Research publications

Research publications:
1. Trani, D., Nelson, S.A., Moon, B.H., Swedlow, J.J., Williams, E.M., Strawn, S.J., Appleton, P.L.,
Kallakury, B., Näthke, I., Fornace, A.J., “Promotion of Mouse Gastrointestinal Tumors by
Exposure to High-Energy Particles”, Radiation Research, in press.
2. Dunn, S.J., Näthke, I.S., Osborne, J.M., “Computational models reveal a passive mechanism for
cell migration in the crypt”, (2013), PLoS One, Nov 18;8(11):e80516.
3. Fatehullah, A., Appleton, P., Näthke, I., “Cell and tissue polarity in the intestinal tract during
tumourigenesis: cells still know the right way up, but tissue organization is lost”, (2013)
Phil Trans R Soc B 20130014;
4. Davis, E.J., Lachaud, C., Appleton, P., Macartney, T.J., Näthke, I., Rouse, J., “DVC1
(C1ORF124) recruits the p97 protein segregase to sites of DNA damage”, (2012) Nature
Structural and Molecular Biology, 19(11):1093-100.
5. Dikovskaya, D., Khoudoli, G., Newton, I.P., Chadha , G.S., Klotz, D.M., Visvanathan, A., Lamond,
A.I., Swedlow, J.R., Näthke, I.S. “The Adenomatous Polyposis Coli protein contributes to
normal compaction of mitotic chromatin”, (2012) PLoS One, 7(6):e38102. Epub 2012
Jun 13.
6. Dunn S.J., Appleton P.L., Nelson S.A., Näthke I.S., Gavaghan D.J., Osborne J.M., “A two
dimensional model of the colonic crypt accounting for the role of the basement
membrane and pericryptal fibroblast sheath”, PLoS Comput Biol. 2012
7. Nelson, S.N., Li, Z., Newton, I.P., Fraser, D., Milne, R.E., Martin, D.M.A., Yang, X., Dormann,
D., Weijer, C.J., Appleton, P.L., Näthke, I.S. “Tumourigenic fragments of APC cause
dominant defects in directional cell migration in multiple model systems”, (2012) Disease
Models & Mechanisms, i 2012 May 17.
8. Klotz, D.M., Nelson, S.A., Kroboth, K., Newton, I.P., Radulescu, S., Ridgway, R.A., Sansom,
O.J., Appleton, P.A., Näthke, I.S., “The microtubule poison vinorelbine kills cells
independently of mitotic arrest and targets cells lacking the APC tumour suppressor
more effectively”, (2012) J. Cell Science, 125:884-897.
9. Marshall, T.W., Lloyd, I.E., Delalande J.M., Näthke, I., Rosenblatt, J., “The tumour suppressor
adenomatous polyposis coli controls the direction in which a cell extrudes from an
epithelium”, (2011) Mol. Biol. Cell 22:3962-3970.
10. Näthke I. and Rocha S. "Antagonistic crosstalk between APC and HIF-1alpha," (2011) Cell
Cycle, 15;10(10):1545-7.
11. Newton I.P., Kenneth N.S., Appleton P.L., Näthke I., Rocha S. “APC and HIF1a have an
antagonistic connection” (2010) Mol Biol Cell. 21:3630- 3638 (Cover image)
12. Jones, S.E.M., Joice, P., Cochrane, L., Thoresen, I. Quyn, A., Näthke, I. “Is Familial
Adenomatous Polyposis Associated with Sensorineural Hearing Loss?" (2010) Intl. J.
