospital Campus Infrastructure and Facilities (SCIF) Director:
Professor Pam Jones
This group covers activities that cover School of Medicine functions for Institutes at St
James’s University Hospital that span more than one institute including biomedical research
facilities, student education, IT, health and safety, estates, seminars, PGR
studentships and business support functions. These functions help support the 5 adjacent
buildings on the site.
There are 3 Institutes with staff and students at St James’s: LICAP (Leeds Institute of
Cancer studies and Pathology), LIBACS (Leeds Institute of Biomedical and Clinical
Sciences), LIRMM (Leeds Institute of Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Medicine). These
three institutes are dedicated to basic, translational, clinical and health research integrated
with student education.
Additional Information
Terms and Conditions
Details of the terms and conditions of employment for all staff at the university, including
information on pensions and benefits, are available on the Human Resources web pages
accessible via the links on the right hand side, or at
Disclosure and Barring Service checks
A Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Check is not required for this position. However,
applicants who have unspent convictions must indicate this in the ‘other personal details’
section of the application form and send details to the Recruitment Officer
Disabled Applicants
The post is located in the Leeds Institute of Clinical Trials Research. Disabled applicants
wishing to review access to the building are invited to contact the department direct.
Additional information may be sought from the Recruitment Officer, email or tel + 44 (0)113 343 1723.
Disabled applicants are not obliged to inform employers of their disability but will still be
covered by the Equality Act once their disability becomes known.
Further information for applicants with disabilities, impairments or health conditions
is available in the applicant guidance.