Girls Camp Manual - Silverdale Stake Youth

Girls Camp
Guide and Resource Materials
Revised October 2014
Girls Camp Guide and Resource Materials
Revised October 2014
Purpose of the 'Guide and Resource Materials:
This document is intended as a 'handbook' to guide the planning and
presentation of Girls Camp for young women ages 12-17 of The
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It also contains
resources to support the program.
The "Guide" includes:
 Description of program elements,
 Description of roles and expectations for both adult and youth
 An explanation of essential preparation tasks – month by month
– leading up to camp,
 A collection of materials from past camp cycles to facilitate
preparation and planning.
Girls Camp – a brief description of the program:
Girls Camp is program for all YW ages 12 to 17 years old. Its
purposes are to draw closer to Heavenly Father, build faith in the
Savior, Jesus Christ, appreciate and feel reverence for nature, learn
and develop camping and leadership skills, serve others, and build
friendships through unifying activities and having fun.
To help the girls reach these goals, they will participate in the camp
certification process which is:
Level 1 - age 12
Level 2 – age 13
Level 3 – age 14
Level 4 – age 15
During the last two years in the young women program (ages 16,17)
all girls are invited to be Youth Camp Leaders (YCL) and it is a goal
that these YCLs will be the primary leaders of girls camp. There is a
Girls Camp YCL Presidency consisting of 1 YCL acting as President
and several YCLs acting as assistants. This is the core leadership of
Girls Camp Guide and Resource Materials
Revised October 2014
Girls Camp. Other YCLs are also given leadership roles and acting
as Cabin YCLs where they are assigned to be “junior” (1st year YCL)
and “senior” (2nd year YCL) companions within their cabins.
Once Camp is underway it is completely guided by the designated
(called and set apart) youth leaders. (Core YCL Presidency and
Cabin YCLs) In order to make this actually work there is extensive
training of the youth leadership prior to Camp. All youth leaders are
trained and mentored so that they are ready to assume control of
Camp when it starts. This process takes time…
The preparation of the young womens
Camp YCL Presidency and Cabin YCLs is
the foundational element to a successful
camp. Spare no effort in training these
young women!
Sample daily schedule of the main session of camp:
Note: this is an “average” of past daily schedules. Each year the
schedule is altered slightly to accommodate speakers and/or other
circumstances. Each camper is given a schedule at the start of camp
and it is the responsibility of the YCL cabin leaders to ensure all
campers within their Cabin are present.
Camp Presidency YCLs arrive and get settled–
Preparation for arrival of campers and registration.
Presidency Devotional
Campers arrive and get settled in with assigned
cabins/decorate cabins
Opening Ceremony – Welcome and Orientation - YCL
Presidency and Cabin YCLs
KP duty and Bathroom Duty.
Fun time at Cabins with YCLs - Finish
decorating/skit/chant prep.
Free Time
Service project
Girls Camp Guide and Resource Materials
Revised October 2014
KP and Bathroom Duty
DinnerCabin fun time—Get to know you questionnaire/activities
(see end of manual for sample questionnaire)
Flag Ceremony-Song Fest
Camp themed devotional from Stake Presidency
Stargazing activities at Mosiah’s Meadow (Possible
musical presentation/scripture reenactment)
Cabin YCL devotional/Lights out
YCLs rise and shine
Presidency devotional and meeting
Morning prayer and scriptures in cabins
Polar Dip
KP Duty
Flag Ceremony – Song Fest
YCL Presidency meeting with Cabin Moms
Cabin time with YCLs - Review camp manual for
independent certifications.
Bathroom duty
Free choice for 1-2 years (swim, crafts, archery, and
humanitarian service project)
Ropes course and certification for 3,4 year.
Snype Hunt-Compass Activities
Journal/Scripture Time
Lunch duty
Cabin time with YCL - chants/skits
Free Choice for 3,4 years (swim, crafts, archery, service)
Ropes/Certification for 1,2
Snype Hunt/Compass Activity
Journal/Scripture Time
Bathroom and Kitchen Duty
Ward Certification - Fires starting, cooking over open
flame (YCL led)
Dinner/devotional/desert with Bishops
Flag Ceremony-Song Fest
Girls Camp Guide and Resource Materials
Revised October 2014
Bishops activity
Lantern Walk with singing down at lake
Evening Cabin devotionals with YCLs - Lights Out
Rise and Shine
Presidency Devotional and meeting
Morning prayer and scripture within cabins
Polar Dip
KP Duty
Flag Ceremony/Song Fest
YCL Camp presidency/Cabin Mom meeting
Cabin time with YCLs - Review Camp manual for
independent certifications.
Bathroom Duty
Free Choice 1,2 years (swim, craft, archery, service)
Certification/Ropes for 3,4 year
Snype Hunt-Compass activity
KP Duty
Cabin Time with YCL - work on skits, chants
Free Choice for 3,4 year (swim, archery, service, craft)
Certification/Ropes for 1,2
Snype Hunt, Compass activity
Personal journal, scripture time
Skits at Noah’s Court
Dutch oven cooking at Cabins (YCL led)
Flag Ceremony
Devotional with Stake YW Presidency
End with slide show of Christ
Start Fires for testimony meeting
YCL led by beginning with Christ devotional
Late night activities for 4th years?
Evening devotional/Lights out for other years
Girls Camp Guide and Resource Materials
Revised October 2014
Rise and Shine
Presidency Devotional
Morning prayer and scriptures within cabins
Polar Dip
Kitchen Duty
Flag Ceremony-Song Fest
Nature Walk 1,4 years
2,3 Certification at cabins
Camp Leaders signing off camp manuals
Interactive Devotional with Sister Missionaries
*New idea --This could be followed by a missionary role playing
Enos Activity
Clean Cabins/Camp assignments for check out
Gazebo, Tent Area, Bathrooms, Kitchen, Trails/Camp Road, Mosiah’s Meadow,
Waterfront/Swim are-, Parking Lot, Flag-
Closing Ceremonies—Camp YCL presidency led
Go home
New ideas presented from last years camp consist of:
Keeping sister missionaries coming for devotional
Role playing in gospel related discussions
Movie Night
Dance for older girl campers
“Open Mic. Night”
Obstacle course
First Aid Olympics
Scripture Vendor-Someone girls can look for to pass off
scripture memorization
Scriptural Re-enactment production
Girls Camp Guide and Resource Materials
Revised October 2014
Glossary of Girls Camp Terms
“Flag Ceremony”—Each cabin/camper is asked to participate in Flag
Ceremony. Cabin YCLs are in charge of delegating
responsibilities such as prayer, song, scripture/spiritual
thought, YW motto and raising/lowering, folding the flag.
demonstrating appropriate flag etiquette.
“Cabin Fun Time/bonding,” –get to know you activities/ice breaker
games, series of questions designed to Cabin YCLs to
get to know the girls in their cabin on the first day of
camp. It is a combination of fun and serious questions
about a young woman’s interests and is conducted in a
small group setting. See the appendix for more
“Daily Schedule” – is an internal reference to the camp schedule as
portrayed in a lanyard that all campers receive at the
beginning of camp.
“Christ Devotional” –Testimony Meeting—Usually done in smaller
cabin setting with YCLs leading out the testimony meeting
by sharing a Christ devotional and then bearing witness of
her faith in Jesus Christ. She then invites all campers to
participate in the testimony meeting
“Enos Experience” – is a period provided each camper for a private,
solitary time for prayer, scripture study and selfevaluation. Each camper is provided with the Attributes of
Christ questionnaire found at the last page of Chapter 6 of
“Preach My Gospel.”
“Opening Ceremony” – is scripted presentation performed by the
YCLs. This typically reviews the rules of camp,
orientation, schedule, and acknowledges cook, craft,
lifeguard, nurse, and other leaders including camp
missionaries. (see appendix for prior script).
“Sister Missionary Devotional” Devotional led by the sister
missionaries in the Stake. The sisters come prepared
knowing what age of girls they will be focusing on and
have activities, interactive lesson. Possible activity
following is a “Scavenger Hunt” role playing and finding
someone to teach the gospel to.
Girls Camp Guide and Resource Materials
Revised October 2014
“Song Fest” – is preparatory period before Flag Ceremony allowing
the campers to participate in fun camp songs as well as
church hymns as a lead in to Flag Ceremony.
“Morning Prayer/Scriptures”-- Every morning Cabin YCLs are in
charge of reading passage of scriptures based on that
day’s theme. They take turns reading with the campers
out loud, stopping when needing to expand their thoughts.
After everyone has had turns reading, YCLs use the
“FEAST” method to discuss principles and doctrine. (See
appendix for “feast’ outline)
“Evening Devotional”—This is a YCL led devotional in the cabin.
Each YCL (junior and senior) takes turns giving the
evening devotional. This devotional is based on that
day’s theme and can involve general conference talks,
activities, and games. YCLs encourage all girls to
participate and share their feelings. Ends with a prayer
and YCLs encouraging girls to record their feelings in the
Certification Time-Each YW is required to pass off camp certification
(according to her year at camp) These can be found in
and outlined in the camp manual. Cabin YCLs have been
trained at the YCL overnighter and preceding training
sessions to teach these skills to their cabin. They are to
teach, demonstrate, observe and then pass off these
skills for each camper.
Girls Camp Guide and Resource Materials
Revised October 2014
Five Key Features of Girls Camp
First, Girls Camp is modeled after the admonition of Elaine S.
