VCE Biology Units 1 and 2: 2016–2020 ADVICE FOR TEACHERS Updated November 2015 Authorised and published by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority Level 1, 2 Lonsdale Street Melbourne VIC 3000 ISBN: 978-1-925264-08-1 © Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority 2015 No part of this publication may be reproduced except as specified under the Copyright Act 1968 or by permission from the VCAA. For more information go to: The VCAA provides the only official, up-to-date versions of VCAA publications. Details of updates can be found on the VCAA website: This publication may contain copyright material belonging to a third party. Every effort has been made to contact all copyright owners. If you believe that material in this publication is an infringement of your copyright, please email the Copyright Officer: Copyright in materials appearing at any sites linked to this document rests with the copyright owner/s of those materials, subject to the Copyright Act. The VCAA recommends you refer to copyright statements at linked sites before using such materials. The VCAA logo is a registered trademark of the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority VCE Biology Units 1 and 2: 2016–2020 ADVICE FOR TEACHERS Updated November 2015 Contents Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 1 Administration .............................................................................................................................. 1 Curriculum..................................................................................................................................... 1 Developing a course ................................................................................................................... 1 Employability skills ...................................................................................................................... 6 Resources ................................................................................................................................... 6 Assessment................................................................................................................................... 7 Scope of tasks ............................................................................................................................ 8 Units 1 and 2 ............................................................................................................................... 9 Authentication ............................................................................................................................... 9 Learning activities ...................................................................................................................... 10 Unit 1: How do living things stay alive? ..................................................................................... 10 Unit 2: How is continuity of life maintained? .............................................................................. 17 Appendix 1: Scientific investigation .......................................................................................... 23 Appendix 2: Defining variables .................................................................................................. 28 Appendix 3: Examples of problem-based learning approaches .............................................. 29 Appendix 4: Sample teaching plan ............................................................................................ 31 Appendix 5: Employability skills ............................................................................................... 35 ©VCAA 2015 3 VCE Biology Units 1 and 2: 2016–2020 ADVICE FOR TEACHERS Updated November 2015 Introduction The VCE Bology Advice for teachers handbook provides curriculum and assessment advice for Units 1 to 4. It contains advice for developing a course with examples of teaching and learning activities and resources for each unit. The course developed and delivered to students must be in accordance with the VCE Biology Study Design Units 1 and 2: 2016–2020; Units 3 and 4: 2017–2021. Administration Advice on matters related to the administration of Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) assessment is published annually in the VCE and VCAL Administrative Handbook. Updates to matters related to the administration of VCE assessment are published in the VCAA Bulletin. Curriculum Developing a course A course outlines the nature and sequence of teaching and learning necessary for students to demonstrate achievement of the set of outcomes for a unit. The areas of study broadly describe the learning contexts and the knowledge and skills required for the demonstration of each outcome. Each outcome draws on the set of contextualised key skills for Biology listed on pages 10 and 11 of the Study Design. The development, use and application of the key science skills must be integrated into the teaching sequence. These skills support a number of pedagogical approaches to teaching and learning including a focus on inquiry where students pose questions, explore scientific ideas, draw evidence-based conclusions and propose solutions to problems. Teachers must develop courses that include appropriate learning activities to enable students to develop the knowledge and skills identified in the outcomes in each unit. Attention should be given to designing a course of study that is relevant to students, contextually based, employs a variety though manageable number of student tasks and uses a variety of source material from a diverse number of providers. Learning activities must include investigative work that involves the collection of primary data, including laboratory work and field work. Other learning activities may include investigations involving the collection of primary and/or secondary data through local and remote data logging, simulations, animations, literature reviews and the use of databases and bioinformatics tools. Investigations are integral to the study of VCE Biology; they enable students to explore concepts through the application of scientific skills and often the scientific method. Common to different methods of scientific inquiry and learning activities are three key aspects that are central to the study design’s inquiry focus: asking questions, testing ideas and using evidence. ©VCAA 2015 1 ADVICE FOR TEACHERS Updated November 2015 VCE Biology Units 1 and 2: 2016–2020 Students may work individually or as part of a group or class to complete an activity but findings, analysis and conclusions should be reported individually. If optional assessment tasks are used to cater for different student interests, teachers must ensure that they are comparable in scope and demand. Scientific inquiry focus The VCE Biology Study Design enables students to engage with science-related issues by building their capacities to explain phenomena scientifically, design and evaluate scientific investigations, and draw evidence-based conclusions. Students see how science works as a process by undertaking their own scientific investigations that involve collecting and analysing data and exploring the nature of evidence. Teachers are advised to provide students with learning opportunities that allow students to critically evaluate the stories, claims, discoveries and inventions about science they hear and read in the media and to examine the relevance of science in their everyday lives. The following table shows how students can draw links between scientific concepts studied in Units 1 and 2 and their applications in relation to issues discussed in the media: Unit Concept Issues 1 Interrelationships between species in food webs and ecosystems Risk of depleted food sources as a result of over-fishing and various coastal management strategies Effects of introduced species within an ecosystem Plant and animal population control 2 Human stem cell differentiation including the distinction between embryonic and adult stem cells Potential uses of stem cells in medical therapies including social and ethical implications Human embryo research The opportunity for students to work scientifically and respond to questions is an important feature of the VCE Biology Study Design. Questions reflect the inquiry nature of studying science and can be framed to provide contexts for developing conceptual understanding. The VCE Biology Study Design is structured under a set of unit questions and area of study questions. These questions are open-ended to enable students to engage in critical and creative thinking about the biological concepts identified in the key knowledge and to encourage students to ask their own questions about what they are learning. In responding to these questions, students demonstrate their own conceptual links and the relevance of different concepts to practical applications. Teachers are advised to utilise the flexibility provided by the structure of the Study Design in the choice of contexts, both local and global, and applications for enabling students to develop skills and understanding. Opportunities range from the entire class studying a particular context or application chosen by the teacher or agreed to by the class, through to students nominating their own choice of scenarios, research or case studies, ecosystems or fieldwork activities. Appendix 3 provides examples of the use of a problem-based learning approach to develop scientific skills and understanding. ©VCAA 2015 2 ADVICE FOR TEACHERS Updated November 2015 VCE Biology Units 1 and 2: 2016–2020 Designing scientific investigations Students undertake investigations across Units 1 and 2 in VCE Biology. Research questions of interest may be investigated through a range of research methodologies including experimental investigations. Primary and/or secondary data should be collected in order to test hypotheses, predictions and ideas, to look for patterns, trends and relationships in data and to draw evidence-based conclusions. An experimental investigation explores whether or not there is a relationship between variables and therefore requires that students identify which variables will be investigated and which will be controlled. The following diagram represents a general process for undertaking scientific investigations: research question Topic selection phase problem definition report Reporting phase Planning phase experimental design evaluation data collection and analysis Investigation phase Topic selection phase The selection of a suitable topic for investigation may begin with an idea or observation or question about an object, event or phenomenon. Students may have already developed a question as an extension of earlier completed work, or may be curious about a practical problem, or a particular technological development. Once the topic has been