2016 Courses - Institute of Directors, Scotland

Professional Director Series (PDS)
and Board Development
2016 Spring Schedule (updated 19th November 2015)
Director Development within IoD takes many forms including committee organised events, IoD Scotland managed Professional
Director Series workshops and London managed Chartered Director Programme courses. We regularly add to our schedule so
bookmark our IoD Scotland Events calendar and keep an eye out for our regular Director Development emails.
All our workshops and events are open to members and non-members and usually bring together delegates from a variety of
sectors and locations to share experience and knowledge.
Course Name
Event Time
Role of the Non-Executive Director (GLA) – Mike Willis
200 SVS, Glasgow
What Kind of Leader are You – Ros Taylor?
The Royal Scots Club, Edinburgh
Role of Director & The Board (2 days)
The Royal Scots Club, Edinburgh
Alumni Supper(invitation only)
The Royal Scots Club, Edinburgh
Role of the Non-Executive Director (GLA)
200 SVS, Glasgow
Role of the Trustee/Board Member in the Third Sector
The Royal Scots Club, Edinburgh
Leading from the Front – Ros Taylor
The Royal Scots Club, Edinburgh
Role of the Non-Executive Director (EDI)
The Royal Scots Club, Edinburgh
Confident Leadership – Ros Taylor
The Royal Scots Club, Edinburgh
Finance for the Non-financial Director (3 days)
The Royal Scots Club, Edinburgh
Strategic Innovation for Directors (EDI)
The Royal Scots Club, Edinburgh
How to influence others & handle challenging people –
Ros Taylor
The Royal Scots Club, Edinburgh
Directors Role in Strategy & Marketing (3 days)
The Royal Scots Club, Edinburgh
Winning Board Behaviours (EDI)
The Royal Scots Club, Edinburgh
The Creative Advantage – Ros Taylor
The Royal Scots Club, Edinburgh
Role of the Non-Executive Director (ABD)
Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen
Presentations to win business – Ros Taylor
The Royal Scots Club, Edinburgh
Transformational Leadership
The Royal Scots Club, Edinburgh
Directors Role in Leading the Board (2 days)
The Royal Scots Club, Edinburgh
The Role of the Chair (GLA)
200 SVS, Glasgow
For booking forms and further information email director.scotland@iod.com or visit www.iodscotland.com
Institute of Directors Scotland, 29 Abercromby Place, Edinburgh EH3 6QE
Tel (0131) 557 5488 Email director.scotland@iod.com Website www.iodscotland.com
Professional Director Series (PDS) and
Board Development Services
IoD Scotland runs a selection of day and half-day courses delivered by directors for directors. A key benefit of these courses is
the opportunity to meet with directors from other sectors, to share experiences and to uncover different approaches to
challenges faced. Our 2015 Portfolio includes the following:Master Classes – full day workshops
Role of the NonExecutive Director
The backbone of our Professional Director Series this one-day course identifies the various roles
of the non-executive director (NXD) in a variety of corporate settings; how their appointment can
help balance a board and how they make an effective contribution to a board's work. It also
examines methods for their selection and reviews their motivation, induction and reward.
Securing an NXD
position in the Public
Practical guidance on enhancing your application and interview performance. Sheds light on the
work of a public NXD, with input from the coal face!
Governance Masterclass
Explores the fundamental issues surrounding Governance and discussed how to apply practical
solutions. The aim is to deliver significant benefits through cultural change that is pivotal and long
Role of the Chair
Explores the pivotal role of the chair. Perhaps the single most important area within which a
board can improve its effectiveness is how it is chaired. This requires two things to happen – the
chair leads the board and the understanding by the other directors of the rules of engagement.
The ability to chair any meeting is an important facet in the development of managers; once
appointed to a board there is more than likely to be a requirement to chair board subcommittees or lead the board itself at some time in the future.
Winning Board
The rules of engagement in the boardroom; what to say, how to say it, when to say it and why
this is important for effective boardroom governance.
Role of the
Trustee/Board Member
in the Third Sector
Delivered in partnership with ACOSVO and the Scottish Government, this course looks at the
specific role required of Trustees and Board Members of bodies in the Third sector. With levels of
public scrutiny growing, customer demand growing and funding ever tighter, it explores how
Board members need to fulfil their role and maximise the value they bring.
