FAULT CLASSIFICATION IN POWER SYSTEM USING MICROPROCESSOR Sumit Kapadia B.E., North Maharashtra University, India, 2006 PROJECT Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING at CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SACRAMENTO FALL 2010 FAULT CLASSIFICATION IN POWER SYSTEM USING MICROPROCESSOR A Project by Sumit Kapadia Approved by: ______________________________, Committee Chair John C. Balachandra, Ph.D. _______________________________, Second Reader Fethi Belkhouche, Ph.D. __________ Date ii Student: Sumit Kapadia I certify that this student has met the requirements for format contained in the university format manual, and that this project is suitable for shelving in the library and credit is to be awarded for the Project. _________________________, Graduate Coordinator Preetham B. Kumar, Ph.D. Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering iii ___________ Date Abstract of FAULT CLASSIFICATION IN POWER SYSTEM USING MICROPROCESSOR by Sumit Kapadia This project report introduces artificial intelligence based algorithm for classifying fault type and determining fault location on the power system, which can be implemented on a Microprocessor based relay. This new concept relies on a principle of pattern recognition and identifies fault type easily and efficiently. The approach utilizes selforganized, Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART) neural network, combined with KNearest-Neighbor (K-NN) decision rule for interpretation of neural network outputs. A selected simplified power network is used to simulate all possible fault scenarios and to generate test cases. An overview model of how this method can be implemented on Hardware is also given. Performance efficiency of this method of fault classification and fault location determination is also computed. Variation of the Neural Network efficiency with different parameters is also studied. _______________________________, Committee Chair John C. Balachandra, Ph.D. ____________ Date iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to project coordinator Dr. John Balachandra, Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, California State University Sacramento, for their guidance, cooperation and both moral and technical support for giving ample amount of time for successful completion of the project. He gave constant support and the freedom to choose the direction in which the project should proceed. I would like to extend my acknowledgements to the chairperson of the committee and the graduate coordinator of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Department, Dr. Preetham Kumar for providing various facilities which helped me throughout my project. I am thankful to Professor Fethi Belkhouche for being second reader of this thesis, who had brought our attention to the various points to be taken in to consideration during the preparation of the report. v TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Acknowledgments............................................................................................................... v List of Tables ..................................................................................................................... ix List of Figures ..................................................................................................................... x Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 1 1.1. Project Overview ................................................................................................ 1 1.2. Report Outline................................................................................................. …2 2 BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................... 4 2.1. Introduction ......................................................................................................... 4 2.2. Power System and the Concept of Protective Relaying ..................................... 4 2.3. Traditional Protective Relaying for Transmission Lines .................................... 6 2.4. Distance Relaying. .............................................................................................. 8 3 NEURAL NETWORKS. ............................................................................................. 13 3.1. Introduction. ...................................................................................................... 13 3.2. Basis of Neural Networks. ................................................................................ 13 3.3. History of Neural Networks .............................................................................. 14 3.4. Types of Neural Networks ................................................................................ 16 3.5. Neural Networks for Pattern Classification. ..................................................... 16 3.6. Competitive Networks ...................................................................................... 18 vi 3.7. Adaptive Resonance Theory ............................................................................. 21 4 NEURAL NETWORK ALGORITHM ......................................................................... 24 4.1. Introduction ....................................................................................................... 24 4.2. Adaptive Neural Network (ART) Structure...................................................... 24 4.3. Unsupervised Learning. .................................................................................... 26 4.4. Supervised Learning. ........................................................................................ 30 4.5. Implementation. ................................................................................................ 31 5 HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE SOLUTION ........................................................... 35 5.1. Introduction ....................................................................................................... 35 5.2. Relay Architecture ............................................................................................ 35 5.3. Data Acquisition and Signal processing. .......................................................... 36 5.4. Digital Processing Subsystem. .......................................................................... 38 5.5. Command Execution System ............................................................................ 39 6 SIMPLE POWER SYSTEM MODEL .......................................................................... 41 6.1. Introduction ....................................................................................................... 41 6.2. Power System Model ........................................................................................ 41 7 SIMULATION AND IMPLEMENTATION ................................................................ 43 7.1. Introduction ....................................................................................................... 43 7.2. Power System Design and Simulation .............................................................. 43 7.3. Model Interfacing. ............................................................................................ 44 7.4. Generation Simulation Cases. ........................................................................... 44 vii 7.5. Testing ............................................................................................................. 45 8 SIMULATION RESULTS ............................................................................................ 46 8.1. Simulation Waveforms ..................................................................................... 46 8.1.1. Waveforms for Line to Ground Fault ...................................................... 48 8.1.2. Waveforms for Line to Line Fault ........................................................... 50 8.2. Neural Network Training Results. .................................................................... 51 8.3. Neural Network Classification Results. ............................................................ 53 9 PROGRAM LISTINGS ................................................................................................. 56 9.1. Program to Generate Training Patterns ............................................................ 56 9.2. Program to Plot Fault Waveforms .................................................................... 59 9.3. Program to Train Neural Network. ................................................................... 61 9.4. Program to Generate Test Patterns. .................................................................. 66 9.5. Program to Classify Faults using Neural Network ........................................... 70 9.6. Program to Plot Clusters and Member Patterns. ............................................... 72 10 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................ 74 References………………………………………………………………………………..76 viii LIST OF TABLES Page 1. Table 4.1: Algorithm for Unsupervised Training of Neural Network. ............................. 33 2. Table 8.1: Results of Neural Network Training for Fault Type Classification ................ 52 3. Table 8.2: Results of Neural Network Training for Fault Location Classification .......... 53 4. Table 8.3: Results of Neural Network Fault Type Classifier............................................ 54 5. Table 8.4: Results of Neural Network Fault Location Classifier...................................... 55 ix LIST OF FIGURES Page 1. Figure 2.1: Example of a Power System. ............................................................................ 5 2. Figure 2.2: Transmission Line with Fault Detection and Clearance .................................. 6 3. Figure 2.3: Relay Coordination .......................................................................................... 7 4. Figure 2.4: Equivalent Circuit of Transmission Line during Pre-fault Condition .............. 9 5. Figure 2.5: Equivalent Circuit of Transmission Line during Fault Condition.................. 10 6. Figure 2.6: Apparent Impedance seen from Relay Location during Pre-fault and Fault Condition........................................................................................................................... 11 7. Figure 2.7: Mho and Quadrilateral Distance Relay Characteristics. ................................ 12 8. Figure 3.1: Principle of Artificial Neural Network........................................................... 14 9. Figure 3.2: Multilayer Perceptron Network. ..................................................................... 18 10. Figure 3.3: Structure of Adaptive Resonance Theory Network ....................................... 22 11. Figure 4.1: Combined Unsupervised and Supervised Neural Network Training ............. 25 12. Figure 4.2: Unsupervised Learning (Initialization Phase) ................................................ 27 13. Figure 4.3: Unsupervised Learning (Stabilization Phase). ............................................... 29 14. Figure 4.4: Supervised Learning ....................................................................................... 31 15. Figure 4.5: Implementation of Trained Network for Classification ................................. 32 16. Figure 5.1: Proposed Hardware/Software Design for Microprocessor Based Relay ....... 36 17. Figure 5.2: Moving Data Window for Voltage and Current samples. .............................. 37 18. Figure 6.1: Power System Model ..................................................................................... 42 x 19. Figure 8.1: Cluster with Member Patterns ........................................................................ 