
Nutrition for Swimmers – What, Which & When?
The body cannot survive or function without nutrients; If even the simplest activities such as walking, talking,
sleeping, breathing & swimming cannot be performed without nutrients then the question is – Will the quality of the
nutrients have an effect on how well you can perform theses activities? YES.
A swimmers body is the equivalent of a Formula 1 racing car: if you put E10 petrol, the cheapest, lowest quality
fuel available in an F1 racing car, the car can still drive but it cannot win a Grand Prix The same thing applies to
the body; if you fill your body with poor quality nutrients you can still swim but your body will not perform to its
potential. Quality Nutrients = Swim FASTER for LONGER.
The body needs ENERGY so that you can do all the things you want to do; the body needs to be able to REPAIR
the damaged caused to muscles through the training process & the body needs to RECOVER by replenishing its
stores & removing the waste products caused by the burning of energy during training sessions so that it can
perform again tomorrow. Your nutrition plan needs to deliver the maximum high ENERGY, REPAIR &
RECOVERY nutrients.
Processed food sources have been altered from their natural state using ADDITIVES e.g. preservatives, binding
agents, thickening agents, emulsifiers, colouring, flavouring, synthetics (manufactured). The body cannot use
additives & needs to separate the usable nutrients from the additives so it can get rid of them. Separation
damages the usable nutrients so if a food source contains additives, your body will not absorb the full nutrient
potential. Solution = Natural Food Sources.
ENERGY = Carbohydrates (Carbs)
Carbs are the number 1 fuel source for your body. There are 3 main categories of carbs, each group will be
absorbed, processed & ready to produce energy in differing lengths of time;
Short Term – delivers energy in U/30 minutes for Pre-Race & Training, Post-Race & Training
Most Fruits
Medium Term – delivers energy in 1-2 Hours for if you are Racing or Training in 1-2 Hours
Some Fruits – Pineapple, grapes, berries, cherries, plums, peaches, nectarines, apricots
Brown Rice*
Long Term – delivers energy in 2-4 Hours, essential for Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Sweet Potato
Rice – Basmati/Jasmine Rice (other rice = high starch)
*High Starch
The best Natural Carb sources are listed above in order of lowest to highest starch content. Starch is found in all
the long term carb sources, starch reduces the energy delivery & it’s only function in the body is to turn unused
carbs into body fat – Avoid starch to reduce weight gain & nutrient loss. High starch carbs are indicated with an *.
REPAIR = Protein
Muscle cells are made of protein & are damaged during the training process; repairing the damage is what makes
muscles stronger so swimmers should include protein with EVERY FOOD INTAKE to ensure the body has what it
needs to repair itself.
In order to trigger the building of new cells & muscle repair the body needs a large dose of the protein “Leucine”;
plant proteins do not contain a high enough dose making animal protein sources VITAL to muscle repair. Plant
sources can still be used in building & repair but they cannot trigger the process. Animal protein sources in order
of greatest percentage of absorption by the body:
MILK (100%)
EGGS (97%)
MEAT - Fish, Poultry/Pork, Red (in that order) (80-90%)
QUINOA (75-85%)
OTHER DAIRY – Yoghurt, Cheese (in that order) (70-80%)
OTHER VEGETABLE - Beans, Nuts, Legumes, Lentils (50-60%) & Soy (30%)
PERFORMANCE & RECOVERY = Vitamins & Minerals
Listed in order most needed by swimmers:
IRON – essential to oxygen transport (best source red meat, #1 Kangaroo)
Vitamin B – energy production, protein building, brain & nerve function
Magnesium – muscle, heart & nerve function, energy production, protein building
Potassium – muscle & nerve function, hydration, immunity
Calcium – bone growth, muscle, heart & nerve function
Vitamin C – essential to IRON absorption, immunity
Zinc – immunity, protein building
NATURAL SOURCES – ALL fruits & plants including Quinoa, vegetables, nuts, beans, legumes, lentils PLUS
eggs, most dairy foods & meats
SUPER-FOODS = Contain multiple essential nutrients in high doses
QUINOA – low starch long term carbs, super high dose Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc & B group
vitamins PLUS Protein
MILK – high protein, Vitamins B,C,D & E plus calcium, magnesium, potassium & zinc, also provides
RAPID HYDRATION (perfect post training)
EGGS – high protein, complete with every Vitamin except C
SPINACH – high dose iron & magnesium, Vitamins B & C
AVACADO – high dose zinc, magnesium, potassium & iron
CAPSICUM – super high dose potassium & Vitamin B, high magnesium & zinc
Grapes, Cherries, Blackberries, blueberries & blackcurrants – super high dose potassium, magnesium &
Vitamin B
YOGHURT – concentrated doses of protein, calcium & Vitamin B
SALMON – high protein, potassium, calcium & zinc
BROCCOLI – high Vitamin C & B plus calcium & iron
BANANA – short & medium term carbs, high dose potassium, magnesium & calcium
Every food intake should include CARBS, PROTEIN, VITAMINS & MINERALS. Establish a set of STAPLES –
primary food sources which are the foundation of your nutrition plan.
Carb Staples – honey, fruit, oats, sweet potato, quinoa, rice, corn thins
Protein Staples – milk, eggs, fish, poultry/pork, red meat, yoghurt, quinoa, nuts
Vitamin & Mineral Staples – SUPER-FOODS
Build your nutrition plan using these sources.