identified students articulate a research question for investigation. Questions may be generated from brainstorming. Teachers may provide a question or scaffold the development of an appropriate testable hypothesis that students can adapt and investigate. A hypothesis is developed from a research question of interest and provides a possible explanation of a problem that can be tested experimentally. A useful hypothesis is a testable statement that may include a prediction. An example of hypothesis formulation is included in Appendix 1. ©VCAA 2015 3 VCE Biology Units 1 and 2: 2016–2020 ADVICE FOR TEACHERS Updated November 2015 In some cases, for example in exploratory or qualitative research, a research question may not lend itself to having an accompanying hypothesis; in such cases students should work directly with their research questions. Planning phase Prior to undertaking an investigation, students should produce a plan that outlines their reasons and interest in undertaking the investigation, defines the biological concepts involved, identifies short-term goals, lists the materials and equipment required, outlines the design of any experiment, notes any anticipated problems, identifies and suggests how possible safety risks can be managed and outlines any ethical issues. In planning an experimental investigation students will formulate a hypothesis that will be tested by the collection of evidence. They may also make predictions about investigation outcomes based on their existing knowledge. Students should identify the independent, dependent and controlled variables in their experiment and discuss how changing variables may or may not affect the outcome. Students should be able to explain how they expect that the evidence they collect could either refute or support their hypothesis. In planning an investigation, students may undertake relevant background reading. In addition, students should learn the correct use of scientific conventions, including the use of standard notation and SI units and how to reference sources and provide appropriate acknowledgments. A detailed explanation of types of variables is provided in Appendix 2. Investigation phase In the investigation, students will collect primary or secondary qualitative and/or quantitative data as evidence. Data can be derived from observations, laboratory experimentation, fieldwork and local and/or global databases. During the investigation students should note any difficulties or problems encountered in collecting data. The data collected should be recorded in a form according to the plan, for subsequent analysis and relevance to the investigation. Reporting phase An examination and analysis of the data may identify evidence of patterns, trends or relationships and may subsequently lead to an explanation of the biological phenomenon being investigated. For VCE Biology, the analysis of experimental data requires a qualitative treatment of accuracy, precision, reliability, validity, uncertainty, and random and systematic errors. For more detailed information see Appendix 1. Students consider the data collected and make inferences from the data, report errors or problems encountered and use evidence to answer the research question. They consider how appropriate their data is in a given context, evaluate the reliability of the data and make reference to its repeatability and/or reproducibility. Types of possible errors, human bias and uncertainties in measurements, including the treatment of outliers in a set of data, should be identified and explained. For an investigation where a hypothesis has been formulated, interpretation of the evidence will either support the hypothesis or refute it, but it may also pose new questions and lead the student to revising the hypothesis or developing a new one. In reaching a conclusion the student should identify any judgments and decisions that are not based on the evidence alone but involve broader social, political, economic and ethical factors. ©VCAA 2015 4 VCE Biology Units 1 and 2: 2016–2020 ADVICE FOR TEACHERS Updated November 2015 The initial phases of the investigation (topic selection, planning and investigation) are recorded in the student logbook while the report of the investigation can take various forms including a written report, a scientific poster or an oral or a multimodal presentation of the investigation. For more detailed information on scientific investigations see Appendix 1. Maintenance of a logbook Students maintain a logbook for each of Units 1 and 2. The logbook is a record of the student’s practical and investigative work involving the collection of primary and/or secondary data. Its purposes include providing a basis for further learning, for example, contributing to class discussions about demonstrations, activities or practical work; reporting back to the class on an experiment or activity; responding to questions in a practical worksheet or problem-solving exercise; or writing up an experiment as a formal report or a scientific poster. No formal presentation format for the logbook is prescribed. The logbook may be digital and/or paper-based. Data may be qualitative and/or quantitative and may include the results of guided activities or investigations; planning notes for experiments; results of student-designed activities or investigations; personal reflections made during or at the conclusion of demonstrations, activities or investigations; simple observations made in short class activities; links to spreadsheet calculations and other student digital records and presentations; notes and electronic or other images taken on excursions; database extracts; web-based investigations and research, including online communications and results of simulations; surveys; interviews; and notes of any additional or supplementary work completed outside class. All logbook entries must be dated and in chronological order. Investigation partners, expert advice and assistance and secondary data sources must be acknowledged and/or referenced. Teachers may use student logbooks for authentication and/or assessment purposes. Fieldwork Fieldwork can be undertaken in a range of contexts. Schools with limited access to natural ecosystems could use sections of gardens, particularly soil and leaf litter or artificial aquatic ecosystems in aquariums. However, wherever possible, investigations of such ecosystems should be supported by fieldwork in local natural ecosystems such as the local stream, remnant vegetation or parklands. If using local or state parks, regulations regarding activities and the collection of organisms should be checked and followed. Activities should be planned to create minimal impact on the ecosystem under investigation. Availability of resources, physical conditions of local ecosystems and weather conditions that enable undertaking of fieldwork may influence sequencing of learning activities. Bioinformatics Bioinformatics is an integral part of biology and biological research. For VCE Biology, the availability of free bioinformatics secondary school sample lesson plans and online genomic databases and tools for the analysis of biological data can enrich the teaching of concepts related to human biology, genetics, evolution and molecular biology. The International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) offers bioinformatics lesson plans on their website at: ©VCAA 2015 5 VCE Biology Units 1 and 2: 2016–2020 ADVICE FOR TEACHERS Updated November 2015 Inclusion of bioinformatics into courses also provides increased opportunities for differentiated learning and individual student research. Bioinformatics tools such as BLAST and Cn3D can be used to explore how bioinformatics is applied in a variety of contexts; for example, investigating the genetic and molecular consequences of a mutation to the Breast Cancer Susceptibility 1 (BRCA1) gene; comparing genes and proteins; finding model organisms; investigating the genes involved in speech or intelligence; exploring the genetic basis for lactose intolerance; and considering the evolutionary origin of the plague. Student safety and wellbeing When developing courses, some issues to consider include: duty of care in relation to health and safety of students in learning activities, practical work and excursions; legislative compliance (for example, chemical storage and disposal and copyright); sensitivity to cultural differences and personal beliefs (for example, discussions related to medical issues); adherence to community standards and ethical guidelines (for example, environmental responsibility when undertaking fieldwork); respect for persons and differences of opinion; sensitivity to student views on the use of animals in research (for example, providing alternatives to dissections). For more detail regarding legislation and compliance, refer to pages 7 and 8 of the Study Design. Employability skills The VCE Biology study provides students with the opportunity to engage in a range of learning activities. In addition to demonstrating their understanding and mastery of the content and skills specific to the study, students may also develop employability skills through their learning activities. The nationally agreed employability skills are: Communication; Planning and organising; Teamwork; Problem solving; Self-management; Initiative and enterprise; Technology; and Learning. The table (Appendix 5) links those facets that may be understood and applied in a school or non-employment related setting, to the types of assessment commonly undertaken within the VCE study. Resources A list of resources is published online on the VCAA website and is updated annually. The list includes teaching, learning and assessment resources, contact details for subject associations and professional organisation. ©VCAA 2015 6 VCE Biology Units 1 and 2: 2016–2020 ADVICE FOR TEACHERS Updated November 2015 Assessment Assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning. At the senior secondary level it: identifies opportunities for further learning describes student achievement articulates and maintains standards provides the basis for the award of a certificate. As part of VCE studies, assessment tasks enable: the demonstration of the achievement of an outcome or set of outcomes for satisfactory completion of a unit judgment and reporting of a level of achievement for school-based assessments at Units 3 and 4. The following are the principles that underpin all VCE assessment practices. These are extracted from the VCAA Principles and guidelines for the development and review of VCE Studies published on the VCAA website. VCE assessment will be valid This means that it will enable judgments to be made about demonstration of the outcomes and levels of achievement on assessment tasks fairly, in a balanced way and without adverse effects on the