46 20. Figure 8.2: Waveforms for Line to Ground Fault ............................................................. 48 21. Figure 8.3: Waveforms for Line to Ground Fault at Different Inception Angle .............. 49 22. Figure 8.4: Waveforms for Line to Line Fault.................................................................. 50 23. Figure 8.5: Waveforms for Line to Line Fault at Different Inception Angle .................. 51 xi 1 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Overview The problem of detecting and classifying transmission line faults based on three phase voltage and current signals has been known for a long time. Traditionally overcurrent, distance, over-voltage, under-voltage, differential relay based protection are implemented using either models of the transmission line or fault signals. All of these principles are based on a comparison between the measurements and predetermined setting calculated taking into account only predetermined operating conditions and fault events. Thus, if the actual power system conditions deviate from the anticipated ones, the measurements and settings determined by the classical relay design have inherent limitations in classifying certain fault conditions, and the performance of classical protective relays may significantly deteriorate. Subsequently, a more sensitive, selective, and reliable relaying principle is needed, capable of classifying the faults under a variety of operating conditions and faults. This report introduces a protective relaying principle for transmission lines which is based on pattern recognition instead of using traditional methods. The approach utilizes an artificial neural network algorithm where the prevailing system conditions are taken into account through the learning mechanism. Artificial neural networks possess an ability to capture complex and nonlinear relationships between inputs and outputs through a learning process. They are 2 particularly useful for solving difficult signal processing and pattern recognition problems. The new protective relaying concept is based on a special type of artificial neural network, called Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART), which is ideally suited for classifying large, highly dimensional and time varying sets of input data. The new classification approach has to reliably conclude, in a short time which type of fault occurs under a variety of operating conditions. Samples of current and voltage signals from three transmission line phases are recognized as the features of various disturbance and fault events in the power network, and aligned into a set of input patterns. Through combined unsupervised and supervised learning steps, the neural network establishes categorized prototypes of typical input patterns. In the implementation phase, the trained neural network classifies new fault events into one of the known categories based on an interpretation of the match between the corresponding patterns and set of prototypes using K-NN decision rule. A simplified model of a power network is used to simulate different fault scenarios. MATLAB software based algorithm is used for training and evaluation of the neural network based fault classifier. 1.2 Report Outline The report is organized as follows. A background of power systems and protective relaying is provided in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 discusses neural networks and summarizes applications of neural networks for protective relaying and describes the relevant approaches and gives an overview of the neural network approach. The 3 neural network algorithm for training and implementation (ART) are explained in Chapter 4. Required hardware and software modules for this protective relaying method are outlined in Chapter 5. A model of the simplified power network is presented in Chapter 6. Chapter 7 specifies implementation steps, including fault simulation, pattern generation, and the design of ART neural network algorithms. The simulation results are shown in Chapter 8. Software code written to simulate faults, training and testing of the neural network are presented in Chapter 9. The conclusions derived from the project work are given after Chapter 9. References related to this project report are enclosed at the end. 4 Chapter 2 BACKGROUND 2.1 Introduction This chapter discusses topics relevant to the project work and is organized into three sections. First section describes a role and structure of power system, the effect of power system faults and emphasizes the concept of protective relaying. The next section focuses on traditional protective relaying of transmission lines. The most common relaying principle, distance protection, is analyzed in the third section. 2.2 Power System and the Concept of Protective Relaying A power system is a grid of electrical sources, loads, transmission lines, power transformers, circuit breakers, and other equipment, connected to provide power generation, transmission and distribution. A simple example of a typical power system is given in Fig 2.1.Transmission lines link the sources and loads in the system, and allow energy transmission. The loss of one or more transmission lines is often critical for power transfer capability, system stability, sustainability of required system voltage and frequency. Circuit breakers are devices for connecting power system components and carrying transmission line currents under normal operating conditions, and interrupting the currents under specified abnormal operating conditions. They are located at the transmission line ends and by interrupting the current they isolate the fault portion from the system. 5 Circuit Breakers BUS 1 Source 1 BUS 3 BUS 4 LOAD A BUS 6 LOAD B LOAD D transmission lines Source 2 BUS 7 BUS 5 BUS 2 LOAD C LOAD E Figure 2.1 – Example of a Power System The purpose of protective relaying is to minimize the effect of power system faults by preserving service availability and minimizing equipment damage. Since the damage caused by a fault is mainly proportional to its duration, the protection is required to operate as quickly as possible. Transmission line faults happen randomly, and they are typically an outcome of severe weather or other unpredictable conditions. Various fault parameters as well as conditions imposed by actual network configuration and operating mode determine the corresponding transient current and voltage waveforms detected by the relays at line ends. The main fault parameters are: 1. Type of fault defined as single phase to ground, phase to phase, two phase to ground, three phase, and three-phase-to-ground. 2. Fault distance defined as distance between the relay and faulted point. 3. Fault impedance defined as impedance of the earth path. 4. Fault incidence time defined as time instance where the fault occurs on the voltage waveform. 6 2.3 Traditional Protective Relaying for Transmission Lines Protective relays are intelligent devices located at both ends of each transmission line, nearby network buses or other connection points. They enable high speed actions required to protect the power network equipment when operating limits are violated due to an occurrence of a fault. The relay serves as primary protection for corresponding transmission line as well as a backup for the relays at adjacent lines, beyond the remote line end. Although a transmission line is protected by the relays in each phase, for simplicity, only one phase connection is illustrated in Fig 2.2. The transmission line fault detection and clearance measurement and control chain contains instrument transformers, distance relay and circuit breaker. Instrument transformers acquire voltage and current measurements (VT and CT) and reduce the transmission level signals into appropriate lower level signals convenient to be utilized by the relay. The main role of protective relays is recognizing the faults in particular area in power network based on measured three-phase voltage and current signals. BUS VT Relay CT Circuit Breaker Three Phase Transmission Line Circuit Breaker CT BUS VT Relay Figure 2.2 - Transmission Line with Fault Detection and Clearance 7 In a very short time, around 20 ms, relay has to reliably conclude whether and which type of fault occurs, and issue a command for opening the circuit breaker to disconnect faulted phases accordingly. The relay responsibility for protection of a segment of the power system is defined by a concept of zones of protection. A zone of protection is a setting defined in terms of a percentage of the line length, measuring from the relay location. When fault occurs within the zone of protection, the protection system activates circuit breakers isolating the faulty segment of the power system defined by the zone boundaries. The zones of protection always overlap, in order to ensure back-up protection for all portions of the power system. Figure 2.3 – Relay Coordination 8 Fig 2.3 shows a small segment of a power system with protection zones enclosed by dashed lines distinctly indicating the zones for the relays located at A, B, C and D. For instance, relay at A has three zones of protection, where zone I is the zone of primary protection, while zones II and III are backup protections if relays at C and E malfunction, respectively for the faults in their zone I. Coordination of protective devices requires calculation of settings to achieve selectivity for faults at different locations. Zone I setting is selected for relay to trip with no intentional delay, except for the relay and circuit breaker operating time t1.The zone I is set to under-reach the remote end of the line, and usually covers around 80-85% of the line length. Entire line length cannot be covered with zone I because the relay is not capable of precisely determining fault location. Hence instant undesired operation may happen for the faults beyond remote bus. The purpose of zone II is to cover the remote end of the line which is not covered by the zone I. A time delay t1 for the faults in zone II is required to allow coordination with the zone I of the relay at adjacent line. Zone II setting overreaches the remote line end and typically is being set to 120% of the line length. Zone III setting provides back up protection for adjacent line and operates with the time delay t3. Typical setting for zone III is 150-200% of the primary line length, and is limited by the shortest adjacent line. 2.4 Distance Relaying In the traditional protective relaying approach, a distance relay is the most common relay type for protection of multi-terminal transmission lines. It operates when the 9 apparent impedance seen by the relay decreases bellow a setting value. Relay settings are determined through a range of short circuit studies using the power system model and simulations of the worst-case fault conditions. Simplified examples of a singlephase electrical circuit, with voltage source, load, and pre-fault and faulted transmission line with neglected shunt capacitance are shown in Fig 2.4 and 2.5, respectively. Relay Rline Xline U, I measurements Rload U Xload Figure 2.4 – Equivalent Circuit of Transmission Line during Pre-fault Condition The conditions before the fault determine the impedance seen by the relay: Z line Rline jX line , Rline << Xline (2.1) Z load Rload jX load , Rload > Xload Z pre fault U pre fault I pre fault Z line Z load (2.2) (2.3) The distance relay operates on the principle of dividing the voltage and current phasors to measure the impedance from the relay location to the fault. Condition in (2.1) is due to highly inductive impedance of a transmission line, while condition in (2.2) is due to mostly resistive load characteristics. 