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School of Theology: Prescribed Texts for Subjects in First Semester 2016
The School of Theology does not order its texts through the Cooperative Bookshop as they are relatively small numbers. Rather, you need to find your own texts
through bookshops or online. Sites we recommend are booko.com.au, koorong.com.au and bookdepository.co.uk. You might also like to try www.bookbyte.com
and www.rentbooks.com. Note that some texts may be available as digital books through Kindle etc.
THL 101/417
New Testament Greek 1
THL 302
New Testament Greek 3
THL 102/416
Biblical Hebrew 1
(combined internal/distance modes)
Biblical Hebrew 3
Mounce, William D. Basics of Biblical Greek: Grammar, 3rd edition. Zondervan,
Mounce, William D. Basics of Biblical Greek: Workbook, 3rd edition. Zondervan,
Aland, B. et al, The Greek New Testament. 4th edition. United Bible Societies, 1993.
Wallace, Daniel B. The Basics of New Testament Syntax: an Intermediate Greek
Grammar. Zondervan, 2000.
Wallace, Daniel B. & Grant G. Edwards. A Workbook for New Testament Syntax.
Zondervan, 2007.
Cook, John A. & Robert D. Holmstedt. Beginning Biblical Hebrew: A Grammar and
Illustrated Reader. Baker Academic, 2013.
Biblica Hebraica Stuttgartensia
Text book TBA
Prescribed texts
Kugler, R. & P. Hartin, An introduction to the Bible. William B. Eerdmans Publishing
Company, 2009.
A critical modern edition of the Bible with Apocrypha (preferably NRSV) and/or The
Jewish Study Bible (Tanakh Translation). Jewish Publication Society, 2004.
R. Warnken
R. Warnken
M. Anstey/
M. Anstey
THL 105/408
Introduction to Old Testament
J. Mathews
THL 208
Synoptic Gospels
Puskas, C.B. & D. Crump, An Introduction to the Gospels and Acts. Eerdmans, 2008. D. Neville
THL 304
The Pentateuch
No prescribed texts: See compulsory online readings
Recommended Texts:
Ska, Introduction to Reading the Pentateuch. Eisenbrauns, 2006.
Hamilton, Victor P. Handbook on the Pentateuch 2nd edition. Baker, 2005.
Alexander, T. Desmond. From Paradise to the Promised Land: An Introduction to
the Pentateuch, 3rd edition. Baker, 2012.
Goldstein (ed), Elyse M. The Women’s Torah Commentary. Jewish Lights
Publishing, 2000.
J. Mathews
THL 111/460
Introduction to Christian Theology
THL 245
God, Humanity and Difference
THL 314
Sacramental Theology
THL 225
Aboriginal cultures/Spirituality
(distance mode only)
Classic Texts in Christian Theology
THL 545
McGrath, Alister E. The Christian Theology Reader, 4th edition, Wiley & Son,
MacFarland, I.A. Creation and Humanity: The sources of Christian Theology.
Westminster John Knox, 2009.
Tolliday, P. & H. Thomson, Speaking Differently: Essays in Theological
Anthropology. Barton Books, 2013 (available from St Mark’s
Reception or www.bartonbooks.com.au)
Martos, J. Doors to the sacred: A historical introduction to sacraments in the
Catholic Church (revised and updated). Ligouri/Triumph, 2001.
There are no prescribed texts for this subject.
G. Broughton
B. Myers, J. Foulcher
Hall, S.G. Doctrine and Practice in the Early Church, 2nd edition. SPCK, 2005.
Stevenson, J. (ed) A New Eusebius 2nd edition. SPCK, 1987 (or any 2nd edition)
Stevenson, J. (ed) Creeds, Councils and Controversies. 2nd edition. SPCK, 1989
(or any 2nd edition)
Recommended text
Logan, F.D. A history of the church in the Middle Ages. Routledge, 2004.
Note: no one book adequately covers this period. Students are expected to
read at least three texts listed in the subject outline.
Prescribed texts
Bradley, James E. and Muller, Richard A. Church History: an introduction to
research, reference works and methods. Eerdmans, 1995.
Kyvig, David E. Nearby History: Exploring the past around you. Altamira Press,
2000 [n.b. available as an e-book through CSU Library]
Recommended texts
Wind, James. Places of Worship: exploring their history. Altamira Press, 1997.
[This is a lively and helpful book. While its focus is on exploring the
history of a local congregation, it offers a highly practical introduction
to many other kinds of research in church history.]
McGrath, Alister, Christian history: an introduction, Wiley-Blackwell, 2013. [an
excellent survey of Christian history from ancient times to the
M. Gladwin
J. Foulcher
B. Douglas
THL 131/410
Rise of Christianity to 600 CE
THL 235
Medieval Church History
THL 513
Church History Methodology
S-M. Withycombe
M. Gladwin
present, and on a global scale].
THL 115/490
Liturgical Theology
THL 218/418
Christian Ministry
THL 230/486
Cross cultural ministry in Australia
(distance mode only)
THL 325
Pastoral Care: Advanced Practice
THL 519
Contemporary Issues in Practical
List updated: Tuesday, 9 February 16
Recommended text:
White, J. Introduction to Christian Worship, 3rd Ed. Abingdon Press, 2001
Drane, J. The McDonaldization of the Church: Consumer Culture and the
Church’s Future, Smyth & Helwys, 2001.
Johnson, Lydia, Drinking from the same well. Wipf and Stock, 2011.
Dewerse, Rosemary, Breaking Calabashes: Becoming an intercultural
community. MediaCom, 2013.
Gula, R.M. Ethics in Pastoral Ministry. Paulist Press, 1996.
Purnell, D. Conversation as Ministry. Pilgrim Press, 2003.
J. Foulcher
W. Brighton
S. Carroll
D. Guest (TBC)