Family Business
Explores the pivotal role of governance within individual and family-owned business. Specifically
focusing on how the wider government practices of ‘UK PLC’ can be interpreted and add value
across businesses. Corporate governance has an important role to play within unlisted and
smaller enterprises.
Strategic Innovation for
In a time where little is predictable, organisations must continuously innovate their business
model in order to stay profitable. This workshop will help you gain new skills, tools and a new
How do you get the very best out of an organisation? This one-day course challenges assumptions
and goes into what directors really need to be doing to make transformational leadership a
reality in their organisations. Full of practical insights and systematic approaches grounded in
current experience, this workshop is for the director who wants to be both radical and secure in
their actions.
Institute of Directors Scotland, 29 Abercromby Place, Edinburgh EH3 6QE
Tel (0131) 557 5488 Email director.scotland@iod.com Website www.iodscotland.com
Professional Director Series (PDS) and
Board Development Services
Master Classes – half day workshops
How to influence others & handle
challenging people
Gain the skills to handle even the most challenging people. Influencing skills are
essential for good leadership as the job ceases to be about you and all about those
working with you. Learn about the latest research which reveals what persuasion
techniques really work.
What Kind of Leader are You?
There is no template for a leader. All are different as everyone has their own
strengths. This workshop explores participants’ preferred leadership styles and how
they can make the most of them. Improve how you interact with other styles and
cope with that diversity within your boardroom.
Leading from the Front
A leader requires a vision for the group to move forward and also a focused way to
communicate that vision. How do you make that vision memorable and do-able for
the rest of the team, department or organisation? Develop your skills of charismas.
Confident Leadership
What is confidence and how can you get more of it? Power has acquired a bad name.
How can leaders change that perception and use power to make the tough decisions
while supporting and caring for staff.
The Creative Advantage
Being creative and fostering creativity in others are key leadership skills. Doing things
differently is often a critical component in market place success. Find out how to
foster and develop creativity within your organisation to give you the advantage
Presentations to win business
Make an impact when making a presentation. Develop the ability to put a
presentation together speedily without jeopardising quality as well as being so
relaxed that presenting to any size of group is a group is a rewarding experience and
not an aversive one.
Boardroom Experience
Sponsored by the Scottish Government and Bank of Scotland – this board experience
workshop will introduce you to Chairs looking to share their boardroom experience
and challenge your thinking through role playing and peer to peer learning.
Alumni Events
Alumni Supper
Initiation only event for CDir, Certificate and Diploma holders and participants on our PDS
courses. An excellent opportunity to share some time with people of like mind from other
sectors and parts of Scotland.
Institute of Directors Scotland, 29 Abercromby Place, Edinburgh EH3 6QE
Tel (0131) 557 5488 Email director.scotland@iod.com Website www.iodscotland.com
Professional Director Series (PDS) and
Board Development Services
Bespoke Board Development & Performance Evaluation
A research, consultancy & facilitation service whose aim is to promote best practice within Scottish Boardrooms. It is a
service for the Boards of private, public and third sector organisations. Its prime task is to help Board directors clarify their
individual roles and responsibilities and transform their collective performance within the Boardroom. The service is
independent, research based, confidential and delivered by a professional team with extensive Boardroom experience in the
corporate, public and not-for-profit sectors. Recent clients include a major Charity, a Nuclear Site management company, a
Renewable Energy Group, Our services split into three major areas – board evaluation, board development and development
of individual directors.
Board Evaluation
Board Development
Individual Directors
We aim to help Boards realise their full
potential, because the performance of the Board
is critical to corporate survival & growth; it sets
the conditions for organisational effectiveness.
Our experience in this area has
shown that Boards welcome an
independent third party overview of
their performance and during the
process learn a significant amount
about directors’ collective and
individual performance. Typically
our service begins with a brief from
the Chair to provide an impartial
outside viewpoint and to suggest
ways to improve governance and
Board processes. In addition,
specialist knowledge, research &
facilitation skills can be applied in
specific areas.
This service covers the training
and development of individual
directors to prepare them for
their various roles; this includes
both open and private sessions
on the development of the Chair,
preparing for an NXD role,
preparing to move from
management to the board and
moving across sectors.