10 Relay mRline mXline (1-m)Rline (1-m)Xline U, I measurements Rload Rfault U Xload Figure 2.5 – Equivalent Circuit of Transmission Line during Fault Condition The impedance seen by the relay at the moment of the fault is given as: Z fault mZ line ((1 m) Z line Z load ) || R fault mZ line Z fault ((1 m) Z line Z load ) R fault (1 m) Z line Z load R fault U fault I fault mZ line R fault , Rfault << Rload (2.4) (2.5) The apparent impedance at the relay location is equal to the quotient of measured phase voltage and current, according to (2.3) and (2.5). Graphical representation of the measured impedance is usually shown in the complex, resistance-reactance or RX plane given in Fig 2.6, where the origin of the plane represents the relay location and the beginning of the protected line. Comparing (2.3) and (2.5), the impedance measured at the relay location under normal load conditions is generally significantly higher than the impedance during the fault, which usually includes arc and earth resistance. It depends on the fault type and location in the system where it occurs. The apparent impedance also varies with 11 fault impedance, as well as impedance of equivalent sources and loads. However, in real situations problem of detecting apparent impedance is not as simple as the singlephase analysis given for simplified network and transmission line may suggest. The interconnection of many transmission lines imposes a complex set of relay settings. line characteristic X Zline m*Zline Rfault Zload Zfault Zpre-fault R Figure 2.6 – Apparent Impedance seen from Relay Location during Pre-fault and Fault Condition The impedance computed by the distance relay has to be compared against the relay settings. Settings are defined as the operating characteristics in the complex R-X plane that enclose all faults along protected section and takes into account varying fault resistance. A distance relay is designed to operate whenever estimated impedance remains within a particular area on the operating characteristic during specified time interval. Impedance relay characteristics for three protection zones are shown in Fig 2.7, where mho characteristic is designed for faults not including ground, while quadrilateral 12 characteristic is designed for faults including ground. The mho operating characteristic is a circle with the center in the middle of impedance of the protected section. The quadrilateral operating characteristic is a polygon, where the resistive reach is set to cover the desired level of ground fault resistance, but also to be far enough from the minimum load impedance. The typical distance relaying algorithm involves three sets of three zone characteristics for each phase-to-phase and phase-toground fault. As long as voltages and currents are being acquired, the apparent impedance is estimated by assuming each of possible phase-to-phase and phase-toground fault types. Selection of either mho or quadrilateral characteristic depends on value of zero sequence current. An existence of zero sequence current indicates ground fault and quadrilateral characteristic should be considered, otherwise fault does not include ground and mho characteristic should be examined. When the operating characteristic has been chosen, the impedance is checked against all three sets of individual settings. Depending on type and location of an actual fault, only the corresponding apparent impedances will fall inside their operating characteristics. Figure 2.7 – Mho and Quadrilateral Distance Relay Characteristics [15] 13 Chapter 3 NEURAL NETWORKS 3.1 Introduction Generally, power systems are highly complex and large-scale systems, possessing statistical nature and having subsystems whose model usually cannot be easily identified. Quite often there is no suitable analytical technology to deal with this degree of complexity and the number of computational possibilities is too high leading to unsatisfactory solutions. Presented problems can be overcome successfully using artificial neural networks (ANNs). 3.2 Basis of Neural Networks It is generally known that all biological neural functions, including memory, are stored in very complex grids of neurons and their interconnections. Learning is a process of acquiring data from the environment and establishing new neurons and connections between neurons or the modifications of existing connections. An idea of artificial neural networks, shown in Fig 3.1, is to construct a small set of simple artificial neurons and train them to capture general, usually complex and nonlinear, relationships among data. 14 network structure adaptation + input Artifical Neural Network output - target + error Figure 3.1 – Principle of Artificial Neural Network The function of neural network is determined by structure of neurons, connection strengths and the type of processing performed at elements or nodes. In classification tasks, the output being predicted is a categorical variable, while in regression problems the output is a quantitative variable. Neural network uses individual examples, like set of inputs or input-output pairs, and appropriate training mechanism to periodically adjust the number of neurons and weights of neuron interconnections to perform desired function. Afterwards, it possesses generalization ability, and can successfully accomplish mapping or classification of input signals that have not been presented in the training process. 3.3 History of Neural Networks The origin of neural networks theory began in the 1940s with the work of McCulloch and Pitts, who showed that networks with sufficient number of artificial neurons 15 could, in principle, compute any arithmetic or logical function [7]. They were followed by Hebb, who presented a mechanism for learning in biological neurons. The first practical application of artificial neural networks came in the late 1950s, when Rosenblatt invented the perceptron network and associated learning rule. However, the basic perceptron network could solve only a limited class of problems. Few years later Widrow and Hoff introduced a new learning algorithm and used it to train adaptive learning neural networks, with structure and capability similar to the perceptron network. In 1972 Kohonen and Anderson independently developed new neural networks that can serve as memories, by learning association between input and output vectors. Grossberg was investigating the self-organizing neural networks, capable of performing error correction by themselves, without any external help and supervision [7]. In 1982, Hopfield described the use of statistical analysis to define the operation of a certain class of recurrent networks, which could be used as an associative memory. The back propagation algorithm for training multilayer perceptron neural networks was discovered in 1986 by Rumelhart and McClelland. Radial basis function networks were invented in 1988 by Broomhend and Lowe as an alternative to multilayer perceptron networks. In the 1990s, Vapnik invented support vector machines a powerful class of supervised learning networks [7]. In the last fifteen years theoretical and practical work in the area of neural networks has been rapidly growing. Neural networks are used in a broad range of applications, including pattern classification, function approximation, data compression, associative memory, 16 optimization, prediction, nonlinear system modeling, and control. They are applied to a wide variety of problems in many fields including aerospace, automotive, banking, chemistry, defense, electronics, engineering, entertainment, finance, games, manufacturing, medical, oil and gas, robotics, speech, securities, telecommunications, transportation. 3.4 Types of Neural Networks Generally, there are three categories of artificial neural networks: feedforward, feedback and competitive learning networks. In the feedforward networks the outputs are computed directly from the inputs, and no feedback is involved. Recurrent networks are dynamical systems and have feedback connections between outputs and inputs. In the competitive learning networks the outputs are computed based on some measure of distance between the inputs and actual outputs. Feedforward networks are used for pattern recognition and function approximation, recurrent networks are used as associative memories and for optimization problems and competitive learning networks are used for pattern classification. 3.5 Neural Networks for Pattern Classification Pattern recognition or classification is learning with categorical outputs. Categories are symbolic values assigned to the patterns and connect the pattern to the specific event which that pattern represents. Categorical variables take only a finite number of possible values. The union of all regions where given category is predicted is known 17 as the decision region for that category. In pattern classification the main problem is estimation of decision regions between the categories that are not perfectly separable in the pattern space. Neural network learning techniques for pattern recognition can be classified into two broad categories: unsupervised and supervised learning. During supervised learning desired set of outputs is presented together with the set of inputs, and each input is associated with corresponding output. In this case, neural network learns matching between inputs and desired outputs (targets), by adjusting the network weights so as to minimize the error between the desired and actual network outputs over entire training set. However, during unsupervised learning, desired outputs are not known or not taken into account, and network learns to identify similarity or inner structure of the input patterns, by adjusting the network weights until similar inputs start to produce similar outputs. The most commonly used type of feed forward neural networks is Multilayer Perceptron. It has multiple layers of parallel neurons, typically one or more hidden layers with inner product of the inputs, weights and biases and nonlinear transfer functions, followed by an output layer with inner product of the inputs, weights and biases and linear/nonlinear transfer functions, shown in Fig 3.2. Use of nonlinear transfer functions allows the network to learn complex nonlinear relationships between input and output data. 18 hidden layer input layer output layer z1 x1 z2 y1 x2 z3 x3 output input y2 z4 yL xJ zn-1 wNJ wLN zn Figure 3.2 – Multilayer Perceptron Network [5] 3.6 Competitive Networks Competitive or Self-Organized neural networks try to identify natural groupings of data from a large data set through clustering [5]. The aim of clustering is to allocate input patterns into much smaller number of groups called clusters, such that each pattern is assigned to unique cluster [8]. Clustering is the process of grouping the data into groups or clusters so that objects within a cluster have high similarity in comparison to one another, but are dissimilar to objects in other clusters [8]. Two widely used clustering algorithms are K-means where the number of clusters is given 19 in advance and ISODATA where the clusters are allocated incrementally. The Competitive networks learn to recognize the groups or clusters of similar input patterns, each having members that are as much alike as possible. The similarity between input patterns is estimated by some distance measure, usually by the Euclidean distance. Neural network neurons are cluster centers defined as prototypes of input patterns encountered by the clusters. During learning, each prototype becomes sensitive and triggered by a different domain of input patterns. When learning is completed a set of prototypes represents the structure of input data. For supervised classification, each cluster belongs to one of