curriculum or for the education system. The overarching concept of validity is elaborated as follows. VCE assessment should be fair and reasonable Assessment should be acceptable to stakeholders including students, schools, government and the community. The system for assessing the progress and achievement of students must be accessible, effective, equitable, reasonable and transparent. The curriculum content to be assessed must be explicitly described to teachers in each study design and related VCAA documents. Assessment instruments should not assess learning that is outside the scope of a study design. Each assessment instrument (for example, examination, assignment, test, project, practical, oral, performance, portfolio, presentation or observational schedule) should give students clear instructions. It should be administered under conditions (degree of supervision, access to resources, notice and duration) that are substantially the same for all students undertaking that assessment. Authentication and school moderation of assessment and the processes of external review and statistical moderation are to ensure that assessment results are fair and comparable across the student cohort for that study. VCE assessment should be equitable ©VCAA 2015 Assessment instruments should neither privilege nor disadvantage certain groups of students or exclude others on the basis of gender, culture, linguistic background, physical disability, socioeconomic status and geographical location. Assessment instruments should be designed so that, under the same or similar conditions, they provide consistent information about student performance. This may be the case when, for example, alternatives are offered at the same time for assessment of an outcome (which could be based on a choice of context) or at a different time due to a student’s absence. 7 VCE Biology Units 1 and 2: 2016–2020 ADVICE FOR TEACHERS Updated November 2015 VCE assessment will be balanced The set of assessment instruments used in a VCE study will be designed to provide a range of opportunities for a student to demonstrate in different contexts and modes the knowledge, skills, understanding and capacities set out in the curriculum. This assessment will also provide the opportunity for students to demonstrate different levels of achievement specified by suitable criteria, descriptors, rubrics or marking schemes. Judgment about student level of achievement should be based on the results from a variety of practical and theoretical situations and contexts relevant to a study. Students may be required to respond in written, oral, performance, product, folio, multimedia or other suitable modes as applicable to the distinctive nature of a study or group of related studies. VCE assessment will be efficient The minimum number of assessments for teachers and assessors to make a robust judgment about each student’s progress and learning will be set out in the study design. Each assessment instrument must balance the demands of precision with those of efficiency. Assessment should not generate workload and/or stress that unduly diminish the performance of students under fair and reasonable circumstances. Scope of tasks For Units 1–4 in all VCE studies assessment tasks must be a part of the regular teaching and learning program and must not unduly add to the workload associated with that program. They must be completed mainly in class and within a limited timeframe. Points to consider in developing an assessment task: 1. List the key knowledge and key skills. 2. Choose the assessment task where there is a range of options listed in the study design. It is possible for students in the same class to undertake different options; however, teachers must ensure that the tasks are comparable in scope and demand. 3. Identify the qualities and characteristics that you are looking for in a student response and design the criteria and a marking scheme 4. Identify the nature and sequence of teaching and learning activities to cover the key knowledge and key skills outlined in the study design and provide for different learning styles. 5. Decide the most appropriate time to set the task. This decision is the result of several considerations including: the estimated time it will take to cover the key knowledge and key skills for the outcome the possible need to provide a practice, indicative task the likely length of time required for students to complete the task when tasks are being conducted in other studies and the workload implications for students. ©VCAA 2015 8 VCE Biology Units 1 and 2: 2016–2020 ADVICE FOR TEACHERS Updated November 2015 Units 1 and 2 The student’s level of achievement in Units 1 and 2 is a matter for school decision. Assessments of levels of achievement for these units will not be reported to the VCAA. Schools may choose to report levels of achievement using grades, descriptive statements or other indicators. In each VCE study at Units 1 and 2, teachers determine the assessment tasks to be used for each outcome in accordance with the study design. Teachers should select a variety of assessment tasks for their program to reflect the key knowledge and key skills being assessed and to provide for different learning styles. Tasks do not have to be lengthy to make a decision about student demonstration of achievement of an outcome. A number of options are provided in each study design to encourage use of a broad range of assessment activities. Teachers can exercise great flexibility when devising assessment tasks at this level, within the parameters of the study design. Note that more than one assessment task can be used to assess satisfactory completion of each outcome in the units. There is no requirement to teach the areas of study in the order in which they appear in the units in the study design. Authentication Teachers should have in place strategies for ensuring that work submitted for assessment is the student’s own. Where aspects of tasks for school-based assessment are completed outside class time teachers must monitor and record each student’s progress through to completion. This requires regular sightings of the work by the teacher and the keeping of records. The teacher may consider it appropriate to ask the student to demonstrate his/her understanding of the task at the time of submission of the work. If any part of the work cannot be authenticated, then the matter should be dealt with as a breach of rules. To reduce the possibility of authentication problems arising, or being difficult to resolve, the following strategies are useful: Ensure that tasks are kept secure prior to administration, to avoid unauthorised release to students and compromising the assessment. They should not be sent by mail or electronically without due care. Ensure that a significant amount of classroom time is spent on the task so that the teacher is familiar with each student’s work and can regularly monitor and discuss aspects of the work with the student. Ensure that students document the specific development stages of work, starting with an early part of the task such as topic choice, list of resources and/or preliminary research. Filing of copies of each student’s work at given stages in its development. Regular rotation of topics from year to year to ensure that students are unable to use student work from the previous year. Where there is more than one class of a particular study in the school, the VCAA expects the school to apply internal moderation/cross-marking procedures to ensure consistency of assessment between teachers. Teachers are advised to apply the same approach to authentication and record-keeping, as cross-marking sometimes reveals possible ©VCAA 2015 9 VCE Biology Units 1 and 2: 2016–2020 ADVICE FOR TEACHERS Updated November 2015 breaches of authentication. Early liaison on topics, and sharing of draft student work between teachers, enables earlier identification of possible authentication problems and the implementation of appropriate action. Encourage students to acknowledge tutors, if they have them, and to discuss and show the work done with tutors. Ideally, liaison between the class teacher and the tutor can provide the maximum benefit for the student and ensure that the tutor is aware of the authentication requirements. Similar advice applies if students receive regular help from a family member. Learning activities Unit 1: How do living things stay alive? Area of Study 1: How do organisms function? Outcome 1: Examples of learning activities Investigate and explain how cellular structures and systems function to sustain life. examine and draw the structure of a variety of different cells under the microscope and group to make distinctions between prokaryotic and eukaryotic plant and animal cells prepare a range of ‘wet slides’ and construct a ‘Top 5 handy hints for preparing wet slides’ poster that includes relevant images of the slides use prepared slides to examine the cell types that make up one specific organ, then compare similarities and differences in a jigsaw ‘I’ll show you my cells if you show me your cells’ activity compare prepared slides of normal and diseased cells under a microscope discuss the importance of observation and hypothesis formulation in scientific endeavour after considering the following quotation from author and journalist Allen Steele: ‘Look…first and foremost, I’m a scientist. That means it’s my responsibility to make observations and gather evidence before forming a hypothesis, not vice versa’ conduct an experiment to investigate the relationship between surface area and volume and apply findings to explain how cell structure meets the input needs of living things for molecules conduct a first-hand experiment that explores the semi-permeability of an artificial membrane to different substances including water, starch, protein and glucose convert the following research questions into testable hypotheses, including an explanation of how variables are controlled, and write a proposed experimental method for one of the hypotheses: Are the cell walls of evergreen plants different from the cell walls of deciduous plants? Is a change in temperature related to deciduous leaves changing colour? Do different wavelengths of light affect the rate of photosynthesis? Does the rate of cellular respiration change in different seasons? Are the leaf stomata of plants in different environments the same? dissect the flowers along the stem of a gladiolus plant (the most mature flowers are at the base of the stem while immature flowers are at the tip of ©VCAA 2015 10 VCE Biology Units 1 and 2: 2016–2020 ADVICE FOR TEACHERS Updated November 2015 the stem) and capture images of the dissection to develop a time sequence of flower development, identifying which structures develop first and whether male or female structures develop