Word Knowledge and Comprehension Outcomes for the Second Year of Implementation of an Academic word Vocabulary Intervention Margaret McKeown, Amy Crosson, Isabel Beck, Cheryl Sandora, Nancy Artz, and Debra Moore University of Pittsburgh Purpose A preponderance of evidence suggests that too few students are reading at levels needed to learn from required school texts (American Institutes for Research, 2006; Heller & Greenleaf, 2007; NAEP, 2011). The most recent NAEP results show that only 34% of 8th graders read at or above proficient levels. Vocabulary demands of texts that students are assigned in middle school are cited as a major source of reading difficulty. Results from the NAEP vocabulary assessment (NCES, 2012) seem to confirm that conclusion, as vocabulary performance—assessed within the context of passage reading-closely aligned with comprehension scores. The purpose of the work to be reported was to enhance vocabulary knowledge and comprehension through an intensive, interactive vocabulary intervention for middle school students. Perspective The perspective underlying the research to be reported is that vocabulary knowledge is a network of semantic connections built from multiple encounters with words in meaningful contexts (Perfetti, 2007; Reichle & Perfetti, 2003). The greater the variety and meaningfulness of encounters the more likely that learners will develop semantic representations that foster successful, efficient comprehension of text (Perfetti & Hart, 2002; Nagy & Scott, 2000). These findings based on behavioral and neuroscience data align with consensus reached over decades of instructional research, that comprehension can be affected by vocabulary instruction if the instruction provides experiences with words in multiple contexts and promotes active processing--interacting with and integrating various uses of words and building connections to prior knowledge and related concepts (Baumann, Kame’enui, & Ash, 2003; Bolger, Balass, Landen, & Perfetti, 2008; Nagy & Scott, 2000; National Reading Panel, 2000; Perfetti & Hart, 2002; Perfetti &, Stafura 2014; Stahl & Fairbanks, 1986). Context integration, the ability to accommodate word meaning within surrounding context in order to make sense of the context, has been identified as a key component that links vocabulary knowledge with successful comprehension (Jenkins, Pany, & Schreck, 1978; Kame’enui, Carnine, & Freschi, 1982; Perfetti, 2007). Method Intervention Design The vehicle for our work to enhance comprehension through vocabulary was an instructional intervention designed to teach academic words to middle school students, Robust Academic Vocabulary Encounters (RAVE). Target words were selected from the Academic Word List (AWL) (Coxhead, 2000), which consists of words that commonly 1 appear across academic texts from a range of domains. The principles of our instructional design were presentation of definitional and contextual information, encounters in multiple contexts, and active processing. A particular goal for providing contextual information was to expose students to various uses and senses of words. An inherent characteristic of academic words, because they are found across domains, is that the words carry various senses in different contexts. We identified and adapted contexts from a variety of print and internet sources to represent authentic uses of target words and to engage students in discussion of different senses. Students were introduced to each word through a pair of contexts and a definition developed to present a core meaning for each word, that is, one that would apply to multiple senses. The contexts and definitions served as grist for promoting integration of the word within the contexts. For example, students read a context describing a program intended to expose students to different kinds of music, and read the definition “If you expose something, you let it show or make it known.” They were then asked how the meaning of the word fit the context. A typical response was: “The program let them know about new kinds of music.” Active processing is embodied in RAVE through activities that prompt students to evaluate, elaborate, and generate various uses of the words. These activities were presented over several days following initial instruction. For example, students are asked to respond to scenarios around the words (“What would be relevant to deciding which movie to go to?”) and to differentiate how words influence a context (explain how to convince your boss that you’re a dynamic worker vs. a worker with integrity). Materials were developed for two years of instruction, for sixth and seventh grades, and implemented over two years on one school. This paper reports on the second year of implementation. Results from the sixth-grade implementation were presented in McKeown, Crosson, Beck, Sandora, Artz, Nelson, and Zhang (2013). Study Design Participants. The impact of RAVE on student learning of academic vocabulary and comprehension was investigated using a quasi-experimental design with seventh graders during 2012-13, the second full year of implementation of RAVE. The participants were one