Intermediary Report 1. Literature that already has been read Bernaert M., Poels G. (2011). De zoektocht naar know-how, know-why, know-what en know-who: architectuur voor kleinere bedrijven in vier dimensies. Informatie(Amsterdam) 53 (9): 34-41. Bernaert M., Poels G.(2012). Enterprise architecture for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Submitted for Information Systems and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs): State of art of IS research in SMEs. Bernaert M., Poels G., Snoeck M., De Backer M. (2012). Enterprise architecture for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: A starting point for bringing EA to SMEs, based on adoption models. Green P., Rosemann M. (2000). Integrated Process Modeling: an ontological evaluation. Information Systems Vol. 25, No. 2, 73-87. Green and Rosemann have evaluated ARIS on base of the Bunge-Wand-Weber models. So, they examined if the modeling of information systems (ARIS) are using grammar according to BWW model. They wanted to find weaknesses in the integrated process model. The conclusion was that there were a lot of deficits on which there could be required improvements. I might focus on this methodology, when I will analyze ARIS and ArchiMate based on the rule of seven. Josey A. et al. (2012). ArchiMate 2.0 - A pocket guide. TOGAF series. Explanation of ArchiMate 2.0. The graphical modeling language is explained into detail. Archimate has three types of elements, namely active structure elements, passive structure elements and behavior elements. These are linked to each other through interaction and collaboration and can be organized in three different layers, namely the business layer, the application layer and the technology layer. ArchiMate 2.0 is also extended with a motivation part, where it keeps stakeholders, drivers and assessments into account. Also several viewpoints are discussed, which might be relevant to focus on for this thesis. Lankhorst M. (2009). Enterprise architecture: Creating value by informed governance. Springer-Verslag, New York. Badly enough it was not so appropriate for my thesis, but it gave me a good insight on what Enterprise Architecture actually is. Why it is needed, namely to translate strategies into actions and to try to handle the big complexity companies are suffering nowadays. However, I think that ‘EA at work’ will be more interesting to go through than this book. Miller G.A. (1956). The magical number seven, plus or minus two: some limits on our capacity for processing information. Psychological review 63(2): 81. Miller states that the human memory is limited. It can only process a limited amount of information. However, when we start organizing the input in several dimensions, one will be able to process a greater amount of information. He says that the amount we can process is 7 ± 2 items. Scheer A.W. (1999). ARIS-Business Process Modeling. Springer-Verslag, Berlin. Explanation of the house of ARIS, the house of business engineering. ARIS stands for the Architecture of Integrated Information systems and relates five concepts to each other. So, Scheer has developed an enterprise architecture that has several perspectives on the enterprise; namely the data view, the control view, the function view, the organization view and the output view. This book describes how every view can be modeled and designed. It makes use of event-driven process chains. These views can be categorized in static and dynamic views. The function view is considered as the dynamic one, whereas the others are static. Therefore, these static views do not show how the process flows, they only imply a process flow so that they have to be combined in the dynamic process view. Wierda G. (2012). Mastering ArchiMate. The Netherlands. This manual gives a clear explanation about how ArchiMate is build. It also gives tips and trick on how to make sure that your view is organized and clear. Together with the pocket guide about Archimate, this also gives a good overview on how ArchiMate works. 2. Literature List Baddeley A., Thomson N., Buchanan M. (1975). Word Length and Structure of Short-Term Memory. Journal of verbal learning and verbal behavior 14, p575-589. Doumont J.L. (2002). Magical numbers: The seven-plus-or-minus-two myth. IEEE Trans. Profess. Commun., vol. 45, pp.123 -127. Glissman S., Sanz J. (2009). A comparative review of Business Architectures. IBM Research Report. Hayne S.(2005). The Use of Pattern-Communication Tools and Team Pattern Recognition. IEEE Transactions On Professional Communication, Vol. 48, No. 4 Kruchten P. (1995). Architectural Blueprints - The “4+1” View Model of Software Architecture. IEEE Software 12 (6), p42-p50 Lankhorst M. (2009). Enterprise Architecture at Work: Modelling, communication and analysis. Springer-Verslag, New York. Marks L., Miller G.A. (1964). The Role of Semantic and Syntactic Constraints in the Memorization of English Sentences. Journal of verbal learning and verbal behavior 3, p1-5 Moody D. (2009. The “Physics” of Notations:Towards a Scientific Basis for Constructing Visual Notations in Software Engineering. IEEE Transactions on software engineering, Vol. 35, No.5, 756-778. Scheer A.W. , Abolhassan F., Jost W., Kirchmer M.(2002) Business process excellence: ARIS in Practice.Springer-Verslag. REMARK: There have still to be added some scientific approaches about how the work of Miller is applied in other cases. 3. Problem definition and research question Miller has been applied already to several different models. How can we use it for Enterprise Architecture? More specifically, how can Miller be applied to ArchiMate and to ARIS? Is it possible to organize the models in several chunks so that it could stay longer in the employers’ memory? 4. Methodology Firstly, I want to do a literature study on what ARIS is and how it is implemented and how Miller can be applied to it. I will do the same for Archimate. The comparison of these two Enterprise architectures would be discussed in a third section. Then, for my research question I hope to come up with some recommendations for improvement. Furthermore, I hope to apply these recommendations for both Archimate and ARIS and to test it in some or another way. However, I still don’t know how to test it. Maybe I’ll contact a company who already is using ARIS/Archimate or I check it through a survey on my fellow students. 5. Planning Finished RESERVE time 3 Rewriting 4 Reading 2 Writing & Analyzing results 6 Study & Exams 6 Task Applying to a case?/Check with students.. 6 Recommendations 6 Comparison 4 Reading & writing (LS) 7 Holidays 3 Reading (LS) 2 Literature Study(LS) 12 Study & Exams 7 Intermediary Report 4 Literature Study(LS) 11 0 10 20 30 40 Weeks 50 60 70 This Gantt chart starts on 18/02/2013 and ends on 18/05/2014. This summer normally my literature study should be finished. Then I’ll start with my research, which I hope to end at the end of the first semester in order to start writing the second semester next year.