existing categories, and number of neural network outputs corresponds to desired number of categories, determined by the given classification task. The Competitive Learning network consists of two layers. The first layer performs a correlation between the input pattern and the prototypes. The second, output layer performs a competition between the prototypes to determine a winner that indicates which prototype is best representative of the input pattern. The associate learning rule is used to adapt the weights in a competitive network, and typical examples are the Hebb rule in (3.1) and Kohonen rule in (3.2). In Hebb rule, winning prototype wij is adjusted by moving toward the product of input xi and output yj with learning rate α: wi , j (k ) wi , j (k 1) xi (k ) y j (k ) (3.1) In Kohonen rule, the winning prototype wij is moved toward the input xi: wi , j (k ) wi , j (k 1) ( xi (k ) wi , j (k 1)) for i min || xi (k ) wi , j (k 1) || (3.2) 20 Typical example of Competitive Learning networks is Vector Quantization (VQ) network, where the prototype closest to the input pattern is moved toward that pattern. Competitive Learning networks are efficient adaptive classifiers, but they suffer from certain problems. The first problem is that the choice of learning rate forces a trade-off between the speed of learning and stability of the prototypes. The second problem occurs when clusters are close together such that they may overlap and encompass patterns already encountered by other clusters. The third problem is that occasionally an initial prototype is located so far from any input pattern that it never wins the competition, and therefore never learns. Finally, a competitive layer always has as many clusters as neurons. This may not be acceptable for some applications when the number of clusters cannot be estimated in advance. Some of the problems discussed can be solved by the Self-Organized-Feature-Map (SOM) networks and Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) networks. SelfOrganized-Feature-Maps learn to capture both the distribution, as competitive layers do, and topology of the input vectors. Learning Vector Quantization networks try to improve Vector Quantization networks by adapting the prototypes using supervised learning. Mentioned Competitive Learning networks, like many other types of neural network learning algorithms, suffer from a problem of unstable learning, usually called the stability/plasticity dilemma. If a learning algorithm is plastic or sensitive to novel inputs, then it becomes unstable and with certain degree forgets prior learning. Stability-plasticity problem has been solved by the Adaptive Resonance Theory 21 (ART) neural networks, which adapts itself to new inputs, without destroying past training. 3.7 Adaptive Resonance Theory ART neural network is a modified type of competitive learning, used in the Grossberg network, and has unique concept in discovering the most representative positions of prototypes in the pattern space. Similar to SOFM and LVQ networks, the prototype positions are dynamically updated during presentation of input patterns. However, contrary to SOFM and LVQ, the initial number of clusters and cluster centers are not specified in advance, but the clusters are allocated incrementally, if presented pattern is sufficiently different from all existing prototypes. Therefore, ART networks are sensitive to the order of presentation of the input patterns. The main advantage of ART network is an ability to self-adjust the underlying number of clusters. This offers flexible neural network structure that can handle an infinite stream of input data, because their cluster prototype units contain implicit representation of all the input patterns previously encountered. Since ART architectures are capable of continuous learning with non-stationary inputs, the on-line learning feature may be easily appended. The ART architecture, shown in Fig 3.3, consists of input, hidden and output layers and their specific interconnections: hidden to output layer activations, output to hidden layer expectations, mismatch detection subsystem and gain control. 22 The key innovation of ART is the use of expectation or resonance, where each input pattern is presented to the network and compared with the prototype that it most closely matches. input layer hidden layer output layer x1 z1 y1 x2 z2 y2 x3 z3 output input GAIN CONTROL activation xJ zJ MISMATCH DETECTION expectation WLJ WJL yL reset signal Figure 3.3 – Structure of Adaptive Resonance Theory Network When an input pattern is presented to the network, it is normalized and multiplied by cluster prototypes, i.e. weights in the hidden-output layer. Then, a competition is performed at output layer to determine which cluster prototype is closest to the input pattern. The output layer employs a winner-take-all competition leaving only one unit with non-zero response. Thus, input pattern activates one of the cluster prototypes. When a prototype in output layer is activated, it is reproduced as an expectation at the 23 hidden layer. Hidden layer then performs a comparison between the expectation and the input pattern, and the degree of their match is determined. If match is adequate (resonance does occur) the pattern is added to the winning cluster and its prototype is updated by moving toward input pattern. When the expectation and the input pattern are not closely matched (resonance does not occur), the mismatch is detected and causes a reset in the output layer. This reset signal disables the current winning cluster, and the current expectation is removed to allow learning of new cluster. In this way, previously learned prototypes are not affected by new learning. The amount of mismatch required for a reset is determined by the controlled gain or vigilance parameter that defines how well the current input should match a prototype of the winning cluster. The set of input patterns continues to be applied to the network until the weights converge, and stable clusters are formed. Obtained cluster prototypes generalize density of input space, and during implementation have to be combined with the K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) or any other classifier for classification of new patterns. There are many different variations of ART available today. ART1 performs unsupervised learning for binary input patterns, while ART2 is modified to handle analog input patterns. ART-2A is version of the ART2 with faster learning enabled. ART3 performs parallel searches of distributed prototypes in a hierarchical network structure. ARTMAP is a supervised version of ART1. There are also many other neural networks derived from mentioned basic ART structures. 24 Chapter 4 NEURAL NETWORK ALGORITHM 4.1 Introduction This chapter presents ART neural network pattern recognition algorithm. First section discusses very important feature of proposed neural network - the inherent adaptivity of its structure. Moreover, an extensive description of a training of neural network by utilizing unsupervised and supervised learning stages is provided in second and third sections. The fourth section explains the implementation of trained neural network, and specifies the decision rule for interpreting neural network outputs. 4.2 Adaptive Neural Network (ART) Structure The proposed neural network does not have a typical predetermined structure with specified number of neurons, but rather an adaptive structure with self-evolving neurons. The structure depends only upon the characteristics and presentation order of the patterns in input data set. The diagram of complete procedure of neural network training is shown in Fig 4.1. The training consists of numerous iterations of alternating unsupervised and supervised learning stages, suitably combined to achieve maximum efficiency. Groups of similar patterns are allocated into clusters, defined as hyper-spheres in a multidimensional space, where the space dimension is determined by the length of input patterns. The neural network initially uses unsupervised learning with unlabelled input patterns to form fugitive clusters. It tries to discover 25 pattern density by their groupings into clusters, and to estimate cluster prototypes that can serve as prototypes of typical input patterns. Figure 4.1 – Combined Unsupervised and Supervised Neural Network Training [1] The category labels are then assigned to the clusters during the supervised learning stage. The tuning parameter called threshold parameter, controls the cluster’s size and hence the number of generated clusters, and is being consecutively decreased during iterations. If threshold parameter is high, many different patterns can then be incorporated into one cluster, and this leads to a small number of coarse clusters. If threshold parameter is low, only very similar patterns activate the same cluster, and this leads to a large number of fine clusters. After training, the cluster centers serve as neural network neurons and represent typical pattern prototypes. The structure of prototypes solely depends on the density of input patterns. Each training pattern has been allocated into a single cluster, while 26 each cluster contains one or more similar input patterns. A prototype is centrally located in the respective cluster, and is either identical to one of the actual patterns or a synthesized prototype from encountered patterns. A category label that symbolizes a group of clusters with a common symbolic characteristic is assigned to each cluster, meaning that each cluster belongs to one of existing categories. The number of categories corresponds to the desired number of neural network outputs, determined by the given classification task. During implementation of trained network, distances between each new pattern and established prototypes are calculated, and using KNearest Neighbor classifier the most representative category amongst nearest prototypes is assigned to the pattern. 4.3 Unsupervised Learning The initial data set, containing all the patterns, is firstly processed using unsupervised learning realized as a modified ISODATA clustering algorithm. During this stage patterns are presented without their category labels. The initial guess of the number of cluster and their positions is not specified in advance, but only a strong distance measure between cluster prototypes is specified using the threshold parameter. Unsupervised learning consists of two steps: initialization and stabilization phases. The initialization phase, shown in Fig 4.2, incrementally iterates all the patterns and establishes initial cluster structure based on similarity between the patterns. 