A Christmas Carol - Breathitt County Schools

Act 1
Scenes 1-3
Scrooge wakes up right at one. After a few minutes he rises and finds the
ghost of christmas present. The spirit is robed in green coat with fur
along it with a torch. The spirit shows him the Cratchit family christmas
celebration with their son Tiny Tim and a possible death for the
bay. During the Cratchit's dinner they toast to the scrooge even though
Mrs.Cratchit dislikes him.
Ebenezer Scrooge has a visit from the Ghosts from the Past, the Present, and the Future. The ghost lets him see
himself as a child and he sees his now dead sister, and remembers how much he loved her. He then sees the
ghost of the present, who takes him to the home of his employee Mr. Cratchitt. The Cratchitt family and Mr.
Scrooge’s nephew are having a good Christmas despite the fact the Cratchitt family does not have a lot of money
and Scrooge learns from the ghost that the Cratchittt’s son, Tim, who is crippled, will die. The future ghost shows
Scrooge his grave and shows how people are talking about Scrooge not giving money, and he changes his ways.
Scene 1:
Marley’s ghost is talking about his funeral then the light turns to Scrooge. Scrooge
says how they owe him money and he will collect, even if it means having them
jailed. Marley also talks about how he used to be partners with Scrooge, and how
Scrooge was a business man even up until Marley’s death, he had an undoubted
bargain upon the funeral. How nobody ever stopped him on the street to say hello
and nobody ever asked him for money. He then says that he is leaving but we must
stay and watch Scrooge play out his life. (Scrooge is in the counting house.)
Scene 2:
They introduce Scrooge’s personality to the audience by his interaction with his
employee, his nephew, the charity workers, and the little boy that came to his door.
We also know that he's stingy with his money because he wont let Cratchet have
any coal, and he wont give any money to charity. he doesn't see any value with
relationships with people, he refuses to come to nephews dinner party, he also says
that only loony people go around smiling when they are happy and are not making
any money. He almost didn't want to let Cratchet off the next day because he said
that that was “robbing him of money” and that he wanted him there all the earlier the
next day. in short, scrooge is a stingy mean old man.
Scenes 3-4
The Scrooge walks in the house.Then the ghost pops up.His name was Jacob Marley.The
Scrooge and Marley use to be business partners in real life.They had a conversation
when Marley asked "You don't really believe in me,do you?" Then after the
Scrooge answered the question Marley told the Scrooge that they were going to be 3
evil ghost to come and haunt him.So the Scrooge got scared and he left the place so he
would not be haunted by the 3 evil ghost.
It all started when the scrooge was complaining about no lights then Marley comes and
they start to talk. Then they started to talk and the Scrooge says i don't really now you
who are you then Marley said i was in school with you and we was good buddies until
you went to being a scrooge.
scene iv..is about this guy lives in a house and when every year this christmas gohst
comes to haunt him AND it scares him and he dosent like the gohst he cant have
chritsmas no more cause the gohst ruins it fore him every year this year the gosht
comes back and wants to care forehim and ebenezer scrooge the guys name who the
gosht comes back to haunt him agin scrooge gets out of the BED cause he hears a
bang so he lights a candle and starts to go to the banging noise and the gosht is there
to haunt him agin
This Scene is about scrooge meeting the ghost of christmas past. The ghost takes
scrooge back to his childhood, they we're at scrooges old school. They saw him by his
self in the old school room. A man and a woman argue, the woman is holding young
scrooge. Scrooge is saddened by what he saw in his past and demands the ghost to
After coming home one after noon Scrooge noticed some strange things. In disbelief he
checked his home for something, not finding anything he went and sat by the fire. The
pictures on the wall shifted into his old work partners face. Then after a few odd
occurrences later Marley's ghost appeared before Scrooge. Marley told Scrooge how he
could escape having a fate such as his, once telling scrooge he would be listed by three
ghost Marley left.
Scrooge woke up the next night from the sound of his clock chiming midnight. In
disbelief Scrooge opened his window an stared into the night. Waking once more from a
strange noise he got up, Scrooge looked at the ghost of christmas past. After a few
moments later the ghost and Scrooge traveled to the past. The ghost took Scrooge to a
small crying boy who was alone inside a building, Scrooge who was now crying begged
the ghost to take him back.
Act 2
Scenes 1-3
Ebenezer Scrooge Woke Up At The Stroke Of
One. Then He Went Right Back To Bed. A Few
Minutes Later He Raised Up And Finds The Ghost
Of Christmas Present. The Spirit Is Dressed In A
Green Coat With Fur And Has A Torch. The spirit
Shows Scrooge The Crachit Family Christmas With
Their Son Tiny Tim And a Possibility Of Death For
Tiny Tim. During The Cratchit’s Dinner They Toast
To The Scrooge Even Though Mrs.Cratchit Doesn't
Like Him.