Audiology 49:762-764
13. Radulescu S., Ridgway R.A., Appleton P., Kroboth K., Patel S., Woodgett J., Taylor S., Näthke
I.S., Sansom O.J. “Defining the role of APC in the mitotic spindle checkpoint in vivo:
APC-deficient cells are resistant to Taxol” (2010) Oncogene 29:6418-6427
14. Dikovskaya D., Li Z., Newton I.P., Davidson I., Hutchins J.R., Kalab P., Clarke P.R., Näthke I.S,
“Microtubule assembly by the APC protein is regulated by importin-beta-RanGTP”
(2010) J Cell Sci. 123:736-746
15. Buchert M., Athineos D., Abud H.E., Burke Z.D., Faux M.C., Samuel M.S., Jarnicki A.G.,
Winbanks C.E., Newton I.P., Meniel V.S., Suzuki H., Stacker S.A., Näthke I.S., Tosh D.,
Huelsken J., Clarke A.R., Heath J.K., Sansom O.J., Ernst M., “Genetic dissection of
differential signaling threshold requirements for the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway in vivo.”
(2010) PLoS Genet. 6(1):e1000816.
16. Quyn A.J., Appleton P.L., Carey F.A., Steele R.J., Barker N., Clevers H., Ridgway R.A.,
Sansom O.J., Näthke I.S. “Spindle orientation bias in gut epithelial stem cell
compartments is lost in precancerous tissues”, (2010) Cell Stem Cell. 6:175-181
17. Appleton P.L., Quyn A.J., Swift S., Näthke I. “Preparation of wholemount mouse intestine for
high-resolution three-dimensional imaging using 2-photon microscopy”, (2009) J.
Microscopy, 234:196-204
18. Li, Z., Kroboth, K., Newton, I.P., Näthke, I., “Novel self-association of the APC molecule affects
APC clusters and cell migration”, (2008) J. Cell Science, 121:1916-1925
19. Dikovskaya, D., Schiffman, D., Newton, I., Oakley, A., Kroboth, K., Jamieson, T.J., Meniel V.,
Clarke, A., Sansom, O., Näthke, I., “ Loss of APC induces polyploidy due to a
combination of defects in mitotic spindles, mitotic spindle checkpoint, and apoptosis”,
(2007) J. Cell Biol. 15: 183-195
20. Kroboth, K., Newton, I.P., Zumbrunn, J., Li, Z., Kita, K., Waterman-Storer, C.M., Näthke, I.S.,
“Lack of adenomatous polyposis coli protein correlates with a decrease in cell migration
and overall changes in microtubule stability”, (2007) Mol. Biol. Cell.18:910-918
21. Schiffmann, D.A., Dikovskaya, D., Appleton, P.L., Newton, I., Allan, C., Goldberg, I.G., Näthke,
I.S., “Open Microscopy Environment & FindSpots: integrating image informatics with
quantitative multidimensional image analysis”, (2006) Biotechniques, 41(2):199-208
22. Kita, K., Wittmann, T., Näthke, I.S., Waterman-Storer, C.M., “APC protein modulates local
microtubule assembly/disassembly dynamics independently of EB1”, (2006) Mol. Biol.
Cell, 17:2331-2345
23. Penman, G., Leung, L, and Näthke, I.S., “APC is present in different protein complexes with
distinct functions”, (2005) J. Cell Science, 118: 4741-4750
24. Li, Z. and Näthke, I.S., “Tumour-associated NH2-terminal fragments are the most stable part of
the adenomatous polyposis coli protein and can be regulated by interactions with
COOH-terminal domains”, (2005), Cancer Research, 65: 5195-5204
25. Brocado, M, Näthke, I.S., Henderson, B.R., “Redefining the subcellular location and transport of
APC: new insights using a panel of antibodies”, (2005) EMBO Rep., 6: 184-190
26. Sansom, O.J., Reed, K., Hayes, A.J., Ireland, H., Brinkmann, H., Newton, I.P., Batlle, E., SimonAssmann, P., Hans Clevers, H., Näthke, I.S., Clarke, A.R, Winton, D.J., (2004) “Loss of
APC in vivo immediately perturbs Wnt signaling, differentiation, and migration”,
Genes&Development, 18: 1385-1390
27. Dikovskaya, D., Newton I.P., Näthke, I.S., (2004) “The Adenomatous Polyposis Coli protein is
required for the formation of robust spindles formed in CSF Xenopus extracts”, Mol. Biol.