27 Layer of trained competitive neurons Input layer adapt winning neuron W1 |dist| W2 |dist| TEST PATTERN pass min WI |dist| Xi Vigilance test? fail WL |dist| WL+1 |dist| add new neuron Figure 4.2 – Unsupervised Learning (Initialization Phase) The entire pattern set is presented only once. Since the number of cluster prototypes is not specified, training starts by forming the first cluster with only first input pattern assigned. A cluster is formed by defining a hyper-sphere located at the cluster center, with radius equal to the actual value of threshold parameter. New clusters are formed incrementally whenever a new pattern, rather dissimilar to all previously presented patterns, appears. Otherwise, the pattern is allocated into cluster with the most similar patterns. The similarity is measured by calculating the Euclidean distance between a pattern and existing prototypes. Presentation of each input pattern updates a position of exactly one cluster prototype. Whenever an input pattern is presented, cluster 28 prototypes that serve as neurons compete among themselves. Each pattern is compared to all existing prototypes and winning prototype with minimum distance to the pattern is selected. If winning prototype passes vigilance or similarity test, meaning that it does satisfactory match the pattern, the pattern is assigned to the cluster of winning prototype and cluster is updated by adding that pattern to the cluster. Otherwise, if winning prototype fails vigilance test, a new cluster with prototype identical to the pattern is being added. The entire procedure continues until all patterns are examined. Initialization phase does not reiterate, and although the clusters change their positions during incremental presentation of the patterns, already presented patterns are not able to change the clusters. Consequently, the final output of the initialization phase is a set of unstable clusters. Since initialization phase does not reiterate the patterns, stabilization phase is needed to refine the number and positions of the clusters. Stabilization phase shown in Fig 4.3 is being reiterated numerous times until a stable cluster structure is obtained, when none of the patterns exchange the clusters during single iteration. Stabilization phase starts with presenting all the patterns again. Each pattern is compared again to all existing prototypes, and winning prototype is selected. If for an actual pattern a winning prototype fails vigilance test, a new cluster is formed and the previous winning prototype is updated by erasing the pattern from that cluster. If for the pattern happens that the winning prototype is identical in two consecutive iterations and passes vigilance test, the learning does not occur since the pattern has not recently changed the cluster. Otherwise, if winning prototypes are 29 different in the current and previous iteration, the pattern is moved to the current winning cluster and its prototype is updated by adding the pattern, while the previous winning prototype is updated by erasing the pattern from corresponding cluster. The stabilization phase is completed when all clusters retain all their patterns after single iteration. Unsupervised learning produces a set of stable clusters, including homogenous clusters, containing patterns of the identical category and non-homogenous clusters, containing patterns of two or more categories. It requires relatively high computation time due to a large number of iterations needed for convergence of the stabilization phase. The steps of unsupervised learning, performed through initialization and stabilization phases, are defined through mathematical expressions in Table 4.1. Layer of trained competitive neurons Input layer adapt new and previous winning neuron W1 |dist| TEST PATTERN W2 |dist| different in two consecutive iterations min WI |dist| Vigilance test? pass Winning neurons? fail identical in two consecutive iterations Xi WL |dist| No learning add new neuron and adapt previous winning neuron WL+1 |dist| Figure 4.3 – Unsupervised Learning (Stabilization Phase) 30 4.4 Supervised Learning During supervised learning, shown in Fig 4.4, the category label is associated with each input pattern allowing identification and separation of homogenous and nonhomogenous clusters produced by unsupervised learning. Category labels are assigned to the homogeneous clusters, and they are being added to the memory of stored clusters, including their characteristics: prototype position, size, and category. The patterns from homogeneous clusters are removed from further unsupervised/supervised learning iterations. Set of remaining patterns, present in nonhomogenous clusters is transformed into new, reduced input data set and used in next iteration. The convergence of learning process is efficiently controlled by the threshold parameter, being slightly decreased after each of iteration. The learning is completed when all the patterns are grouped into homogeneous clusters. Contrary to slow-converging unsupervised learning, supervised learning is relatively fast because it does not need to iterate. Whenever allocated clusters with different categories mutually overlap certain number of their patterns may fall in overlapping regions. Although each pattern has been nominally assigned to the nearest cluster, their presence in clusters of other category leads to questionable validity of those clusters. The ambiguity can be solved by redefining supervised learning and introducing imposed restrictions for identification of homogeneous clusters. Supervised learning is implemented by requiring the homogeneous cluster to encompass patterns of exactly one category. Therefore, both subsets of patterns, one assigned to the cluster, 31 and other encompassed by the cluster although assigned to any other cluster, are taken into account during supervised learning. Memory w1 r1 c1 wp rp cp clusters with defined category, size and position wp+1 rp+1 cp+1 add cluster homogeneous start first cluster Check cluster? Assign category to the cluster non-homogeneous Extract cluster Remove patterns from input set Discard cluster start next cluster All clusters examined? true false Figure 4.4 – Supervised Learning 4.5 Implementation During implementation or testing of the trained neural network, new patterns are classified according to their similarity to the cluster prototypes generated during training. Classification is performed by interpreting the outputs of trained neural network through K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) classifier. The K-NN classifier determines the category of a new pattern based on the majority of represented categories in pre-specified small number of nearest clusters retrieved from the cluster structure established during training. It requires only the number K that determines how many neighbors have to be taken into account. K-NN classifier seems to be very straightforward and is reasonably employed since the number of prototypes is 32 significantly smaller then the number of patterns in the training set. Fig 4.5 shows an implementation of the trained neural network with the simplest Nearest Neighbor classifier, which is identical to K-NN for K = 1. Layer of trained competitive neurons Input layer W1 |dist| TEST PATTERN W2 |dist| min Assign Category of Winning Prototype WI |dist| Xi WL |dist| Figure 4.5 – Implementation of Trained Network for Classification Given a set of categorized clusters, the K-NN classifier determines the category of a new pattern xi based only on the categories of the K nearest clusters c ( xi ) 1 K K k 1 c ( wk ) (4.1) where wk is a prototype of cluster k, μc(wk) is membership degree of cluster k belonging to category c, μc(xi) is the membership degree of pattern xi belonging to category c where i = 1, . . . , I; c = 1, . . ., C; k = 1, . . .,K; where I, K, and C are the numbers of patterns, nearest neighbors, and categories, respectively. The classifier 33 allows μc(wk) to have only crisp values 0 or 1, depending on whether or not a cluster k belongs to category c c ( wk ) 1 0 if cluster k belongs to category c (4.2) otherwise If two or more of K nearest clusters have the same category, then they add membership degrees to the cumulative membership value of that category. Finally, when the contributions of all neighbors are encountered, the most representative category is assigned to the pattern g ( xi ) max( c ( xi )) (4.3) where g(xi) is the category assigned to pattern xi, and c = 1, . . ., C. Thus the outputs of a given neural network reflect different categories of input events. Table 4.1 – Algorithm for Unsupervised Training of Neural Network Step 0 Action J is the length of input pattern, I is the number of training patterns, L is the number of clusters or neurons, nl is the number of pattern that belong to the cluster l . xi [ xi1 xi 2 xi 3 .... xiJ ] is i-th input pattern and xij is j-th feature of the i-th input pattern, and wl wl1 , wl 2 , wl 3 ,...., wlJ is the prototype of l-th cluster. 1 Set: i=1, L=0, nl =0. 2 Form new cluster: wL 1 xi , nL1 1 , L = L + 1. Set: i = i+ 1 If i > I go to Step 7; If i ≤ I go to Step 4. Compute the Euclidean distance dl between pattern i and prototype of the cluster l. 3 4 dl (wl xi )( wl xi )T for l= 1,2,3,…,L; Find winning prototype p for which d p min d l . l 34 5 Compare minimum distance d p to threshold parameter : If d p > go to Step 2; If d p ≤ go to Step 6. 6 Pattern i is assigned to the cluster p, and winning prototype is updated: np 1 wp wp xi , n p n p 1 , go the Step 3. np 1 np 1 7 8 Set i = 0, every pattern is presented again. Set: i = I + 1, If i > I go to Step 13; If i ≤ I go to Step 9. Pattern I currently belongs to the cluster q. Compute the Euclidean distance dl between pattern i and prototype of the cluster l: 9 dl (wl xi )( wl xi )T for l = 1,2,…,L; Find winning prototype p for which d p min d l . l 10 If d p > go to step 11 to form new cluster; 11 If p q and d p ≤ go to Step 12 to change the cluster for pattern i. If p= q and d p ≤ go to Step 8,because learning doesn’t occur for pattern i Form new cluster L +1 , and update previous winning type q: wL 1 xi , nL1 1 , L = L + 1; nq 1 wq wq xi , nq nq 1 , go to step 13. nq 1 nq 1 12 Change cluster for pattern i and update new and previous winning prototypes p and q: np 1 wp wp xi , n p n p 1 . np 1 np 1 wq 13 nq nq 1 wq 1 xi , nq nq 1 . nq 1 If in Steps 8-12 if any pattern has changed its cluster membership go to Step 7, otherwise unsupervised learning is completed. 35 Chapter 5 HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE SOLUTION 5.1 Introduction Complete hardware and software solution of Neural Network based digital relaying concept is proposed in this chapter. First section shows and explains an architecture of the neural network based microprocessor relaying solution. Second section describes data acquisition and signal preprocessing steps. The procedures of neural network based protective relaying algorithm design and implementation are summarized in the third section. The execution of the relay output command is addressed in the fourth section. 