Sagicor Visionaries Challenge - 2014 Title of Project: Names and e-mail addresses of Students: StyroNOam Alyssa Hernandez (, Melesa Chow (, Maribel Wu (, Christina Aldana (, Karen Quan ( Team Name: Name of School: Address of School: Phone No. of School: Name of Mentor, if any: Name and e-mail address of Teacher: Signature of teacher or school official: StyroNOamers Saint Catherine Academy #6 Hutson Street, Belize City, Belize +501-223-4908/+501-223-1758 Ingrid Acosta Date: Check box that best describes your entry Abstract October 30, 2014 Category A: Biology, Chemistry, Agriculture, Environment X Category B: Engineering, Physics, Computer Science Ingrid Acosta ( Styrofoam plates are overused in our school community. It is used to package food for the students who purchase their lunch from the school cafeteria. One hundred and fifty students purchase lunch on a daily basis which amounts to approximately 3,044 Styrofoam plates used in a month.The use of non-biodegradable Styrofoam conflicts with the mercy value of caring for the environment. Furthermore, Styrofoam contains small quantities of Styrene which increases the risk of various health hazards. Styrofoam plates also add to the total mass of garbage our school has to dispose. The school pays US$385 per month on disposal and purchasing of Styrofoam plates. As a solution to this problem, we plan to implement the use of reusable plastic containers instead of Styrofoam plates. This will contribute in reducing operational expenses, environmental degradation and waste. Although the initial investment in the acquisition of the plastic containers is significant, a revenue surplus is expected in a 1 year time frame in contrast to maintaining the current system. Problem Statement and the Significance of the Problem Our school’s cafeteria uses approximately 3,044 Styrofoam plates to distribute food to the entire school community on a monthly basis, but they also need to do so efficiently. These Styrofoam plates contribute to the volume of garbage that our school has to pay to dispose. Styrofoam is not biodegradable; this directly conflicts with our mercy value of caring for the environment. Objectives of the Project By implementing the use of reusable plastic containers we plan: 1, to reduce the monthly payment for garbage disposal which will offset the school’s expenses; 2, to eliminate the harmful effects of Styrofoam plates on the school population and environment, and 3; to introduce a cost effective and eco-friendly container to distribute food among our school community which will make the cafeteria more efficient. Approach/Proposed Solution The successful implementation of the proposed project includes the following steps: 1) Replace Styrofoam containers with plastic containers (Figure 1) to distribute food at our school. The containers we plan to purchase are available at a website for special ordering. We plan to order the containers to be shipped to Belize. To do this, we will need to obtain money from sponsors, fund raising, and with assistance from the school’s cafeteria budget. Figure 1 2) Redesign our school cafeteria. Because these plastic containers are to be used daily, there must be a redesigning of the cafeteria to properly store and maintain these containers. The design will include storage space for the containers, a sanitizing area, and a drying area, as well as space for cooking and distribution of food. 3) Implement a QR Code system to ensure containers that have been distributed are returned. Other schools that have substituted their containers with reusable ones have had the issue of having lost or stolen containers, and therefore had to replace them. We plan to design a system using QR Codes to track how many containers are distributed and how many are returned at the end of the day. The QR Codes will also enable us to identify the user of the container and therefore, will be able to impose a fine on lost or damaged containers. Tablets will be used as QR Code Scanners. These tablets will be contained in an acrylic security box mounted onto walls. 4) Set up collection stations. We plan to set up three collection stations. Each of these will be placed in an area of the school that is highly populated during lunch. Each collection station will include a three compartment garbage bin, a removable shelf for stacking the containers, and a tablet used as a QR Code Scanner. i. Three Compartment Garbage Bin (Figure 2): One compartment will be used to dispose scrap food or organic material (bones, leftover food, etc.). Another compartment will be used to dispose inorganic material (spoons, forks, etc.). The third compartment will be used to dispose bottles. ii. Removable shelf for stacking containers: After each student has disposed of their waste materials, the will stack their container on the removable shelf. The removability of the shelf will allow the cafeteria workers to easily transport the containers from the collection station to the cafeteria. iii. QR Code Scanner: Each student will then scan the QR Code on their Student I.D. Card as