College Ethics Review Policy


College of Physical Sciences



Ethical review may be necessary for a variety of forms of research. It is a requirement of the

University and of the majority of funding bodies that approval is sought and obtained for any research with defined characteristics (see University of Aberdeen Framework for Research Governance

). The College of Physical Sciences has developed a Policy for Ethical Review and Approval. This policy applies to research conducted as part of:

Academic-led research projects

Taught Postgraduate and Undergraduate Honours research dissertation projects

It is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator or the Programme Co-ordinator to ensure this policy is adhered to. Further information about the College ethics process can be found at:


1. Academic-led Research Projects

All academic research projects should be ethically assessed by the researcher to identify whether there is a need for formal ethical approval, using the self-assessment process detailed below.

Any application for external funding should include a signed declaration that the applicant has understood his/her obligations under the institutional Research Ethics Framework and, where appropriate, the RCUK requirements. This is included on the grant application cover sheet. As a result, ethical review must be undertaken to determine if approval is required. This review takes three stages: i. Self-Assessment

The Principal investigator shall determine by self-assessment if the research is requires formal ethical approval, using the attached Ethical Review Checklist (Annex B). If the answer to any of the questions is YES, the project must be reviewed according to this College Ethical Review and Approval Policy by completing the Ethics Review and Approval Form at Annex A.

Research involving NHS staff, patients, facilities and premises is subject to ethical review by the NHS North of Scotland Research Ethics Service (NOSRES) (see


If a research project falls into one or more of the categories noted in the checklist and is not subject to review by NOSRES or under Home Office regulations, the applicant should complete the Ethics Review and Approval Form (Annex A), to be submitted to the College Ethics Board for review through the Clerk of the Board (


Research involving animal and biological materials is subject to Home Office regulations.

Forms and guidance can be obtained from the University’s Policy, Planning and Governance


Research involving adults who do not have the capacity to consent is subject to NHS ethical review procedures (



If collection of genetic resources (organisms, microorganisms, DNA, RNA, proteins, small molecules) from signatories to the Convention on Biodiversity/Nagoya Protocol is involved, then a relevant agreement must be in place before this can begin. This agreement must provide prior informed consent with mutually agreed terms and the must be in keeping with the

Convention on Biodiversity/Nagoya Protocol and be obtained via the national focal point of the provider country. A statement to this effect must be included in grant applications that intend to make such collection.

ii. Ethical Review

Ethical approval should be sought as early in the research proposal process as possible. For externally funded projects, approval should be sought at an early stage when the proposal is submitted to Head of School and Research & Innovation (R&I) for first review (see also the

College Policy on Peer Review and associated flowchart). iii. Ethical Approval

Once completed, the Ethical Review form will be forwarded to the College Ethics Board at

. The application will be forwarded to the School representative on the

College Ethics Board for consideration. In the event of a conflict of interest, or a particular specialist piece of research, this will be forwarded to a delegated alternative. Proposals demonstrating potentially complex ethical issues will be reviewed by the College Ethics Board convened by Professor Howard Chandler. Some projects may require additional advice from the University Data Protection Officer, or on intellectual property issues by colleagues in

Research & Innovation.

A response will normally be provided to the applicant within 7-14 days, although very complex proposals may take longer. Most reviews will be undertaken by circulation to appropriate reviewers within the University. The outcome of the review will be communicated to you by the

Clerk of the College Ethics Board as soon as practicable.

2. Taught Postgraduate and Undergraduate Honours dissertations

The University is responsible for all research activities undertaken at the institution. As a result, the

University must also be satisfied that research undertaken as part of student dissertations is also in compliance with this procedure.

A short-form ethical review checklist has been prepared specifically for student dissertation research projects (Appendix C). This form shall be completed by all PGT students and Undergraduate

Honours students preparing dissertation proposals and handed to their dissertation supervisor prior to commencement of the dissertation project. If the answer to any of the questions is YES, the dissertation proposal must be reviewed according to this College Ethical Review and Approval Policy by completing the Ethics Review and Approval Form at Annex A.

The College is required to report on ethical review activity. Therefore it is important that all reviews are directed to the Clerk of the College Ethics Board (


For further information please contact the Clerk to the College Ethics Board in the first instance,