Dalton, where she announced the motto: “Let Laurel’s Lead.” Her
council is to allow girls to come to a girls camp experience for four
years to learn new outdoor/camping skills, develop friendships,
strengthen their relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ
and to learn to feel of the Spirit. After these four years, the girls then
have the opportunity to come as YCLs (Youth Camp Leaders) where
they are trained to be the sole leaders of camp.
This is accomplished by extensive training and mentoring of the two
levels of leadership
 The Camp YCL Presidency
 Cabin YCLs
The Camp YCL Presidency is selected by no later than September of
the camp cycle. The Presidency meets at least monthly starting in
October with the Camp Director and assistants as well as at times the
Stake YW presidency. There is extensive training on expected tasks
and leadership roles. The work of the YCL presidency is described in
more detail below. The number and composition of the presidency
depends on the expected number of campers.
Factors to consider when selecting young women to serve in the
Worthy to lead camp through personal example
Has attended camp and participated as a first year YCL
Has the support of both parents and local Priesthood leaders.
Not "over-programmed" with school and sports.
Has access to independent or reliable transportation.
Is responsible and has good work habits.
Remember, these young women will be meeting once or twice
a month from October through June. It is a time consuming calling.
Girls Camp Guide and Resource Materials
Revised October 2014
Responsibilities of Girls’ Camp YCL Presidency
Selection of the annual camp theme, talk, scripture, song, and chant
Selection and design of the camp logo
Selection of songs/hymns to be printed in the Camp Songbook.
Attend Training meetings with Camp Director/Assistants and Camp
Presidency at least 1X/month starting in October and ending prior to camp
in July.
Presiding and conducting the four pre-camp leadership training (YCL
Training) sessions held in November, February, April and June. (Note, the
concept of 'presiding' is meant as acting under the direction of the Stake
YW President and Girls Camp Director)
Planning training agendas and carrying out pre-camp YCL leadership
training sessions including the YCL overnighter.
Assisting in the assignment of YCL companionships.
Assisting with Camp registration by helping make assignments of all
campers within specific cabins
Presiding and conducting Girls Camp. This includes all aspects of
Camp activities while in session, including:
 Opening Ceremony
 Stargazing activities (Musical production or scriptural
 Bishop’s Night/Lantern Walk/Singing Tree
 The Necklace/bottle cap elements for certification.
 Get to know you game/activities/questionnaire
 Devotional with sister missionary role and possible
role playing activities (Scavenger Hunt)
 The "Enos Experience" personal period of prayer and
 The "Awards Ceremony" at the conclusion of camp.
 Plans and conducts all four pre-camp leader training
 Conducts all program elements while at camp, including all
Song Fests, Announcements and directing of activities
including service projects, lantern walk, bishops night, etc.
 Introduces all guest speakers
 Conducts daily devotionals and meetings with Cabin YCL
during camp to assess the progress of the camp program,
 Addresses problems and behavioral issues involving all
camp attendees,
Organizing camp work schedules while in session (daily cleaning
assignments and similar tasks during camp).
Girls Camp Guide and Resource Materials
Revised October 2014
Help to resolve any behavioral or conflict issues up at camp.
Setting the example throughout camp through their advance
preparation and through their participation in programs and events
at Camp.
Maintaining personal worthiness; attend Sunday meetings, active
participant in seminary, daily prayer and scriptures study, keeping
standards as outlined in the For The Strength of Youth Pamphlet.
It is important to understand that service in the Presidency will involve
sacrifice of time and some discretionary activities when needed to carry
out Girls Camp responsibilities.
In order to facilitate the youth leadership focus, Girls Camp is a yearlong program in order to accomplish the necessary planning,
preparation and, especially, the training of the YCLs. For example,
the planning cycle starts a month (August) after the close of camp. A
Camp YCL President is selected by September and the balance of
presidency in place by October. Monthly presidency meetings begin
in October.
The Camp Director and Assistants are responsible for mentoring the
presidency in its preparations and meets with presidency at least
monthly or more often until the start of camp. The Camp Director and
Assistants train the Presidency in the program elements of Girls
camp, encourage personal spiritual preparation and provide
resources for the Presidency to do its work (resources include other
adult assistance, access to needed facilities, and access to
computers and other technology when needed).
This is the Camp Director’s and Assistant (as well as Stake YW
presidency) primary charge and it takes time.
Second…The organizational unit of camp is by cabins according
to year of certification. The ‘campers’ are divided into cabins upon
their arrival at camp. Each cabin is easily distinguishable as they
have different color camp t-shirts with the camp logo. The color
provides a group identity and affiliation. There are two to three Cabin
YCLs assigned to each cabin with at least one of the YCLs being a
2nd year (senior companion).
Girls Camp Guide and Resource Materials
Revised October 2014
Cabin YCL Training
Cabin YCL training begins in November, with training sessions also in
February, April, and June. These sessions involve getting- to- knowyou activities to bond all YCLs, YCL input regarding theme, and Tshirt design, motto, camping skills including fire starting, compass
work, alternative methods of cooking, and other certification training.
There is a culminating overnight High Adventure/Training Activity in
June for the final preparation for camp. This serves to solidify all
camping learned skills, review of camp schedule, leadership
activities, possible unifying ropes course activity where available, high
adventure activity, and last minute instructions.
Responsibilities of Cabin YCLs
Cabin YCLs become an extension of the Camp YCL Presidency in
arranging for camp-wide tasks and activities. These include
fundamental chores such as kitchen and bathroom cleaning, and
more fun activities such as ropes obstacle course, crafts,
humanitarian service project, skits and chants.
Cabin YCLs meet with presidency at the beginning of each day for a
morning devotional and to discuss the progress of camp and prepare
for the day. Adult leadership attends the devotional and meeting to
monitor and provide resources. Adults do NOT conduct or lead this
As we are modeling the admonition of Elaine Dalton to “Let Laurel’s
Lead,” once YW have completed their first 4 years of certification at
camp, they are invited to come to girls camp to be a Cabin YCL.
Historically, at Silverdale Stake Girls Camp we can expect anywhere
from 120-140 young women ages 12-17. Campers are organized
according to their “certification year” 1,2,3,4. Cabin YCLs are
assigned a cabin and year and will be responsible for anywhere from
8-15 campers. As these YCLs are in charge of young women (some
being young and very impressionable) it is imperative that these YW
are living the gospel standards.
Girls Camp Guide and Resource Materials
Revised October 2014
1. These young women must be spiritually, mentally, and emotionally
mature. They should be strong examples of obedience and commitment to
the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Such young women should be working
actively toward Personal Progress, be regular Seminary attendees, and be
preparing themselves spiritually through daily personal prayers and
scripture study.
2. As this calling will involve considerable extra effort and time, the young
women should have the support of BOTH her family and local Priesthood
Leaders in performing this service.
3. The young women need to understand the importance of her personal
example and positive attitude in leading others. She will need to learn
Christ-like leadership principles of love, patience, gentleness,
meekness, etc. (D&C 121)
4. Cabin YCLs will be assigned companions to work with. A
companionship (consisting of either 2 or 3) should consist of at least
one 2nd year YCL.
5. It is important to understand that each Cabin YCL is expected to
support the Girls Camp program by:
a. Attending pre-Camp training sessions.
b. Fostering spirituality within the Cabin
c. Ensuring the fellowship, sisterhood, and bonding of Cabin
d. Helping with all recruiting events and generate enthusiasm for
Girls Camp in their home ward.
e. Volunteering to assist and serve on committees including crafts,
cook, lifeguarding, humanitarian service project. Be a willing
participant in Song Fest, Opening Ceremony, camp devotionals,
Testimony Meeting, Ropes Course, and Certification teaching.
f. Being supportive of and obedient to camp leaders – the
Presidency and Cabin YCLs maintain individual spirituality and
worthiness at all times.
Important Girls Camp YCL Meetings:
o November 16th 2014 1st YCL training at 6:00 p.m. Poulsbo building
o February 8th- 2015 2nd YCL training at 6:00 p.m. Poulsbo building
o April 12th 3rd YCL Training at 6:00 p.m. Poulsbo building
o June 4th YCL and Cabin Mom training at 6:00 Poulsbo building
o June 26-27 Overnight training/High Adventure at Ensign Ranch.
Girls Camp Guide and Resource Materials
Revised October 2014
Third, Attendance at camp every year presents our young women
with an opportunity for growth and development. The first four years,
our YW attend simply as “campers.” They go through this experience
for their own benefit; learning certifications, order of camp, building
testimony, and having fun. Their final two years, they can have the
opportunity to be Cabin YCLs or possibly be asked to serve in the
Camp Presidency.
First they go to be served and then they go to serve.
The responsibility of leadership changes both the perspective and
experience of the young women attending. No two or even three
years of attendance will be exactly as the previous year due to
changes in the expectations of leadership and personal example
Fourth, Girls Camp allows YW to feel the strength in gathering
together as a large group of like-minded and committed young
women. There is indeed, “strength in numbers.” Creating an
environment in which the spirit can attend and bear witness include:
Camp themed devotionals including sister missionary experiences,
morning prayers and scripture study, Enos experience, flag
ceremony, lantern walk, evening cabin devotionals and Christ
devotional/slide show and testimony meeting.
