Hepatic differentiation of canine and human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) Author: Nikita de Grauw Instructor: Dr. B. Spee Date: 10-04-2013 Appendix: Used protocols 1 Hepatic differentiation of canine and human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) Introduction The liver is one of the largest organs in the body. It has a wide regeneration capacity and it plays an important role in vascular, metabolic and secretory pathways. The liver maintains nearly every organ of the body, with the removal of waste materials as an important function. However, the location and the many features make it a sensitive organ for multiple diseases. Malfunctioning of the liver is mainly seen in chronic diseases due to decreasing regenerative capacity of the liver [1]. Within the field of regenerative medicine stem cells hold great promise to recover the regeneration capacity from the liver in the case of end-stage liver diseases. One of the cells, which can play a role within this recovery, is the induced pluripotent stem cell. Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) are a type of pluripotent stem cells that are artificially derived from adult somatic cells by a forced expression of specific genes. Yamanaka and colleagues were the first who described iPS cells derived from mice and man [2,3]. Nowadays it has also been described from the dog [4-7]. It is possible for iPS cells to differentiate into all kind of cell types in vitro, including hepatocytes [8]. These iPS-derived hepatocytes are very useful for (autologous) cell transplantation, drug toxicity testing and disease modelling. iPS-derived hepatocytes are able to repair mouse models of liver damage [9]. Until now it is not yet possible to apply this technique to larger animal species. This is the reason why this study investigates the potential of canine iPS cells to recover liver diseases. Therefore cell transplantation will be applied with iPS cell-derived hepatocytes to dogs with copper-storage inside the liver. These results will give an indication whether iPS cell technology in dogs and man is safe and practicable. 2 Materials and methods In order to determine whether human- and dog iPS cells can contribute to the recovery of liver diseases it is necessary to start with the culture of these cells. During the culture and experimental process we; - Checked the possibility whether canine and human iPS cells can be differentiated into hepatocytes - Looked if the cultured hepatocytes are functionally similar to primary hepatocytes. culture, but any type of somatic cell can be used for these purposes. The fibroblasts from the skin biopsy are cultured and transformed into pluripotent stem cells by lentiviral transduction. Due to this lentivirus it is possible to insert four transcription factors (also known as the Yamanaka factors) that can establish pluripotency in stem cells; OCT4, SOX2, KLF4, c-MYC that ensure reprogramming [2,3] (figure 1). By mimicking the embryonic development these cells will be differentiated into hepatocytes in vitro [7,11]. Potential use of iPS cells It is a great benefit that the derived cells are from the patient itself. In the case of cell transplantation, there will not be an immune response when placing back the cultured cells. The patient specific iPS cells can be used for several purposes, namely for cell transplantation but also as disease modelling to test newly developed medication [8]. Obtaining cells The iPS cells can be obtained in a low-invasive way, which is from a skin biopsy from a patient. Fibroblast cells from skin, is chosen because they are relatively easy to Figure 1: Reprogram cells [2,3] 3 Culturing cells The iPS cells are cultured on 0,1% gelatin-coated plates with a feeder layer of irradiated mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs). For human iPS cells it is necessary to plate out 1 million MEFs on a 10-cm culture dish, canine iPS cells need a density of 4 million MEFs per 10-cm culture dish. MEFs need to be in MEF media (DMEM L-glutamine included, 10% FBS, 1% P/S) for at least 4 hours to attach prior to the plating of the iPS cells in order to attach [10]. There are two iPS cell lines used for this experiment. The canine cells, also known as Cibelli, which come from the Department of Animal Science, Michigan State University, USA and the human cells, H9, which come from the Hubrecht institute. In this study the iPS cells are already obtained and stored in liquid nitrogen. It is therefore necessary to defrost the cells before plating. It is important to get rid of the MEF media on the culture dishes and replace it with standard ES cell media for human- or canine embryonic stem cells (DMEM/F12 (1:1) media w/20% v/v KOSR, 2mM Glutamax, 50μM 2mercaptoethanol, non-essential amino acids, 10ng/ml bFGF and in case of canine culture