seventh-grade reading teacher and 108 students (RAVE n=64; control n=44) from all five seventh-grade classes in a public school within a working class community in the northeastern United States. Eighty-nine of these students had participated in the project as sixth-graders. Due to the school’s structuring of the seventh grade classes, 44 control students and 43 of the RAVE students were in heterogeneously grouped classrooms and 21 RAVE students were in an honors class. Results will be reported separately for the honors class, referred to hereafter as RAVE-Honors. Students in the RAVE conditions received instruction on 96 academic words over about 22 weeks’ time, while control students received an approximately equal dosage from a commercial vocabulary program (Bacon, 2005). Measures. The selection of measures was driven by what we wanted to know about students’ learning. Specifically, our goals included measuring depth of knowledge of word meaning, especially for words with multiple senses; access to the words for fluent processing, and the ability to use the words to further comprehension of text. We will present results on four measures: researcher-designed tests of word knowledge, 2 lexical decision, and passage comprehension, and a standardized comprehension assessment. First, the word knowledge measure, the Cloze Evaluation of Depth of Word Knowledge (Cloe), tested all 96 instructed words and was administered as a pre and posttest. This task comprised four cloze sentences per target word and required students to determine whether the target word made sense in each of the sentences. The measure tested students’ knowledge of multiple senses of academic words (e.g., physical and mental sense of confine). Foils were constructed to include an easier, syntactic foil (requiring incorrect part of speech) and a more difficult semantic foil with a prototypical association to the target word (e.g., using an association with prison for the target word confine, in the foil “Prisoners often _____ letters to send news to their families.”) to test different levels of word knowledge. Cloe has had acceptable internal consistency (Cronbach’s = .91). In addition to all words taught in seventh grade intervention, 12 words that were taught only in sixth grade were also included on the test. These words had the greatest learning gains from pre to post in sixth grade. The goal was to evaluate retention of learning. Second, a lexical decision task was administered following the intervention to assess fluency of access to target word meanings. Fluent semantic access is an aspect of word knowledge that is essential for comprehension (Beck, Perfetti, & McKeown, 1982; Richter, Isberner, Naumann & Neeb, 2013). In this computer-based reaction-time measure, students made decisions as to whether strings of letters shown on the screen were a word. Three sets of words/nonwords were shown at random (using E-Prime software). The first set comprised 20 RAVE words that had received an average score of 3 or higher on the Cloe pre-test for both control and RAVE students, or that were prevalent in the school environment. The second set comprised 20 comparison words equated for frequency and orthographic complexity. The third set comprised nonwords equated for orthographic complexity. Our hypothesis was that more efficient decisionmaking about target words that were already somewhat familiar to most students in the RAVE and control conditions would indicate that participation in the RAVE intervention may support development of more fluent semantic access to the words in the intervention. Third, a passage comprehension task was administered to all students as a posttest. The task comprised four short passages containing six target words each followed by six multiple choice questions that asked about the part of the context pertaining to a target word. For example, one of the texts described Harry Houdini as “the world’s most reliable escape artist.” The question about that context was: “What made Houdini so famous?” and the correct response was: “He escaped successfully every time.” Thus the questions tapped students’ ability to integrate the meaning of the target word within the context. This measure was based on an existing comprehension assessment, TOIW-C, used with fourth graders in an efficacy study of vocabulary instruction (Apthorp et al., 2012). It was administered to 1,450 fourth-grade students, and demonstrated a significant difference between instructed and control students, with an effect size of 0.41, using Glass’s d. Reliability coefficient (Cronbach’s ) was .75. Fourth, a standardized reading comprehension assessment, the Gates-MacGinitie Reading Tests (MacGinitie, MacGinitie, Maria, Dreyer & Hughes, 2007) was 3 administered pre and post to assess potential influence of student learning on general comprehension. Standardized reading comprehension tests are blunt instruments, and it is still an open question as to why and when growth on such measures should be expected in relation to specific interventions. We hypothesized that such growth might be evident for students exposed to RAVE instruction for two years. As