Fifth, the camp schedule does include some “free time” for nonscripted fun. We do encourage the use of free time for personal
preparation, but fun is a focus of all the events of camp. We want the
young women to enjoy being together and to enjoy the common bond
they share with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Fun is featured during Cabin Skits and Chants, Cabin “Fun” time and
get-to-know-you activities, Service Projects and especially during
Song Fests and spirit/clean cabin awards. Fun is featured in all
events as the young women bond together in a common, shared,
fellowshipping experience. At the end of camp fun becomes joy as
each young woman discovers her testimony of the Gospel.
Girls Camp Guide and Resource Materials
Revised October 2014
Adult Leadership of Girls Camp: The role of the Stake
The Camp Directors and Stake YW President review preparations
with the Stake president. The Stake Presidents also approves:
 The names recommended for the respective youth Camp
 Camp theme, scripture, talk, etc.
 Camp schedule and program events
 Camp speakers
 Camp fees and budget
The Stake President is also responsible for financial supervision of
the Girls Camp program. Fees are paid to the Stake President and
funds are disbursed for costs for girls camp.
Camp Director/Assistants
The Camp Director and Assistants are working under the direction of
the Stake YW presidency. They are responsible for the training of the
Camp YCL Presidency. The Camp Director/Assistants guide and
mentors the youth camp presidency and attends all Presidency
Youth Leadership of Girls Camp
As described elsewhere in this Guide, Girls Camp is led by young
women (YCLs) ages 15-17 who are tasked with Cabin leadership.
There are detailed descriptions of the duties and expectations of
these leaders provided in this guide. While these young women must
be prepared extensively in advance of camp, once camp is in session
they are – in every way – the leaders of camp.
Adults "front load" the preparation of these young women during the
pre-camp leader training sessions. Once camp starts, all program
matters go through the Camp YCL Presidency to the other layers of
Girls Camp Guide and Resource Materials
Revised October 2014
leadership. Primary adult contact with the youth leaders is between
the Presidency and Camp Director and Stake YW. Again, see the
further explanation provided below.
Girls Camp Essential Preparation Tasks:
Preparation Tasks – By month:
It is important to keep a view of "the end from the beginning." The
Girls Camp planning cycle is 11 months long. There are 'way points'
that must be met to stay on schedule. The principle reason for this
long lead time is the preparation, training and mentoring of each layer
of youth leaders. The following, "by month" task list is intended as a
guide for the Camp Director/Assistants and Stake YW to insure that
"every needful thing" is prepared and that Girls Camp will be a camp
of order and blessing.
The Girls Camp Director/Assistants and Stake YW Presidency meet
to evaluate the previous Camp session. The date and location of the
committee meeting will be set by the Camp Director.
 Insure that reservations at Church Recreational properties are
made and deposits paid.
 Reconcile financial issues including payments from participating
stakes and reimbursement of expenses.
 Initial review and recommendations for the next year’s Camp
Presidency. As an "action item" the adult leaders will come
prepared for a discussion of potential presidency members by
conferring confidentially with the young woman’s bishop and
stake leaders prior to this meeting.
 Set dates for key program events for the coming year to be
placed on the stake calendar.
 YCL Training Meetings - November, February, April, and June
 YCL overnight/High adventure activity
 Review final camp costs for the past camp cycle.
 Determine whether the camp fee needs to be changed. Submit
funding changes to the Stake President for approval.
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Revised October 2014
 The name of the young women selected as President and
assistants will be recommended to the Stake President for
approval .These young women will be called and set apart. It
is recommended that a member of the stake presidency or high
council representative over Young Womens extend this call. It
is essential that the person extending the call first confer with
the young woman's parents to secure their support for this
calling. The Girls Camp President and her assistants is a yearlong, time consuming calling and requires the young women to
attend Presidency meetings and other events outside her local
ward and stake starting in October. The role of Camp
President is a time consuming and demanding stewardship.
The parents AND ward leaders need to be aware of the
commitment and be willing to support this calling.
 The Camp Director/Stake YW estimates a projected attendance
at camp and makes decision on the organization of camp, i.e.,
how many cabins will be needed. Also, to examine the number
of YCLs (junior and senior) and how many YCLs will be put in
each cabin. There are two goals here: first, to provide
leadership opportunities for young women, and second, to
insure that the organizational structure can accommodate the
expected attendance. If possible smaller cabins provide for
more leadership opportunities and for more individual
 Cabin YCL "job descriptions" drafted to reflect the anticipated
duties and advance training requirements.
 All Camp program dates confirmed on stake calendar.
Initiate: Food – cooks selected, craft leadership, nurse, lifeguard
names. Service Projects – coordination with Camp Zion, includes
advance preparation of tools and materials; Camp necklaces,
necklaces, emblems or bottle caps to be earned, ropes course
instructors, Photographer
Girls Camp Guide and Resource Materials
Revised October 2014
 Review names of camp support personnel for Cook, Crafts,
Nurse, Lifeguard, Priesthood leadership, Photographer, Ropes
Course Instructors.
 The Calling of the Camp Presidency is completed.
 The Camp Director and/or Assistants meet individually with
camp Presidency for the first time to discuss Camp Presidency
Responsibilities, feedback on previous year at camp, new ideas
and guidance in choosing an upcoming camp theme. The girls
are encouraged to pray for guidance in selecting this theme and
are tasked with finding a general conference talk, scripture,
song, motto and theme for camp. They can expand their ideas
to include cabin names, and activities to correlate with their
 Camp Presidency meets for the 1st time--Discuss organizational
structure of camp. Each member will be asked to be in charge
of several wards for communication purposes.
 Review of Camp Presidency role throughout camp- Camp Presidency to discuss theme, talk, scripture ,song, chant,
 Formulate agenda of upcoming November YCL training.
 Schedule and plan regular Presidency meetings.
 Assignments for 1st Training meeting as well as the slide show
for January “camp kickoff.”
 Establish a “Code of Conduct” to be presented at the YCL
 Camp Presidency meets prior to 1st YCL training meeting to
review meeting Agenda and responsibilities
Girls Camp Guide and Resource Materials
Revised October 2014
 Camp Presidency to call girls of their assigned wards to remind
YCLs about upcoming meeting. (can assign someone to do
1st YCL training meeting-This will be conducted by Camp
 Camp Presidency to present
o Camp YCL manual and how to use it
o Camp organization
o Idea of companionships/smaller cabins
o Review YCL leadership responsibilities from
manual (stress importance of spiritual preparation)
Get-to-know-you games/activities, (girls put in groups
according to wards and matched with a member of the
camp presidency) and a brainstorming session to
evaluate the several camp themes generated by the
camp presidency.
 “Code of Conduct” reviewed and signed
 Cabin YCLs sign-up for preferred year to work with,
emails, contact information.
 Camp theme, scripture, song, and talk reviewed and approved
by Stake President
 The Presidency continues to meet. The Camp Director will train
the Presidency on the purpose of the various elements of camp
as they continue to prepare to conduct training of other youth
 Preparation for Pajama Party which includes a “camp kick-off”
in early January to get all campers excited for camp. This will
include an announcement of the Camp Presidency, theme,
scripture, talk, and chant accompanied by a devotional led by
the camp Presidency. This could also include a camp craft to
be utilized while up at camp.
Girls Camp Guide and Resource Materials
Revised October 2014
 Come up with revised Circle Time Questionnaire to be used 1st
day of camp.
 Pajama Party, (Camp Kick-off) early January to coordinate with
Stake YW activity.
o Camp theme, scripture, talk, song, chant
o Camp Presidency announced
o Camp Slide show to get all campers excited for camp.
o Camp workshop to include devotional by camp
presidency announcing theme, scripture, song. Possible
 Formulate Ideas for Camp necklace/beads, bottle caps/way to
earn certifications
 Mail Station
 Cabin Decorating Kits
 Look forward to February YCL Training, come up with agenda,
and assignments
Carry out 2nd Cabin YCL training. February 8th - Camp Presidency
 Review of YCL leadership responsibilities including:
o Using Feast method for Spiritual Thought
o Morning scripture reading
o Evening Devotionals
o Christ devotional
o Enos Experience
o Circle Time Questionnaire (how to do this)
 Committee sign-ups to include craft, humanitarian service
project, lifeguarding, cook
 Camp Skills certification-Fire starting, compass skills, flag
Girls Camp Guide and Resource Materials
Revised October 2014
 Generate ideas for Camp Logo/T-shirt design if not already
 Adult Leadership to continue to meet and review all ongoing
tasks and assignments.—Online Registration website with
dates and registration materials in progress for being up and
running by March.
The Adult Camp Leaders will continue to review "ongoing" tasks.
Such tasks include: insuring key support elements such as the cooks
for Camp, nurse, lifeguard, checking in with craft leadership, begin
looking at registration process.
Camp Presidency
 Evaluate Camp Agenda and plan evening activities
including Bishop’s Night/Lantern Walk, Stargazing
Night/Scripture Re-enactment, Slide Show prior to
testimony meeting, Late night Thursday night?
 Sister Missionaries/Scavenger Hunt? Enos Experience
 Discuss and place junior and senior companionship within
cabin YCLs.
 Cabin names and colors
 Camp Presidency placed within a certain cabin year.
They make contact with their Cabin YCLs.
Camp organization is now by Cabins with each member of the
Camp Presidency over a certain year at camp. Each member of the
Stake YW and Adult camp leadership is also now over individual
cabin and have YCLs that they will mentor assigned to them.
