DoseWise 2015

From amongst all the excellent submissions, the panel of the International Society of
Radiographers and Radiological Technologists (ISRRT) and Philips have selected a
winner. His name is Anthony Tessier, currently Diagnostic Radiographer at H.I.A
Sainte-Anne Service d’Imagerie Medicale Pr. Arteaga in Toulon, France.
His response demonstrated very promising improvement, on a systemic level,
regarding reduction of eye lens X-ray dose in head CT procedures using hyperflexion
patient positioning. Eye lens exposure is one of the greatest concerns for both patients
and clinicians as the eye lens is very sensitive to radiation. Although the benefit of the
procedure outweighs the risk, it is incumbent upon the radiographer to use the least
amount of dose necessary for a good diagnostic image.
His conclusions suggest that a dose reduction is possible when the patient’s head is
positioned in a hyperflexion orientation and the scan starts above the eye orbit to
prevent direct beam contact with the eye lens.