first design, plan and conduct an experiment to collect first-hand data that investigates a factor that affects the rate of photosynthesis or cellular respiration, including the use of sensors investigate the need for chlorophyll for photosynthesis in variegated leaves design, plan and conduct an experiment to show how an environmental factor such as light intensity, temperature, air movement or humidity impact on the transpiration rate of a vascular plant capture an image of a first-hand dissection of a mammalian system and annotate the image to name the functions of specific organs in the system and to identify the system’s relationship to another system use prepared slides to examine the cell types that make up one specific organ, then compare similarities and differences in a jigsaw activity with other students who have investigated different organs Detailed example WHAT IS THE EFFECT OF CELL SIZE ON THE UPTAKE OF A SUBSTANCE BY DIFFUSION? Aim To investigate the relationship between surface area and volume and apply findings to explain how cell structure meets the input needs of living things for molecules. Introduction Students investigate the relationship between diffusion and cell size by conducting an experiment using agar cubes as a model for cells. The task requires students to use a model, measure to collect data, use evidence and transfer their findings to explain the significance of the relationship for living cells. Science skills Teachers should identify and inform students of the relevant key science skills embedded in the task. Pre-activity preparation The task follows class work on cells and how substances move across the plasma membrane. A review of units of measurement and calculations of surface area and volume may also be required. Technical support prepares agar cubes of four different sizes containing 0.01 M sodium hydroxide and phenolphthalein for each group of students. Each student group also requires 0.1 M hydrochloric acid, a beaker, white tile, paper towel, ruler, forceps, stopwatch and knife. Health and safety notes The concentrations of sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid are at a safe non-irritant level. There are no ethical issues. Procedure Students collect material for their group including pre-cut agar cubes of different sizes. Cubes are placed in beaker and covered with the hydrochloric acid diffusion solution. Start stopwatch. Leave the cubes in the solution for 5 minutes. While waiting students could construct a results table in their logbooks and begin the calculations for each cube. After 5 minutes students pour off diffusing solution, wash cubes in a little water and blot surfaces dry with paper towel. Students cut cubes in half to measure how far the acid has diffused into the cube and enter data into table. ©VCAA 2015 11 ADVICE FOR TEACHERS Updated November 2015 VCE Biology Units 1 and 2: 2016–2020 Length of side of cube Total surface area of cube Total volume of cube Surface area to volume ratio Distance acid diffuses in 5 minutes Rate of diffusion cm/min 0.5cm 1.0cm 2.0cm 3.0cm Discussion questions and report writing in logbook A series of four to six graded questions that address the data and the implications of the relationship for cell survival should be set for students to answer in their logbook, for example: Identify: What are the dependent, independent and controlled variables in your investigation? Explain: How does cell size affect movement of substances into a cell? Apply: Which cube best represents a cell that has the greatest chance of survival? Explain your choice. Propose: What further tests could be performed to investigate how substances move into cells? Outline a method for a further test. Teaching notes It is important that students understand how to do the calculations. Some students will not, and teachers are advised to discuss calculations explicitly before the task, including leading students through one line of the table as an example. The data can also be presented in graphical form; this lends itself to a deeper discussion of the experimental results, including consideration of interpolation and extrapolation, significance of line gradients and continuous versus discrete data. There are many variants of this task in terms of: a. reagents b. different shapes of agar blocks c. temperature (environment and/or reagents and/or cubes) d. concentration of the diffusion solution. ©VCAA 2015 12 VCE Biology Units 1 and 2: 2016–2020 ADVICE FOR TEACHERS Updated November 2015 Area of Study 2: How do living systems sustain life? Outcome 2: Examples of learning activities Explain how various adaptations enhance the survival of an individual organism, investigate the relationships between organisms that form a living community and their habitat, and analyse the impacts of factors that affect population growth. model how an adaptation such as colour for camouflage against predation enhances survival of an organism by calculating the ‘survival rate’ of different coloured tooth picks that are subject to predation from pegs in various habitats, or by undertaking a timed ‘hunt the red ribbon’ activity using 5 cm lengths of red and green ribbon on red/green backgrounds use life-size footprints and/or handprints of less well-known animal species to suggest what the whole animal would look like, how it would move, what it would eat and what special adaptations it could have to assist in species survival convert the following research questions into testable hypotheses, including an explanation of how variables are controlled, and write a proposed experimental method for one of the hypotheses: Do pets have colour preferences? Do musicians have better hearing? Are organic fertilisers more effective than commercially processed fertilisers? How does the dosage or method of application of fertilisers affect their activity? What are the effects of irradiation on seed germination? Are the seeds from indigenous plants more resistant to fire than the seeds from native or introduced plant species? Are the seeds from introduced species more resistant to frost than the seeds from native or indigenous plants? Do human eating patterns change at different times of the year? Do bacteria respond to music? Do animals display ‘handedness’? Can left-handed people adapt to being right-handed more easily than right-handed people can adapt to being left-handed? What type of light attracts the most insects? Do the same sorts of organisms live in soils from different areas in the school? use the stimulus-response model to show how thermoregulation occurs in humans by the control of heat exchange and metabolic activity through physiological and behavioural mechanisms investigate the behaviour of crawling insects (for example, ants, woodlice) using choice chambers compare class observations of a single biological phenomenon or object and discuss why careful observation is important in scientific investigations, then comment on the quote from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749–1832) German poet, dramatist: ‘We see only what we know’ examine and classify preserved or living plants, insects or animals using a printed or computer generated key or field guide design, construct and evaluate the effectiveness of a photobioreactor to cultivate algae research a bioprospecting application and organise a class ‘Bioprospecting Product of the Year’ competition carry out a field study on the ecology of a habitat to produce valid and reliable data, including the use of quadrats and transects to assess the ©VCAA 2015 13 VCE Biology Units 1 and 2: 2016–2020 ADVICE FOR TEACHERS Updated November 2015 abundance and distribution of organisms, and the measurement of specific abiotic factors, for example solar energy input, climatic factors, topography and oxygen availability investigate changes in an abiotic factor on the survival of an organism record the population growth of duckweed (Lemna major) over a three-week period, collect and graph data, and recognise carrying capacity limit undertake fieldwork in a local environment involving sampling techniques and the use of quadrats and transects that may include: patterns of grass growth under trees distribution of flowering plants in a field distribution of lichens, algae or moss on trees, rocks and other surfaces leaf size in plants growing in different light or soil conditions analyse and relate the measurement of specific abiotic factors to the distribution of organisms in a selected ecosystem Detailed example WHAT IS THE EFFECT OF SOIL SALNITY ON THE GERMINATON FO SEEDS? Aim To investigate changes in an abiotic factor on the survival of an organism. Introduction Soil salinity is an important environmental factor for plants. In this task students investigate the effect of salinity on the germination of wheat seeds. Increasing salinity is an issue for food crops and can impact on achieving food security. Science skills Teachers should identify and inform students of the relevant key science skills embedded in the task. Preparation The student needs to specify and make up sodium chloride solutions of differing concentrations. Health and safety notes There are no significant issues. Procedure Seeds are germinated in a warm place for about 7 days on layers of filter paper placed in a Petri dish that is labelled for a specific sodium chloride solution. The student also needs a control using distilled water. All other growth variables and the number of seeds per Petri dish should be kept constant. Seeds should be kept damp and monitored during the trial. At the end of the trial the student counts the number of seeds that have germinated, measures the height of any shoots and makes any other relevant observations. Discussion questions and recording in logbook Students present their findings in their logbooks using photos, images and other observations in a table, and also present data graphically plotting the number of seeds germinated against differing sodium chloride concentrations. Students use evidence collected from their investigation to respond to the investigation question. Students should also comment on any issues or limitations related to how the investigation was conducted. Students should present their investigation findings in an appropriate format. Teaching notes The investigation could be done at home or outside timetabled sessions and is not limited by availability of resources. Students may need help with preparing the sodium chloride solutions of appropriate differing concentrations. ©VCAA 2015 14 VCE Biology Units 1 and 2: 2016–2020 ADVICE FOR TEACHERS Updated November 2015 Students could expand or modify the investigation and pool results to: a. investigate different varieties of wheat (including genetically modified varieties) b. compare the germination rates of wheat, oats and barley c. compare