Adult Leadership tasks:
Food – check in with cook, craft leadership, nurse, and lifeguard
names. Service Projects – coordination with Camp Zion, includes
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advance preparation of tools and materials; Camp necklaces,
emblems or bottle caps to be earned (ordered) ropes course
instructors, Photographer,
April 1st - ½ of camp payment due.
 Camp Presidency to follow-up with Evening Activities
Plan (Bishops night/lantern walk, Slide Show, Christ
Devotional, Stargazing, Scripture Re-enactment, possible
“late night.”
 Look forward to YCL meeting and make assignments
3rd Cabin YCL training April 12th Poulsbo building 6:00 p.m. to
take place with Camp Presidency in charge….
o YCL companionships and cabin year, color, name
assignments announced.
o Overview of Camp schedule broken down and
meeting within each camp year and their Camp
Presidency representative and Adult Leadership
representative (Review schedule, can make
tentative assignment for duties)
o Committee reporting
o Banner making for cabins
Adult leadership Tasks:
 Assist with Camp program elements including devotional
speakers, slide show, and sister missionaries, etc.
 T-shirt company contacted: pricing
 Registration numbers and cabin placement (to be done with
camp presidency as well)
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Cabin Champ Meeting –April 29th, Poulsbo building 7:00 .p.m.
 Outline of Camp Organization (YCL responsibilities for
leading out at camp)
 List of cabin champs’ responsibilities, and items needed
to be gathered for camp
 Training to include compass, fire starting, dutch oven
cooking, flag etiquette
May 1st asking for online registration to be complete.
Presidency to continue to meet. Finalize:
o All evening/extra activities—Stargazing Activity-Scripture
Re-enactment, Bishop’s Night/Lantern Walk/Late Night
activity for 4th years/Movie night etc.
o "Spirit Stick" and other 'props' in line with the camp
o Assignments within the Presidency for various program
elements at Camp.
o Preparation to introduce speakers. (Determine who is in
charge on a daily basis for announcements, meetings
o Kitchen and bathroom cleanup schedules.
o Thorough review of the camp
o Prepare for YCL overnighter—Food, certification
assignments, ropes course? Leadership/bonding
activities, spiritual elements.
June 1st - Final Payment of Girls camp fees
Review of camp schedule with Camp Presidency
 Speakers confirmed?
 Support staff confirmed and ready?
 T-shirts ordered and available?
 Necklace/lanyards bottle caps ready and broken into
cabin packets?
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 Service projects and resources ready?
 Plan YCL overnighter - June 26-27 (see previous agenda
in appendix)
 CPR/First Aid Day initiated
 June 4th, Cabin Mom/YCL training prior 6:00 p.m. (YCLs) 7:00
Cabin Moms Poulsbo building
 Overview of YCL overnighter
 Finish Banners if needed
 Cabin Mom to meet YCLs
 Overview of Camp
Final Preparations for Camp
 CPR/First Aid Day - July 13th 9:30-12:30
 Camp July 14-18th
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APPENDIX – Resources
A. “Job Descriptions” NOTE:
“Job Descriptions” are the
duties and expectations for each leadership position at Girls
Camp. There are 3 total descriptions covering both youth AND
adult leaders.
Girls Camp is program for all YW ages 12 to 17 years old. Its
purposes are to Draw closer to Heavenly Father, build faith in the
Savior, Jesus Christ, appreciate and feel reverence for nature,
become more self-reliant, learn camping skills, develop leadership
skills, serve others, and build friendships through unifying activities
and having fun.
In order to accomplish these goals, responsibilities must be outlined
with complete clarity and the leaders trained extensively.
Camp YCL Presidency Job Description.
Selection and Calling Process
The Presidency is called by the October prior to the summer session of
Camp. The composition of the presidency is determined by the Stake Young
Womens and Girls Camp Director/Assistants. Members of the Adult
Leadership recommend young women to serve either as President or as a
member of the Presidency. The Stake Presidency approves the specific
young woman to be called as President. All calls of the Presidency should
be made by a member of the stake presidency or high council
representative and the young woman should be sustained and set a part in
her class – Prior to extending the call to the young woman the member
of the stake presidency should confer with the young woman’s bishop
and parents. Both need to be aware of the extra time requirements
involved with serving in the Camp Presidency.
Responsibilities of Girls’ Camp YCL Presidency
Selection of the annual camp theme
Selection and design of the Camp Logo
Selection of songs/hymns to be printed in the Camp Songbook.
Attend Training meetings with Camp Director/Assistants and Camp
Presidency 1X/month starting in October and ending prior to camp in July
Presiding and conducting the four pre-camp leadership training (YCL
Training) sessions held in November, February, April and June. (Note, the
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concept of 'presiding' is meant as acting under the direction of the Stake
YW President and Girls Camp Director
Planning training agendas and carrying out pre-camp YCL leadership
training sessions including the YCL overnighter
Assisting in the assignment of YCL companionships
Assisting with Camp registration by helping make assignments of all
campers within specific cabins
Presiding and conducting Girls Camp. This includes all aspects of
Camp activities while in session, including opening programs, assisting
with planning devotional speakers, certification, testimony meeting,
Bishop’s night, Service Project, Enos Hour, Christ Devotional and closing
Organizing camp work schedules while in session (daily cleaning
assignments and similar tasks during camp)
Help to resolve any behavioral or conflict issues up at camp.
Setting the example throughout camp through their advance
preparation and through their participation in programs and events
at Camp
Maintaining personal worthiness; attend Sunday meetings, active
participant in seminary, daily prayer and scriptures study, keeping
standards as outlined in the For The Strength of Youth Pamphlet
This last ‘bullet’ is perhaps the most important as the personal example of the
Presidency is the most influential contribution to the success of Camp.
Presidency Meetings
The Presidency begins to meet in October under the supervision of the adult
Camp Director/Assistants. The Camp Director/Assistants will each “mentor”
one of the members of the Presidency and will in the various aspects of
training. Individual preparation and worthiness is emphasized. The Camp
Director/Assistants assist the Presidency in organizing and addressing the
various tasks needed to prepare for Camp. The Camp Director/Assistants
‘facilitate’ but do not direct the work of the Presidency.
- After an initial meeting, the Presidency determines its own meeting
schedules and how to begin the preparation for Camp.
Typically the Presidency will meet once or twice a month through December
of the Camp cycle and then twice a month or more as needed up to the start
of Camp from January on. Meetings can be at Church buildings or at the
home of a member of the Presidency. The Presidency is encouraged to get
to know each other
The Camp Director/Assistants AND other Stake YW Presidency if possible
will attend and support the Presidency at its meetings. However, the
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Presidency is encouraged to take the initiative and meet on its own or in
smaller groups of 2 or 3 at a time to work on specific tasks.
Girls Camp YCL Presidency members will put in a good deal of extra time in
preparing for their duties but they are not excused from participation in the
activities of their own wards and quorums. Indeed, the Presidency is
expected to lead at all times by personal example through faithful
completion of class assignments, Personal Progress, attendance at
Seminary and attention to family obligations and responsibilities.
It is important to understand that service in the Presidency will involve
sacrifice of time and some discretionary activities when needed to
carry out Girls Camp responsibilities.
The Girls Camp Presidency is the best of our young women. We ask them
to create a spirit of faith and enthusiasm for all the other youth leaders and
‘campers’ who participate at Girls Camp. The Presidency will learn, through
experience, effective means of leadership through love, service, and the
whisperings of the spirit.
2. Cabin YCL Responsibilities.
As we are modeling the admonition of Elaine Dalton to “Let Laurel’s Lead,” once
YW have completed their first 4 years of certification at camp, they are invited to
come to girls camp to be a Cabin YCL. Historically, at Silverdale Stake Girls
Camp we can expect anywhere from 120-140 young women ages 12-17.
Campers are organized according to their “certification year” 1,2,3,4. Cabin
YCLs are assigned a cabin and year and will be responsible for anywhere from
8-15 campers. As these YCLs are in charge of young women (some being
young and very impressionable) it is imperative that these YW are living the
gospel standards.
1. These young women must be spiritually, mentally, and emotionally
mature. They should be strong examples of obedience and commitment to
the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Such young women should be working
actively toward Personal Progress, be regular Seminary attendees, and be
preparing themselves spiritually through daily personal prayers and
scripture study.
2. As this calling will involve considerable extra effort and time, the young
women should have the support of BOTH her family and local Priesthood
Leaders in performing this service.
3. The young woman needs to understand the importance of her personal
example and positive attitude in leading others. She will need to learn
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Christ-like leadership principles of love, patience, gentleness, meekness,
etc. (D&C 121)
5. Preferably, the young woman will have attended Girls Camp as a
regular camper and certified throughout the years.
