Thin Lenses Homework Read pg. 661-664 and answer the following 1. Where are lenses used? 2. A thin lens is usually __________________________________ and has two faces that are portions of a _____________________________. 3. What shape can the faces of lenses be? 4. Where is the axis of a lens? 5. Describe what happens in a lens as light rays go through the lens: 6. Parallel rays will come to ___________________________ on the other side of the lens 7. The distance of the focal point to the center of the lens is called the ________________________________________. 8. Even if the lens surfaces are different, if you turn the lens around the focal length will _________________________________________. 9. A converging lens is _________________________________ in the center and will make parallel lines that ____________________________ 10. A _________________________________lens is thicker on the edges and makes the parallel light rays __________________________. 11. P=1/? 12. The unit for lens power is the ___________________________. 13. For a converging lens, The image position of an object can be measured by knowing the focal length. 14. Look at 23-37 on pg 663 to see the best way to draw a ray diagram for a converging lens and draw or describe the ray diagram for a converging lens: 15. Now draw or describe a diverging lens: 16. Thin lens equation for converging lenses 17. And for diverging lenses: 18. Explain the sign conventions for the lens equations: 19. Explain the steps to solving problems for thin lenses 20. Solve example 23-12 here: 21. Explain how to solve converging lens and diverging lens problems using example 23-13 and 23-14 Time to practice: do problems on pg 675 numbers 41, 47 and 55