Year 5 Homework 08-05-15 To, two or too Read the sentences carefully and the slot to, two or too into the space. 1) 2) 3) 4) Sally ran quickly ____ get on the bus. There are ____ weeks until Diwali. The book on the shelf was ____ high for Sam ____ reach. “Come on Martin, you can come ______,” mother could see the look of disappointment on my face. Joining sentences Who – The word who is used when you Write about people This is the girl. She won the high jump. This is the girl who won the high jump. Which – The word which is used when you are referring to animals or things. The thief who stole the bracelet. The bracelet was in the drawer. The thief who stole the bracelet which was in the drawer. Join the sentences using who or which. a) There are four books in the Harry Potter series. They were written by J.K Rowling ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ b) Elizabeth was a princess. She had learned to be a politician, sacrificing happiness in the interest of the state. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ c) In the film of ‘One fine Day’ Michele Pfeiffer and George Clooney are single parents. They are trying to bring a family. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ d) W.W.F is a wrestling programme. It is on television late at night. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Grumbling Sometimes it acts as a good tonic to have a good grumble. One day our milkman woke up full of grumbles and while in the mood he described life in these words. Read this carefully “To begin with I hate getting up so early. It is bad enough in the summer, but in the winter months it is really unbearable. Why should people be so unreasonable as to want their milk delivered so early in the morning? They must know that it isn’t an easy job. The things that I have to put up with. First I have to go to the depot and put the crates onto the milk float. Then I must go round in what feels like the middle of the night delivering milk, or eggs, or cheese, or butter. And then you think they leave the milk bottles so that I don’t have to ask for then, oh no! And the dog bits that I have to put up with, hardly makes the job worth doing. I really get fed up sometimes at the way I’m treated. It’s an awful job delivering to hose high-rise flats. I hate it!” Now imagine that you are a postman, a teacher, a shopkeeper, a dustman or a farmer. Write a similar paragraph full of grumbles about your life. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ The Correct Tense Copy out the following sentences. Underline the correct word in the brackets: 1) The child (give, gave) the school trip money to the teacher. ________________________________________________________________ 2) The gentleman had (gone, been) to the Millennium Dome on the first day it was open. ________________________________________________________________ 3) The London Eye (is, are) by the River Thames. ________________________________________________________________ 4) The children in this class will (grown, grow) up to be very successful. ________________________________________________________________ 5) I was supposed to (write, wrote) to my pen-pal this weekend, but had forgotten. ________________________________________________________________ Definitions Look at the following words: craving mixture encouragement wobble tapestry Now read these sentences and change the sentences with one of the words above. a) Charlie was giving Thomas hope to go on, when he was feeling down. _____________________________________________________________________ b) Donna was desperate for some chocolate. _____________________________________________________________________ c) There was a thick, creamy substance in the bottom of the cooking bowl. _____________________________________________________________________ d) The thick hand-woven material curtains hung straight against the walls. _____________________________________________________________________ e) The girl rocked in an uneven motion, before falling off her chair onto the floor. __________________________________________________________________________________ Spellings ceiling, vein, weird, receipt, reign, their, belief.