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Short Report
CIER MEETING with with the delegation from Hasanuddin University and
South Sulawesi Government.
The CIER meeting: Molengraaff Institute for Private Law, on 26 May 2011.
The purpose of the visitation is to have a dialogue, discussion with CIER on
the cultural property, particularly cultural heritage products, as the cultural
property has a significant contribution to develop the tourism as one of main
important economic resources for people. This program is linked with the
regional government program of South Sulawesi to strengthen cooperation
with the Netherlands, i.e. the cooperation between Provincial Government of
Rotterdam and South Sulawesi in preserving the Port Rotterdam, one of
tangible cultural heritage (now as museum) in Makassar.
The delegation derived from various parties, university, government,
parliament, industry (private sector), students of Hasanuddin university. The
member of delegation who visit our centre is nine persons. They are:
(1) Professor Dwia Riestina Pulubuhu (Vice Rector IV, Hasanuddin
University, Makassar, South Sulawesi); (2) Yagkin Padjalangi (Head of
Commission of Economic, Social, and Culture, Regional Parliament, South
Sulawesi); (3) Mukhlis Paduai, the head of Marketing Department for
Tourism and Culture, South Sulawesi Province); (4) Ddidi Leonardo Manaba,
Director of Tourism Industry, Makassar, South Sulawesi (Private Sector); (5)
Mappa Abdul Razak (Advisor of the delegation); (6) Fadjar Rosita Razak,
Advisor of the delegation; (7) Siti Aziza Hudzon (Head of Finance
Department of Provincial Government, South Sulawesi); (8) Erniwati
Mappeare, (Staff of Marketing Department for Tourism and Culture, South
Sulawesi Province); (9) Andi Fatima Sumange Alang (Staff of Marketing
Department for Tourism and Culture, South Sulawesi Province).
General impression of the delegation is very positive. The delegation has
shown the significant correlation between intellectual property, culture and
tourism as economic resources for people, particularly for indigenous people.
Therefore, the delegation strongly supports the academic cooperation,
particularly in research, between CIER, UU and Hasanuddin University,
under the HERA project.
To see the detail support and those positive
impressions, it is relevant to appreciate their personal comment and
impression to our last meeting:
1. Professor Dwia Riestina Pulubuhu (Vice Rector IV, Hasanuddin University,
Makassar, South Sulawesi)
The meeting and discussion with CIER has provided a new horizon for us to
link the culture, particularly intangible cultural heritage and tourism
development. It will strengthen the policy of South Sulawesi province in
preserving, managing and developing some intangible cultural heritage.
Clearly, the meeting had shown that cultural property directly supports
tourism development. A good and appropriate preservation and management
of the intangible cultural heritage could became a strong potential economic
resource in strengthening and improving revenue generating income for
people, particularly for indigenous people. In this respect, the intangible
cultural heritage as cultural property could become an important and relevant
attractor to invite and develop tourism. In addition, it could become learning
resources for all to know about our identity. For visualizing an appropriate
cultural policy it is necessary to maintain and to develop the relationship and
cooperation university to university, particularly between Utrecht university,
i.e. CIER, and Hasanuddin University, through study and research, for
developing and supporting detail appropriate programs to manifest the
collective goal, cultural-based tourism development.
2. Yagkin Padjalangi (Head of Commission of Economic, Social, and Culture,
Regional Parliament, South Sulawesi)
The delegation was impressed to the link and significant correlation between
cultural property and economic sector, i.e. tourism. We need to develop and
visualize the appropriate cultural policy to preserve and manage the cultural
property, i.e. intangible cultural property. For that reason, the regional
parliament and provincial government of South Sulawesi will discuss and
visualize the appropriate cultural policy, particularly how to transform the
policy into detail and clear programs and activities to develop a culturalbased tourism policy. To visualize the program at concrete and practical level,
in the near future, the government should identify intangible cultural
heritages in South Sulawesi, then communicate them to a broader public
audience through website and public media (digitalization program). For
example, how to communicate our cultural heritages, such as Toraja culture,
Kajang culture and so forth could be a list of intangible cultural heritage of
the UNESCO. It is important to maintain and strengthen a longitudinal
relationship and cooperation with CIER, UU, which has a serious attention to
the cultural property and IPR. So far, the regional government and parliament
have limited idea and experience to link and construct intellectual property
and culture, creative culture as economic resources of people. We need some
innovative studies and researches from CIER, UU and Hasanuddin university
that could support government and parliament to improve and produce the
quality of public policy in culture that could be implemented at the practical
3. Mukhlis Paduai, the head of Marketing Department for Tourism and
Culture, South Sulawesi Province.
It is urgent and relevant program to identify and to make a database of the
cultural heritage of South Sulawesi. The database could not only provide
information on the identity of our nation, but also could support the
government to explore and develop new economic resources for people. We
have seen many core attractors of tourism in Europe are based on cultural
property, either tangible or intangible cultural products. The meeting with
CIER, UU has inspired us to appreciate and manage the cultural heritage
products properly. In terms of local need, it is necessary to see the possibility
of some cultural heritage products in South Sulawesi could be communicated
to a broader public, particularly UNESCO, at least, how to nominate those
intangible cultural heritages could be a list of world cultural heritage that
should be conserved by the government, UNESCO and other international
public institutions.
4. Didi Leonardo Manaba, Director of Tourism Industry, Makassar, South
Sulawesi (Private Sector):
The meeting with CIER has inspire and help us, particularly private sector, to
see the important of cultural products for tourism development. The
conservation of cultural heritage products is one of important duties as well
as interests of private sector, tourism industry. The tourism industry should
directly participate in preserving and developing cultural heritage products.
From the above responds, comment and impressions of the delegation, it is
clear that the delegation highly appreciate the significant correlation between
intellectual property and culture that may support and strengthen tourism
particularly for indigenous people. The delegation will support the academic
cooperation, particularly research projects, between Utrecht University and
Hasanuddin University, particularly in creating innovative approach or
model in developing the quality of public policy in intellectual property,
culture, and economy, i.e. tourism sector. The delegation need detail
informative steps that should be prepared and conducted to support the
digitalization program for the cultural heritage products, either tangible or
intangible products.