3 x Main Meals Per Day – Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Long Term Low Starch Carbs, Animal Protein, Vitamins & Minerals
Try to consume within 30 minutes after training
Pre-Training Energy Boost - 20-30 before training
Small portion size
Short & Medium Term Carbs PLUS Protein
Nutrient TOP-UP – mid morning or mid afternoon
Small portion size
Medium to Long Term Carbs, Protein, Vitamins & Minerals
Example: 2 x Training Sessions Per day Nutrition Plan
AM Pre-training energy Boost, post-training meal, mid-morning snack, lunchtime meal, PM Pre Training
energy boost, post-training meal
Example: 1 x Training Session per day Nutrition Plan
AM Breakfast Meal, mid-morning top-up, lunchtime meal, PM pre-training energy boost & post-training
AM pre-training energy boost, post-training meal, mid-morning top-up, lunchtime meal, mid-afternoon
top-up, dinner meal
Long Term Carbs*, Protein, Vitamins & Minerals:
Porridge, chopped banana, honey & milk
Swiss Formula Muesli with Milk
Protein Shake (male) – 300ml Milk, 2 raw eggs, 1 banana, honey
Protein Shake (female) – 200ml Milk, 1 raw egg, 1 banana, honey
Brekkie Wrap – Scrambled eggs, Spinach, Capsicum in a pita or mountain bread
Long Term Carbs*, Protein, Vitamins & Minerals:
Salad - Spinach, sweet potato, chicken, feta cheese & nuts
Quinoa Salad – Quinoa, sweet potato, chicken, pine nuts, capsicum
Wrap – Pita/lebanese/mountain bread, avocado, spinach, cucumber, cherry tomato, chicken OR boiled
Long Term Carbs*, Protein, Vitamins & Minerals:
Use Quinoa, Basmati or Jasmine Rice, Corn or Sweet potato as the main dinner carbs
Always include a meat dish
Always include a trio of vegetables
Short-Medium Term Carbs, Protein, Vitamins & Minerals:
Milk & Banana (fruit)
Muesli bar & yoghurt
Banana (fruit) & yoghurt
Medium-Long Term Carbs*, Protein, Vitamins & Minerals
Small bowl or muesli/porridge with milk
All Natural Protein Shake
Corn thins or rice cakes with peanut butter & honey
Corn Thins – spinach, cheese, tomato, tuna or sliced boiled eggs
NATURAL? How do you tell? Australian law dictates that all ingredients must be displayed on the packaging &
listed in order of highest to lowest concentration.
Read Ingredients Lists & AVOID the following:
Processed grains e.g. Flour, Maize Starch, Hi-Maize Starch (starch = BAD)
Processed or Synthetic proteins e.g wheat gluten, Milk Solids, powdered milk, cultured whey, casein or
caesinate, “isolates” of any kind
Processed sugars e.g high fructose corn syrup, maltodextrin, glucose from wheat, beta glucan, inulin,
isomalt OR ‘Sugar’ – Cane, Raw, Brown, Granulated or Invert
Preservatives e.g sugars, salt, calcium propionate (282), lecithin, sulfur dioxide, “acids”, “sorbates”,
“sulphites”, “benzoates” of any kind
Emulsifiers e.g. Albumen, Guar gum, stearic acid
Thickeners e.g. “starches”, vegetable gums, pectin, alginin, xanthan gum, gelatin, agar
Colors or artificial flavors
If the ingredients list includes vitamins & minerals e.g. A, B, C, D, E, K, Niacin, Folate, iron, calcium,
magnesium, phosphorus, zinc etc – they are ADDITIVES, not naturally occurring in the individual
ingredients of the product. Adding supplemental V & M does not mean the body will absorb them or that
they will perform the same way in the body.
If your nutrition plan is suitable & balanced, supplementation is not necessary unless there is a medically
diagnosed deficiency (if so seek a specialists advice, GP or Naturopath NOT a Vitamin sales person).
Not recommended prior to or during puberty
Highly processed, often synthetic
Reduces absorption & storage
Protein Shakes – COMPLICATED, STAY AWAY! Make your own (see breakfast)
Vitamin & Minerals – only as prescribed by a specialist due to a diagnosed deficiency OR during illness
(Cold & Flu treatment, at first sign double dose Lysine, Echinacea, Zinc & Vitamin C)
Drugs in Sport Agency
Essentially sports drinks are salt replacements; during intense physical activity the body loses salt as it sweats.
Salt is vital to fluid balance in the body & must be replaced, however if the body is adequately hydrated, excess
salt in the system will absorb water before it is passed from the body causing de-hydration. Only use sports drinks
if sweating profusely for 45+ minutes e.g during/post training or racing. MILK is a fantastic post-training/racing
drink – high protein, medium term carbs, vitamins & minerals – begins replenishment of all the essential nutrients
& is a proven RE-HYDRATOR.
PLAN AHEAD – what you are doing later will help you work out what you need to eat
Every food intake should include CARBS*, PROTEIN, VITAMINS & MINERALS
Staples should include plenty of Long Term, Low starch carb sources, animal protein sources & as many
SUPER-FOODS as possible
3 Main meals per day
Include Energy boosting snacks prior to every training session
Try to consume a main meal within 30 minutes after a training session
AVOID supplements unless diagnosed with a specific deficiency or suffering cold & flu symptoms
Only use sports drinks during or post training/racing OR simply drink milk instead
Read Ingredients lists, AVOID ADDITIVES
If you have any questions or require any further information please contact me: Jen Noël