6. Cabin YCLs will be assigned companions to work with. A
companionship (consisting of either 2 or 3) should consist of at least 1
2nd year YCL
4. It is important to understand that each Cabin YCL is expected to
support the Girls Camp program by:
a. Attending pre-Camp training sessions
b. Fostering spirituality within the cabin
c. Ensuring the fellowship, sisterhood, and bonding of Cabin
d. Helping with all recruiting events and generate enthusiasm for
Girls Camp in their home ward
e. Volunteering to assist and serve on committees including crafts,
cook, lifeguarding, and humanitarian service project. Be a
willing participant in Song Fest, Opening Ceremony, camp
devotionals, Testimony Meeting, ropes course, and certification
f. Being supportive of and obedient to camp leaders – the
Presidency and Cabin YCLs maintain individual spirituality and
worthiness at all times
Important Girls Camp Program Information:
o November 16th 1st YCL training at 6:00 p.m. Poulsbo building
February 8th- 2nd YCL training at 6:00 p.m. Poulsbo building
o April 12th - 3rd YCL Training at 6:00 p.m. Poulsbo building
o June 4th - YCL and Cabin Mom training at 6:00 Poulsbo building
o June 26-27 Overnight training/High Adventure at Ensign Ranch
Camp Director/Assistants and Stake YW
The Camp Director and assistants work alongside the Stake YW Presidency to
accomplish the goals of Girls Camp. Each member of the Adult Leadership will
be assigned a cabin with campers and Cabin YCLs. It is their charge to oversee
the Cabin YCLs in their camp responsibilities both prior to camp as well as while
camp is in session.
It is essential that this adult “mentor” develops a relationship of love and trust
prior to camp to enable these YCLs to lead out with confidence and commitment
to Camp policy. The adult leader provides support to the youth leaders, but
allow them to problem solve, communicate amongst themselves and with the
camp presidency to work out any problems at camp.
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Responsibilities of Camp Director and Adult Leadership:
o Works with and mentors the youth Camp Presidency
o The Camp Director/Assistants and when possible the Stake YW
Presidency meets once or twice a month with the youth Camp
Presidency starting the first of November through the end of Camp
in late June. Meetings are typically held at a church building but can
also be in the homes of members of the Presidency
o Trains the Presidency on their duties and facilitates regular
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“Fact Sheet,” Note: It is helpful to have a basic fact sheet
for youth, parents and Priesthood leaders developed at the start
of the school year so that Girls Camp dates and costs can be
projected and planned for in advance. This ‘fact sheet’ should
be kept to one sheet of paper. Each Bishop and Ward Young
Women’s President should be provided multiple copies to make
available to parents, inactive young women, recent converts and
anyone with the responsibility for a young woman who will be 12
prior to September 1st.
Girls Camp 2015
Girls camp is program for YW ages12-17years old. Its purposes are
to draw closer to Heavenly Father, build faith in the Savior, Jesus Christ,
appreciate and feel reverence for nature, become more self-reliant, learn
camping and leadership skills, serve others, and build friendships through
unifying activities and having fun.
We are trying to model the council given by Elaine S. Dalton to “Let
Laurel’s Lead’ by allowing the 5th and 6th year campers come to camp as
YCLs (youth camp leaders) We are trying to shift the focus of girls camp to
be an entirely youth led experience.
Girls Camp is for ALL young women 12 to 17 Non-members are encouraged to
YCL overnighter – Friday, June 26-Saturday June 37 at Ensign Ranch
July 13- CPR/First Aid Certification (9:30-12:30 at the Poulsbo building)
July 14th – 17th - Camp begins 7:30am on the 14th for all YCLs and
9:00am for all other campers.
Wards are responsible for transportation to and from Camp.
Cost is $105.00, with the first ½ due by April 1st The remaining half is due
by June 1st.
Girls are to make checks payable to their ward under the “other account”
heading on a tithing slip marked “Girls Camp.” The finance clerk will them
submit a check to the Stake for all the girls participating.
This is an entirely youth led camp. It is important that the YCLs are
properly trained in order to lead out at camp. Training meetings are as
o November 16th 1st YCL training at 6:00 p.m. Poulsbo building.
February 8th- 2nd YCL training at 6:00 p.m. Poulsbo building
o April 12th - 3rd YCL Training at 6:00 p.m. Poulsbo building
o June 4th - YCL and Cabin Mom training at 6:00 Poulsbo building
o June 26-27 Overnight training/High Adventure at Ensign Ranch.
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Sample Agenda for initial youth presidency meeting
normally held in late October or early November of each camp
cycle. The first presidency meeting is conducted by the Camp
President but is under the guidance of the adult Camp Director.
Girls Camp YCL Presidency Meeting
Opening Prayer
Scripture/Spiritual Thought
Welcome and Introductions:
The Work of the Presidency –
 BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND. Review last year's Agenda. Understand what
you are trying to create. Reflect on your own experience at Camp. This is your
starting point.
o Discussion of previous camp experiences.
o Discussion of the purpose of Girls Camp.
COMMUNICATION! Staying in touch is vital to your work..
 You must learn proper email protocol and answer phone and
email messages promptly.
 Alert your family to tell you about messages concerning Girls
Camp on your answering machine or by email.
Who has access to computer resources and skills?
When to meet? As often as you need to. Past experience has shown that a
monthly meeting is essential
Personal preparation – You are “marked women.” Your example and personal
preparation is critical to help you lead Girls Camp 2015. You have been called to lead by
your example. And through your example help each young man feel the love of the
Savior. Maintain your ability to lead by example through:
 Personal righteousness
o Daily prayer- morning and night
o Daily scripture study
o Avoid activities that will drive the spirit away
 Video games
 Music
 Movies
 Etc.
Fasting and prayer. As often as you need to
Service to family and friends
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Presidency Responsibilities and Tasks –
 -Discuss organizational structure of camp. Each member will
be asked to be in charge of several wards for communication
 Review of Camp Presidency role throughout camp- Brainstorming session about theme, scripture, talk, chant, etc.
 Formulate agenda of upcoming November YCL training.
 Schedule and plan regular Presidency meetings
 Assignments for 1st Training meeting as well as the slide show
for January “camp kickoff.”
 Establish a “Code of Conduct” to be presented at the YCL
NEXT MEETING? When can you meet to start to get to work?
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APPENDIX – Resources
Ideas for “Ice Breaker” Get to know you time.
Remember as leaders you are getting to know the
Most girls like to talk about to talk about themselves. However, some don’t so be
sensitive to those who are shy and try to help them share about themselves.
1. By listening to others it helps everyone in a new group understand how
they relate to others and how they might fit in the group.
2. It helps leaders understand the strengths and capacities of their campers.
3. It allows leaders to listen to the members of their group to assess what the
needs of each will be. When you know something about the campers you
can adjust activities that will appeal to them. You can plan and prepare
1. Leaders MUST LISTEN. While you should say something about yourself
when your turn comes, your main job is to understand your campers. Take
2. Don’t get hung up on having everyone answer all the questions. You want
to keep the discussion lively but don’t have it drag on. Have fun!
3. Don’t let the discussion get out of hand by inappropriate topics or unduly
making fun of a particular person.
4. Make sure that every camper has had a chance to respond to at least 2 or
3 questions, or more. Pay attention to who is participating and who is
struggling. Modify or adapt the questions if needed. Just remember Rule
5. Keep the conversation moving; don’t let one or two people dominate the
6. And finally, LISTEN. You will know better what to say if you understand
who you are talking to.
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Ideas for Circle Time Questionnaire
What is your favorite:
Movie/TV show________________________________________________
Kind of music__________________________________________________
Kind of Food __________________________________________________
Dessert _______________________________________________________
Candy _______________________________________________________
Soda Pop _____________________________________________________
Do you like to read? What type of books? ___________________________
What subject do you do best in at school? ___________________________
How would you describe your personality? __________________________
If you inherited a million dollars, what would you buy first?
Then what? ___________________________________________________
If you had power to do one thing that would change the world, what would it
be? __________________________________________________________
What do you like to do on a rainy day?
What outdoor activity do you enjoy most?
What food do you just HATE?
If it were your birthday, what would you want for dinner?
If you could go on vacation anywhere in the world, where would you choose
to go? ________________________________________________________
What is something you do not have, but would like to have?
Write a short description (about a sentence is good) of a meaningful
experience in your life. Be prepared to share a lengthier version.
What’s your family like? (Siblings, Parents, Pets, etc.)
Who is your favorite superhero and why?__________________________
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Let's get to know each other!
What’s your family like? (Siblings, Parents, Pets, etc.) ________________
Who is your favorite superhero and why?__________________________
What is your Dream Car?_______________________________________
What is your favorite age?______________________________________
What is your favorite music?____________________________________
What is your favorite food?_____________________________________
What are your favorite treats or activities when you could have or do what
you want? (Like eating ice cream at midnight)______________________
If you could go on vacation anywhere in the world, where would you choose
to go? ________________________________________________________
What food do you really not like? __________________________________
What living person has most influenced you for good?
If it were your birthday, what would you want for dinner?_______________
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Christ allegory stories for the “Christ Devotional”
Version 1 – Seminary Donuts.
"Seminary Donuts"
There was a boy by the name of Steve who was attending Seminary in Utah. This
was “Release Time” Seminary so classes were held during school hours.
Brother Christianson taught Seminary at this particular school. He had an opendoor policy allowing any student who had been thrown out of another class, as long
as they would abide by his rules. Steve had been kicked out of sixth period and no
other teacher wanted him, so he went into Brother Christianson's Seminary class.
Steve was told he could not be late, so he always arrived just seconds before the bell
rang and sat in the very back. He was also the first to leave after class ended.
One day, Brother Christianson asked Steve to stay after class so they could talk.
After class, Bro. Christianson pulled Steve aside and said "You think you're pretty
tough, don't you?"
Steve's answer was, "Yeah, I do."
Then Brother Christianson asked, "How many push-ups can you do?"
"I do about 200 every night."
"200? That's pretty good, Steve," Bro. C. said. "Do you think you could do 300?"