an addition with 10ng/ml LIF is needed). Not required, but recommended is the addition of ROCK inhibitor to the plates with iPS cells in order to increase the survival efficiency after thawing. The plates with the iPS cells are not allowed to get too confluent. If there is not enough growth space left it is important to pass the cells with collagenase type IV (1mg/ml in DMEM/F12) for six minutes. The cells can be disrupted mechanically by pipetting. It is important to carry this step out carefully to avoid single cells. Single cells differentiate quickly and can then no longer be used for the hepatic differentiation experiment [10]. Hepatic differentiation experiment As soon there are enough 10-cm culture dishes with a confluence of 70% per cell line it is possible to start the differentiation experiment. During this study we created an optimized, cost-effective, protocol based on previous studies. This protocol imitates the embryonic development [11]. First of all it is important to obtain the iPS cells without any MEFs. To remove MEFs we plated the entire fraction on gelatine-coated plates and allowed the MEFs to attach within 20 minutes. This procedure is repeated two more times. 4 Afterwards we spun down the supernatant, took up the pellet and placed the iPS cells on a different, matrigel coated plate (12-well plate, 24-well plate and chamberslides) [11]. The first day we fed them with the standard media, Human ESC (+LIF in case of canine iPS). The next day the differentiation protocol started. First we have 5 days of endodermal differentiation, then 5 days of hepatic specification, 5 days of hepatocyte specification, and 5 days of hepatocyte maturation. After (each) 5 days cells are fixed (chamberslides), RNA is isolated and liver transaminases were determined in the media. Cells need to be fed daily. The media of the cells changed every 5 days in order to stimulate the differentiation into mature hepatocytes. The protocol for this experiment is the same for both human and dog iPS cells [11]. To demonstrate the differentiation towards hepatocytes with all intermittent steps gene-expression, immunocytochemistry and functional tests were performed. Detailed protocol can be found in supplemental file 1, short descriptions of the protocols are listed below. RNA During the experiment we isolated cells for RNA isolation in triplicate after each differentiation step according to protocol (4 steps in total) [11]. We used the RNeasy mini kit (Qiagen) to isolate the RNA, following the manufacturer’s instructions, and used the Nanodrop for RNA concentration measurement. cDNA The cDNA was made according to iScript protocol [12] (BioRad). All qPCRs were performed in 384-well reaction plates in 20μl reaction volume using SYBR Green PCR Master Mix [13] (BioRad). Primers To demonstrate that the cells possess the necessary genes we selected primers for both canine and human qPCR, which indicate stem cell characteristics and hepatocyte features. For canine qPCR we used RPS5, RPS19 and HPRT as reference genes. Cyp3a12, Spp1, CSA, HNf4a, AFP, HNf1b, SOX17, Mrp2, CK18, CK19, FOXa1, ONECUT1, ONECUT2, PROX1, CPS1, OCT4, and TERT as marker genes. 5 For human qPCR we used RPL19, GAPDH and RPS5 as reference genes. Cyp3a4, Tjp1, ALB, HNF4a, AFP, Hnf1b, SOX17, Mrp2, KRT18, KRT19, FOXa1, FOXa2, CD44, FN14, OCT4 and Vimentin as marker genes. Immunocytochemistry (ICC) The immunocytochemistry is performed according to protocol on PFA fixed cells in chamberslides [16]. With the experiment we started plating out the iPS cells on glass chamberslides. In the progress of the differentiation the cells detached from the slides. This was tried again on plastic chamberslides including a coating with matrigel, but unfortunately all without success. Because the use of chamberslides is not possible a new experiment on a 24-well plate is started for ICC results (only canine). We stained with the following antibodies for demonstrating the presence of antigens (species of the antibody was generated in between brackets): ALB (mouse), ARG1 (rabbit), BCAT (rabbit), CD133 (mouse), PROX1 (rabbit), CPS1 (rabbit), CK19 (mouse), CK7 (mouse), FN14 (rabbit), GGT (mouse), HNF1B (rabbit), HNF4A (rabbit), MRP2 (mouse), OCT4 (rabbit), SOX17/SRY (mouse), SOX9 (rabbit), STRO1 (mouse) and VIM (mouse). Indocyanine green (ICG) Indocyanine green (ICG) is an organic anion, which is clinically used as a test-chemical to control liver function. The substance is nontoxic and eliminated only by hepatocytes. After differentiation it is needed to test if we had cultured mature good functioning hepatocytes. The ICG test gives us a good indication whether the cells meet (one of the many) requirements. After the media is added to the hepatocytes cells were given maximum six hours to eliminate the ICG. Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) staining Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) staining is used for the detection of glycogen in tissue, like formalin- fixed liver tissue, but can also be used for cardiac and skeletal muscle. Glycogen, fungi and mucin will turn purple and nuclei will be stained blue. Glycogen is a sugar (carbohydrate), which is normally stored in the liver and plays an important role within the glycogen metabolism [15]. Liver transaminase determination During the experiment we collected media and cell pellets for enzyme determination. This was collected three times within every isolation step (4 steps in total). 6 After both the canine and human experiment was finished we sent the samples (250 μl) to the UVDL. Cytochrome P450 Cytochrome P450 3a4 (human) and 3a12 (canine), also known as Cyp3a4/3a12, is situated within the liver and plays an important role in decomposing toxins and foreign substances. For having wellfunctioning liver cells, it is important to have an active Cyp3a4 enzyme. This activity in hepatocytes can be measured by BFC-assay. The material converted due to the BFC assay is fluorescent and can thereby be measured fluor-metrically [17]. After the BFC assay is performed a fluorescamine assay is done to determine the amount of proteins in each well for normalisation purposes [18]. Micro albumin Albumin is a protein created in the liver. It plays an important role in maintaining blood pressure and fluid balance. It is also responsible for the transport of all kind of substances, for example vitamins and medication [19]. After both the canine and human experiment was finished we sent samples with media (60 μl) collected during the experiment to the UVDL to find out if our cultured hepatocytes-like cells express albumin. Ammonia tolerance The liver converts ammonia to urea, which is otherwise toxic. Ammonia is neutralized by the urea cycle and glutamin synthesis. With the ammonia tolerance test an urea assay is performed to find out whether the cells are able to break down the toxic ammonia and convert it into urea. This test is performed at the end of the experiment [19, 20]. After the urea assay is performed, a CyQUANT assay is done to determine the density of the cells for normalisation purposes. Both are performed according to the manufacturer’s instructions [21]. Results Quantitative PCR Gene expression profiles were determined by the ΔCt method. The technical replicates are indicated with the same symbol. Gene-expression measurements in the canine iPS cells indicate that ONECUT1, a liver specific transcription factor, is increased during differentiation, with the highest expression in the hepatic maturation stage. PROX1 is an early hepatic marker. The presence of this gene increases throughout the experiment. The highest concentrations are 7 Relative gene expression 60 40 30 20 10 iPS ENDO SPEC CYTE HEPA PROX1 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 iPS ENDO SPEC CYTE HEPA FOXA1 Results canine: Relative gene expression 1000 3000 Relative gene expression 50 0 Relative gene expression measured at the moment hepatocytes are formed. FOXA1 is also an early hepatic marker. This graph shows us a positive result, although we would expect slightly lower relative gene expression at HEPA stage because it is an early marker. KRT19 is a progenitor cell marker, present within hepatocytes that are not 100% mature yet. The relative gene expression comes up at the CYTE stage of the experiment and is at the highest concentration within HEPA stage. ALB is a hepatic marker. The relative gene expression comes up at HEPA stage, as we would expect. HNF4a is an early hepatic marker, which maintains a high relative gene expression. 2500 2000 800 600 400 200 0 1500 iPS 1000 ENDO SPEC CYTE HEPA KRT19 500 0 iPS ENDO SPEC CYTE HEPA ONECUT1 8 Relative gene expression different in comparison with the canine results of FOXA1. HNF1B is a bile duct marker. The graph shows us high relative gene expression during SPEC stage. This is a positive result because at SPEC stage the cells are not only hepatocytes yet. Beyond the SPEC stage the relative gene expression decreases which shows that there are no bile duct cells cultured. ALB is a hepatic marker and should have the highest relative gene expression within HEPA stage. CYP3a4 is a hepatic marker. See ALB HNF4a is an early hepatic marker, which maintains a high relative gene expression. ALB 40 30 20 10 0 iPS ENDO SPEC CYTE HEPA Results Human HNF4a AFP is an early hepatocyte marker, which maintains a high relative gene expression. This gene is present within CYTE and HEPA stage. OCT4 is a pluripotency marker. The relative gene expression is high at iPS and ENDO stage and low at the moment hepatocytes are formed. This is a positive result because pluripotency of the cells should decrease throughout the experiment. FOXA1 is an