CHaSS Faculty Travel and Data Collection Request for Proposals

College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Fall 2015 Faculty Travel and Data Collection Grants
Call for Proposals. Deadline for Application: September 15, 2015
Purpose of Program:
The Faculty Travel and Data Collection Grants are offered in the fall and spring by the CHaSS Dean’s
office. Applicants may request a maximum of $1,000. The funds are aimed at supporting faculty travel
to present papers at professional meetings or to gather data in support of preparing peer reviewed
scholarly research and/or creative products. Fall 2015 Travel Grants cover the period Oct. 1, 2015 –
March 31, 2016—including travel begun by this date, with all travel funds to be expended by April 15,
2016. All permanent faculty (except RCDE faculty) in benefitted faculty positions are eligible to apply.
RCDE faculty members are encouraged to apply for travel funds from their respective campuses.
Application Review:
A college faculty panel will review the proposals and make recommendations to the dean regarding
their appropriateness and priority for support. Any questions about this grant program and its
procedures may be directed to Patricia Lambert (; 797-2603) in the Office
of the Dean. Applications will be reviewed in September for travel during the period October 1, 2015
– March 31, 2016. Matching funds from department or other sources are not required, but may
enhance funding prospects.
Final Report:
If the proposal is funded, a one page report summarizing the outcome of the activity must be
submitted to Patricia Lambert in the Dean’s office by the end of the funding period describing the
funded activities. Proposals will not be considered if final reports have not been submitted to the
Dean’s Office for previous CHaSS Faculty Travel and Data Collection Grants (2012-2015). These
reports may be attached to new proposal submissions.
Proposal Format. All components must be present or the proposal will not be reviewed:
1. The completed cover sheet with all appropriate signatures (attached below).
2. A two-page summary of the project/activity for which you seek funding. This should begin with
the funding request, and then go on to include a short discussion of the work and its significance
within your field, a description of how the funding will be used in support of the project/activity,
and a brief discussion of the importance of the activity to your research program and professional
development. Please do not use the abstract from a presentation for your summary.
3. A two-page vita that includes recent/relevant publications and scholarly/artistic activities, number
of years at USU, education, faculty rank and other information relevant to a funding request.
4. The completed CHaSS Travel and Data Collection Grant Budget Form. Please make sure costs are
broken down into separate line items (e.g., airfare, shuttle, lodging, meals) and use standard USU
rates for per diem, Logan-SLC airport mileage, and so forth. Please contact Sue McCormick in the
CHaSS Dean’s Office at 797-1200 for questions related to grant accounts and standard rates.
5. A list of all travel funds available to you for the full 2015-2016 academic year (e.g., departmental
travel funds, WGRI funding, CHaSS funding, etc.), including any spent funds.
Please submit all materials electronically to Patricia Lambert in the CHaSS Dean’s Office at by September 15, 2015.
CHaSS Faculty Travel and Data Collection Grants Fall 2015 Cover Sheet
Applicant: _____________________________________________________________________
A Number
Purpose of travel: ______________________________________________________________
Paper/Project Title: _____________________________________________________________
Is this a collaborative endeavor: __________ If yes, please list collaborators below:
Meeting/Prof. Organization/Facility: ________________________________________________
Location of Meeting/Activity: ______________________________________________________
Total cost of travel: _______________
Amount Requested from CHaSS: _______________
Matching Funds: _______________
Source of Matching Funds: ____________________
Travel Start Date: __________________
Travel End Date: __________________
Checklist of required proposal components:
1. Completed cover sheet
2. Two-page summary of paper/project
3. Current two-page vita
4. Completed CHaSS Travel and Data Collection Grant Budget Form
5. Page listing all travel funding for 2015-2016, including spent funds.
Dept. Head
____________________________________ _
Other (include title)