Our service is designed to ensure that Boards
add value to the overall corporate effort and do
not lapse into ineffectual talking shops. We
provide the whole Board with the help that will
clarify its role and ensure that conflicts are
resolved. Too often Boards are dominated by
one or two strong individuals; Boards need to be
able to deal with diversity of opinions and to
welcome disagreement and vigorous debate;
this way the decisions the Board takes and its
overall governance will be improved.
Institute of Directors Scotland, 29 Abercromby Place, Edinburgh EH3 6QE
Tel (0131) 557 5488 Email director.scotland@iod.com Website www.iodscotland.com
The Chartered Director Programme (CDP)
Chartered Director (CDir) is the only professional qualification for all directors that demands both knowledge and experience of
how to make boards effective and which demands a commitment to continuous Professional Development. Courses can be
taken individually if the Certificate is not the goal. If an award is preferred the 4 courses can be spread over 2 years before
sitting the exam. Alternatively a one week Accelerated Programme is also offered. Directors can test their current level of
knowledge using the Directors’ Knowledge Toolkit. Costs in 2015 for a 2 day CDP course held at Edinburgh are £1,695 (members)
and £2,055 (non-members). 3 day courses are £1,895 and £2,315. The Developing Board Performance course is currently only
run in London at a cost of £2,900 or £3,385. The Certificate in Company Direction* (Chartered Director
The Diploma in Company
The Certificate in Company Direction
(Chartered Director Stage 1)
(Chartered Director Stage 2)
Any of the Certificate in Company Direction courses can be
taken as a stand-alone course
Role of the Director and the
Board 2 days + post-course
e-learning support
This course looks at the key
duties, roles and legal
responsibilities of directors,
corporate governance and
the role of the board. It also
looks at the crucial
differences between
management, direction and
ownership and offers
guidance on improving board
Finance for Non-Financial
Directors 3 days + postcourse e-learning support
This course will demystify the
world of finance, allowing
you to contribute more
effectively to boardroom
discussion. It will ensure that
you develop the skills you
need to evaluate and monitor
the financial health of a
Chartered Director
The Director’s Role in
Strategy & Marketing 3
days + post-course elearning support
This course provides an
introduction to the key
ideas and approaches to
strategic direction and
marketing within your
organisation. It will assist
your role in leading the
strategic process.
The Director’s Role in
Leading the Organisation 2
days + post-course elearning support This
course will appraise the
role of the Board in setting
objectives, culture and
values and the techniques,
tools and resources
needed to deliver
corporate strategy. It
demonstrates the
individual director’s role as
a Board member and as a
corporate leader in driving
strategic change.
The Directors’ Insight Tool - This complimentary
online toolkit is your starting point to discovering
where your current knowledge lies in the key areas
of Governance, Finance, Strategy and Leadership Test your director knowledge at
The Diploma in Company Direction
can only be attended upon
completion of the Certificate in
Company Direction
Both Certificate and
Diploma exams must be
passed prior to applying for
Chartered Director
Developing Board Performance 3
Chartered Director
In this course, you will act as a
board member facing a variety of
typical issues and crises. The
challenge is to apply the
knowledge and learning gained
from the Certificate in Company
Direction courses and e-learning to
real life situations. This is your
opportunity to put theory into
practice. You will receive feedback
on your own and your group’s
performance as the ‘board’
reviews and appraises its own
impact and effectiveness.
The Learning Zone - All Certificate
courses are supported via our
dynamic e-learning platform, the
Learning Zone, where you can
continue and consolidate your
learning at your own pace.
The Chartered Director
Qualification assesses the
practical experience gained
by a director. This is based
on five key areas which are
central to organisational
direction and governance.
The interview is based on
an exploration or your
portfolio of evidence. The
interviews are conducted
by experienced peer
reviewers – who will
generally be Chartered
Webinars - These interactive
webinar sessions will give you the
opportunity to practise exam
style questions against the clock
in a simulation of exam
conditions to help prepare for
the Certificate in Company
Direction exam.
Institute of Directors Scotland, 29 Abercromby Place, Edinburgh EH3 6QE
Tel (0131) 557 5488 Email director.scotland@iod.com Website www.iodscotland.com