Newcastle Family Support Services Inc 28 September 2011 Expert panel on constitutional recognition of Indigenous Australians Dear Panel, Re: Submission from Newcastle Family Support Services regarding constitutional change. Newcastle Family Support Services has been supporting families in the Newcastle area for over thirty years. The service assists both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal families and in the last 13 years has employed Aboriginal staff. The range of services provided in people’s homes and our centres include counselling, group work, practical assistance, support and advocacy. The service is committed to values of social justice and participation of families in every aspect of service delivery and is guided by a working document known as the service’s Aboriginal terms of reference. The service supports change in the Australian constitution in order to recognise the specific history, rights and contribution of the First Peoples. As such we would like to submit the following preferences arising from consultation with Aboriginal staff and families regarding specific changes in the constitution: We would like to see a preamble in the Constitution that 1) recognises the peoples now known as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, 2) acknowledges and names the countries and diversity of the many Aboriginal nations 3) shows respect and support for their ongoing relationship to the land, 4) acknowledges the dispossession of land and culture over generations and 5) demonstrates an intention to rectify the injustices of the past and move towards a reconciliation of these matters (as per the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Act 2006). A preamble may be further supported by a specific section in the body of the constitution that deals with human rights and in particular the rights of the Indigenous people of Australia. We would like to see the amendment of section 51 (xxvi) of the constitution to reflect the possibility of particular laws that may ‘benefit’ the people now known as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders (or any other racial group) as a way of responding to significant and ongoing experiences of oppression and injustice. In other words this would provide for the possibility of ‘positive discrimination’. We submit this would be best supported by the addition of a clause that requires the demonstration of adequate consultation regarding ‘benefit’ with affected communities at a grass roots level. Additionally a requirement would also be indicated regarding consistency with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. We hope that in future a universal statement ensuring equality and non-discrimination could be written into the constitution. We would like to see Section 25 that deals with citizen voting rights deleted from the constitution given it is not in keeping with values of non-discrimination and equality. We support the idea of introducing an agreement making power into the constitution that would enable a treaty to be considered between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples on a range of issues. Apart from these proposed changes we would like to see a commitment from the Australian government to progress towards the development of a human rights act including the rights of indigenous peoples to access their lands, cultural sites and protection of their heritage. Further that the Australian constitution is reviewed no less than every five years to ensure it keeps pace with future developments regarding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Submitted on behalf of the staff, families and board of Newcastle Family Support Services. P O Box 629 Newcastle NSW 2300 Ph. (02) 4926 3577 (02) 4926 3577 Fax (02) 4929 5502 ABN 37 539 393 582