the germination rates of food crops with Australian native grasses. Area of Study 3: Practical investigation Outcome 3: Examples of learning activities Design and undertake an investigation related to the survival of an organism or species, and draw conclusions based on evidence from collected data. Examples of research questions Do different colours of light affect the rate of photosynthesis? How does plant richness in a living community affect insect abundance? How does the dentition in herbivores, omnivores and carnivores reflect the nature of their diets? How does light affect yeast growth? How do different breads affect the rate of mould growth? What is the effect of soil salinity of the germination of food crops? Detailed example HOW DO DIFFERENT BREADS AFFECT THE RATE OF MOULD GROWTH? The practical investigation builds on knowledge and skills developed in Unit 1 Area of Study 1 and/or Area of Study 2. Teachers must consider the management logistics of the investigation, taking into account number of students, available resources and student interest. The following questions require consideration: What input would students have into the selection of the question? To what extent will all students consider the same investigation question, or complete different parts to the same question so that class data can be pooled? What input would students have into the design of the experiment? Teachers could provide students with a template that structures the investigation into a series of timed phases. Students may subsequently adapt the template as a personal work plan in their logbooks. Topic selection phase In this detailed example, the investigation question was generated following a class discussion of the role of fungi in an ecosystem, relating to fieldwork undertaken in Area of Study 2. One student mentioned that she discovered a mouldy sandwich in her locker. Other students commented on how quickly bread went mouldy. Further discussion led to the identification of different types of breads and that mould growth may differ between breads. From this discussion students formulated a question for investigation: How do different breads affect the rate of mould growth? Planning phase Students may need guidance in: fitting the investigation into the time available, and developing a work plan identifying the technical skills involved in the investigation, and ensuring that resources are available that meet the requirements of the investigation. ©VCAA 2015 15 VCE Biology Units 1 and 2: 2016–2020 ADVICE FOR TEACHERS Updated November 2015 Teachers should work with students to: determine to what extent students will work independently or in groups (different students or groups may investigate different types of breads, for example commercial white, wholemeal, rye, sourdough, spelt) discuss the independent, dependent and controlled variables in the experiment identify safety aspects of growing moulds, including use of gloves and disinfectant; use of sealed containers such as covered petri dishes or Tupperware containers for the investigation; correct disposal of moulds in the school laboratory; health warning that bread moulds can cause infections, particularly in people with respiratory problems or a weakened immune response. establish the use of standard notation and SI units and how to reference sources and provide appropriate acknowledgments. Investigation phase Prior to students undertaking practical investigations the teacher must approve student-designed methodologies. A possible general methodology for the experiment is as follows: Students collect and assemble equipment including data recording materials. Students cut even portions of the bread types and then place each bread sample into a sealable container (other variables should be explicitly controlled). A few drops of water should be added daily to each bread sample and the container should be re-sealed. Students observe the containers and take a digital photo daily of each bread type to record the mould growth. Using the photos students can calculate the growth of mould per day in terms of the mould area in mm 2 in a table and then graph the area of mould growth against time in days. The investigation should take place over at least one week. Reporting phase Students consider the data collected, report on any errors or problems encountered, and use evidence to explain and answer the investigation question. Differences in mould growth can be explained in terms of the amount of preservative in the bread. Other avenues for further investigation include: determination of the composition and amount of preservative in different breads identification of different moulds effect of changing variables on mould growth, for example temperature, light intensity, humidity. The above phases could be recorded in the student logbook. The report of the investigation can take various forms including a written report, a scientific poster or an oral presentation of the investigation. ©VCAA 2015 16 VCE Biology Units 1 and 2: 2016–2020 ADVICE FOR TEACHERS Updated November 2015 Unit 2: How is continuity of life maintained? Area of Study 1: How does reproduction maintain the continuity of life? Outcome 1: Examples of learning activities Compare the advantages and disadvantages of asexual and sexual reproduction, explain how changes within the cell cycle may have an impact on cellular or tissue system function and identify the role of stem cells in cell growth and cell differentiation and in medical therapies. conduct first-hand observations of the mitotic cell cycle in an onion root tip preparation use genetic beads to model replication errors in mitosis or meiosis debate the topic ‘guessing is scientific’ with reference to developing a hypothesis in an experiment prepare a gardener’s handbook that details various methods of vegetative propagation convert the following two research questions into testable hypotheses, including an explanation of how qualities described as ‘best’ and ‘safe’ can be quantified, and write a proposed experimental method for one of the hypotheses: Which grafting techniques work best? Are genetically modified crops safe? discuss the implications of the use of cloning in agriculture and horticulture on biodiversity culture bacteria on a suitable medium under differing environmental conditions dissect and examine the reproductive structures of an insect-pollinated and a wind-pollinated flower and explain how each is adapted for pollination model the behaviour of two pairs of chromosomes during meiosis showing how sexual reproduction produces new assortments of alleles that give rise to variations in offspring phenotypes produce a poster that explains the types of stem cells and their potential use in medical therapies interview a geneticist or embryologist, or conduct internet research, to report on an aspect of current cytological research comment on physician and poet Lewis Thomas’ quotation: ‘The capacity to blunder slightly is the real marvel of DNA. Without this special attribute, we would still be anaerobic bacteria and there would be no music.’ In the ‘Medusa and the Snail’ 1974 p. 23 discuss the biological, social and ethical aspects of the following: What will happen if we take DNA from an animal and transplant it into a human? What will happen if we take DNA from a human and transplant it into an animal? Is it possible to create human body organs under laboratory conditions? Who or what should be cloned? Should genetically modified foods be labelled? ©VCAA 2015 17 VCE Biology Units 1 and 2: 2016–2020 ADVICE FOR TEACHERS Updated November 2015 Detailed example OBSERVING MITOSIS IN AN ONION ROOT TIP PREPARATION Aim To observe the mitotic cell cycle in an onion root tip preparation. Introduction Mitotic division of the cell cycle is confined to the cells near the tip of the growing root. This is a task where each student prepares their own stained slides of onion root tips and searches for and identify cells undergoing different stages of mitosis. It gives students first-hand experience in slide preparation, further develops microscopy skills and allows for students to record their observations in a series of drawings. Science skills Teachers should identify and inform students of the relevant key science skills embedded in the task. Preparation Onion bulbs should root in water to provide tips prior to task. There are a variety of stains for this task that the lab manager can investigate. Health and safety notes Students should be warned about warm hydrochloric acid and stains. Safety glasses and gloves are required. Method The student cuts off an onion root and lays it on a microscope slide. They cut off 1–2 mm of the root tip and discard the remainder of the root. The root tip is covered with two to three drops of 1 M hydrochloric acid. Using tongs or a peg to hold the slide, the slide is warmed by passing it gently back and forth over a Bunsen burner flame. Excess hydrochloric acid can be removed using the edge of a paper towel. The root tip is then covered with 0.5% aqueous toluidine blue. Again the slide should be passed over the heat source without boiling the liquid. The slide should be allowed to stand and cool for one minute. The student removes excess stain with the edge of a paper towel and adds one fresh drop of toluidine stain to the root tip and places cover slip over the root tip. The slide is then placed – cover slip up – between two layers of paper towel on the lab bench. Using one finger, the student carefully applies pressure to the cover slip without breaking it in order to squash and spread the root tip tissue. Using a compound microscope, firstly under low power, then using high power, the student locates the meristematic region and seeks to identify and draw the various stages of mitosis. Discussion questions and report writing in logbook Drawings of the sub-phases of mitosis are recorded in the student logbook. Students should be shown what constitutes a good scientific drawing. Students should name the sub-phase and justify it by providing evidence. Teacher notes Group data can be collated to give whole class data. Given that it takes on average 24 hours for an onion root tip cell to complete the cell cycle the assumption is made that the number of cells in each sub-phase is related to the amount of time spent in that sub-phase. Hence students could construct a pie graph showing the percentage of time spent in each sub-phase. The task can be expanded by students counting and comparing the number of cells that are in each sub-phase of mitosis. ©VCAA 2015 18 VCE Biology Units 1 and 2: 2016–2020 ADVICE FOR TEACHERS Updated November 2015 Area of Study 2: How is inheritance explained? Outcome 2: Examples of learning activities Apply an understanding of genetics to describe patterns of inheritance, analyse pedigree