Act two scenes one through three is about........ A guy named Marley sets the clock to
make it strike one then midnight then one again, in order to confuse Scrooge when he
wakes up. Finally, when Scrooge did wake up he was confused and he thought he was
sleeping backwards but nothing was happening and then suddenly music started playing
and it started thundering and lightning. That's when Scrooge met the ghost of Christmas
present and he touched his robe and then it all turned into a blackout. Next Present and
Scrooge go to a place where they are carrying their own dinners to their jobs and baking
meals for the rich men and women in the city to eat. Present tells Scrooge how kind it is
of those people to do that for others especially on Christmas day. Then two men start
arguing and Present sprinkles them with some stuff from his torch. Later the church bell
toll and the choral group enter inside the buildings, shops, and restaurants. scrooge
asked Present what he put on the men and Present said Kindness. Then Scrooge asked if
he put it on all people and Present said yes but poor people most. Then Scrooge asked
why poor people most. Present told him to touch his hear and that they had another
journey ahead of them. Soon they appear in a place where Mrs. Cratchit is setting the
table and with the help of Belinda Cratchit and Peter Cratchit. While a baby poked a fork
into his mashed potatoes in his high chair. Scrooge asked Present, " What is this
place?" Then Present told him that it was his employee Bob Cratchit's house. He
watched as Martha finally arrives and she hides as Mr. Cratchit enters the room carrying
Tiny Tim on his shoulders. The family finally sits around the table as Mr. and Mrs.
Cratchit serve the food and they all bow their heads as Mr. Scrooge prays. They pray for
their food, Tiny Tim, and Mr. Scrooge himself. Scrooge asks if Tiny Tim will live and
Present told him that he saw vacancy and that the boy would die. Bob toasts and says to
Mr. Scrooge. He hears them talking about how stingy and mean he is and then he talks
to Present and he tells him to touch his robe so he does and the lights go black and
everything freezes.
The ghost of christmas present has come to Scrooge
wearing what is a simple green robe.Scrooge touches
the robe as Present commands then something
Present takes Scrooge to a place that he doesn’t know.
The location is the home of one of his fellow co-workers
named Bob Cratchit, his family was gathered together
for a christmas dinner.The Cratchit family didn’t have
much money. They gathered around to sing songs and
dance together. Even though they were poor they were
happy because they had each other and were thankful
for that.
Scene 3
The present spirit and mister scrooge talk about the employees or the cratchits in other
word how it is foolish how much he get for all the kids then the present spirit told him to
hush so he could learn something.So from there Martha had come home and after
that Tiny Tim and Bod cratchit had come in to the all said merry Christmas and then they
went to sit at the table said the pray and the food was serve fast. scrooge and the spirit
talked and mister scrooge ask would Tiny Tim live and the spirit said he is not for sure.
The cratchits toast to mister scrooge and then they ask Tiny Tim to sing a song for them
and then Belinda ask may she sing so the whole family sang.So then scrooge learnt no
matter what happens to the family they love eath other and scrooge wanted to go back
to his house present said too touch his robe so they could leave and with thunder and
smoke they where gone.
Scene 4
The summary of A Christmas Carol is The family
was thinking about moving to the mines. Scrooge
introduces his nephew to present. Fred Introduces
his wife also to present. And the Wife Introduces her
bachelor friend.Then Fred and his girlfriend gets
married. Then Fred makes a toast to his uncle
Scrooge,and fills their glasses full of wine and
the scrooge looks out the window and sees
a empty scene.Determind weather or not he
slept all day or there was just nothing going
on.He thinks to hm self that marleys ghost was
just a dream. When the light flash he caught a
clamps of the ghost. He fond it wired that the
ghost was wanting him to touch him,and so the
ghost introduces himself to scrooge.
Scene 5
There is a man named Scrooge.That is a bit crazy.He does
not know what day it is, what month it is, or what year it
is.So he ask a man named Adam what day it is.Adam said
"why it is christmas day."So the Scrooge starts screaming
"I didn't miss it after all."Then he wonders to his family's
celebration for christmas.When he gets there he nocks on
the door.His neace and nephew open it jumping around
cause they have not seen him in a couple of months.When
they calm down they let him in then some of the family
yell for the rest saying "everyone come down your uncle is
here."When the family members upstairs here them they
ran down the stairs screaming and yelling.When they all
get there they sing and dance around him.Then everyone
says merry christmas.Then they eat and live happily ever
Act 2 Scene 5 is where scrooge had already been visited by the three ghost the ghost
of christmas present,the ghost of christmas past,and the ghost of christmas future those
are the three ghost that changed ebenezer scrooges whole perspective for christmas or
maybe even life. So after that night when he woke up the next morning he was a
changed person he yelled out the window "what day is it" "what is today"
A little boy answered "why its christmas day sir"
scrooge got dressed and was ready to start the day he was speeding christmas joy and
cheer to everyone to people he knew and to some who he didn't well when he went to
work his coworker his employe or what ever he was to him came in late and he didn't
mind he gave him a raise and a bonus he even gave him the week off to go spend time
with his family for christmas. after that he got him to go bye a turkey for a family that
could not afford one it was a huge turkey a really big turkey and had it delivered to them
after all of this he even went to spend time with his own family so i guess you could say
the ghost helped scrooge and everyone around him have a better christmas.
My part is when Scrooge meets the
most of chrisms past. As the ghost of
chrisms past brings Scrooge past
places like his old house and the place
were he was mentored. He also meets
other past people like himself and his
mentor. When the time draws near to
end his past life he watches his old self
have a argument with a past girl he
then pleads and begs to the ghost of
christmas past to stop hunting him. So
the ghost grants his wishing stops
hunting him. After Scrooge in his bed
and then Marly walks in and says
“Scrooge need his sleep,” and then
concludes all of the story and then the
story ends.