Collaborating to improve the management of acute malnutrition

Collaborating to improve the management of acute malnutrition worldwide
CMAM Forum Resource Update: January 2014
This update is to share some of the newly available nutrition and health resources on the CMAM Forum website. Click
on the “link” to access the document. Please let us know if you have any additional resources.
Mise à jour des ressources du CMAM Forum: janvier 2014
L’objectif de cette mise à jour est de présenter certaines des nouvelles ressources sur la nutrition et la santé qui sont
disponibles sur le site Web du CMAM Forum. Cliquez sur le « lien » pour accéder au document. Veuillez nous faire
savoir si vous avez des ressources supplémentaires.
Announced meetings
Réunions annoncées
World Health Assembly 2014. WHO (19-24 May, Geneva, Switzerland) Link
International Symposium on Understanding Moderate Malnutrition in Children for Effective
Interventions. IAEA (27-29 May 2014; Vienna, Austria) Link Flier
Micronutrient Forum Global Conference (2-6 June 2014, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia) Link
III World Congress of Public Health Nutrition (7-12 Nov 2014, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain) Link
2nd International Congress Hidden Hunger (3-6 March 2015, Stuttgart, Germany) Flier
Documentation of meetings held
Documentation relative aux réunions tenues
Implementing and scaling up CMAM in South East Asia. Conference report. (12-15 Dec, Bangkok, Thailand)
Coverage Monitoring Network Link
Maternal nutrition in emergencies. Summary of the state of play, key gaps and recommendations. Background
technical paper and report of the round table. (12 Nov, Brussels, Belgium) ENN, ECHO, Inspire Consortium Link
Severe acute malnutrition in children - challenges and enigmas report (9-13 Sept, Copenhagen, Denmark).
University of Copenhagen Link Reading list with abstracts Link
Collaborating on CMAM m-health: terms of reference. WVI Link
Introducing the new Sphere handbook eBook edition. Sphere Project Link
ERRATUM - Correction to metronidazole dose: SAM and Infection technical brief:
The second paragraph on page 8 should specify “a reduced dose of a total of 12mg/kg/day (compared to a total of
22.5mg/kg/day).” The current version has been revised. Link
ERRATUM - Correction apportée au dosage du métronidazole: Dossier technique sur la MAS et l'infection
Le dernier paragraphe de la page 8 a été modifié comme suit :« une dose totale réduite de 12 mg/kg/jour (contre
un total de 22,5 mg/kg/jour) ». La version actuelle a été révisée. Lien
Malnutrition e-learning course promotion video. University of Southampton Link
Specific resources on acute malnutrition
Ressources spécifiques sur la malnutrition aiguë
Accès pour tous. Volume 1: Le traitement communautaire de la malnutrition aiguë sévère (MAS) mis à l'échelle
est-il capable de répondre aux besoins mondiaux? CMN Lien English version uploaded previously: Access for
all. Volume 1: Is community-based management of severe acute malnutrition (SAM) at scale capable of meeting
needs? CMN Link
Accès pour tous. Volume 2: Quels sont les facteurs qui influencent l'accès au traitement communautaire de la
malnutrition aiguë sévère? CMN Lien English version uploaded previously: What factors influence access to
community-based treatment of severe acute malnutrition? CMN Link
Aetiology and management of malnutrition in HIV-positive children. Arch Dis Child Link
Can prebiotics and probiotics improve therapeutic outcomes for undernourished individuals? Gut Microbes Link
Developing a sustainable nutrition research agenda in Sub-Saharan Africa - findings from the SUNRAY project.
PLoS Medicine Link
Health systems strengthening. From diagnosis to programming: a step by step approach. ACF Int Link Tool box Link
Renforcement du système de santé. Du diagnostic à la programmation - une approche étape par étape. ACF
Int Lien Boite à outils. Lien
Meeting peaks in demand for nutrition services through government health systems: A description of Concern
Kenya’s surge model for community-based management of acute malnutrition. Concern Worldwide Link
Review of community management of acute malnutrition (CMAM) in Sindh, Punjab and Balochistan. Valid Int Link
Country-specific resources on malnutrition
Ressources spécifiques aux pays sur la malnutrition
Maternal and childhood undernutrition in Bangladesh: keeping the issue on the agenda. Ibrahim Med Coll J Link
Association of maternal and child nutritional status in Brazil: a population based cross-sectional study. PLoS ONE Link
Nutritional status and CD4 cell counts in patients with HIV/AIDS receiving antiretroviral therapy. [Brazil] Rev Soc
Bras Med Trop Link
Summative evaluation of a malnutrition program for children in the Dominican Republic. Universal J of Public Health Link
Knowledge, perception and practice of mothers/caretakers and family’s regarding child nutrition (under 5 years of
age) in Nekemte Town, Ethiopia. STAR J Link
Challenges to the programmatic implementation of ready to use infant formula in the post-earthquake response,
Haiti, 2010: A program review. PLOS One Link
Spatial analysis of undernutrition of children in Léogâne Commune, Haiti. FNB Link
Management of children with severe acute malnutrition: experience of nutrition rehabilitation centers in Uttar
Pradesh, India. Indian Pediatrics Link
Nutrition rehabilitation centers and locally prepared therapeutic food in the management of severe acute
malnutrition: pediatrician’s perspective. [India] Indian Pediatrics Link
Epidemiology of malnutrition among under five children in rural area in Karnataka, India. Int J of Recent Trends in
Science and Technology Link
Study of nutritional status among under five children attending out patient department at a primary care rural
hospital, Bareilly (UP). [India] Scholars J of Applied Medical Sciences (SJAMS) Link
Fetal growth restriction in pregnancy: the significance of maternal body mass index, nutritional status, anemia, and
ultrasonography screening (India). Int J of Reproductive Medicine Link
Factors associated with malnutrition among tribal children in India: a non-parametric approach. J of Trop
Pediatrics [abstract] Link
Child undernutrition in Kenya: trend analyses from 1993 to 2008-09. BMC Pediatrics Link
Barriers to CMAM Services in Central Pokot, Kenya. PRA assessment with users. CMN Link
Prevalence of malnutrition and its correlates in older adults living in long stay institutions situated in Beirut,
Lebanon. J of Research in Health Sciences Link
Economic and health determinants of child nutritional status in the Malawian district of Salima. [Malawi] abstract
Eur J of Dev Res Link
Diagnostic and prognostic value of procalcitonin and C-reactive protein in malnourished children. [Niger]
Pediatrics Link
Body mass index changes during highly active antiretroviral therapy in Nigeria. EMHJ Link
Appraisal of nursing mothers’ knowledge and practice of exclusive breastfeeding in Yobe State, Nigeria. J of
Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare Link
Nutritional status of hospitalized children with nutritional anaemia: a cross sectional study. [Pakistan] Ann Pak Inst
Med Sci Link
Got milk? The impact of Heifer International’s livestock donation programs in Rwanda on nutritional outcomes.