charts, predict outcomes of genetic crosses and identify the implications of the uses of genetic screening and decision making related to inheritance. design a poster with annotations to outline the sequencing of the human genome and that show the relationship between a genome, the nature and location of genes and their alleles analyse the metaphor ‘DNA was the first three-dimensional Xerox machine’ by Kenneth Boulding from an address to the University of Wyoming in 1975 called ‘Energy and the Environment’, and quoted in Boulding’s later collection Beasts, Ballads and Bouldingism, 1980 examine the conventions used in a human karyotype; undertake a karyotyping exercise; use an example of a human karyotype that shows chromosomal abnormalities to research and report on the consequences for that individual use computer simulations to investigate patterns of inheritance, for example in Drosophila conduct an experiment to determine whether fingerprints are inherited respond to a series of genetic problems that involve interpretation and use of genetic language, the allocation of symbols to genotypes and the definition of phenotypes as dominant or recessive conduct a first-hand investigation on the inheritance of the pigment production in barley that has alternative alleles for pigmentation (green and dominant) or no pigmentation (white and recessive) construct a pedigree chart using the student’s family history for the inheritance of a genetic characteristic such as hair colour or eye colour over several generations; from the information suggest the likely mode of inheritance use bioinformatics tools such as BLAST and Cn3D to investigate the genetic and molecular consequences of a mutation to the Breast Cancer Susceptibility 1 (BRCA1) gene conduct a survey investigating the views of the school, family and local community on gene therapy and cloning discuss the biological, social and ethical aspects of the following: Who should have access to an individual’s genetic information? Should age limits be placed on genetic screening? Which genetic disorders should be prioritised for screening? use a problem-based learning approach to discuss the following case reported in Nature journal in January 1979 and to propose credible explanatory mechanisms: A woman with type AB blood gave birth to a child with blood type O; a second type O child was born six years later’ (‘Human chimaera detectable only by investigation of her progeny’ by Mayr, Pausch and Schnedl, Nature 277: 210–211) ©VCAA 2015 19 VCE Biology Units 1 and 2: 2016–2020 ADVICE FOR TEACHERS Updated November 2015 Detailed example INHERITANCE OF PIGMENT PRODUCTION IN BARLEY Introduction There is a gene that controls pigment production in barley that has two alternative alleles. One allele produces pigmentation that results in a gene dominant phenotype, while another allele produces no pigmentation resulting in a white (or albino) recessive phenotype. Students have first-hand experience in germinating heterozygous barley seeds and comparing the actual phenotypic ratio to the expected phenotypic ratio in this monohybrid cross. Science skills Teachers should identify and inform students of the relevant science skills embedded in the task. Preparation Seeds are purchased and are readily germinated by spreading them out on cotton wool soaked with water in a Petri dish. Students can monitor the germination and growth of the shoots and maintain moisture over a period of 5 days at room temperature. Health and safety notes There are no issues. Method When shoots have reached the height of 5 cm students count the number of white and green shoots and determine the phenotypic ratio for the sample. This is compared to the expected ratio. Data from groups can be collated as class data. Discussion questions and report writing in logbook Discussion questions could include asking students to allocate symbols for each allele, write the genotype for white seedlings, write the possible genotypes for green seedlings and explain why white seedlings fail to survive. Students could be asked to determine the genotype of a green seedling as either a homozygote or heterozygote by conducting a test cross. Teacher notes This is a relatively short and simple task. Corn cobs provide another opportunity for students to examine the inheritance of kernel colour or kernel shape. Another task would be to conduct a first-hand investigation into the inheritance of a single autosomal locus with two alleles in Drosophila. This would allow students to demonstrate skills in using equipment and obtaining experimental data. F1 and F2 generations can be obtained over a twoto four-week period. Students should know how to sex Drosophila. ©VCAA 2015 20 VCE Biology Units 1 and 2: 2016–2020 ADVICE FOR TEACHERS Updated November 2015 Area of Study 3: Investigation of an issue Outcome 3: Examples of learning activities Investigate and communicate a substantiated response to a question related to an issue in genetics and/or reproductive science. How is a specific genetic disease (state example) inherited and what are the consequences and treatments for this genetic disorder? What is the chromosomal abnormality that gives rise to a specific syndrome (state example) and what are the consequences for the individual? What is the difference between reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning and what are the ethical issues associated with it? What are the main techniques used in assisted reproductive technology (ART) in humans and what are the ethical issues associated with such techniques? How do genetic factors impact on complex human behaviours such as aggression? How does genetic testing of embryos and foetuses offer hope to individuals wishing to have children and what are the ethical implications for such testing? How might the sequencing of the human genome impact on our lives, our medical decisions and society? Detailed example HOW IS CYSTIC FIBROSIS INHERITED AND WHAT ARE THE BIOLOGICAL AND SOCIAL CONSEQUENCES? The investigation of an issue builds on knowledge and skills developed in Unit 2 Area of Study 1 and/or Area of Study 2. The focus is on students being able to communicate a response to a selected issue. Teachers must consider the management logistics of the investigation, taking into account number of students, available resources and student interest. The following questions require consideration: To whom will students be expected to communicate their results? What alternative communication formats will students be able to consider? To what extent will students work on their research and response inside and outside class time, and how will student work be monitored and authenticated? Will time be allocated in class for students to present their work to other students? Are students able to investigate genetic disorders other than cystic fibrosis? Teachers could provide students with a template that structures the issue into a series of timed phases. Students may subsequently adapt the template as a personal work plan in their logbooks. Issue selection phase It is suggested that teachers lead a brainstorming session to review the different issues related to genetics and/or reproductive science. In this detailed example, following classwork on genetic crosses. a student identified a family friend as having cystic fibrosis where neither parent had the condition, and wondered whether it was a sex-linked or autosomal recessive disorder. Other students nominated other genetic disorders that were common in particular families or disorders that appeared to be sex-linked. It was determined that students in the class could work independently or in groups to research a genetic disorder of interest, but were required to present an individual communication. Students were required to clearly articulate a question for a focused response. Planning phase Students may need guidance in: distinguishing between autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, X-linked and Y-linked traits ©VCAA 2015 21 VCE Biology Units 1 and 2: 2016–2020 ADVICE FOR TEACHERS Updated November 2015 developing a set of interview questions (for students who may wish to interview those involved in diagnosis and treatment of the condition, or those who are afflicted by the genetic disorder) constructing a survey (for students who may wish to survey relevant people regarding social and/or biological consequences) considering appropriate communication formats for specific audiences. Teachers should work with students to: set timeframes and milestones for the task determine the nature of the work that is to be completed inside and outside the classroom ensure that ethical guidelines are followed such as confidentiality and respect for persons with and sensitivity to issues around genetic disorders check the scientific accuracy of content prior to students working on the response (communication) phase. Investigation phase In researching material students should show an understanding of the nature of the genetic disease and clearly explain its mode of inheritance. Consequences of the disease not only include the wellbeing of the individual and the current treatments required but also include how current technologies screen for the disease and give potential parents knowledge to make informed choices about having offspring that may or may not have cystic fibrosis. It is important that students structure the research component into a set of manageable tasks that constitute a personal work program. Work in this phase can be done outside the classroom and recorded in students’ logbooks, with class time allocated to check on progress and the quality of material being researched. This activity provides students with opportunities to learn how to document reference resources and acknowledge contributions using standard conventions. Reporting phase Students could present their response to the investigation question to a specific audience using various formats. For class presentations teachers may wish to limit the number of formats used and to set time and/or word limits. The response should clearly address the question, demonstrate that the student understands the relevant biological concepts and be appropriate for the given audience. ©VCAA 2015 22 VCE Biology Units 1 and 2: 2016–2020 ADVICE FOR TEACHERS Updated November 2015 Appendix 1: Scientific investigation Hypothesis formulation Once a topic has been identified students develop a research question for investigation, which may involve formulating a hypothesis. Teachers should guide students so that they do not proceed with a research question or hypothesis that is not testable. Variables The formulation of a hypothesis includes the identification and control of variables. A variable is any quantity or characteristic that can exist in differing amounts or types and can be measured. Values