this measure was also administered as a pre and post test in sixth grade, student performance was examined to investigate impact of the intervention on comprehension over a two-year period. Results Word knowledge. A one-way between subjects analysis of variance was performed on the gain score as a function of treatment. The Gates seventh grade pretest score was not a significant predictor and therefore not included as a covariate. There was a significant difference on Cloe gain score between control, RAVE, and RAVE-Honors groups, F(2, 103) = 16.93, p < .000, η2 = .247, thus post hoc pairwise comparisons using a Bonferroni adjustment were performed. The RAVE-Honors group had significantly higher scores than the control (mean diff = 41.52, p < .000, Cohen’s d = 1.95) and RAVE groups (mean diff = 24.31, p = .003, Cohen’s d = 0.91). The RAVE group had significantly higher scores than the control group, mean diff = 17.21 p = .012, Cohen’s d = 0.60. See Table 1 for descriptive statistics. For the 12 sixth grade words included on the seventh grade Cloe, a mixed analysis of variance was performed on the scores as a function of time and condition. The withinsubjects independent variable was time with four levels; 6th grade pretest, 6th grade posttest, 7th grade pretest, 7th grade posttest. The between-subjects variable was 6th grade condition (RAVE or control). The finding of interest is that, while there were no significant differences between RAVE and control students at sixth grade pretest, at all subsequent time points students in the RAVE condition had significantly higher scores than control students (Figure 1). This finding suggests that learning in sixth grade was retained (to some degree) for a full year after the intervention. Further, results of the Cloe supported our hypothesized continuum of difficulty, with syntactic foils the easiest to reject and semantic foils, which presented a typical association, the most difficult (Crosson, McKeown, Beck, & Ward, 2012). Lexical decision. RAVE students made more efficient and accurate decisions about target words (mean=887.77 milliseconds) than words that were matched for frequency and orthographic complexity (mean=987.64 milliseconds), whereas for comparison students there was no difference in the accuracy and efficiency with which they read the words (target word mean=949.62 milliseconds; matched word mean=982.36 milliseconds). (Results displayed in Figure 1.). A repeated measures analysis of variance was performed on the reaction times with word type (RAVE or matched) as within subject variable and treatment condition as between subject variable. There was a significant interaction, showing that the RAVE students had faster reaction time to the RAVE words than to the matched control words, F = 4.671; p < .05. Passage comprehension. A one-way between-subjects analysis of covariance was performed on passage comprehension scores as a function of treatment after adjusting for 7th grade Gates total pretest score. There was a significant difference in Passage Comprehension score among control, RAVE and RAVE-Honors groups; F(2,104) = 8.83, p < .000, partial η2 = .145, thus post hoc pairwise comparisons using a Bonferroni 4 adjustment were performed. The RAVE-Honors group had significantly higher passage comprehension than the control (mean diff = 4.86, p = .001, Cohen’s d =1.20), and RAVE group (mean diff = 3.37, p= .017, Cohen’s d = 0.82). The RAVE group had marginally significantly higher posttest scores than control (mean diff = 1.49, p = .059, Cohen’s d = 0.43). See Table 1 for descriptive statistics. Standardized reading comprehension. The effect of RAVE on the standardized reading assessment was tested by analyzing performance from the outset (6th grade pretest) to the end (7th grade posttest) of the intervention (Table 2). A 2 x 4 mixed analysis of variance was performed on Gates scaled scores as a function of time and grouping. The RAVE-Honors group was not included in the analysis. The withinsubjects independent variable was time with four levels; pretest in 6th grade, posttest in 6th grade, pretest in 7th grade, and posttest in 7th grade. The between-subjects variable was the pattern of intervention with two levels, students who were in the control group both years and students who experienced RAVE both years. The analysis of Gates scale scores among time points averaged across groups revealed a significant difference, F (3, 108) = 3.92, p = .011, partial η2 = .098. The 6th grade pretest was significantly lower than the 7th grade posttest (mean diff = -10.72, p = .047). Examining the difference across time points for each group revealed no significant difference for students who experienced the Control conditions in both years. However, for students who received RAVE for two years, the difference between the 6th grade pretest and the 7th grade posttest approached significance (p = .066). Significance The significance of the work to be reported lies in the fact that the RAVE program promoted knowledge of academic words and text comprehension. However, a caveat is that high-achieving students selected by the school for the honors program