Steve replied, "I don't know... I've never done 300 at one time."
"Do you think you could?" asked Brother Christianson again.
"Well, I can try," said Steve.
"Can you do 300 in sets of 10? I need you to do 300 in sets of ten for this to work.
Can you do it? I need you to tell me you can do it," Brother Christianson said.
Steve said, "Well... I think I can... yeah, I can do it."
Brother Christianson then said, "Good! I need you to do this on Friday."
Friday came and Steve got to class early and sat in the front of the room.
When class started, Brother Christianson pulled out a big box of donuts. Now these
weren't the normal kinds of donuts, they were the extra fancy! BIG! The kind with
cream centers and frosting swirls. Everyone was pretty excited, it was Friday, the
last class of the day, they were getting an early start on the weekend.
Bro. Christianson went to the first girl in the first row and asked, "Cynthia, do you
want a donut?"
Cynthia said, "Yes."
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Bro. Christianson then turned to Steve and asked, "Steve, would you do ten pushups so that Cynthia can have a donut?"
Steve said, "Sure," and jumped down from his desk to do a quick ten.
Then Steve again sat in his desk. Bro. Christianson put a donut on Cynthia's desk.
Bro. Christianson then went to Joe, the next person, and asked, "Joe, do you want a
Joe said, "Yes." Bro. Christianson asked, "Steve, would you do ten push-ups so
Joe can have a donut?" Steve did ten push-ups, Joe got a donut.
And so it went, down the entire first aisle, Steve did ten pushups for every person
before they got a donut. And then it continued down the 2nd aisle, until Bro.
Christianson came to Scott.
Scott was captain of the football team and the center of the basketball team. He
was very popular and never lacking for female companionship. When Bro.
Christianson asked, "Scott do you want a donut?"
Scott's reply was, "Well, can I
do my own pushups?"
Bro. Christianson said, "No, Steve has to do them."
Then Scott said, "Well, I don't want one then."
Bro. Christianson then turned to Steve and asked, "Steve, would you do ten
pushups so Scott can have a donut he doesn't want?"
Steve started to do ten pushups. Scott said, "HEY! I said I didn't want one!"
Bro. Christianson said, "Look, this is my classroom, my class, my desks, and my
donuts. Just leave it on the desk if you don't want it." And he put a donut on Scott's
Now by this time, Steve had begun to slow down a little. He just stayed on the floor
between sets because it took too much effort to be getting up and down. You could
start to see a little perspiration coming out around his brow.
Bro. Christianson started down the third row. Now the students were beginning to
get a little angry.
Bro. Christianson asked Jenny, "Jenny, do you want a donut?" Jenny said, "No."
Then Bro. Christianson asked Steve, "Steve, would you do ten pushups so Jenny
can have a donut that she doesn't want?" Steve did ten, Jenny got a donut.
By now, the students were beginning to say "No" and there were all these uneaten
donuts on the desks. Steve was also having to really put forth a lot of effort to get
these pushups done for each donut. There began to be a small pool of sweat on the
floor beneath his face, his arms and brow were beginning to get red because of the
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physical effort involved.
Bro. Christianson asked Robert to watch Steve to make sure he did ten pushups in
a set because he couldn't bear to watch all of Steve's work for all of those uneaten
donuts. So Robert began to watch Steve closely. Bro. Christianson started down the
fourth row. During his class, however, some students had wandered in and sat on
the heaters along the sides of the room. When Bro. Christianson realized this; he did
a quick count and saw 34 students in the room. He started to worry if Steve would
be able to make it.
Bro. Christianson went on to the next person and the next and the next. Near the
end of that row, Steve was really having a rough time. He was taking a lot more time
to complete each set.
Steve asked Bro. Christianson, "Do I have to make my nose touch on each one?"
Bro. Christianson thought for a moment, "Well, they're your pushups. You can do
them any way that you want." And Bro. Christianson went on.
A few moments later, Jason came to the room and was about to come in when all
the students yelled, "NO! Don't come in! Stay out!"
Jason didn't know what was going on. Steve picked up his head and said, "No, let
him come."
Bro. Christianson said, "You realize that if Jason comes in you will have to do ten
pushups for him."
Steve said, "Yes, let him come in."
Bro. Christianson said, "Okay, I'll let you get Jason's out of the way right now.
Jason, do you want a donut?" "Yes."
"Steve, will you do ten pushups so that Jason can have a donut?" Steve did ten
pushups very slowly and with great effort. Jason, bewildered, was handed a donut
and sat down.
Bro. Christianson finished the fourth row, then started on those seated on the
heaters. Steve's arms were now shaking with each pushup in a struggle to lift
himself against the force of gravity. Sweat was dropping off of his face and, by this
time, there was not a dry eye in the room.
The very last two girls in the room were cheerleaders and very popular.
Bro. Christianson went to Linda, the second to last, and asked, "Linda, do you
want a doughnut?
Linda said, very sadly, "No, thank you."
Bro. Christianson asked Steve, "Steve, would you do ten pushups so that Linda can
have a donut she doesn't want?"
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Grunting from the effort, Steve did ten very slow pushups for Linda. Then Bro.
Christianson turned to the last girl, Susan. "Susan, do you want a donut?"
Susan, with tears flowing down her face, asked, "Bro. Christianson, can I help
Bro. Christianson, with tears of his own, said, "No, he has to do it alone, Steve,
would you do ten pushups so Susan can have a donut?"
As Steve very slowly finished his last pushup, with the understanding that he had
accomplished all that was required of him, having done 350 pushups, his arms
buckled beneath him and he fell to the floor.
Brother Christianson turned to the room and said. "And so it was, that our Savior,
Jesus Christ, plead to the Father, "Into thy hands I commend my spirit." With the
understanding that He had done everything that was required of Him, he collapsed
on the cross and died.
And like some in this room, many of us leave the gift on the desk, “uneaten."
Version 2. ‘He Took My Licking for Me’
He Took My Licking for Me – Full Version
“Years ago there was a little one-room schoolhouse in the mountains of Virginia where
the boys were so rough that no teacher had been able to handle them.
“A young, inexperienced teacher applied, and the old director scanned him and asked:
‘Young fellow, do you know that you are asking for an awful beating? Every teacher that
we have had here for years has had to take one.’
“ ‘I will risk it,’ he replied.
“The first day of school came, and the teacher appeared for duty. One big fellow named
Tom whispered: ‘I won’t need any help with this one. I can lick him myself.’
“The teacher said, ‘Good morning, boys, we have come to conduct school.’ They yelled
and made fun at the top of their voices. ‘Now, I want a good school, but I confess that I
do not know how unless you help me. Suppose we have a few rules. You tell me, and I
will write them on the blackboard.’
“One fellow yelled, ‘No stealing!’ Another yelled, ‘On time.’ Finally, ten rules appeared
on the blackboard.
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“ ‘Now,’ said the teacher, ‘a law is not good unless there is a penalty attached. What shall
we do with one who breaks the rules?’
“ ‘Beat him across the back ten times without his coat on,’ came the response from the
“ ‘That is pretty severe, boys. Are you sure that you are ready to stand by it?’ Another
yelled, ‘I second the motion,’ and the teacher said, ‘All right, we will live by them! Class,
come to order!’
“In a day or so, ‘Big Tom’ found that his lunch had been stolen. The thief was located—a
little hungry fellow, about ten years old. ‘We have found the thief and he must be
punished according to your rule—ten stripes across the back. Jim, come up here!’ the
teacher said.
“The little fellow, trembling, came up slowly with a big coat fastened up to his neck and
pleaded, ‘Teacher, you can lick me as hard as you like, but please, don’t take my coat
“ ‘Take your coat off,’ the teacher said. ‘You helped make the rules!’
“ ‘Oh, teacher, don’t make me!’ He began to unbutton, and what did the teacher see? The
boy had no shirt on, and revealed a bony little crippled body.
“ ‘How can I whip this child?’ he thought. ‘But I must, I must do something if I am to
keep this school.’ Everything was quiet as death.
“ ‘How come you aren’t wearing a shirt, Jim?’
“He replied, ‘My father died and my mother is very poor. I have only one shirt and she is
washing it today, and I wore my brother’s big coat to keep me warm.’
“The teacher, with rod in hand, hesitated. Just then ‘Big Tom’ jumped to his feet and
said, ‘Teacher, if you don’t object, I will take Jim’s licking for him.’
“ ‘Very well, there is a certain law that one can become a substitute for another. Are you
all agreed?’
“Off came Tom’s coat, and after five strokes the rod broke! The teacher bowed his head
in his hands and thought, ‘How can I finish this awful task?’ Then he heard the class
sobbing, and what did he see? Little Jim had reached up and caught Tom with both arms
around his neck. ‘Tom, I’m sorry that I stole your lunch, but I was awful hungry. Tom, I
will love you till I die for taking my licking for me! Yes, I will love you forever!’ ”
To lift a phrase from this simple story, Jesus, my Redeemer, has taken “my licking for
me” and yours for you. Declared the prophet Isaiah:
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“Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: … ; “… He was wounded for
our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was
upon him; and with his stripes we are healed” (Isa. 53:4–5)
Version 3. “The Room”
The Room
In that place between wakefulness and dreams, I found myself in the room.