Food Policy [abstract] Link
The power of nutrition impact and positive practice (NIPP) circles. [South Sudan] South Sudan Medical J Link
Effect of high active antiretroviral therapy and multi-vitamin minerals supplement on the nutritional status and
growth pattern of HIV infected children [Tanzania] p24 LISHE Tanzania Food and Nutrition J Link
Contribution of care, hygiene and sanitation to maternal and child nutrition status in Kilosa district. [Tanzania]
LISHE Tanzania Food and Nutrition J p63 Link
Sensory acceptability of sorghum peanut blend (SPB) and corn soy blend plus (CSB+) by young children with
moderate acute malnutrition in Karamoja, Uganda. J of Food Research Link
Wasting among Uganda men with pulmonary tuberculosis is associated with linear regain in lean tissue mass
during and after treatment in contrast to women with wasting who regain fat tissue mass: prospective cohort study.
BMC Infectious Diseases Link
Acceptability of two ready-to-use-therapeutic foods among HIV-positive patients in Vietnam. FANTA Link
General resources on health and nutrition
Ressources générales sur la santé et la nutrition
Analysis of body composition: a critical review of the use of bioelectrical impedance analysis. Int J of Clin Nut Link
Challenges in infant and young child nutrition in the context of HIV. AIDS Link
Confronting crisis: transforming lives through improved resilience. Concern Worldwide’s learning from the Sahel
and the Horn of Africa. Concern Worldwide Link
Every child's potential: integrating nutrition and early childhood development interventions. Annals of the New
York Academy of Sciences Link
Evolution of the Child Health Day strategy for the integrated delivery of child health and nutrition services. FNB Link
Gender-age marker toolkit. ECHO Link
“Good enough to eat" index. Where in the world are the best and worst places to eat. OXFAM Media Briefing Link
Health Organization infant and young child feeding indicators and their associations with child anthropometry: a
synthesis of recent findings. Maternal and Child Health Link
Integrated care as a means to improve primary care delivery for adults and adolescents in the developing world: a
critical analysis of integrated management of adolescent and adult illness (IMAI). BMC Medicine Link
Introducing solid foods to infants in the Asia Pacific Region. Nutrients [abstract] Link
Livestock production, animal source food intake, and young child growth: the role of gender for ensuring nutrition
impacts. Social Science & Medicine [abstract] Link
Maternal micronutrients, omega-3 fatty acids and placental PPARγ expression. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and
Metabolism [abstract] Link
Malnutrition and catch-up growth during childhood and puberty. In “Nutrition and Growth” Karger publishers Link
Nutrition assessment, counseling, and support (NACS): a user's guide. FANTA-III Link
Nutrition of adolescent girls in low- and middle-income countries. Sight and Life p26 Link
Professionalizing health logistics in Burkina Faso: challenges, implementation and sustainability. Public Health
Research Link
Region-wide assessment of the capacity for human nutrition training in West Africa: current situation, challenges,
and way forward. Global Health Action Link
Routine vitamin A supplementation for the prevention of blindness due to measles infection in children. The
Cochrane Library Link
Scaling up scaling down: overcoming malnutrition in developing countries. BOOK. Thomas J Marchione Link
Seasonality: the missing piece of the undernutrition puzzle? ACF Link
Saisonnalité : la pièce manquante du puzzle de la sous-nutrition ? ACF Lien
Strengthening health-system emergency preparedness: toolkit for assessing health system capacity for crisis
management. WHO Link
The potential use of chickpeas in development of infant follow-on formula. Nutrition Link
The state of the world’s children 2014 in numbers. Every child counts. Revealing disparities, advancing childrens’
rights. UNICEF Link
La situation des enfants dans le monde 2014 en chiffres. Chaque enfant compte. Dévoiler les disparitiés,
promouvoir les droits de l’enfant. UNICEF Lien
Towards sustainable nutrition for all. Tackling the double burden of malnutrition in Africa. Sight and Life Link
UNICEF–CDC global assessment of home fortification interventions 2011: Current status, new directions, and
implications for policy and programmatic guidance. FNB Link
WHO guidelines on fluid resuscitation in children: missing the FEAST data. BMJ Link WHO response. BMJ Link
Rapid response Link WHO guidelines on fluid resuscitation in children with shock [Duke and Mason] Lancet Link