demonstrated larger gains on both the word knowledge and passage comprehension tasks. This finding lends further confirmation to decades of research demonstrating “Matthew effects” in reading. However, while smaller in magnitude, treatment effects for the (nonhonors) RAVE group were significant for the test of word knowledge and marginally significant for the passage comprehension task. Effects on a standardized comprehension measure for the (non-honors) RAVE group also were marginally significant and promising. The findings for the seventh grade implementation of RAVE are consistent with those from sixth grade in word knowledge gains, yet the sixth grade results did not show gains for passage comprehension or the standardized reading measure (McKeown et al., 2013). This may suggest that comprehension gains from vocabulary instruction take time to accumulate before affecting comprehension. Moreover, qualitative data from the project indicate that students noticed and used target words outside of school (McKeown, Crosson, Artz, Sandora, & Beck, 2013) and that the lessons included elaborated discussion of word meaning and use (all lessons were recorded and transcribed). Discussion has been suggested as key to supporting students to move vocabulary knowledge to comprehension (Elleman, Lindo, Morphy, & Compton, 2009; Snow, 2013). Excerpts from RAVE lessons shed light on how that process might unfold. The following excerpt from a lesson transcript illustrates how discussion may have supported students to develop understanding of target words as used in different 5 contexts. This lesson introduced the word potential with two contexts. The first was about an artist who walked around the city looking for scenes “with the potential to be captured in a painting and become a great work of art.” The second was about people trying to sell their home and seeking “potential buyers.” Following discussion of each context and the word’s definition, students responded to the question of what was learned about the word potential from the two contexts. The discussion shows that students struggled at first; the teacher provided a review of the essential ideas from the contexts, and then a student was able to provide a strong overview of the word: Anetta: You could…oh, you can make, like… Okay, they like their own, certain kind of thing and they like…they have their own type of feelings and stuff. Like, I know what it means but the two different passages. Teacher: Okay, but in those two passages, potential means the same thing even though it’s used in two different contexts. Madison? Madison: It’s, like, saying how they like some of these things but they also didn’t like some of them. It’s, like, they’re likes and dislikes. Teacher: Okay, let’s think about this. In context one, everything in his environment had the potential of being in his painting. In context two, they were hoping the person who looked at the house, was a potential buyer. So, what do those two things have in common, Michael? Michael: Because they’re…he’s, like, saying the painting is able to become a great work of art and then when they said… in the second text, it’s saying the buyer is …the three buyers are able to buy the house. Implications of these findings for instruction and assessment will be discussed. 6 Table 1. Descriptive statistics for Cloe test of word knowledge and Passage Comprehension for all groups. n Cloe Gain Score Passage Comprehension Mean (SD) Mean (SD) RAVE-Honors 21 31.48 (18.95) 16.19 (.883) RAVE 43 7.17 (33.09) 13.11 (.520) Control 44 -10.05 (23.37) 11.62 (.528) Table 2. Descriptive statistics for Gates-MacGinitie Extended Scale Score at four time points for students assigned to the control condition (n=14) and students assigned to the RAVE condition (n=24) for two consecutive years. Condition Control Time* Mean Std. Error 1 501.14 5.37 2 508.71 5.10 3 513.50 5.66 4 509.14 7.12 RAVE 1 506.67 4.10 2 513.04 3.90 3 515.75 4.32 4 519.08 5.44 th th * Time 1= 6 grade pretest’ Time 2= 6 grade posttest; Time 3= 7th grade pretest; Time 4= 7th grade posttest 7 Estimated Marginal Means for 12 Words 37 35 33 Control 31 RAVE 29 27 25 1 2 3 4 Time Figure 1. Estimated marginal means for scores on the 12 sixth grade words tested at four time points (pre and post 6th, pre and post 7th) as a function of time and treatment for students who were in the RAVE group in sixth grade (n=37) and the control group in sixth grade (n=52) regardless of condition in seventh grade. 8 1000 980 960 940 920 900 880 860 840 820 Control group RAVE group Figure 2. Reaction times on average for control and RAVE students on RAVE and matched words. 9 525 520 Gates ESS Adjusted Means 515 510 505 Control 500 RAVE 495 490 485 480 475 1 2 3 4 Time Figure 3. Estimated marginal means for Gates extended scales scores as a function of time and treatment for students who were in RAVE (n=24) or control conditions (n=14) for two consecutive years. 10 References American Institutes for Research. (2006). Lessons and recommendations from the Alabama Reading Initiative: Sustaining focus on secondary reading. Washington, DC. 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