proof that they have returned their container. Figure 2 6) Implement a Sanitization System in order to properly clean the reusable plastic containers. Because the use of harsh chemicals such as bleach and detergents are as harmful as styrene, we plan to use UV-C Light, along with regular washing with water and dishwashing soap, as a form of sanitization. UV-C Light is a form of Ultraviolet rays that emits radiation that kills bacteria. We plan to use this, along with washing and air drying on racks (Figure 4), to properly sanitize the containers. The cafeteria workers will be trained to use UV-C Light wand (Figure 3) to properly kill the bacteria on the containers so they can be sanitized for use on the following day. Figure 3 Figure 4 Projected Costing: Initial Plastic Container Costing Cost Population (USD) Packs Req. Plastic Container (12) Costs Additional Costs Total Investment (USD) Cost per Year (USD) 630 25 $ 546.38 $ 1,796.38 $ 5.99 50.00 $ 1,250.00 Styrofoam Costing Total Cost Monthly Investment Population (USD) Usage (USD) 630 $ 385.00 3044 $ 4,620.00 Student Styrofoam usage per used per year year 36,528.00 45 Cost of 1 Styrofoam (USD) $ 0.13 Cost per student per year (USD) $ 5.75 Cost Comparative (Styrofoam vs Plastic Container) Container Styrofoam Plastic Initial Population Investment Size (USD) 630 $630 $ 1,250.00 Containers Cost Total used Monthly Purchase Investment (month) (USD) Period (USD) (USD) $ 385.00 12 $ 4,620.00 3044 $1 $ 1,796.38 804 Cost per Student per yr (USD) Additional $ 5.75 $ 5.99 $ 2,823.62 The Competition It is without a doubt that other schools around the world have adapted the use of plastic containers instead of Styrofoam plates. Problems have arose, however, such as the irresponsibility of students to return the plates and also the inability to trust whether or not the containers are properly sanitized for reusing. Our proposal to implement a tracking system with the use of QR codes and a UV-C light wand to sterilize plates will solve these problems. It is not to be questioned that cleanliness is one of the most important factors when it comes to food preparation and distribution. It is a mandate that at any food distribution center with reusable containers to wash the containers in a three compartment sink which includes the three processes of soaping, rinsing and chemical sanitization; this process is rather effective but not time efficient compared to our proposal to use a UV-C light wand which is both effective and efficient with a guarantee of sanitization. Resources Needed Resources Price (US) Form of Contribution Reusable plastic containers UV Sanitizer Hand Wand Garbage disposal and container collection device Tablets Racks for air drying containers Acrylic Security Boxes Paper for printing QR Codes $48.99/12 $24.99 $89.45 Fundraisers Fundraisers Sponsors $49.99 $398.00 Sponsors Sponsors $24.95 $8.99/600 sheets School Fundraisers BREAKDOWN OF INITIAL INVESTMENT FOR PLASTIC CONTAINERS Timetable Task Performed By 1. Ordering & Shipping of k containers and UV-C wand 2. Rearranging of the cafeteria 3. Installation of cabinets School 4. Printing of QR codes on student ID 5. Installation of garbage disposal and container collection device 6. Installation of tablets Technician 7. Sterilization of containers Cafeteria Workers Wk. 1 Wk. Wk. Wk. Wk. Wk. 2 3 4 5 6 Carpenter and Cafeteria Workers Carpenter Students Technician Use of STEM Science: Understanding that using reusable plastic containers will prevent all the harmful effects that Styrofoam has on human beings and the environment Technology: Using UV-C sterilization wand to clean the plastic containers and generating QR Codes and scanning them using applications on tablets Engineering: Designing an improved layout of the kitchen to accommodate the changes that come along with implementing the reusable plastic containers Mathematics: Calculating and comparing the expenditure when using reusable plastic containers and the expenditure when using Styrofoam plates. Community Involvement and Community Impact Our school community would be involved in the implementation of reducing Styrofoam by cooperating with the changes made by replacing Styrofoam containers with reusable containers. It is necessary for their cooperation because the students and faculty are those that will be most affected by this change. The cafeteria staff will also play a major role in implementing our idea because it will be their job to maintain and continue using the reusable containers for distributing food. The funding for this, of course, will not be possible without the assistance of the school, fund raising and possible sponsors. We anticipate that our project will reduce the amount of Styrofoam used in the school community and eventually eliminate it completely. This can also significantly reduce the amount of money spent on garbage monthly and eliminate the further contamination of Styrene. References KIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center3&pf_rd_r=1HR0410QY9Y9Q71CK4FV&pf_rd_t=1401&pf_rd_p=1757726282&pf_rd_i=1000932 301