5.2 Relay Architecture A functional block diagram of proposed hardware and software solution for the Microprocessor based protective relaying based is shown in Fig 5.1. Given relaying principle, as in any other digital relay generally comprise three fundamental hardware subsystems: a signal conditioning subsystem, a digital processing subsystem and command execution subsystem. The main part of the relay is software realization of protective algorithm. The algorithm is a set of numerical operations used to process input signals to identify and classify the faults, and subsequently initiate an action necessary to isolate the faulted section of the power system. The protective relay must operate in the presence of a 36 fault that is within its zone of protection, and must restrain from operating in the absence of a fault, or in case of faults outside its protective zone. Figure 5.1 – Proposed Hardware/Software Design for Microprocessor Based Relay[1] 5.3 Data Acquisition and Signal Processing The training of neural network based protective algorithm can be performed either on-line using measurement data directly taken from the field, or off-line by accessing historical record of fault and disturbance cases. Since interesting cases do not happen frequently, initial off-line training becomes inevitable, and sufficient training data are provided using simulations of relevant power system scenario cases. Various fault 37 and disturbance events and operating states need to be simulated, by changing power network topology and parameters. Transmission line current and voltage signal levels at relay location are usually very high (kV and kA ranges). They are measured with current and voltage transformers (CT and VT) and reduced into lower operating range typical for A/D converters. The process of pattern extraction or forming neural network input signals from obtained measurements depends on several signal preprocessing steps. Attenuated, continuously varying, three-phase current and voltage sinusoidal signals are filtered by low-pass analog anti-aliasing filter to remove noise and higher frequency components. According to the sampling theorem requirement, the ideal filter cut-off frequency has to be less or equal one-half of the sampling rate used by the A/D converter. Furthermore, filtered analog signals are sampled by A/D converter with specified sampling frequency, and converted to its digital representation. Figure 5.2 – Moving Data Window for Voltage and Current Samples [4] 38 Selection of sampled data for further processing generally includes both the three phase currents and voltages, but also may include either three phase currents or three phase voltages. The samples are extracted in a dynamic data window with desired length Fig 5.2, normalized, and aligned together to form a common input vector of pattern components. Since a pattern is composed of voltage and current samples that originate from two different quantities with different levels and sensitivities of signals, independent scaling of two subsets of samples present in a pattern may improve algorithm generalization capabilities. Using this value, the current contribution to the relay decision may be increased over the voltage contribution or vice versa. Specified conditioning of input signals determines the length and characteristics of input patterns and influences the trade-off between performing the fault classification more accurately and making the real time decision sooner. The values of preprocessing parameters adversely affect the algorithm behavior during training as well as performance during implementation, and should be optimized in each particular situation whenever either relay location, classification tasks or expected scenarios are different. 5.4 Digital Processing Subsystem This subsystem consists of a microprocessor which continuously runs the software code responsible for the fault classification. The microprocessor should be capable of floating point operations or a math coprocessor could be used. A 16 or 32 bit 39 microprocessor will satisfy the requirements. Since the computation time is significant, microprocessors supporting high clock speeds will be required. ART neural network, explained in Chapter 4, is applied to the patterns extracted from voltage and current measurements. Neural network training is a complex incremental procedure of adding new and updating existing pattern prototypes. The outcome of training process is a structure of labeled prototypes where each belongs to one of the categories. A category represents a single fault type. During real-time (on-line) implementation, trained neural network possesses generalization ability and is expected to successfully classify new patterns that have not been presented during training process. The prototypes established during training are dynamically compared with new patterns extracted from the actual measurements. A pattern similarity to all the prototypes is calculated, and a subset of the most resembling prototypes is retrieved. Finally, a pattern is being classified by interpreting relationship between the pattern and chosen prototypes using a decision rule defined in Chapter 4. If the pattern is classified to the category of un-faulted or normal state, then the input data window is shifted for one sample, pattern vector is updated and the comparison is performed again, until a fault is detected and classified. 5.5 Command Execution System A pattern categorized by protection algorithm is converted into digital output and by control circuitry transformed into a corresponding signal for circuit breaker 40 activation. During normal operation, the circuit breaker is closed and currents are flowing through the transmission line. Depending on the recognized event and selected designer’s logic, circuit breaker either trips faulted phases within proposed time period and removes fault from the rest of the system, or stays unaffected. Whenever a possibility of temporary faults exists, additional reclosing relays are usually used to automatically reclose the circuit breaker after the fault has been isolated for a short time interval, and restore the normal status of the power system. 41 Chapter 6 SIMPLE POWER SYSTEM MODEL 6.1 Introduction This chapter introduces the simplified power network model used for the design and evaluation of Neural Network based fault classification algorithm. A detailed and accurate model of a real power network was not made due to the computational requirements of simulating such a system. The sets of faults or disturbances simulated for studying/training the Neural Network based relay are discussed in the second section. 6.2 Power System Model The model that was used for the entire simulation is shown in Fig 6.1. The model selected was the bare minimum required to simulate the faults and generate the fault waveforms. It was built using SimPowerSystems toolbox in MATLAB software. The model consists of only one Synchronous Alternator connected to an infinite bus-bar through a transmission line. A load is connected on the load side of the transmission line. Also a local load is connected at the power generating station itself. Shunt capacitors are connected on both sides of the load side bus. A Fault breaker unit is connected near the load side bus. Transformers and connected as shown in Fig 6.1. 42 Figure 6.1 – Power System Model 43 Chapter 7 SIMULATION AND IMPLEMENTATION 7.1 Introduction This chapter focuses on the software implementation details of the Neural Network based fault classifier. First section provides a summary of available software tools for power system modeling and simulation. Second section describes the modules for power network model and algorithm interfacing. Scenario setup and automatic generation of scenario cases are explained in third section. The last section describes the performance testing of the Neural Network based fault classifier. 7.2 Power System Design and Simulation Modeling and simulation of complex power networks require availability of diverse software tools. The use of Electromagnetic Transient Program (EMTP) and Alternative Transients Program (ATP) for simulating power system and producing voltage and current transient waveforms has been known for a long time. More recently, general purpose modeling and simulation tool MATLAB with its toolbox SimPowerSystems has been used for the power network modeling. Moreover, manual simulation of a large number of scenarios is practically impossible and is a limiting factor as well. Since simulation outputs have to be used as a signal generator for the protective algorithm training and evaluation, the model interfacing for large-scale simulations is critical for. The interfacing can be accurately done using 44 either C language or a commercial software package like MATLAB with pre-defined libraries of specialized functions. In this project MATLAB with the SimPowerSystems toolbox has been used for simulation and design of the power system. 7.3 Model Interfacing The simulation environment based on MATLAB software package is selected as the main engineering tool for performing modeling and simulation of the power systems, as well as for interfacing the user and appropriate simulation programs. Scenario setting and neural network algorithm are implemented in MATLAB and interfaced with the power network model implemented in MATLAB. MATLAB has been chosen due to availability of the powerful set of programming tools, signal processing and numerical functions, and convenient user-friendly interface. 7.4 Generating Simulation Cases Manual simulation of a large number of scenarios is practically impossible because of the large effort and time required. Thus a method of automatically setting the power network and fault conditions is required to generate the simulation cases to be used for training the Neural Network algorithm. A MATLAB based program has been written to automatically generate fault waveforms for different settings of Fault location, Fault type and Fault inception angle by communicating with the SimPowerSystems toolbox to set the parameter of 45 the fault breaker block. The simulation results, namely the waveforms are saved into text files to be used later for network training and analysis. 7.5 Testing Once the Neural Network has been trained, it has to be tested for its classification efficiency. Testing involves generation of random test cases of random faults and checking to see if the fault is being rightly classified. By testing a number of test cases we can obtain the classification efficiency of the Neural Network based fault classifier. We can change the parameters of the Neural Network like pattern vector length or reduce the contributing factors and look at the performance of the network. The number of clusters generated by the network is a measure of the generalization capability of the network and this too can be tested for different network parameters. 46 Chapter 8 SIMULATION RESULTS 8.1 Simulation Waveforms Shown in section 8.1.1 and 8.1.2 are the waveforms obtained upon simulating fault conditions. As we can see the actual waveform obtained has various harmonics. These harmonics have to be filtered out to obtain a filtered waveform as shown below. Filtering of the waveform is required, because when we present the input pattern based on the actual waveform, the harmonics present cause abrupt deviations which can cause the classifier to get “confused” while trying to find similarities between waveforms of the same category. Once the filtered waveforms are obtained, a fixed number of points are sampled say 10 points in 1 cycle of one fault waveform, and the pattern vector is built by assembling the 10 point waveforms for each phase of current and/or voltage one after the other. Figure 8.1 – Cluster with Member Patterns [6] 47 Before training the set of current values and voltage values in all training patterns are normalized so as to reduce the values of the data and also to give equal importance to the shape of both the voltage and current waveforms during training. Fig 8.1 shows a cluster prototype generated after training along with patterns which are members of that cluster. The patterns were generated using 15 points in 1.5 cycles of fault waveform for each current and voltage phase waveform resulting in a pattern of 90 features, 45 features of three phase currents and voltages respectively. While generating the training data, 10 types of faults were simulated at 3 different locations as shown in the model diagram, for 20 different fault inception angles and 3 different fault resistances. This gives a total of 1800 training patterns. Generation of these patterns is time consuming due to the time taken to simulate each fault. The time taken to generate the 1800 training patterns was almost 4 hours. 