Check when used
SKILL 3.1.2 Participate and collaborate as members of a social and intellectual network of learners.
Grade 2 Benchmarks
Participate in discussions and listen well.
Share favorite literature, both fiction and nonfiction.
Grade 5 Benchmarks
Share favorite literature.
Participate in discussions on fiction and nonfiction related to curriculum.
SKILL 4.1.1 Read, view, and listen for pleasure and personal growth.
Grade 2 Benchmarks
Request and choose materials related to personal interests.
Read, view, and listen to a variety of fiction and nonfiction for enjoyment and information.
Grade 5 Benchmarks
Set reading goals.
Read, listen to, and view a range of resources for a variety of purposes: to live the experiences of a character, to answer questions, to find out about something new, to explore personal interests.
Visit the public library to attend programs, seek help as needed, and check out materials to read.
SKILL 4.1.2 Read widely and fluently to make connections with self, the world, and previous reading.
Grade 2 Benchmarks
Read widely from multicultural texts in various genres to find out about self and the surrounding world.
Grade 5 Benchmarks
Read widely to explore new ideas.
Demonstrate knowledge of favorite authors and genres.
SKILL 4.1.3 Respond to literature and creative expressions of ideas to various formats and genres.
Grade 2 Benchmarks
Discuss favorite books and authors.
Grade 5 Benchmarks
Participate in book talks and book discussion groups.
SKILL 4.1.4 Seek information for personal learning in a variety of formats and genres.
Grade 2 Benchmarks
Routinely select picture, fiction, and information books; try some books in other genres (poetry, fairy tales).
Select information in various formats and genres based on suggestions from teacher or SLMS and on personal interests.
Select some books at the appropriate reading level, other books to be read aloud, and other more challenging books of particular interest for browsing and enjoyment.
Grade 5 Benchmarks
Select books from favorite authors and genres; try new genres when suggested.
Select information in various formats based on a theme, topic, and connection to classroom learning or personal interest.
Routinely select both "just right" books and challenging books.
Read the multiple works of a single author.
Explain why some authors and genres have become favorites.
Independently select appropriate print, nonprint, and electronic materials on an individual level.
SKILL 4.1.7 Use social networks and information tools to gather and share information.
Grade 2 Benchmarks
Locate information for personal interests and school assignments in print, nonprint, and electronic sources with guidance from the SLMS.
Grade 5 Benchmarks
Use social networking tools to create and share information.
SKILL 4.1.8 Use creative and artistic formats to express personal learning.
Grade 2 Benchmarks
Use technology tools to create and present ideas.
Grade 5 Benchmarks
Use multimedia authoring tools for independent and collaborative publishing activities.
4.2.1 Display curiosity by pursuing interests through multiple resources.
4.2.2 Demonstrate motivation by seeking information to answer personal questions and interests, trying a variety of formats and genres, and displaying a willingness to go beyond academic requirements.
4.2.3 Maintain openness to new ideas by considering divergent opinions, changing opinions or conclusions when evidence supports the change, and seeking information about new ideas encountered through academic or personal experiences.
4.2.4 Show an appreciation for literature by electing to read for pleasure and expressing an interest in various literary genres.
4.3.1 Participate in the social exchange of ideas, both electronically and in person.
4.3.3 Seek opportunities for pursuing personal and aesthetic growth.
4.4.1 Identify own areas of interest.
4.4.3 Recognize how to focus efforts in personal learning.
4.4.6 Evaluate own ability to select resources that are engaging and appropriate for personal interests and needs.