early hepatic marker (see results canine). The relative gene expression is already low within HEPA stage, which is 6000 Relative gene expression Relative gene expression 50 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 iPS ENDO SPEC CYTE HEPA AFP 9 18000 16000 50000 Relative gene expression Relative gene expression 60000 40000 30000 20000 10000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 0 iPS ENDO SPEC CYTE iPS HEPA Relative gene expression Relative gene expression HEPA 7 10 8 6 4 2 0 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 iPS ENDO SPEC CYTE iPS HEPA ENDO SPEC CYTE HEPA CYP3a4 FOXA1 12 Relative gene expression 800 Relative gene expression CYTE ALB OCT4 600 400 200 0 10 8 6 4 2 0 iPS HNF1B ENDO SPEC ENDO SPEC CYTE iPS HEPA ENDO SPEC CYTE HEPA HNF4a Immunocytochemistry (ICC) The ICC results allow us to see whether or not the cells express the antigen in question. Because pictures are taken at different times we are able to say whether a 10 particular type of antigen increases or decreases as time passes. OCT4 is a pluripotency marker, which should be present at the beginning of the experiment (within iPS cells or ENDO stage cells). Over time there is little or no expression of OCT4. SOX17 is an endodermal liver marker and shows expression at the beginning of the experiment. After endodermal stage is over we see a decreasing of SOX17. KRT7 is a progenitor cell marker and marks hepatocytes, that are not 100%, mature yet. The expression of this marker is low at the beginning of the experiment and is increasing over time. HNF1B is a bile duct marker. In the beginning of the experiment expression of this marker is present, due to the fact that this stage does not exist of hepatocytes only. Within the HEPA stage of HNF1B there is little or no expression, showing us there are no bile duct cells cultured. Representative pictures have been taken at the beginning (ENDO stage) of the experiment and at the end (HEPA stage) of the experiment. OCT 4 ENDO Canine OCT4 HEPA Canine SOX17 ENDO Canine Results Canine: 11 SOX17 HEPA Canine HNF1B ENDO Canine KRT7 ENDO Canine HNF1B HEPA Canine Indocyanine green (ICG) KRT7 HEPA Canine The results of the indocyanine green test (ICG) are positive for both species. The green test chemical we applied to the cells is incorporated. As the time goes by, the cells eliminate the green test chemical, which is shown in the representative pictures, cells turn less green (after six hours) then at the start [14]. It must be noted that some of the cells did not eliminate the green test chemical. These are apoptotic cells wherein the substance can flow into the cell, but is not able to be eliminated actively because of cell death. 12 Representative pictures have been made at the start and after six hours [13] (figure 2-5). Figure 5: Human ICG test after six hours Periodic staining Figure 2: Start Canine ICG test Figure 3: Canine ICG test after six hours Acid Schiff (PAS) Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) staining results shows us purple staining within the cells and some blue staining within the nuclei [15]. The staining is positive, but to confirm we stained glycogen an additional test is needed. In this case the purple staining could come from mucin, fungi and glycogen. In order to show we stained glycogen, amylase pre-treatment is needed as a negative control. Based on the representative pictures below, we can say we did not stained mucin or fungi, and therefore we can say that this staining is another positive result. Representative pictures have been taken before staining (bright field) and after staining (figure 6-9). Figure 4: Start Human ICG test 13 Figure 9: PAS staining Human Figure 6: Bright field Canine Liver transaminase determination Figure 7: PAS staining Canine Figure 8: Bright field Human Determination of the liver enzymes is done by the UVDL. Previous studies showed enzymes could be determined in the media. After we sent in 250μl media of each sample, we received some disappointing results and we decided to hand in 250μl cell pellet of each sample. The results were much better this time, so we used the determination in the cell pellet. When we look at the results we would expect to find the highest concentration of enzymes within hepatic maturation, except for GGT, because at this point cells should function like primary hepatocytes. GGT is a bile duct enzyme, which we would not expect within primary hepatocytes. For canine cells we see real high enzyme concentrations within endodermal differentiation for ALT and AST. It is difficult to say whether this is abnormal because there is no comparable data available. If we 14 look at the measurement of other differentiation steps we see what would be expected. The enzyme concentration increases as the differentiation experiment progresses with the highest concentration within hepatic maturation. GGT is high at the specification step, which make sense because in this stage bile duct cells can be present. For human cells we did not see real high enzyme concentration within the endodermal differentiation except for GLDH. In general all the enzymes show the highest concentration in the hepatic maturation stage. What is abnormal is the concentration of GGT during the different steps of the experiment. These results suggest there are, besides hepatocytes, also bile duct cells. The results per enzyme are corrected for cell count. An overview is made for the enzymes ALT, AF, AST, GGT and GLDH for both canine and human (figure 1014). 