There were no distinguishing features save for the one wall covered with
small index card files. They were like the ones in libraries that listed the
authors or subject in alphabetical order. But these files, which stretched
from floor to ceiling and seemingly endless in either direction, had very
different content. As I drew nearer the wall files, the first to catch my
attention was the one that read, "People I have liked." I was curious at the
title. I opened the file drawer and began flipping through the cards. After
reading a few I quickly shut it, shocked to realize that I recognized the
names written on each card.
And then without being told I knew exactly where I was. This lifeless room
with its small files was a catalog system for my life. Here were written the
actions of every moment, big and small, in a degree of detail in my memory
couldn't match.
A sense of wonder and curiosity coupled with horror, stirred within me as I
began randomly opening file drawers and exploring the cards and their
content. Some entries brought joy and sweet memories, others a sense of
shame and regret so intense that I would look over my shoulder to see if
anyone was watching. A file named "Friends" was next to one marked
"Friends I have betrayed."
The titles range from the mundane to the outright weird. Titles such as:
"Books I have read;" "Lies I have told;" "Comfort I have given" and "Jokes I
have laughed at." Some of the categories of the drawers were almost
hilarious in their exactness: "Things I have yelled at my brothers." Other
drawers I couldn't laugh at: "Things I have done in anger" and "Things I
have muttered under my breath to my parents." As I scanned the titles of
each drawer I never ceased to be surprised by the subject and its contents.
Under some titles there were more cards documenting my life than I had
expected. Sometimes there were fewer cards than I'd hoped.
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I was overwhelmed by the sheer volume of life I had lived. Could it be
possible that in my brief 20 years that I had time to fill the contents of each
of these thousands of cards? But each card confirmed this truth. Each card
was written in my hand writing and each was signed with my signature.
When I pulled out the file marked, "Songs I have listened to" I realized the
file drawers grew in length to contain their contents. The cards were packed
tightly and yet after two or 3 yards I hadn't found the end of this file. I shut
the drawer, shamed not so much by the quality of the music, but more by the
vast amount of time I knew that the file represented – time perhaps wasted.
When I came to the file marked "Lustful thoughts" I felt a chill run through
my body. I pulled the file out only an inch not willing to test its size and
drew out a card. I shuddered at its detailed content. I felt sick to think that
such a moment had been accurately and fully recorded.
And almost animal rage broke on me. One thought dominated my mind:
"No one must see these cards! No one must ever see this room! I have to
destroy them!" In an insane frenzy I yanked out the file drawer. Its size
didn't matter now. I had to empty it and burn those cards. But as I took the
drawer out and turned it over to dump its contents I could not dislodge a
single card. I became desperate and pulled out a card by hand only to find it
was strong as steel when I tried to tear it.
Defeated and utterly helpless, I returned the file drawer to its slot. Leaning
my forehead against the wall, I let out a long self-pitying sigh. And then I
saw it. There was another drawer with the title: "People I have shared the
Gospel with." The handle was brighter than those around it, newer and
almost unused. I pulled on its handle and a small box no more than 3 inches
long fell into my hands. I could count the cars it contained on one hand.
And then the tears came. I began to weep. Sobs so deep that the hurt started
in my stomach and shook through me. I fell on my knees and cried. I cried
out of shame, from the overwhelming shame of it all. The rows of files and
shelves swirled in my tear filled eyes. I again felt the shame of this room. I
again was filled with resolve to lock it up and hide its content forever.
But as I pushed away the tears, I saw Him. No, I thought to myself, not
Him. Not here. Oh anyone but Jesus. I watched helplessly as he began to
walk through the room and open the file drawers and read the cards
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contained in them. I couldn't bear to watch His response. And in the
moments I could bring myself to look at His face, I saw a sorrow deeper
than my own. He seemed to intuitively go to the worst boxes. And why did
He have to read every single card?
Finally he turned and looked at me from across the room. He looked at me
with pity in His eyes. But this was a pity that didn't anger me. I dropped my
head, covered my face with my hands and began to cry again. He walked
over and put his arm around me. He could have said so many things. But he
didn't say a word. He just cried with me.
Then He got up and walked back to the wall files. Starting at one end of the
room, He took out a file and one by one began to sign his name over mine
on each card.
"No!" I shouted rushing to Him. All I could find to say was, "no, no" as I
pulled the card from Him. His name shouldn't be on these cards. But there
it was written in red, so rich, so dark, so alive. The name of Jesus covered
mine. It was written with His own blood.
He gently took the card back. He smiled a sad smile and began to sign the
other cards. I don't think I'll ever understand how He did it so quickly but
the next instant it seemed I heard Him close the last file walk back to my
side. He placed his hand on my shoulder and said, "It is finished."
I stood up, and He let me out of the room. There was no lock on its door.
There were still cards yet to be written in my life.
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APPENDIX – Resources
“The Attributes of Christ Test” or “ACT” questionnaire from
“Preach My Gospel” for use during the “Enos Experience.”
ATTRIBUTE ACTIVITY (Source – "Preach My Gospel," Chapter 6)
Read each item below carefully. Decide how true that statement is about you, and choose the most appropriate response from the
response key. Write your response next to each numbered item. Spiritual growth is a gradual process, and no one is perfect, so you
should expect to rate yourself better on some items than on others. NOTE: as you are not currently serving a full time mission
mark questions regarding missionary service as 'not applicable' or N/A.
Response Key
1 = never
I believe in Christ and
accept Him as my Savior.
(2 Nephi 25:29)
I feel confident that God
loves me. (1 Nephi 11:17)
I trust the Savior enough
to accept His will and do
whatever He asks. (1
Nephi 3:7)
I firmly believe that
through the Atonement of
Jesus Christ I can be
forgiven of all my sins.
(Enos 1:5-8)
I have enough faith in
Christ to obtain answers
to my prayers. (Mosiah
I think about the Savoir
during the day and
remember what He has
done for me. (D&C
20:77, 79)
I have the faith necessary
to help make good things
happen in my life or the
lives of others. (Ether
I know by the power of
the Holy Ghost that the
Book of Mormon is true.
(Moroni 10:3-5)
I have enough faith in
Christ to accomplish
anything He wants me to
do –even miracles if
necessary. (Moroni 7:33)
10. One of my greatest
desires is to inherit
eternal life in the celestial
kingdom of God. (Moroni
11. I am confident that I will
have a happy and
successful mission. (D&C
2 = sometimes
3 = often
4 = almost always
5 = always
12. I feel peaceful and
optimistic about the
future. (D&C 59:23).
13. I firmly believe that
someday I will dwell with
God and become like
Him. (Ether 12:4)
Charity and Love
14. I feel a sincere desire for
the eternal welfare and
happiness of other people.
(Mosiah 28:3)
15. When I pray, I ask for
charity –the pure love of
Christ. (Moroni 7:47-48)
16. I try to understand others'
feelings and see their
point of view. (Jude 1:22)
17. I forgive others who have
offended or wronged me.
(Ephesians 4:32). J
18. I try to help others when
they are struggling or
discouraged. (Mosiah
19. When appropriate, I tell
others that I love them
and care about them.
(Luke 7:12-15)
20. I look for opportunities to
serve other people.
(Mosiah 2:17)
21. I say positive things about
others. (D&C 42:27)
22. I am kind and patient
with others, even when
they are hard to get along
with. (Moroni 7:45)
23. I find joy in others'
achievements. (Alma
24. I am clean and pure in
heart. (Psalm 24:3-4)
25. I have no desire to do evil
but to do good. (Mosiah
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26. I am dependable –I do
what I say I will do.
(Alma 53:20)
27. I focus on righteous,
uplifting thoughts and put
unwholesome thoughts
out of my mind. (D&C
28. I repent of my sins and
strive to overcome my
weaknesses. (D&C49:2628)
29. I feel the influence of the
Holy Ghost in my life.
(D&C 11:12-13)
30. I feel confident in my
understanding of gospel
doctrines and principles.
(Ether 3:19-20)
31. I study and scriptures
daily. (John 5:39)
32. I earnestly seek to
understand the truth and
find answers to my
questions. (D&C 6:7)
33. I receive knowledge and
guidance through the
Spirit. (1 Nephi 4:6)
34. I love and cherish the
doctrine and principles of
the gospel. (2 Nephi 4:15)
35. I wait patiently for the
blessings and promises of
the Lord to be fulfilled. (2
Nephi 10:17)
36. I am able to wait for
things without getting
upset or frustrated.
(Romans 8:25)
37. I am patient and longsuffering with the
challenges of being a
missionary. (Alma 17:11)
38. I am patient with the
faults and weaknesses of
others. (Romans 15:1)
APPENDIX – Resources
39. I am patient with myself
and rely on the Lord as I
work to overcome my
weaknesses. (Ether
40. I face adversity and
afflictions calmly and
hopefully. (Alma 34:4041)
I am meek and lowly in
heart. (Matthew 11:29)
I rely on the Lord for
help. (Alma 26:12)
I am sincerely grateful
for the blessings I have
received from the Lord.
(Alma 7:23)
My prayers are earnest
and sincere. (Enos 1:4)
I appreciate direction
from my leaders or
teachers. (2 Nephi 9:28)
successfully. (D&C
I find joy and
satisfaction in my work.
(Alma 36:24-25)
I strive to be submissive
to the Lord's will,
whatever it may be.
(Mosiah 24:15)
I work effectively, even
when I'm not under
pressure or close
supervision. (D&C
I focus my efforts on the
most important things.
(Matthew 23:23)
I have a personal prayer
at least twice a day.
