July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016 Assessing Year: July 1, 2014

Motlow State Community College
Action Plan & Outcome Assessment Report for Institutional Effectiveness
Planning Year: July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016
Assessing Year: July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015
Unit: Admissions
Related Strategic Goal:
3.1 Monitor and improve the effectiveness of educational programs and services.
Action Plan #: ADMS-02
Action Plan Title: Student Satisfaction with the Overall Customer Service provided by the Office of
Admissions and Records
Desired Outcome: At least 95% of the respondents to the Student Services Survey will rate the overall
customer service provided by the Office of Admissions and Records as satisfactory prior to the end of
the assessing year.
Prior to July 1, 2015
At least 90% of the respondents to the Student Services Survey will rate the overall customer service
provided by the Office of Admissions and Records as satisfactory prior to the end of the assessing year.
Description of Action Plan and Related Activities: The Office of Institutional Research, Planning, and
Effectiveness will make the online survey available to students during the fall semester. The office will
post the results of the survey on the IRPE web site. The personnel of the Office of Admission and
Records will review and evaluate results and make changes as needed. New staff receive customer
service training as part of new employee orientation and training. Current staff attend professional
development sessions and conferences which often include customer service best practices.
Team Members: Financial Aid, Admissions and Records, and IT staff members
Timeline: Review progress and evaluate December 1, 2015.
Est. Cost: $ 0
Budgeted: Included in current budget
Evidence of Success: Results of the Student Services Survey will reflect that at least 95% of responding
students rate the overall customer service provided by the Admission and Records Office as satisfactory.
Prior to July 1, 2015
Results of the Student Services Survey will reflect that at least 90% of responding students rate the
overall customer service provided by the Admission and Records Office as satisfactory.
Complete the following when assessing a plan
Current Status: On Schedule
Describe Progress:
The Student Services Survey indicated that 92.9% of responding students rated the overall customer
service provided by the Admissions and Records office as satisfactory. This survey represents all four
campuses of MSCC. The expected outcome of 90% was met.
The Student Services Survey indicated that 96.3% of responding students rated the overall customer
service provided by the Admissions and Records office as satisfactory. This survey represents all four
campuses of MSCC. The expected outcome of 90% was met. The Office of Admissions and Records
strives to assist students in a professional and courteous manner. Continuous training in customer
service and providing customers with accurate and complete information is always a top priority.
Results and comments from the survey are also reviewed to identify any necessary corrective action to
improve customer service.
The Student Services Survey indicated that 96.8% of responding students rated the overall customer
service provided by the Admissions and Records office as satisfactory. This survey represents all four
campuses of MSCC. The expected outcome of 90% was met. The Office of Admissions and Records
continually strives to assist students in a professional and courteous manner. Continuous training in
customer service and providing customers with accurate and complete information is implemented at
all campuses. Newly hired personnel will receive extensive training. Results and comments from the
survey are also reviewed to identify any necessary corrective action to improve customer service.
The Student Services Survey indicated that 96.4% of responding students rated the overall customer
service provided by the Admissions and Records office as satisfactory. This survey represents all four
campuses of MSCC. The expected outcome of 90% was met. The Office of Admissions and Records
continually strives to assist students in a professional and courteous manner. Continuous training in
customer service and providing customers with accurate and complete information is implemented at
all campuses. Newly hired personnel will receive extensive training. Results and comments from the
survey are also reviewed to identify any necessary corrective action to improve customer service.
The Student Services Survey indicated that 97.4% of responding students rated the overall customer
service provided by the Admissions and Records office as satisfactory. This survey represents all four
campuses of MSCC. The expected outcome of 90% was met. The Office of Admissions and Records
continually strives to assist students in a professional and courteous manner. Continuous training in
customer service and providing customers with accurate and complete information is implemented at
all campuses. Newly hired personnel will receive extensive training. Results and comments from the
survey are also reviewed to identify any necessary corrective action to improve customer service.
The Student Services Survey indicated that 95.8% of responding students rated the overall customer
service provided by the Admissions and Records office as satisfactory. This survey represents all four
campuses of MSCC. The expected outcome of 90% was met. The Office of Admissions and Records
continually strives to assist students in a professional and courteous manner. Continuous training in
customer service and providing customers with accurate and complete information is implemented
at all campuses. Newly hired personnel will receive extensive training. Results and comments from
the survey are also reviewed to identify any necessary corrective action to improve customer service.
Describe Needed Changes: For 2015-16, the desired outcome will be increased to 95%.
Leadership in the Office of Admissions and Records has been more active during the current assessment
year by increasing the level of direct student interaction in the admissions and registration processes
and in providing support for staff with examples of service.
As new personnel are hired, there will be extensive training in customer service and providing customers
with accurate and complete information. Admissions and Records staff will also attend professional
development training offered by TACRAO annually and all customer service training made available by
Motlow State Community College. The Director of Admissions and Records will meet with admissions
staff at each site for training every fall and spring semester covering best practices using actual scenarios
and changes in the admission process and forms. The Director of Admissions and Records will also be
included when Campus Directors schedule meetings so that any issues that may arise can be handled in
a timely fashion.
List of Supporting Documentation: SS S15 Admissions All Locations.docx (results of the Student Services
Date Last Updated: 9/14/2015