Bangladesh Title II Multi Year Assistance Program Program for Strengthening Household Access to Resources (PROSHAR) PROSHAR Goal & Objectives To reduce food insecurity among rural vulnerable populations in Khulna Strategic Objectives (SO) SO 1: Increase incomes of poor & ultra poor households: (ACDI-VOCA) SO 2: Improve health and nutrition of women & children: (PCI) SO 3: Strengthen the resiliency to shocks & their long term impact: (PCI) PROSHAR Target Areas PROSHAR is working in three Upazilas in Khulna, reaching a total of 45,105 households: 1. Sarankhola (20% of program population) 2. Lohagara (49% of program population) 3. Batiaghata (30% of program population) SO 2: Improve Health and Nutrition of Women & Children (34,890 HH) Focus Areas 1. Malnutrition prevented and treated for PLW & children <2 yrs 2. Integrated clinical health services expanded 3. Household & community response to health/nutrition challenges improved SO 3: Strengthen Resiliency to Shocks & Long Term Impacts (5,502 HH) Focus Areas: 1. Mechanisms for mitigation & response to shocks improved. 2. Community capacity & resources to reduce vulnerability strengthened. 3. Capacity of local organizations, government & communities to respond to disaster strengthened. Comprehensive M&E Strategy A multilayered approach to collecting data which includes: 1. Monthly data from program activities 2. Supervisory site visits & qualitative assessments 3. Qualitative/quantitative baseline & annual surveys 4. Midterm & final evaluations Illustrative Indicators for SO2 & SO3 SO 2: % of children SO 3: # of DMCs that have 0-6 months of age exclusively breastfed comprehensive Disaster Risk Reduction Plans SO 2: % of caregivers SO 3: # of agreements who adopted at least three of the recommended behaviors established with key public and private sector partners to support implementation of DRR plans SO 2: # of SO 3: # of communities (wards) pregnant/lactating women completing at least 12 months of PM2A programming. monitoring trigger indicators associated with vulnerabilities identified in their Community Risk Assessments Overall, PROSHAR will 1. Improve livelihoods all along the value chain through increased productivity & market linkages developed/strengthened. (SO1) 2. Prevent and treat child malnutrition, expand integrated clinical health services, & improve community/ household responses to health challenges. (SO2) 3. Empower communities to reduce risks & effectively respond to emergencies. (SO3)