48 8.1.1 Waveforms for Line to Ground Fault We simulate a line to ground fault and the following figures show the effect of removal of harmonics on the current and voltage waveforms: ACTUAL WAVEFORM FILTERED WAVEFORM CURRENT WAVEFORM CURRENT WAVEFORM VOLTAGE WAVEFORM VOLTAGE WAVEFORM Figure 8.2 – Waveforms for Line to Ground Fault 49 When the same fault is simulated with a different fault inception angle we get the waveforms shown below: ACTUAL WAVEFORM FILTERED WAVEFORM CURRENT WAVEFORM CURRENT WAVEFORM VOLTAGE WAVEFORM VOLTAGE WAVEFORM Figure 8.3 – Waveforms for Line to Ground Fault at Different Inception Angle 50 8.1.2 Waveforms for Line to Line Fault We simulate a line to line fault and the following figures show the effect of removal of harmonics on the current and voltage waveforms: ACTUAL WAVEFORM FILTERED WAVEFORM CURRENT WAVEFORM CURRENT WAVEFORM VOLTAGE WAVEFORM VOLTAGE WAVEFORM Figure 8.4 – Waveforms for Line to Line Fault 51 When the same fault is simulated with a different fault inception angle we get the waveforms shown: ACTUAL WAVEFORM FILTERED WAVEFORM CURRENT WAVEFORM CURRENT WAVEFORM VOLTAGE WAVEFORM VOLTAGE WAVEFORM Figure 8.5 – Waveforms for Line to Line Fault at Different Inception Angle 8.2 Neural Network Training Results Training of the neural network involves formation of clusters that represent a particular category. The categories could be fault types or fault locations. After 52 training is performed a number of clusters are formed with each cluster representing one particular category. The number of clusters formed is a measure of the generalization of the neural network. Low number of resulting clusters implies high generalization. The number of clusters formed also determines the memory requirement for the microprocessor based system when the hardware implementation is done. The grouping together of patterns of a particular category depends on the number of features present in the input patterns. For example if only current values are used as features of the patterns, then the amount of information available for grouping same category patterns will be lesser than if both current and voltage features were used. The table 8.1 below presents the effects on training results, when varying the number of features in input patterns presented to the Neural Network for fault type classification. Table 8.1 - Results of Neural Network Training for Fault Type Classification No. 1 Features Used 3Φ Voltages and Window Pattern Clusters Length formed 1.5 cycles 90 543 Currents 2 3Φ Currents 1.5 cycles 45 508 3 3Φ Voltages 1.5 cycles 45 691 4 3Φ Currents 1 cycle 30 627 53 We have to build a separate classifier to determine fault location. As mentioned before, faults were simulated in three different locations as shown in Fig 6.1. This resultant neural network classifier for fault location will have to be used together with the fault type classifier to obtain total fault identification and classification. The table 8.2 below shows the result for training a neural network to classify fault location. Table 8.2 - Results of Neural Network Training for Fault Location Classification Features Used 3Φ Voltages and Currents Window 1.5 cycles Pattern Clusters Length formed 90 442 8.3 Neural Network Classification Results Once the neural network has been trained we shall obtain a set of clusters, each of which uniquely represents one category. As discussed in section 4.5, we need to have a decision rule which will decide to which category a particular test pattern belongs. In this project we are using the K-NN decision rule. In this rule k number of clusters that are closest to the presented input pattern are taken into account. For each of these k closest clusters which are representing their corresponding category, a membership degree is calculated for each category. The category that has the highest membership degree for the current test pattern is the one that is the winning category. After all the test patterns are presented the classification efficiency is calculated. 54 The table below shows the variation of fault classification efficiency with the number of features in input patterns and the number of neighboring clusters considered during the classification: Table 8.3 – Results of Neural Network Fault Type Classifier No. 1 Features Pattern Number of Classification Used Length Neighbors Efficiency (k) (%) 1 98.33 3 91.67 4 87.5 1 98.33 3 94.17 4 87.5 1 97.5 3 92.5 4 85.83 1 24.17 3 20.0 4 20.83 3Φ Voltages 90 and Currents 2 3 4 3Φ Currents 3Φ Currents 3Φ Voltages 45 30 45 The table 8.4 below shows the classification efficiency for fault location using the value of k as one. As we can see the classification efficiency for fault location classification is very good. 55 Table 8.4 – Results of Neural Network Fault Location Classifier Features Used Pattern Number of Classification Length Neighbors Efficiency (%) (k) 3Φ Voltages and 90 1 99.17 Currents It is seen that generally the fault type classification is more accurate if the number of features used is greater. Also it is seen that line currents are sufficient to provide the Neural Network with enough information to classify fault type. When only voltages are used as features, the fault type classification efficiency is very poor. It is also found that the fault type classification efficiency usually decreases with the number of neighboring clusters (k) considered. For fault location classification, this method is found to be very accurate and is seen to give a classification efficiency of 99.17 %. 56 Chapter 9 PROGRAM LISTINGS 9.1 Program to Generate Training Patterns % Program to generate fault data clc; clear; % Constants mytime=1/60; max_steps=20; step_time=mytime/max_steps; sample_size=1.6667e-5; data_step=mytime/(sample_size*10); time_vec=linspace(0,mytime,10); gr=[1 5 10]; % Filter cutoff=0.2e3; samplef=1/sample_size; [b_filt a_filt]=butter(5,cutoff*2/samplef); % Model list model_list=char('sim_model1','sim_model2','sim_model3'); % Main program file_name='new_patterns.txt'; curr_file=strcat ('d:\MATLAB7\work\project\data_viF\',file_name); disp ('Total patterns to generate:'); disp (10*3*20*3); ndone=0; for mcnt=1:3 model_name=model_list(mcnt,:); fblk_name=strcat(model_name,'/fault_br'); for fcnt=1:10 57 set_param (fblk_name,'SwitchTimes','[1/60]'); for fr=1:3 text_str=sprintf ('%d',gr(fr)); set_param(fblk_name,'GroundResistance',text_str); switch fcnt case 1 % Phase A to ground fault set_param(fblk_name,'FaultA','on'); set_param(fblk_name,'FaultB','off'); set_param(fblk_name,'FaultC','off'); set_param(fblk_name,'GroundFault','on'); case 2 % Phase B to ground fault set_param(fblk_name,'FaultA','off'); set_param(fblk_name,'FaultB','on'); set_param(fblk_name,'FaultC','off'); set_param(fblk_name,'GroundFault','on'); case 3 % Phase C to ground fault set_param(fblk_name,'FaultA','off'); set_param(fblk_name,'FaultB','off'); set_param(fblk_name,'FaultC','on'); set_param(fblk_name,'GroundFault','on'); case 4 % Phase AB to ground fault set_param(fblk_name,'FaultA','on'); set_param(fblk_name,'FaultB','on'); set_param(fblk_name,'FaultC','off'); set_param(fblk_name,'GroundFault','on'); case 5 % Phase BC to ground fault set_param(fblk_name,'FaultA','off'); set_param(fblk_name,'FaultB','on'); set_param(fblk_name,'FaultC','on'); set_param(fblk_name,'GroundFault','on'); case 6 % Phase CA to ground fault 58 set_param(fblk_name,'FaultA','on'); set_param(fblk_name,'FaultB','off'); set_param(fblk_name,'FaultC','on'); set_param(fblk_name,'GroundFault','on'); case 7 % Phase A and B fault set_param(fblk_name,'FaultA','on'); set_param(fblk_name,'FaultB','on'); set_param(fblk_name,'FaultC','off'); set_param(fblk_name,'GroundFault','off'); case 8 % Phase B and C fault set_param(fblk_name,'FaultA','off'); set_param(fblk_name,'FaultB','on'); set_param(fblk_name,'FaultC','on'); set_param(fblk_name,'GroundFault','off'); case 9 % Phase C and A fault set_param(fblk_name,'FaultA','on'); set_param(fblk_name,'FaultB','off'); set_param(fblk_name,'FaultC','on'); set_param(fblk_name,'GroundFault','off'); case 10 % Phase A , B and C fault set_param(fblk_name,'FaultA','on'); set_param(fblk_name,'FaultB','on'); set_param(fblk_name,'FaultC','on'); set_param(fblk_name,'GroundFault','off'); end for ii=1:20 sim (model_name); if_a=filtfilt (b_filt,a_filt,i_fault.signals.values(:,1)); if_b=filtfilt (b_filt,a_filt,i_fault.signals.values(:,2)); if_c=filtfilt (b_filt,a_filt,i_fault.signals.values(:,3)); vf_a=filtfilt (b_filt,a_filt,v_fault.signals.values(:,1)); vf_b=filtfilt (b_filt,a_filt,v_fault.signals.values(:,2)); vf_c=filtfilt (b_filt,a_filt,v_fault.signals.values(:,3)); 59 st=(mytime+(ii-1)*step_time)/sample_size; ed=(mytime+(ii-2)*step_time+mytime*1.5)/sample_size; kk=1; for jj=st:data_step:ed jk=floor(jj); currenta(kk)=if_a(jk); currentb(kk)=if_b(jk); currentc(kk)=if_c(jk); voltagea(kk)=vf_a(jk); voltageb(kk)=vf_a(jk); voltagec(kk)=vf_a(jk); kk=kk+1; end data_vector(1:15)=currenta(:); data_vector(16:30)=currentb(:); data_vector(31:45)=currentc(:); data_vector(46:60)=voltagea(:); data_vector(61:75)=voltageb(:); data_vector(76:90)=voltagec(:); data_vector(91)=fcnt; dlmwrite (curr_file,data_vector,'-append','delimiter',';','newline','pc'); ndone=ndone+1; disp(ndone); text_str=sprintf ('[%f]',mytime+ii*step_time); set_param (fblk_name,'SwitchTimes',text_str); end end end disp(strcat(model_name,' simulation done!')); end 9.2 Program to Plot Fault Waveforms % Program to generate AND plot exact fault waveforms mytime=1/60; max_steps=20; step_time=mytime/max_steps; sample_size=1.6667e-5; 60 data_b=0; data_e=0; data_step=mytime/(sample_size*10); tit=char ('AG','ABG','AB','ABCG','ABC'); ii=10; for fcnt=1:2:3 switch fcnt case 1 % Phase A to ground fault set_param('sim_model/fault_br','FaultA','on'); set_param('sim_model/fault_br','FaultB','off'); set_param('sim_model/fault_br','FaultC','off'); set_param('sim_model/fault_br','GroundFault','on'); case 2 % Phase AB to ground fault set_param('sim_model/fault_br','FaultA','on'); set_param('sim_model/fault_br','FaultB','on'); set_param('sim_model/fault_br','FaultC','off'); set_param('sim_model/fault_br','GroundFault','on'); case 3 % Phase A and B fault set_param('sim_model/fault_br','FaultA','on'); set_param('sim_model/fault_br','FaultB','on'); set_param('sim_model/fault_br','FaultC','off'); set_param('sim_model/fault_br','GroundFault','off'); case 4 % Phase A , B and C to ground fault set_param('sim_model/fault_br','FaultA','on'); set_param('sim_model/fault_br','FaultB','on'); set_param('sim_model/fault_br','FaultC','on'); set_param('sim_model/fault_br','GroundFault','on'); case 5 % Phase A , B and C fault set_param('sim_model/fault_br','FaultA','on'); set_param('sim_model/fault_br','FaultB','on'); set_param('sim_model/fault_br','FaultC','on'); set_param('sim_model/fault_br','GroundFault','off'); end 61 text_str=sprintf ('[%f]',mytime+ii*step_time); set_param ('sim_model/fault_br','SwitchTimes',text_str); sim ('sim_model'); currenta=i_fault.signals.values(:,1); currentb=i_fault.signals.values(:,2); currentc=i_fault.signals.values(:,3); voltagea=v_fault.signals.values(:,1); voltageb=v_fault.signals.values(:,2); voltagec=v_fault.signals.values(:,3); time_vec=i_fault.time; figure; plot (time_vec,currenta,time_vec,currentb,time_vec,currentc); title (strcat('Current waveform :',deblank (tit(fcnt,:)))); xlabel('Time'); ylabel('Amplitude'); legend('Phase A','Phase B','Phase C'); pic_name=strcat('d:\MATLAB7\work\project\pics\fig2_i',deblank (tit(fcnt,:)),'.jpg'); print('-djpeg',pic_name); plot (time_vec,voltagea,time_vec,voltageb,time_vec,voltagec); title (strcat('Voltage waveform :',deblank (tit(fcnt,:)))); xlabel('Time'); ylabel('Amplitude'); legend('Phase A','Phase B','Phase C'); pic_name=strcat('d:\MATLAB7\work\project\pics\fig2_v',deblank (tit(fcnt,:)),'.jpg'); print('-djpeg',pic_name); end 9.3 Program to Train Neural Network % ART-2 K-Nearest Neighbour training algorithm clc; clear; 62 % Pattern loading if (exist('pattern_loaded')==0) pattern = dlmread('d:\MATLAB7\work\project\data_viF\new_patterns.txt',';'); pattern_loaded=1; end disp ('Dimentions of training batch:'); [Nex Ndim]=size(pattern); disp (Nex) disp (Ndim-1) Nsamples=Nex; categ=pattern(:,91)'; pattern(:,91)=[]; % Normalization of patterns %%{ for ii=1:Nex cpat=pattern(ii,1:45); vpat=pattern(ii,46:90); cpat=cpat/sqrt(cpat*cpat'); vpat=vpat/sqrt(vpat*vpat'); pattern(ii,:)=[cpat vpat]/sqrt(2); end %%} % Randomising