(Alma 34:18-27)
I focus my thoughts on
my calling as a
missionary. (D&C 4:2,
I set goals and plan
regularly. (D&C 88:119)
I work hard until the job
is completed
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When I pray, I ask for
strength to resist
temptation and to do
what is right. (3 Nephi
I keep the required
commandments to be
worthy of a temple
recommend. (D&C 97:8)
I willingly obey the
mission rules and follow
the counsel of my
leaders. (Hebrews 13:17)
I strive to live in
accordance with the laws
and principles of the
gospel. (D&C 41:5)
APPENDIX - Resources
"The Opening Ceremony." The Opening Ceremony is used the
first day of Camp. All YCLs are invited to participate. Below is a
script used the past year.
(A group of first year campers walk on stage together looking lost and
somewhat worried.) C1: Hey does anybody know what we are
supposed to do or where we are supposed to be?
C2: Well, (camper looks around, notices signs posted around the stage
pointing first years to go to the left of the stage.) according to the signs
posted around here I’d say we are supposed to be over there. Come on
(Campers enter a theater like area where other first year campers are
seated looking at a “screen”)
(Unseen voice from behind the “screen” speaking bubbly-is the
narrator) Welcome all first year camper to Girls Camp 2014! If you will
just take a seat we will begin orientation and a group of our YCLs will
take questions after the feature.
Narrator1: Every year at Zion’s Camp we have theme to focus our fun
and spiritual study on, this year, drum roll please is………………
LOOOOOK UUUUUP!!!!! And the main scripture centered on this is Alma
37:46-47. As I said before the fun activities you will be participating this
year will be focused on this theme and of course the movie, UP.
Activities such as, releasing balloons, adventured kits, earning badges,
extra, extra. ( as the narrator lists of the items, YCLs, should be running
across the stage with each of items in a comic/amusing manner.)
Narrator2: Each day at camp will have theme and scripture to focus the
activities and, of course, the spiritual side of camp, Tuesday’s theme :
LOOK UP and LIVE! ( YCL walks across “screen” with poster of theme
and scripture) ?????
Wednesday: LOOK UP and have COURAGE- D&C 6:36-37
Thursday: LOOK UP and be FAITHFUL -2 Nephi 2:27-28
And last but not least, Friday: LOOK UP and PROCLAIM -2 Nephi 25:26.
If you have no idea what the scriptures or themes mean don’t worry!
Each morning and a bright and shining 7:00 AM you will be study the
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scriptures with your YCLs and devotionals will be given on them, so
remember to LOOK UP! And DON’T be LATE!!
Narrator3: All the girls attending Girls Camp are organized into Cabins.
Your cabins are where ½ of the fun takes place! This is where you will
be learning how to start fires, cook over a fire as well as with a Dutch
oven, proper flag etiquette at the flag ceremony, compass skills, and
other important certifications to earn bottle-cap pendants just like
these. (Narrator can display their lanyard and pendants and name off a
few) Cabin time will also be spent on the very famous and sometimes
lethal ropes course…… ok, not lethal, but very FUNNN ropes course.
(As the list is read, YCLs going across stage with the item to be learned,
looking confused, making it entertaining) Are you feeling overwhelmed?
Well, GOOD ( Evil laughter) Just teasing, your YCLs will be there to
instruct and guide you.( other YCLs come over and help the confused
ones with their activities.) And so you don’t miss all the fun in the cabins
remember to LOOK UP and DON’T BE LATE!!!!
Narrator4: And so you won’t be late or lost, your kind leaders have
provided…… drum roll please…… the handy dandy, NOTEBOOK! OH!
Sorry the handy dandy, LANYARD!!!!!! Time is of the essence, there are
only “Four Short Day at Zion’s Camp” (sung to the tune of “One short
day at the Emerald City”- Wicked) So, DO NOT BE LATE!!! And LOOK UP!
(During this narration, YCLs emphasizing the importance of the
lanyard)Narrator5: And because the leaders want you to have some freedom,
they have provided you with FREE TIME!! Free time is a great time to
take a nap, if you’re a YCL, and do Crafts like, head bands,
,( the people in these different committees displaying what their activity
merits) Humanitarian Service Project,( show what the service project is
making) Music Workshop( carrying guitar, music notes, sheet music,
hymnal etc.) Archery (bow and arrows), and swimming (walk on with
swimsuit, goggles, towel, snorkel?). Remember! To participate in these
activities to the fullest about of fun possible, you need to LOOK UP and
Narrator6: Before you start relaxing and thinking your vacation, WAKE
UP!! This is a camp and it takes WORK! But, “when there’s a job that
must be done, you find and element of fun and SNAP the jobs a game!”
Work can be fun, and it is always fun at girl’s camp. The everyday jobs
include: KP duty which in tales : ½ of the cabin preparing for a meal,
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like helping cook, setting the food out, filling the drinks, making a salad
and organizing the plates, salad dressing, plastic ware and so forth. The
second ½ of the cabin does clean up, washing tables, pans and utensils
and putting the left overs away.
And everyone’s favorite: BATHROOM DUTY!! And yes, you do have to
clean a toilet and the outhouses! You also have to mop the floor and
empty the garbage in the stalls. There will also be a service project
which includes painting, so be sure to wear old clothing. (This section
needs work and more ideas of how to make it amusing.)
Narrator7: Here at the ROCK we have 8 VERY IMPORTANT RULES!
1. Your cabin moms must know where you are at all times: cabin
moms, the ultimate stalkers! (a cabin mom watching a bunch of
2. BUDDY SYSTEM AT ALL TIMES: “you’ve got a friend in me! You’ve
got a friend in me!” (two girls walking together)
3. If you can’t say anything nice don’t say it at all, please NO DRAMA
4. When the lights go out it means SLEEPING!! – No sneaking out!
And no PRANKS!!!!
5. No electronics, besides a flashlight, and No! Your cell phone is
NOT a flashlight! (a “camper” texting and her phone being
6. Always remember to LOOK UP and don’t be LATE! ( a girl looking
down and either a book, or a phone, and almost tripping or
running into someone, and a YCL stopping her and remaindering
Narrator8: And now, for the most important topic at camp, the FOOD!!
Because, when Mormons meet, they eat! The most vital rule you can
have at your cabin is DON”T BE LATE AT STARTING YOUR FIRE when
cooking or your food might not be done in time, and don’t be late to a
And for your own amusement, the cooking committee will explain
which meals will be cooked at the cabin, eating etiquette and such, so
please welcome,
. (trumpets sound as the cooking committee
comes on the “screen” they will say their stuff and excite.
Now, we would like to introduce the important people at camp,
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The Nurse: Sister Gentry- go to her if you on injured, sick or just wanting
a good conversation!
The Ropes Couse Guides: Sister Seader, Rivas and Gorman, they will be
the ones to help you survive the lethal ropes course, trust them, if you
And the Missionaries and they would like to address you on some very
paramount issues concerning the camp. (After every introduction
trumpet noises should sound as the people appear on “screen”)
Now for the most important rules of the camp! HAVE FUN! BUILD YOUR
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(Prior Agenda from 2014 Overnighter)
YCL Overnighter Agenda-
Calling all YCL’s to “Look up” and attend our YCL Overnight
Training/High Adventure Activity on June 20-21st at Ensign
We will be meeting at 7:00 AM on June 20th and returning home at
approximately 8:00-8:30 pm on June 21st. We hope this will provide a
spiritually uplifting environment to learn leadership skills and get
organized and ready for camp.
We want to make this a healthy and safe experience for all the youth.
Please complete the attached Health Information Form and
Permission Slip and return to your camp leaders at our next YCL
leadership meeting.
Also, attached is a list of items needed for this activity
Brief Tentative Itinerary for Conference
June 20th -
7:00 AM
11:00 AM
1:00 PM
June 21st
6:00 PM
8:00 PM
9:30 PM
10:30 PM
7:00 AM
8:00 AM
Meet at the Poulsbo building to load and pack gear.
Opening Youth Devotional
Arrive at Ensign and unload gear -Packed Sack
Lunch from Home
River rafting down the Wenatche River with Blue Sky
Outfitters Rafting Company
Fire Starting-Tin Foil Dinner – Youth Devotional
Christ Devotional Head YCL’s in charge
Return to cabins, quiet time lights out
Wake-up Call
Breakfast/morning prayer and youth devotional
Leadership Activities/Certification Training/Mini Snype
Dutch Oven Lunch – youth devotional
Free Time-Rock Climbing, Slip/N/Slide,
Swimming/paddle boats
Camp Agenda and YCL Responsibilities, Wrap -Up
Light Dinner – Youth Devotional
Pack up/check out and head home
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Flag Ceremony/Song Fest
1. YCLs can lead out camp songs and throw out candies and
yummies to raise excitement and spirit.
2. Roll Call (each ward yells out its cheer!)
3. Spirit Stick/Clean Cabin award
4. Announcements by Camp Presidency
5. Time turned over to assigned cabin for Flag Ceremony
Cabin Conducting_______________________________________
Cabin Spokesman_______________________________________
Scripture/Spiritual Thought_________________________________
YW Theme______________________________________________
“Please Rise”
Raise or lower the flag____________________________________
Pledge of Allegiance:_____________________________________
Presidency to dismiss to activities or announce next part of the
program and/or speakers.
Cabin Note: Bring Molly Mopsy and Spirit Stick back each morning or
evening to be awarded to the next cabin.
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