Cell, 15: 2978-2991.
28. Mogensen, M.M, Tucker, J.B., Mackie, J.B., Prescott, A.R., Näthke, I.S., (2002) “The
Adenomatous Polyposis Coli protein unambiguously localises to microtubule plus ends
and is involved in establishing parallel arrays of microtubule bundles in highly polarised
epithelial cells”, J. Cell Biology, 157: 1041-1048
29. Zumbrunn, J., Inoshita, K., Hyman, A.A., Näthke, I.S. (2001) “Binding of the Adenomatous
Polyposis Coli protein to microtubules increases microtubule stability and is regulated by
GSK3 phosphorylation”, Current Biology 11, 44-49
30. Kaplan, K.B., Burds,, A.A., Swedlow, J.R., Bekir, S.S., Sorger, P.K., Näthke , I.S. (2001) “A
novel role for the Adenomatous Polyposis Coli protein in chromosome segregation”,
Nature Cell Biology, 3:429-432
31. Ritchie, T., Zhou, W., McKinstry, E., Hosch, M., Zhang, Y., Näthke, I.S., Engelhardt, J.F. (2001)
“Developmental Expression of catenins and associated proteins during submucosal
gland morphogenesis in the airway”, Experimental Lung Research, 27, 121-141
32. Thomas, G.M., Frame, S., Goedert, M., Näthke, I.S. Polakis, P., Cohen, P. (1999) “A GSK3binding peptide from FRAT1 selectively inhibits the GSK3–catalysed phosphorylation
of Axin and -catenin”, FEBS Lett. 458, 247-251
33. Näthke, I.S., Adams , C.L., Polakis, P., Sellin, J.H., Nelson, W.J. (1996) “The Adenomatous
Polyposis Coli (APC) tumor suppressor protein localizes to plasma membrane sites
involved in active cell migration”, J. Cell Biol. 134, 165-179
34. Näthke, I.S., Hinck, L., Swedlow, J.R., Papkoff, J., Nelson, W.J. (1994) “Defining interactions
and distributions of cadherin and catenin complexes in polarized epithelial cells”, J. Cell
Biol. 125, 1341-1352
35. Hinck, L., Näthke, I. S., Papkoff, J., Nelson, W.J. (1994) “Dynamics of cadherin/catenin complex
formation: novel protein interactions and pathways of complex assembly”, J. Cell Biol.
126, 1327-1340
36. Näthke, I., Heuser, J., Lupas,, A., Stock, J., Turck, C., Brodsky, F.M. (1992) “Structural and
functional organization of the clathrin heavy chain”, Cell 68, 899-910
37. Näthke, I., Hill, B.L., Parham, P., Brodsky, F.M. (1990) “The calcium binding site of clathrin light
chains” J. Biol. Chem. 265, 18621-18627
38. Chin, D.J., Straubinger, R.M., Acton, S.L., Näthke, I., Brodsky, F.M. (1989) “100-kDa
Polypeptides in peripheral clathrin-coated vesicles are required for receptor-mediated
endocytosis” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 86, 9289-9293
Invited reviews (refereed), bookchapters (refereed), edited books:
1. Hinck, L. and Näthke, I. (2014) “Changes in cell and tissue organization in cancer of the breast
and colon”, Curr. Opin. Cell Biol., in press
2. Nelson, S. and Näthke, I.S. (2013) “Interactions and functions of the adenomatous polyposis
coli (APC) protein at a glance”, J. Cell Science, 126: 873-877
3. Näthke, I.S. and McCartney, B.M. (2009), editors “APC proteins” in Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. Landes
4. Quyn, A.J., Steele, R.J.C., Carey, F.A., Näthke, I.S. (2008) “Prognostic and Therapeutic
Implications of APC mutations in colorectal cancer”, Surgeon, 6: 329-335
5. McCartney, B.M. and Näthke, I.S. (2008) “Cell regulation by the Apc protein, Apc as master
