Crown Fire Norwich & South Norfolk District Junior Football League

Central & South Norfolk League
(incorporating the former Norwich and Dereham District Leagues)
Transfer Form
PART 1 (to be completed by the player who wishes for the transfer)
I wish to be transferred from ______________________________________________F.C. to
I certify that I have discharged all my financial liabilities to my current club.
Signature of Player _____________________________________ Date ____________
(to be completed by the Secretary of the club which the player wishes to join)
My club wishes to transfer ___________________________________________from the club
shown above.
(Player's name in full)
I certify that my club has complied with F.A. and County F.A. Rules relating to the approach of
players in respect of this particular matter.
Signature of Club Secretary ______________________________ Date ____________
Name of Club _________________________________________ F.C.
1. When Parts 1 and 2 of the form have been completed, the form must be emailed or sent to the
Deputy Secretary of the League. Unless the Deputy Secretary has given his prior consent, the form
must not be sent directly to the club from which the player wishes to be transferred.
2. The transfer will be deemed to be granted when notified to that effect by the Deputy Secretary
provided that written objection has not been received from the transferring club within the prescribed
period of three days.
3. Once the transfer has been approved, your club will be invoiced for the transfer fee of £10.
(to be completed by the Secretary of the club from which the player wishes to be
My Club **objects/agrees to the transfer of ____________________________________
(Player's name in full)
Signature of Club Secretary ______________________________ Date ____________
Name of Club _________________________________________ F.C.
** Delete as appropriate