NAASC * Washington DC Metro Area Chapter

NAASC – Washington DC Metro Area Chapter 2015
About the NAASC Washington DC Metro Area Chapter
NAASC Mission
The National Alumnae Association of Spelman College (NAASC) is the official organization that supports Spelman
College, a historically black college for women, through financial gifts, student recruitment, sisterhood, community
service, and recognition of Spelman women. One of many chapters worldwide, the DC Metro area lovingly serves
communities in the Washington, DC, Northern Virginia counties, and some southern Maryland counties. The
Association provides, encourages and promotes growth and development of alumnae through leadership
opportunities and partnership alliances. NAASC actively seeks to involve all former students and graduates in the
fulfillment of its purpose.
The Scholarship Program
The NAASC DC Metro chapter offers three non-renewable scholarships of varying amounts for incoming freshman
and continuing students from the DC metropolitan area:
 Jane Hope Lyons Scholarship- This is the chapter’s signature scholarship, which is named in honor of
Jane Hope Lyons, who was the Dean of Women at Spelman Seminary/College.
 Clara Brewer Continuing Education Scholarship- The Clara Brewer Continuing Education Scholarship
is named in honor of one of our local alumna members, Clara Brewer c/o 1977. This scholarship’s
recipient must be a current Spelman student with demonstrated financial need.
 The Golden Girl Book Award- The Golden Girl Book Award(s) are available to incoming first year
students for the purchase of books and supplies.
There is one application for each of the scholarships available on the chapter website at All
submitted applications will be accepted as long as they are in compliance with the posted deadline for each specific
General Criteria for NAASC-DC scholarships:
 Resident of the District of Columbia, Maryland (Prince George’s and Montgomery Counties), and Northern
Virginia (City of Alexandria; Arlington and Fairfax Counties)
 Community Service (minimum of 40 hours per year)
 Minimum GPA of 3.0 (verified by Spelman College)
Jane Hope Lyons Scholarship
 Current sophomore at Spelman College
 Essay (choose one prompt)
o Essay #1: What does it mean to be a Spelman woman, and in what ways have you embodied this?
(350-600 words)
o Essay #2: Spelman women are encouraged to make “a choice to change the world”. In what ways
are you living out this call to action? (300-500 words)
Clara Brewer Continuing Education Memorial Scholarship
 Current student at Spelman College (eligible beginning second semester of freshman year)
 Minimum GPA of 2.5
 Demonstrated financial need
 Essay (choose one prompt)
o Essay #1: Why does education matter to you and your community? (350-600 words)
o Essay #2: From a financial standpoint, what impact would this scholarship have on your
education? (300-500 words)
Golden Girl Book Awards (Multiple Awards)
 Incoming first year student at Spelman College
 Completed application (submitted at the New Student Welcome event)
 Awardees are chosen based on attendance at the local Annual New Student Welcome event.
NAASC – Washington DC Metro Area Chapter 2015
Please print (blue or black ink) or type this application.
Personal Information
Name __________________________________________
Home Address __________________________________________________________
Local phone number __________________________
Parents/Guardians Names _________________________________________________
Academic Information
Classification (check one):
 Incoming First Year
 Junior
 Senior
Campus Address _______________________________________________________
Declared Major/Minor ______________________________________________________
Cumulative GPA __________
Honors/Awards __________________________________________________________
Extracurricular Activities __________________________________________________ _____
NAASC – Washington DC Metro Area Chapter 2015
Community service ________________________________________
Hours completed
Organization Contact
Financial Information (CBCEMS applicants only)
Total household income __________________________________________________
Number of parents’ dependents ____________ Number of siblings in college _________
Check Scholarship/Award:
 Jane Hope Lyons Scholarship
 Clara Brewer Continuing Education Scholarship
 Golden Girl Book Award
Attachments (if applicable):
 Completed Application
 Essay
 Other Supporting Documents
I certify that to the best of my knowledge that the above information is correct and
(Signature of Applicant)
Send completed Applications and supporting documents to:
Applications must be received on or before the deadline. Email any questions or concerns to
the Committee at