FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Susan Smith, Executive Director New Hampshire Voices for Health (603) 369-4767 September 12, 2014 VOICES Gets Grant to Support Minority Education and Enrollment in Health Insurance CONCORD, NH – New Hampshire Voices for Health is one of 13 organizations nationwide awarded a portion of a $3.2 million grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health to support health coverage enrollment in communities of color. Voices will lead a partnership that includes the N.H. Alliance for Immigrants and Refugees (NHAIR), the Ujima Collective and the Office of Minority Health and Refugee Affairs (OMHRA). Because of the federal health care law, more minorities now have access to quality, affordable health coverage. However, gaps in health insurance coverage continue among minority populations. The goal of the New Hampshire Partnership to Increase Coverage in Communities of Color is to increase access to health care for Granite State Latinos and African Americans by increasing their awareness of the benefits and requirements of the Affordable Care Act as well as increasing their enrollment in New Hampshire’s health insurance Marketplace, the new Health Protection Program and Medicaid/Children’s Health Insurance Program. -30About New Hampshire Voices for Health NH Voices for Health is a nonprofit consumer advocacy organization that coordinates a statewide network of individuals, small businesses, and advocacy organizations committed to ensuring a strong, high quality and affordable health care system for families and businesses in our state. With more than 50 partner organizations, VOICES represents, with those partners, more 375,000 people across New Hampshire.