regulator of epithelia”, Current Opinion in Cell Biology, 20:1-8
6. Wodarz, A. and Näthke, I. (2007) "Cell polarity in development and cancer", Nature Cell Biology,
7. Näthke, I. (2006), “Cytoskeleton out of the cupboard: how changes in the cytoskeleton induced
by loss of APC contribute to colon cancer” Nat. Cancer Reviews, 6: 967-974 (Cover
8. Näthke, I. and Nelson, W.J. (2005) editors of “Cell-to-cell contact and extracellular matrix:
Laying down the rules for proper cell behavior”, Curr Opin Cell Biol. 17:443-445
9. Näthke I. (2005) “Relationship between the role of the adenomatous polyposis coli protein in
colon cancer and its contribution to cytoskeletal regulation”, Biochem Soc Trans. 33:
10. Näthke, I., (2004) “The Adenomatous Polyposis Coli protein: the Achilles Heel of the gut
epithelium.” Ann. Rev. Cell & Develop. Biol., 20: 337-366
11. Näthke, I. (2004) “Cell Science at a Glance: The Adenomatous Polyposis Coli protein”, J. Cell
Sci., 117: 4873-4875
12. Näthke, I., (2002) “Tracking APC’s attachment to the cytoskeleton”, ELSO Gazette: e-magazine
of the European Life Scientist Organization (http://www.the-elsogazette/magazines/issue1/mreviews/mreviews1.asp), Issue 8 (January, 2002)
13. Allan, V. and Näthke, I.S. (2001) “Catch and pull a microtubule: getting a grasp on the cortex”,
Nature Cell Biology, 3, E226-228
14. Dikovskaya, D. Zumbrunn, J., Penman, G.A., Näthke, I.S. (2001) “The Adenomatous Polyposis
Coli protein: in the limelight out at the edge”, Trends in Cell Biology, 11, 378-384
15. Näthke, I.S. (1999) “The Adenomatous Polyposis Coli Protein” Molecular Pathology 52, 169173
16. Barth, A.I.M., Näthke, I.S., Nelson, W.J. (1997) “Cadherins, catenins and APC protein:
interplay between cytoskeletal complexes and signaling pathway”, Curr. Opin. Cell Biol.,
9, 683-690
17. Näthke, I.S., Barth, A.I.M., Nelson, W.J. “Role for the tumor suppressor Adenomatous Polyposis
Coli protein in epithelial cell migration and adhesion: a hypothesis”, in CytoskeletalMembrane Interactions and Signal Transduction, (1997), 103-110
18. Näthke, I.S., Hinck, L., Nelson, W.J. (1995) “The cadherin/catenin complex: connections to
multiple cellular processes involved in cell adhesion, proliferation and morphogenesis”,
Sem. Dev. Biol. 6, 89-95
19. Hinck, L., Näthke, I.S., J. Papkoff, J., Nelson, W.J. (1994) “-Catenin: a common target for the
regulation of cell adhesion by Wnt-1 and Src signalling pathways”, Trends in Biochem.
Sci. 19, 538-542.
20. Näthke, I.S., Hinck, L., Nelson, W.J. (1993) “Epithelial cell adhesion and development of cell
surface polarity: possible mechanism of modulation of cadherin function, organization,
and distribution”, J. Cell Science Suppl. 17, 139-145
21. Brodsky, F.M., Hill, B.L., Acton, S.L., Näthke, I., Wong, D.H., Ponnambalam, S., Parham, P.
(1991) “Clathrin light chains: linear arrays of protein sequence motifs that regulate
coated vesicle dynamics” Trends in Biochem. Sci. 16, 208-213
22. Brodsky, F.M., Guagliardi, L., Koppelmann, B., Acton, S.L., Wong, D.H., Näthke, I. (1990)
“Endocytosis: molecular mechanism and role in the immune response”, In: Endocytosis:
from cell biology to health, disease and therapy, P.J. Courtoy (ed.), NATO ASI Series
62, 343-353