CLINICAL WORKSTREAM LEADS & PATIENT GROUP MEMBERS RECRUITMENT PACK Background Better Care Together is the largest review of health and social care ever to take place in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR). It sets out a 5 year plan for the future. The emphasis is on bringing the delivery of care closer to people's homes. It will involve reshaping clinical and social services and it is vital that the public and patients are involved in planning these new services. There are 8 major work streams and each work stream will have a Patient and Public (PPI) representative who will lead the input of patient views. Each individual workstream will also have its own patient group which will help bring a wide range of views to the table. This recruitment pack seeks candidates for the roles of both workstream lead and patient group members. Where roles have already been filled these names are inserted. All vacant posts are marked "vacancy". If you are interested in being either a lead or a patient group member, see "how to apply" on page 3. What will a workstream PPI lead be expected to achieve? Work is underway to plan new services and this involves professionals, managers and patient representatives working together to develop new models of care. It is hoped that by the spring/summer of 2015 the possible shape of new services will be emerging in a form that that be taken out to discuss with the public. The role of the workstream lead is to help ensure that the views of patients and the public are fully taken into account at the early planning stage and beyond. In each workstream the lead will be supported by a group of patients with direct experience. To achieve this, the workstream lead will need to carry out a number of tasks. These will range from ensuring that PPI representatives are involved in the work of each workstream, to working with leads in other workstreams to ensure they are all consistent. The 8 workstreams are: 1. Urgent care 2. Long term conditions (including respiratory medicine, cardiovascular disease, cancer and dementia) 3. Frail older people 4. Mental health 5. Planned Care (including urology, general surgery, orthopaedics, gastroenterology, ENT, cardiology, dermatology, nephrology, rheumatology, gynaecology, pain Management, general medicine, respiratory medicine, neurology and obstetrics) 6. Learning disabilities 7. Maternity and neonatal 8. Children’s services The 8 workstream leads will be members of the Better Care Together PPI Reference Group and will report to that group, to give it assurance that the patient and public voice is being effectively heard. Through this Group, the lead can call on the additional views of voluntary organisations, patient and public groups. The Better Care Together Team communicates monthly with all these organisations via a monthly bulletin. Duties of a workstream lead He/she will be responsible to the PPI Reference Group Chair. General 1. To champion service users, patients, carers and families viewpoints about treatment. 2. To give a voice about public views. 3. To review programmes and documentation. 4. To attend steering/work group meetings. 5. To comply with NHS standards and respect confidentiality. Specific duties for 8 workstream leads To help recruit both subsidiary leads and patient group members to individual work streams. Give them support and coordinate their work. Where a workstream has subsidiary workstreams e.g. planned care and long term conditions, to meet regularly with those subsidiary workstream leads, to ensure they feel both heard and supported, and look for any trends. Allow each group to have a voice at PPI Reference Group meetings if required. Meet leads of other workstreams regularly to discuss similarities and overlapping problems. This will be a sub group of the LLR PPI Subgroup. Co-ordinate details of any concerns from each group and feed back to BCT PPI meetings. Attend regular meetings of the workstream, and go on visits to outside organisations with their team(s). Duties of a subsidiary workstream lead (planed care and long term conditions) Planned care and long term conditions each have a number of subsidiary workstreams, and each of these will have its own lead and its own group of volunteers. These leads will work together as a team with guidance from the main planned care or long term conditions lead, and their individual duties for their subsidiary workstream will be similar to those listed above. Duties of a patient representative (all workstreams) Patient and service user representatives will form part of each workstream, bringing their relevant experience. The patient representative team will be led by a workstream lead. They will attend regular meetings of the workstream and go on visits to outside organisations with the team. They will keep in touch with individuals and organisations to hear peoples' concerns and seek their views. Skills and experience required These roles will be held by volunteers who can bring specific experience of the relevant condition either as a patient, carer or in some other way. Experience of being a representative or of managing a similar project would be a great advantage. Volunteers must have good listening skills and be able to articulate how services feel to those experiencing them. Organising skills would be an advantage. Commitment There will be an intensive period of planning work from winter 2014 to summer 2015, when planning will move into the implementation phase. Volunteers will need to be prepared to offer at least 4 days per month and more as demand requires. Reimbursement of expenses Volunteers will be entitled to reimbursement of reasonable out of pocket expenses. Carers may be eligible to reimbursement of backfill cover. How to apply A list of vacancies follows overleaf, along with an application form. Queries should be made to the Office Manager on 0116 295 1125. WORK STREAM PPI WORKSTREAM LEAD Urgent care Philip Parkinson Long term conditions Eric Charlesworth Respiratory Medicine CVD and diabetes Cancer Dementia Sue Mason Ballu Patel Eric Charlesworth Steve Kendall Frail older people Tony Donovan (Age UK) / Fiona Barber Mental health Pamela Campbell / 2nd rep Vacancy / David Barsby Planned care Urology General surgery Orthopaedics Gastroenterology ENT Ophthalmology Cardiology Dermatology Nephrology Rheumatology Gynaecology Pain management General medicine Diabetic medicine Respiratory medicine Neurology Obstetrics Liz Jones / Chris Faircliffe (HW) Vacancy Vacancy Diana Osborn David Matthews Tba Steve Payne (Vista) Christine Stanesby Vacancy – post Dec 2014 Vacancy – post Dec 2014 Vacancy – post Dec 2014 Vacancy Vacancy John Penny John Penny Sue Mason Vacancy – post Dec 2014 Same as maternity work stream Learning disabilities Steph Chapman Maternity and neonatal Candidate about to be interviewed Gill Bridgen / 2nd rep Vacancy Children's services PATIENT REPRESENTATIVE Patient and service user representatives to be identified and to form part of each workstream, bringing their relevant experience. The patient representative team will be led by a workstream lead. APPLICATION TO BE VOLUNTEER LEAD OR MEMBER OF A BETTER CARE TOGETHER WORKSTREAM (please tick as appropriate ) I am interested in being a workstream lead volunteer I am interested in being a workstream volunteer I am interested in being a patient representative volunteer Personal details Surname/family name First names Name in which you are registered with a professional body (if applicable) Title UK national insurance number Address Postcode Country Home telephone Mobile telephone Work telephone May we contact you at work? Yes Email address Are you DBS checked/certified? Adult Children No Workstreams Which workstream interests you? Please tick and indicate why. Urgent care Respiratory medicine CVD and diabetes Cancer Dementia Frail older people Mental health Urology General surgery Orthopaedics Gastroenterology ENT Ophthalmology Cardiology Dermatology Nephrology Rheumatology Gynaecology Pain management General medicine Diabetic medicine Respiratory medicine Neurology Obstetrics Learning disabilities Maternity and neonatal Children's services Your experience Our aim is to include patients and their carers in designing services for the future. Please describe here the experience you could bring, that you feel is relevant to the Better Care Together Programme. References Referee 1 Surname/family name First name Title Job title Address Postcode Country Telephone Email Relationship Referee 2 Surname/family name Can the referee be contacted prior to interview? Yes No First name Title Job title Address Postcode Country Telephone Email Relationship Can the referee be contacted prior to interview? Yes No When complete, please return this form to: The Office Manager, Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Better Care Together, 4th Floor, St John's House, 30 East Street, Leicester LE1 6NB or via email to