for variables may be categorical or they may be numerical, having a magnitude. Not all variables can be easily measured. Length can be measured easily using, for example, metre rulers. Shades of colour are less easily measured and are more likely to be subjective. They might be measured by, for example, using photographic comparisons to produce a set of graduated ‘standards’ that are nominated and named for the purposes of the investigation. In VCE Biology, students are required to identify independent and dependent variables. They should also understand the need to control other variables (extraneous variables including confounding variables) that may affect the integrity of the experiment and the interpretation of results. Operationalisation of variables is beyond the scope of the VCE Biology Science Study Design. Concepts related to variables that apply to VCE Biology Science are specified in Appendix 2. Developing a testable hypothesis A hypothesis is developed from a research question of interest and provides a possible explanation of a problem that can be tested experimentally. A useful hypothesis is a testable statement that may include a prediction. In some cases, for example in exploratory or qualitative research, a research question may not lend itself to having an accompanying hypothesis; in such cases students should work directly with their research questions. There is no mandated VCE Biology ‘style’ for writing a hypothesis. Recognition of null and alternate hypotheses, one- and two-tailed hypotheses, and directional and non-directional hypotheses is not required. The following table provides an example of how a hypothesis may be constructed from a research question using an ‘If-then-when’ construction process: ©VCAA 2015 23 ADVICE FOR TEACHERS Updated November 2015 VCE Biology Units 1 and 2: 2016–2020 Step 1: Ask a research question of interest: Do tomato seedlings grow better if exposed to longer daylight hours? Step 2: Identify the independent variable (IV): number of daylight hours Step 3: Identify the dependent variable (DV): growth of tomato seedlings Step 4: Construct a hypothesis (a – f below): a b c …then… d trend indicator e …when… f If… relationship phrase (the DV)… (to the IV) (effect on the DV) (action by the IV). …depends on… an increase/ decrease ... …increased/decreased… …be greater than/less than… …greater/less… …results from… …is affected by… …is directly related to… …be larger/smaller… trend indicator …large/small… Hypothesis: If the growth of tomato seedlings is directly related to the number of daylight hours it receives, then the seedlings will show an increase in growth when they are exposed to an increased number of daylight hours. Notes: Different writing styles for hypotheses can be equally valid Some hypotheses include reasons for the inherent prediction, for example the above hypothesis may be extended as: ‘If the growth of tomato seedlings is directly related to the number of daylight hours it receives, since photosynthesis uses light to make glucose, then the seedlings will show an increase in growth when they are exposed to an increased number of daylight hours.’ Accuracy, precision, reliability and validity Accuracy Experimental accuracy refers to how close the experimental result obtained is to the accepted, or ‘true’, value of the particular quantity subject to measurement. The true value is the value that would be found if the quantity could be measured perfectly. For example, if an experiment is performed and it is determined that a given substance had a mass of 2.7 g, but the actual or known mass is 9.6 g, then the measurement is not accurate since it is not close to the known value. The difference between a measured value and the true value is known as the ‘measurement error’. While accurate measurements and observations are important in all science experiments, in some cases it may not be possible to determine the accuracy of a measurement since a true value for a particular quantity may be unknown. Often, measurement accuracy is evaluated by making comparisons with accepted values for a physical quantity. ©VCAA 2015 24 VCE Biology Units 1 and 2: 2016–2020 ADVICE FOR TEACHERS Updated November 2015 Precision Experimental precision refers to how closely two or more measurements agree with other. Precision is sometimes referred to as ‘repeatability’ or ‘reproducibility’. A set of precise measurements will have very little spread about their mean value. For example, if a given substance was weighed five times, and a mass of 2.7 g was obtained each time, then the experimental data are very precise. Precision is independent of accuracy, so that if the true mass was 9.6 g then these data are very precise but inaccurate. Results can also be accurate but imprecise. For example, if repeated measurements were repeated to determine the mass of a given substance and masses of 9.5 g, 9.7 g and 9.8 g were obtained, then if the true mass was 9.6 g the data would be accurate but not precise since the measurements for the given substance are close to the true value, but the measurements are spread over a range. The reproducibility of an experimental method is dependent on its level of experimental precision. A measurement that is highly reproducible tends to give values that are very close to each other. Experimental precision can be improved by: repeating the experiment multiple times collecting results from other groups to further increase the number of samples practising experimental techniques so that expertise in using equipment is improved. Quantitatively, a measure of precision (or imprecision) is the standard deviation or the magnitude of the error (or uncertainty). The larger the uncertainty, the less assurance there is that any repeated measurements taken will be within a very narrow range of values, for example, a measured mass of 2.7 g ± 0.1 g is less precise than 2.702 g ± 0.001 g. Replication of procedures: repeatability and reproducibility Experimental data and results must be more than one-off findings and should be repeatable and reproducible in order to draw reasonable conclusions. Repeatability refers to the closeness of agreement between independent results obtained with the same method on identical test material, under the same conditions (same operator, same apparatus, same laboratory and after short intervals of time). Reproducibility refers to the closeness of agreement between independent results obtained with the same method on identical test material but under different conditions (different operators, different apparatus, different laboratories and/or after different intervals of time). Reproducibility is often used as a test of the reliability of an experiment. Reliability Experimental reliability refers to the likelihood that another experimenter will perform exactly the same experiment under the same conditions and generate the same results (within a very narrow range of values). Experiments that use human judgment may not always produce reliable results. Validity Experimental validity refers to how well the experimental design matches the requirements of the investigation to produce results that address the stated aim/s. ©VCAA 2015 25 VCE Biology Units 1 and 2: 2016–2020 ADVICE FOR TEACHERS Updated November 2015 Both internal and external validity should be considered in evaluating experimental results: internal validity dictates how an experimental design is structured and encompasses all of the steps of the scientific research method external validity is the process of examining the results and questioning whether there are any other possible causal relationships. Data are said to be valid if the measurements that have been made are affected by a single independent variable only. They are not valid if the investigation is flawed and control variables have been allowed to change or there is observer bias. Experimental uncertainties and errors It is important not to confuse the terms ‘error’ and ‘uncertainty’, which are not synonyms. Error is the difference between the measured value and the accepted value of what is being measured. Uncertainty is a quantification of the doubt associated with the measurement result. It is also important not to confuse ‘error’ with ‘mistake’. Experimental uncertainties are inherent in the measurement process and cannot be eliminated simply by repeating the experiment no matter how carefully it is done. There are two sources of experimental uncertainties: systematic errors and random errors. Experimental uncertainties are distinct from human errors. Human errors Human errors include mistakes or miscalculations such as measuring a height when the depth should have been measured, or misreading the scale on a thermometer, or measuring the voltage across the wrong section of an electric circuit, or forgetting to divide the diameter by 2 before calculating the area of a circle using the formula A = π r2. Human errors can be eliminated by performing the experiment again correctly the next time, and do not form part of error analysis. Systematic errors Systematic errors are errors that affect the accuracy of a measurement. Systematic errors cause readings to differ from the accepted value by a consistent amount each time a measurement is made, so that all the readings are shifted in one direction from the accepted value. The accuracy of measurements subject to systematic errors cannot be improved by repeating those measurements. Common sources of systematic errors are faulty calibration of measuring instruments, poorly maintained instruments, or faulty reading of instruments by the user (for example, ‘parallax error’). Random errors Random errors are uncertainties that affect the precision of a measurement and are always present in measurements (except for ‘counting’ measurements). These types of uncertainties are unpredictable variations in the measurement process and result in a spread of readings. ©VCAA 2015 26 VCE Biology Units 1 and 2: 2016–2020 ADVICE FOR TEACHERS Updated November 2015 Common sources of random errors are variations in estimating a quantity that lies between the graduations (lines) on a measuring instrument, the inability to read an instrument because the reading fluctuates during the measurement and making a quick judgment of a transient event. The effect of random errors can be reduced by making more or repeated measurements and calculating a new mean and/or by refining the measurement method or technique. Outliers Readings that lie a long way from other results are called outliers. Outliers must be further analysed and accounted for, rather than being automatically dismissed. Repeating readings may be useful in further examining an outlier. Presenting and analysing data To explain the relationship between two or more variables investigated in an experiment, data should be presented