15 140 ALT U/L 120 100 80 Canine 60 Human 40 Figure 10: ALT U/L Canine and human 20 0 -20 ENDO SPEC CYTE 30 HEPA AF U/L 25 20 15 Canine 10 Human Figure 11: AF U/L Canine and human 5 0 -5 ENDO 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 SPEC CYTE HEPA AST U/L Canine Human ENDO SPEC CYTE Figure 12: AST U/L Canine and human HEPA 16 40 GGT U/L 35 30 25 20 Canine 15 Human Figure 13: GGT U/L Canine and human 10 5 0 -5 ENDO SPEC CYTE HEPA GLDH U/L 160 140 120 100 Canine 80 Figure 14: GLDH U/L Canine and human Human 60 40 20 0 ENDO SPEC CYTE HEPA Cytochrome P450 The presence of an active cytochrome 3a12 for canine and cytochrome 3a4 for human is of great importance for wellfunctioning liver cells. In the graph we can read the activity of both species. We performed three triplicate measurements, but did not include a positive control. Without this positive control it is hard to give a conclusion based on this data. For now we are able to say that there is activity expressed for both human and canine cells and human cells seem to show a slightly higher activity than canine cells. The results per well are corrected for the cell count made during the fluorescamine assay. Each well represents a triplicate measurement (figure 15). 17 Fluorescent units/mg protein 200 Million 150 Canine 100 Figure 15: Fluorescent units/mg protein for canine and human Human 50 0 well 1 well 2 well 3 lines (figure 16 – 17). Micro albumin We also used the media collected during the experiment for micro albumin determination. Since micro albumin is created within the liver we expected to find the highest concentration of albumin in the hepatic maturation step. This step is the closest to primary hepatocytes. Surprisingly the highest concentration of albumin was measured during endodermal differentiation. The rest of the results are according to our expectations. Human cells seem to express more albumin than canine cells. The micro albumin results are corrected for cell count for both cell Ammonia tolerance test The results of the ammonia tolerance test were not usable and were omitted from this study. We 100 80 60 40 20 0 ENDO SPEC CYTE HEPA Figure 16: Canine Micro albumin 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 ENDO SPEC CYTE HEPA Figure 17: Human Micro albumin recommend future experiments to be performed with higher amounts of ammonia in order to increase the amounts of urea after an overnight incubation. 18 Discussion During the experiment we had noticed that there were some differences between the cell lines. The canine cells seem to grow less in culture compared to the human cells. After culturing both cell lines we performed the above tests. Overall it seems that the canine cells show less expression of hepatocyte specific genes compared to the human cells, but both seem to be able to differentiate into hepatocyte-like cells. This difference might be due to the confluence of the cell lines at the beginning of the differentiation experiment. Because canine cells grow slower the confluence may have been lower in comparison with the human cells. It is also possible that the human cells grew faster during differentiation compared to the canine cells. For immunocytochemistry it is necessary to change the differentiation protocol [11]. During the experiment it has been found that the cells do not stay attached to the chamberslides, not even after several adjustments (see above). For now the use of 24 well plates seems to be the solution. The surface within one well of a 24 well plate is bigger and contains more cells than a well of a chamberslide. Perhaps the cells detach from the chamberslides because of a lack of space or cells surrounding them. The indocyanine green (ICG) test would be more optimized if there were bright field pictures taken before starting the test and the pictures taken should be from exact the same area every time. Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) staining needs an amylase pre-treatment as a negative control to optimize the results. The determination of liver enzymes in this experiment is performed using two different methods; determination of the media and determination of the cell pellet. The question remains whether it is possible to say one of these methods is the best in every situation or that a distinction should be made between different cell lines. For a good discussion about the canine results of the liver enzyme determination more comparable data is needed. The results of the micro albumin determination were partly surprising; the highest concentration of albumin was measured during endodermal differentiation. The reason for this high concentration is due to the media we used within the 19 endodermal step. This media contains Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA). This supplement is only used during endodermal differentiation and not present in the other differentiation steps. The measurement within the endodermal step should be eliminated to have a good interpretation of the results. The rest of the results are according to our expectations. Conclusion During this study we have been able to create and test an optimized, cost-effective, protocol for the hepatic differentiation of canine and human iPS cells. This protocol seems to work well because we have been able to show the possibility to culture hepatocyte-like-cells based on geneexpression profiling, immunocytochemistry as well as functional assays. In general the cultured hepatocytes from human iPS cells seem to show better test results in comparison with the cultured hepatocytes from canine iPS cells. The results indicate that the cells are similar, only the human hepatocytes seem to have a higher expression of hepatocyte specific genes. The cultured iPS cell derived hepatocytes seem to look similar in function in comparison with primary hepatocytes according to all the tests we performed. Not all test results are entirely convincing and some test should be performed once again to achieve better results (cytochrome test, ammonia tolerance test). Generally we are able to say that all the results together are certainly positive. The clinical relevance of culturing and differentiation of iPS cells is therefore high. In order for the iPS cells to play a role within the solution of the shortage of donor organs (not available for dogs) or disease modelling it is important there is a quick and safe way for culturing. A patient with chronic liver disease does not have years of time to wait before there are enough good functioning cells for treatment. In a short period of time a lot of cells need to be cultured. It is also important that one can say with certainty that the cultured cells meet the requirements for primary hepatocytes. Because of the amount of cells required and the short period of time there is a possibility of culturing tumour cells. It is not feasible in terms of time and costs to perform all of the above tests before a patient can be treated. At this moment of time, the clinical use of this technique is therefore not possible. 20 Nevertheless, the above results are encouraging enough for further research about the use of iPS cells for cell transplantation and disease modelling in the future. The veterinary relevance lies within the disease modelling. For example think about copper accumulation, (Wilson’s disease in human), wherein the excretion of copper into the bile is reduced. If this disease modelling is proven to work in dogs, dogs may contribute to solving complex diseases like Wilson’s disease (mentioned above) because these syndromes are quite similar. The gene that causes this disease is located in the liver. Copper storage disease has been demonstrated in several different dog breeds. Until now, dogs diagnosed with copper accumulation need medical support for the rest of their lives. It can be possible that this life-long medical support is not needed anymore in the future. This study shows the possibility to culture wellfunctioning hepatocyte-like cells from the fibroblast cells of a patient. This could mean that we are able to cure the gene defect of this disease by replacing it with a good working cultured gene. 21 References 1. Nelson RW, Couto CG. Hepatobiliary Diseases in the Dog. Small animal internal medicine, 2003 2. Takahashi K, Yamanaka S. 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Hepatic differentiation protocol for iPS cells 12. iScript protocol 13. Protocol qPCR 384-well IQSYBRgreensuperMix 14. Cardiogreen / indocyanine green (ICG) uptake protocol 15. PAS (Periodic Acid SCHiff) staining Protocol for cell-culture 16. Two step nuclear immunocytochemistry (ICC) on PFA fixed cells in chamberslides. STEMLITE kit (stemLite iPS cell Reprograming kit #9092) 22 17. Cyp3a4 activity measurement with BFC assay 18. Fluorescamine assay 19. Syllabi course 15. Hepatobiliary system. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 2011 20. Urea assay for cell-culture 21. CyQUANT cell Proliferation Assay Kit. Invitrogen, 2006 23 Appendix 24