Szpirglas – ADA 3OI Commedia Connections Small Group Seminar and Scene Creation Why Are We Doing This? The Stock Characters of Commedia dell’Arte travelled throughout European cultures influencing artists in all mediums. As examples of archetypes, similar characters can also be found in cultures from all over the world. By finding works from different cultures, mediums and time periods, we can compare the interpretations of these archetypal characters and better understand how they affect us today. Learning Goals I can… - Identify archetypal characters Compare/Contrast them to characters from specific texts Design a character performance to reflect an archetype Use the Creative Process and Critical Analysis Process to refine my work Instructions: During the Winter Break: 1. Find a character from a published, scripted source (play, film, or television script) that is an update of one of the Commedia dell’Arte Stock Characters – refer to our Commedia Characters document and/or World of Commedia video to review your options). 2. Choose an excerpt from a script that highlights the similarities between the character and Commedia dell’Arte Stock Character. 3. Create a Character Design (costume, props, acting choices) for the character. Consider how you will present it (powerpoint, prezi, scanned document, etc.) Januaray 5, 6, and 7 1. Working with a small group, create an entertaining scene using your characters together. Write a scenario to guide your performance. 2. Rehearse your scene, noting choices, improvements, and changes to the scenario in your logs. 3. Assemble your costumes, props, and tech effects (sound, music, lights, etc.) January 8 and 9 4. Present your character design and Commedia Comparison to the class (5 minute maximum) 5. Present your group’s scene to the class (10 minute maximum) MY GROUP MEMBERS: Szpirglas – ADA 3OI Success Criteria/Checklist - - Completed Commedia Comparison Chart (3 – 8 traits per column) Completed Character Design Sheet Copy of a Script Excerpt (at least 1 page) with a summary of information necessary to understand it (what kind of script is it – play, film, television -, who are the characters, what has happened so far, why is that important or interesting?) Presentation of your design and Commedia Comparison that engages the audience – consider using powerpoint, presi, or a document camera to share your work. An entertaining performance showing off the similarities between your group’s characters and their Commedia dell’Arte ancestors with an introduction, rising action, crisis, and conclusion. A scenario outline of your group’s scene 3 completed rehearsal logs (January 5, 6, and 7) REMINDER: Performances are ESSENTIAL LEARNINGS in this course. If you are absent for any reason, you must make arrangements with your group and teacher for an alternative performance date. Any absences must be validated with a doctor’s note or equivalent document. WHERE TO FIND SCRIPTS (other than the Library) - Star Wars, Frozen (Disney), Mean Girls, Napoleon Dynamite - Big Bang Theory, The Simpsons, The Office More movie and tv scripts: - A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Twelfth Night, The Tempest Suggested Playwrights: Bretholt Brecht (Mother Courage and Her Children, St. Joan of the Stockyards), Throton Wilder (Our Town), Daniel MacIvor (This is a Play), Tomson Highway (Dry Lips Oughta Move to Kapuskasing) Szpirglas – ADA 3OI Commedia Character Your Chosen Character Szpirglas – ADA 3OI CHARACTER PLAN Character Name: Dominant Traits: Goals and Motivation (What does my character want to happen in this scene? 1-2 Sentences): Props & Costumes (List or sketch, 3 notes minimum): Acting Notes (Movement, voice, relationship to other characters, Signature move – 3 notes minimum): Szpirglas – ADA 3OI Rehearsal Log Name: Date: Instructions: Record what you did in rehearsal under the appropriate category. You should have at least one entry for each category. RISK COMMITMENT Trying something new or doing something in a new way Taking on responsibilities or tasks SUPPORT Helping others to be successful FOCUS Staying on-task and using time effectively Szpirglas – ADA 3OI Rehearsal Log Name: Date: Instructions: Record what you did in rehearsal under the appropriate category. You should have at least one entry for each category. RISK COMMITMENT Trying something new or doing something in a new way Taking on responsibilities or tasks SUPPORT FOCUS Helping others to be successful Staying on-task and using time effectively Szpirglas – ADA 3OI Rehearsal Log Name: Date: Instructions: Record what you did in rehearsal under the appropriate category. You should have at least one entry for each category. RISK COMMITMENT Trying something new or doing something in a new way Taking on responsibilities or tasks SUPPORT Helping others to be successful FOCUS Staying on-task and using time effectively Szpirglas – ADA 3OI Commedia Connections - Drama Rubric – WRITTEN COMPONENT Categories Theory/ Understanding - performance - rehearsal logs and observation - Comparison Chart - Character Design -Scenario Expectations -Demonstrates an understanding of their own and others’ respective functions in collaborative work on a drama (SAFETY and COLLABORATION – performance and rehearsal). Achievement 4 3 2 1 R -always adapts stage position, gestures and actions to movement and actions of other players (BLOCKING – rehearsal) -demonstrates knowledge and understanding of drama concepts being explored (ARCHETYPAL CHARACTERS – Comparison Chart and Script Excerpt) -demonstrates knowledge and understanding of drama concepts being explored (CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT – Character Design Sheet) Thinking/ Inquiry - Rehearsal logs - Observation -demonstrates knowledge and understanding of drama concepts being explored (SCENARIO – Group Scenario) -always creates an appropriate response to input from other characters -uses the rehearsal process effectively (RISK, COMMITMENT, SUPPORT, FOCUS) -contributes significant aspects to the collaborative creation and rehearsal process (COLLABORATION - Rehearsal logs, observation) - stage and blocking is thoroughly explored throughout the rehearsal process (Rehearsal logs, observation, scenario) Overall Comments: 4 3 2 1 R Szpirglas – ADA 3OI Commedia Connections - Drama Rubric – PERFORMANCE COMPONENT Communication - performance -Communicates by using the principles and elements of movement, facial expressions, vocal clarity and stylized body expressions (ARCHETYPAL CHARACTER - performance). 4 3 2 1 R -captivates the audience and clarifies ideas consistently through the management of both stage position/use and movement/blocking (STAGE USE AND BLOCKING – Scenario and performance) Application - performance -Proper execution of Scenario (plot points, gags, signature move) (EXECUTION – performance) -performs the role with concentration and focus (e.g., not talking to peer, speaking or acting out of character, fidgeting) (FOCUS AND CONCENTRATION) -enhances the expression of the character’s feelings, thoughts and attitudes by using body movement, facial expressions and vocal choices (EXECUTION - performance) -enhances character through the use of costumes and props (COSTUMES/PROPS) Overall Comments: 4 3 2 1 R