pattern order pat_index=[1:Nex]; pati=0; for ii=1:Nex-1 pati(ii)=randsample (pat_index,1); pat_index(:,find (pat_index==pati(ii)))=[]; end pati(Nex)=pat_index; thr=3; % Threshold parameter is_done=0; nweights=0; nncat=0; ncat_list=0; npatcnt=0; cat_size=0; cat_type=0; ncycles=0; 63 max_thr=0; while ((is_done==0)&&(thr>0)) ncycles=ncycles+1; % Unsupervised learning step ncat=1; pindex=pati(1); weights=pattern(pindex,:); patcnt=1; cat_list=pindex; pat_dist=0; % First pass of training samples for ii=2:Nex pindex=pati(ii); pat_dist=0; for jj=1:ncat pat_dist(jj)=sqrt((weights(jj,:)-pattern(pindex,:))*(weights(jj,:)pattern(pindex,:))'); end min_dist=min(pat_dist); if (min_dist>max_thr) max_thr=min_dist; end min_cat_index=find (pat_dist==min_dist); if (min_dist > thr) ncat=ncat+1; weights(ncat,:)=pattern(pindex,:); patcnt(ncat)=1; cat_list(ncat,1)=pindex; continue; else a=min_cat_index; b=patcnt(a); cat_list(a,b+1)=pindex; weights(a,:)=(b/(1+b))*weights(a,:)+(1/(1+b))*pattern(pindex,:); patcnt(a)=b+1; end end 64 % Second pass, stabilization phase is_stable=0; while (is_stable==0) is_stable=1; for ii=1:Nex pindex=pati(ii); pat_dist(1,:)=[]; for jj=1:ncat pat_dist(jj)=sqrt((weights(jj,:)-pattern(pindex,:))*(weights(jj,:)pattern(pindex,:))'); end min_dist=min(pat_dist); new_cat=find (pat_dist==min_dist); [curr_cat pno]=find (cat_list==pindex); if (min_dist > thr) ncat=ncat+1; weights(ncat,:)=pattern(pindex,:); patcnt(ncat)=1; cat_list(ncat,1)=pindex; a=patcnt(curr_cat); weights(curr_cat,:)=(a/(a-1))*weights(curr_cat,:)-(1/(a1))*pattern(pindex,:); trow=cat_list(curr_cat,:); trow(:,pno)=[]; trow(length(trow)+1)=0; cat_list(curr_cat,:)=trow(:); patcnt(curr_cat)=a-1; is_stable=0; break; elseif (new_cat~=curr_cat) b=patcnt(curr_cat); a=patcnt(new_cat); weights(new_cat,:)=(a/(a+1))*weights(new_cat,:)+(1/(a+1))*pattern(pindex,:); weights(curr_cat,:)=(b/(b-1))*weights(curr_cat,:)-(1/(b1))*pattern(pindex,:); patcnt(new_cat)=a+1; cat_list(new_cat,a+1)=pindex; trow=cat_list(curr_cat,:); trow(:,pno)=[]; trow(length(trow)+1)=0; cat_list(curr_cat,:)=trow(:); patcnt(curr_cat)=b-1; 65 is_stable=0; break; end end end % Supervised learning step hcnt=0; hclus=0; for ii=1:ncat atype=categ(cat_list(ii,1)); ok_flag=1; for jj=1:patcnt(ii) btype=categ(cat_list(ii,jj)); if (atype~=btype) ok_flag=0; break; end end % Homogenous cluster check if (ok_flag==1) nncat=nncat+1; npatcnt(nncat)=patcnt(ii); for jj=1:patcnt(ii) ncat_list(nncat,jj)=cat_list(ii,jj); end cat_type(nncat)=atype; cat_size(nncat)=thr; for jj=1:length(weights(ii,:)) nweights(nncat,jj)=weights(ii,jj); end hcnt=hcnt+1; hclus(hcnt)=ii; disp(sprintf ('New Category of %d type with %d samples, size %f',atype,npatcnt(nncat),thr)); end end % Reducing pattern set for ii=1:hcnt rcat=hclus(ii); for jj=1:patcnt(rcat) rpat=cat_list(rcat,jj); 66 pati(:,find (pati==rpat))=[]; end Nex=Nex-patcnt(rcat); end thr=thr-thr/4; % Check if all clusters are homogenous if (Nex==0) is_done=1; disp ('All clusters are homogenous!'); elseif (thr<=0) disp ('No more new categories can be formed!'); disp ('Number of samples not categorised:'); disp (Nex); is_done=1; end end disp ('Training completed!'); disp ('Number of categories:');disp (nncat); disp ('Number of cycles:');disp (ncycles); disp ('Max Distance:');disp (max_thr); clusters.number=nncat; clusters.weights=nweights; clusters.patcnt=npatcnt; clusters.size=cat_size; clusters.type=cat_type; clusters.cat_list=ncat_list; save D:\MATLAB7\work\project\clusters\new_clusters_vi90.mat clusters; disp ('Clusters saved to file!'); 9.4 Program to Generate Test Patterns % Program to generate TEST fault data clc; clear; % Constants 67 model_list=char('sim_model1','sim_model2','sim_model3'); mytime=1/60; sample_size=1.6667e-5; data_step=mytime/(sample_size*10); time_vec=linspace(0,mytime,50); test_time=0; ntimes=30; patno=0; for ii=1:ntimes test_time(ii)=randsample (time_vec,1); time_vec(:,find (time_vec==test_time(ii)))=[]; end % Filter cutoff=0.2e3; samplef=1/sample_size; [b_filt a_filt]=butter(5,cutoff*2/samplef); % Main program file_name='d:\MATLAB7\work\project\data_test\test1800_viF.txt'; f_open=0; disp ('Generating test cases:'); for ii=1:ntimes mno=randsample ([1:3],1); model_name=model_list(mno,:); fblk_name=strcat(model_name,'/fault_br'); fr=randsample ([1:10],1); text_str=sprintf ('[%f]',mytime+test_time(ii)); set_param (fblk_name,'SwitchTimes',text_str); text_str=sprintf ('%d',fr); set_param(fblk_name,'GroundResistance',text_str); ftype=[1:10]; for jj=1:4 fcnt=randsample (ftype,1); ftype(:,find (ftype==fcnt))=[]; switch fcnt case 1 % Phase A to ground fault 68 set_param(fblk_name,'FaultA','on'); set_param(fblk_name,'FaultB','off'); set_param(fblk_name,'FaultC','off'); set_param(fblk_name,'GroundFault','on'); case 2 % Phase B to ground fault set_param(fblk_name,'FaultA','off'); set_param(fblk_name,'FaultB','on'); set_param(fblk_name,'FaultC','off'); set_param(fblk_name,'GroundFault','on'); case 3 % Phase C to ground fault set_param(fblk_name,'FaultA','off'); set_param(fblk_name,'FaultB','off'); set_param(fblk_name,'FaultC','on'); set_param(fblk_name,'GroundFault','on'); case 4 % Phase AB to ground fault set_param(fblk_name,'FaultA','on'); set_param(fblk_name,'FaultB','on'); set_param(fblk_name,'FaultC','off'); set_param(fblk_name,'GroundFault','on'); case 5 % Phase BC to ground fault set_param(fblk_name,'FaultA','off'); set_param(fblk_name,'FaultB','on'); set_param(fblk_name,'FaultC','on'); set_param(fblk_name,'GroundFault','on'); case 6 % Phase CA to ground fault set_param(fblk_name,'FaultA','on'); set_param(fblk_name,'FaultB','off'); set_param(fblk_name,'FaultC','on'); set_param(fblk_name,'GroundFault','on'); case 7 % Phase A and B fault set_param(fblk_name,'FaultA','on'); 69 set_param(fblk_name,'FaultB','on'); set_param(fblk_name,'FaultC','off'); set_param(fblk_name,'GroundFault','off'); case 8 % Phase B and C fault set_param(fblk_name,'FaultA','off'); set_param(fblk_name,'FaultB','on'); set_param(fblk_name,'FaultC','on'); set_param(fblk_name,'GroundFault','off'); case 9 % Phase C and A fault set_param(fblk_name,'FaultA','on'); set_param(fblk_name,'FaultB','off'); set_param(fblk_name,'FaultC','on'); set_param(fblk_name,'GroundFault','off'); case 10 % Phase A , B and C to ground fault set_param(fblk_name,'FaultA','on'); set_param(fblk_name,'FaultB','on'); set_param(fblk_name,'FaultC','on'); set_param(fblk_name,'GroundFault','on'); case 11 % Phase A , B and C fault set_param(fblk_name,'FaultA','on'); set_param(fblk_name,'FaultB','on'); set_param(fblk_name,'FaultC','on'); set_param(fblk_name,'GroundFault','off'); end patno=patno+1; disp(patno); sim (model_name); if_a=filtfilt (b_filt,a_filt,i_fault.signals.values(:,1)); if_b=filtfilt (b_filt,a_filt,i_fault.signals.values(:,2)); if_c=filtfilt (b_filt,a_filt,i_fault.signals.values(:,3)); vf_a=filtfilt (b_filt,a_filt,v_fault.signals.values(:,1)); vf_b=filtfilt (b_filt,a_filt,v_fault.signals.values(:,2)); vf_c=filtfilt (b_filt,a_filt,v_fault.signals.values(:,3)); 70 st=(mytime+test_time(ii))/sample_size; ed=st+(mytime*1.5)/sample_size; kk=1; for jj=st:data_step:ed jk=floor(jj); currenta(kk)=if_a(jk); currentb(kk)=if_b(jk); currentc(kk)=if_c(jk); voltagea(kk)=vf_a(jk); voltageb(kk)=vf_a(jk); voltagec(kk)=vf_a(jk); kk=kk+1; end data_vector(1:15)=currenta(1:15); data_vector(16:30)=currentb(1:15); data_vector(31:45)=currentc(1:15); data_vector(46:60)=voltagea(1:15); data_vector(61:75)=voltageb(1:15); data_vector(76:90)=voltagec(1:15); data_vector(91)=fcnt; if (f_open==0) dlmwrite (file_name,data_vector,'delimiter',';','newline','pc'); f_open=1; else dlmwrite (file_name,data_vector,'-append','delimiter',';','newline','pc'); end end end 9.5 Program to Classify Faults using Neural Network % Program to classify test patterns clc; clear; % Constants k=1; nwrong=0; 71 % Load test patterns pattern=dlmread('d:\MATLAB7\work\project\data_test\test1800_viF.txt',';'); [Nex Ndim]=size(pattern); disp ('Number of test patterns:'); disp (Nex); disp ('Vector length:'); disp (Ndim-1); correct_cat=pattern(:,Ndim)'; pattern(:,91)=[]; % Load cluster centers load D:\MATLAB7\work\project\clusters\new_clusters_vi90.mat; disp ('Clusters loaded!'); % Normalization of patterns for ii=1:Nex cpat=pattern(ii,1:30); vpat=pattern(ii,46:90); cpat=cpat/sqrt(cpat*cpat'); vpat=vpat/sqrt(vpat*vpat'); pattern(ii,:)=[cpat vpat]/sqrt(2); end % Randomising pattern order pat_index=[1:Nex]; pati=0; for ii=1:Nex-1 pati(ii)=randsample (pat_index,1); pat_index(:,find (pat_index==pati(ii)))=[]; end pati(Nex)=pat_index; for ii=1:Nex pindex=pati(ii); pat=pattern(pindex,:); cat_deg=zeros(1,10); dist=0; min_dist=0; min_clus=0; min_cat=0; for jj=1:clusters.number dist(jj)=sqrt((clusters.weights(jj,:)-pat)*(clusters.weights(jj,:)-pat)'); end 72 for jj=1:k min_dist(jj)=min(dist); min_clus(jj)=find (dist==min_dist(jj)); dist(:,min_clus(jj))=[]; min_cat(jj)=clusters.type(min_clus(jj)); end for jj=1:10 for kk=1:k cat_deg(jj)=cat_deg(jj)+(min_cat(kk)==jj); end end max_cat=find(cat_deg==max(cat_deg)); if (length(max_cat)>1) max_cat=min_cat(1); end %max_cat=min_cat(1); if (max_cat~=correct_cat(pindex)) nwrong=nwrong+1; text_str=sprintf ('Pattern number %d of cat(%d) misclassified into cat(%d)',pindex,correct_cat(pindex),max_cat); disp(text_str); end end disp ('All patterns tested!'); disp ('Number misclassified:'); disp (nwrong); disp ('Classification efficiency:'); disp (100*(Nex-nwrong)/Nex); 9.6 Program to Plot Clusters and Member Patterns % Program to plot prototype and member patterns subplot (3,3,1); plot (clusters.weights(31,:)); for ii=1:6 subplot (3,3,ii+3); plot (pattern(clusters.cat_list(31,ii),:)); end 73 figure; subplot (3,3,1); plot (clusters.weights(33,:)); for ii=1:6 subplot (3,3,ii+3); plot (pattern(clusters.cat_list(33,ii),:)); end 74 Chapter 10 CONCLUSION The Neural Network based Power system Fault classifier was found to be very efficient. It has many advantages over the traditional methods. Traditional methods need extensive system modeling to predict the type of fault occurring. Also every time the system is updated or modified, the modeling has to be done again. The Neural Network based fault classifier only needs to be trained with appropriate examples to learn the correct classification. Also this system is adaptive to changes in the system. The number of features and the type of features used to train the network greatly determines the efficiency with which faults are correctly classified. It was found that generally the fault type classification is more accurate if the number of features used is greater. Also it was found that line currents are sufficient to provide the Neural Network with enough information to classify fault type. When only voltages are used as features, the fault type classification efficiency is very poor. The variation of the classification efficiency with the number of closest clusters to consider (k) was also studied. It was found that the fault type classification efficiency usually decreases with the number of neighboring clusters considered. For fault location classification, this method was found very accurate and gave a classification efficiency of 99.17 %. 75 The hardware implementation of this type of fault classifier is also simple and is a very good option to consider when upgrading presently used methods for determining fault type and fault location. 76 REFERENCES 1. Slavko Vasilic and Mladen Kezunovic, “Fuzzy ART Neural Network Algorithm for Classifying the Power System Faults”, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 20, No. 2, April 2005 2. Nan Zhang and Mladen Kezunovic, “Coordinating Fuzzy ART Neural Networks to Improve Transmission Line Fault Detection and Classification”, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 3. 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