Your Name ______ Date ______ Chapter 6 Earth Science Word

Your Name _______________________Period ______ Date __________
Chapter 6 Earth Science Word Study – ROCKS
Directions: Study the following words by reading and rereading them each
evening so you will be prepared for the word study test each week. You
may use one index card to write as many words and definitions on as
possible to use for the test. The card must written in ink, be in your
handwriting, and have your name, period, and chapter recorded in the top,
right corner with no obvious erasures or mark outs. If all the criteria are
met, you may use your index card during the test. It will then be stapled to
your test.
1.) rock cycle - when geological forces change rock from one kind to
another of the three types
2.) Bowen's reaction series - a pattern that explains the order in which
minerals form as magma solidifies; in pattern one there is a
gradual, continuous formation of minerals that have similar
chemical compositions and in pattern two there is a sudden
change in mineral types
3.) igneous rock - rock that forms when magma, or molten rock, cools
and hardens/Examples: extrusive igneous-basalt, intrusive
4.) sediment - rocks, mineral crystals, and organic matter that have been
broken into fragments are known as sediment
5.) sedimentary rock - rock that forms when rocks, mineral crystals, and
organic matter are compressed, cemented together, and
harden/Examples: clastic sedimentary-sandstone, chemical
sedimentary-gypsum, organic sedimentary-coal, carbonate
sedimentary-limestone, siliceous sedimentary-chert
6.) metamorphic rock - rock that forms when tremendous pressure,
extreme heat, and chemical processes occur and causes an
existing rock to be altered/Examples: marble, slate
7.) minerals - Minerals are homogeneous, naturally occurring, inorganic
solids. Each mineral has a definite chemical composition and a
characteristic crystalline structure. A mineral may be a single
element such as copper (Cu) or gold (Au), or it may be a
compound made up of a number of elements. About 2,500
different minerals have been described. Rocks are made up of
one or more minerals.
8.) chemical stability of minerals - a measure of the tendency of a
chemical compound to maintain its original chemical
composition rather than break down and form another chemical
physical stability of rocks - zones of weakness determined by how and
where the rock formed/Example: sedimentary rocks may form
as a series of layers or sediment which tend to break between
layers whereas metamorphic rocks tend to break into layers that
form as the minerals in the rocks align during metamorphism
intrusive igneous rock - rock that forms when magma cools deep
inside the Earth
extrusive igneous rock - rock that forms when lava cools on the
Earth's surface
felsic - magma or igneous rock that is rich in feldspars and silica and
that is generally light in color
mafic - magma or igneous rock that is rich in magnesium and iron and
that is generally dark in color
fractional crystallization - While cooling, the magma evolves in
composition because different minerals crystallize from the
compaction - the process in which sediment is squeezed and in which
the size of the pore space between sediment grains is reduced by
the weight and pressure of overlying layers
cementation - the process in which sediments are glued together by
minerals that are deposited by water
chemical sedimentary rock - rock that forms from minerals that were
once dissolved in water
organic sedimentary rock - rock that forms from the remains of living
things/Examples: coal and limestone
clastic sedimentary rock - rock formed from fragments carried away
by water, wind, or ice and left as deposits becoming compacted
and cemented into solid rock
metamorphism - the process by which heat, pressure, or chemical
processes change one type of rock to another
contact metamorphism - a process that occurs when magma comes
into contact with existing rock and changes the chemical and
structural composition
regional metamorphism - metamorphism that occurs over a large area
foliation - the metamorphic rock texture in which minerals are
arranged in planes or bands
nonfoliated - metamorphic rock that does not have bands or aligned