in such a way as to make any patterns and trends more evident. Although tables are an effective means of recording data, they may not be the best way to show trends, patterns or relationships. Graphical representations can be used to more clearly show whether any trends, patterns or relationships exist. The type of graphical representation used by students will depend upon the type of variables investigated: pie graphs and bar charts can be used to display data in which one of the variables is categorical line graphs can be used to display data in which both the independent and dependent variables are continuous lines of best fit can be used to illustrate the underlying relationship between variables scattergrams can be used to show an association between two variables sketch graphs (not necessarily on a grid; no plotted points; labelled axes but not necessarily scaled) can be used to show the general shape of the relationship between two variables. When drawing graphs, students should note that: the independent variable is represented on the horizontal axis while the dependent variable is represented on the vertical axis the existence of a correlation does not necessarily establish that there is a causal relationship between two variables not all experiments will show a correlation between variables common types of relationships in biology include linear, exponential and cyclic. Students should understand why it is important not to ‘force data through zero’. In drawing conclusions they should examine patterns, trends and relationships between variables with the limitations of the data in mind. Conclusions drawn from data must be limited by, and not go beyond, the data available. ©VCAA 2015 27 VCE Biology Units 1 and 2: 2016–2020 ADVICE FOR TEACHERS Updated November 2015 Appendix 2: Defining variables The table identifies types of variables that apply to VCE Biology. Type of variable Definitions Categorical Categorical variables are qualitative variables that describe a quality or characteristic typically addressing ‘what type?’ or ‘which category?’ They are generally represented by non-numeric values and may be further classified as ordinal or nominal. Ordinal variables can take values that can be logically ordered or ranked, for example, birth order (1st, 2nd 3rd), population size (small, medium, large) and attitudes (strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree) Nominal variables can take values that cannot be organised in a logical sequence, for example, gender, eye colour and type of leaf Bar charts and pie graphs are used to graph categorical data. Numerical Numerical variables are quantitative variables that describe a measurable quantity as a number, typically addressing ‘how many?’ or ‘how much?’ They are further classified as continuous or discrete. Continuous variables can take any value between a certain set of real numbers, for example, length (7.85 metres), age (12.5 million years) or production (canola crop yield of 2.6 tonnes per hectare) Discrete variables can take a value based on a count from a set of distinct whole values and cannot take the value of a fraction between one value and the next closest value, for example, number of kangaroos in a paddock Scatter plots and line graphs are used to graph numerical data. Independent An independent variable is the variable for which quantities are manipulated (selected or changed) by the experimenter, and assumed to have a direct effect on the dependent variable. Independent variables are plotted on the horizontal axis of graphs. Dependent A dependent variable is the variable the experimenter measures, after selecting the independent variable that is assumed to affect the dependent variable. Dependent variables are plotted on the vertical axis of graphs. Extraneous Any variable that is not intentionally studied in an experiment is an extraneous variable and must be controlled (kept constant), or at least monitored, in order that it does not threaten the internal validity of experimental results by becoming a confounding variable. Confounding Confounding variables are types of extraneous variables that correlate either directly or inversely with both the independent and dependent variables and can interfere with the validity of the experiment by providing alternative explanations for experimental results. ©VCAA 2015 28 ADVICE FOR TEACHERS Updated November 2015 VCE Biology Units 1 and 2: 2016–2020 Appendix 3: Examples of problem-based learning approaches A problem-based learning environment is conducive to linking scientific concepts to examining science-based issues in society. Scenarios can be developed from local issues, fictional case studies or case studies reported in scientific journals, as illustrated in the following example. Step 1: Define the question/scenario/problem carefully: what are you trying to find out? Case study: A woman with type AB blood gave birth to a child with blood type O. A second type O child was born to the woman six years later. (from ‘Human chimaera detectable only by investigation of her progeny’ by Mayr, Pausch and Schnedl, Nature 277: 210–211, January 1979). Task: Propose credible explanatory mechanisms for this case. Step 2: Refine the question/explore possible options (class brainstorming) Step 3: Plan the actual investigation/narrow your choices (class consensus) Step 4: Test ideas and obtain further information (group and/or individual) Note: this scenario appears to contradict Mendelian genetics; students should draw on conceptual understanding related to meiosis, fertilisation and developmental biology in order to construct a response. A problem-based learning approach can also be used to develop specific science skills. The skills should link to relevant biological content. The following example focuses on the skill of hypothesis formulation. Step 1: Define the question/scenario/problem carefully: what are you trying to find out? Student question: Are organic fertilisers better than commercial fertilisers? Task: The research question is too broad. The word ‘organic’ needs clarification here. Is the question actually asking about the source of the fertiliser and whether fertiliser from one source is more effective than fertiliser from another source? Once this is clarified, a testable hypothesis can be developed. Step 2: Refine the question/explore possible options (class brainstorming) Possible responses: Terms must be scientifically accurate: Could commercial fertilisers be organic, or partly organic? Is animal manure fully organic? Do different animal manures have different organic content? 6. Step 3 Plan the actual investigation/ narrow your choices (class consensus) Possible responses: Need to identify dependent and independent variables and control other variables. Independent variable (being controlled) relates to types of fertiliser used: ‘high organic’ compared with Question is too broad – ‘high inorganic’ labelled commercial fertilisers needs to be more specific: dried chicken manure compared ‘Better’ in what way? with dried commercial product that ‘Better’ for all types of plants? is largely inorganic (nitrate/ Would/could/should all ‘organic’ phosphate/sulfate) and ‘inorganic’ fertilisers be tested? liquefied ‘fresh’ manure compared ©VCAA 2015 Step 4: Test ideas and obtain further information (group and/or individual) Possible responses: Hypothesis example: ‘If numbers of tomatoes per plant is directly related to the amount of organic fertiliser available to a tomato plant, then the number of tomatoes grown on plants fertilised with high concentrations of organic fertiliser will be greater than the numbers of tomatoes grown on plants fertilised with lower concentrations of the same organic fertiliser’. Not all hypotheses are testable 29 ADVICE FOR TEACHERS Updated November 2015 VCE Biology Units 1 and 2: 2016–2020 Could some organic fertilisers be better than inorganic fertilisers but worse than others, so should specific fertilisers be tested? Could plants respond differently at different growth stages to fertiliser? Does it make a difference if the fertilisers are wet or dry? with liquid fertiliser a range of animal manures compared with a range of commercial fertilisers. Dependent variable relates to plant improvement and could be: improved growth improved growth rate larger fruit or vegetable size longer fruiting period more fruit/vegetables per plant. Control of other variables is dependent on selected independent and dependent variables. and not all variables can be controlled for some experiments. For this problem, students generate possible hypotheses; provide feedback on each other’s hypotheses; modify own hypotheses Step 4: Write a conclusion that draws upon discussions/research/experiments, including discussion of scientific terminology, control of variables and evaluation of experimental methodology. Note: This class problem-based learning approach can be used to generate different questions for students to investigate, particularly for experimental investigations. ©VCAA 2015 30 VCE Biology Units 1 and 2: 2016–2020 ADVICE FOR TEACHERS Updated November 2015 Appendix 4: Sample teaching plan Sample Course Outline – VCE Biology Unit 1: How do living things stay alive? Note: This is a sample guide only and indicates one way to present the content from the Study Design over the weeks in each school term. Teachers are advised to consider their own contexts in developing learning activities: Which local fieldwork sites would support learning in the topic area? Which local issues lend themselves to debate and investigation? Which experiments can students complete within the resource limitations of their learning environments? Week Area Topics 1 Cells (basic structural features of life; prokaryote; eukaryote; surface area to volume ratio; internal structure of the cell; cell organelle structure and function) 2 3 How do organisms function? 4 5 Crossing the plasma membrane (characteristics of the plasma membrane; internal and external cellular environments; simple diffusion; facilitated diffusion; osmosis, active transport) Energy transformations and functioning systems (distinction between photosynthetic autotrophs and chemosynthetic autotrophs and heterotrophs; photosynthesis; aerobic and anaerobic respiration; vascular plant systems; mammalian systems) 6 7 8 9 How do living systems sustain life? ©VCAA 2015 Survival through adaptations and regulation (structural, physiological and behavioural adaptations; models for biomimicry; homeostasis; stimulus-response model; feedback loops; malfunctions in homeostasis) Learning activities Experiment: Is yeast alive? How to correctly and safely use a light microscope to make biological drawings of stained and unstained cells, including preparation and staining of a wet mount Preparation of biological drawings of a diversity of cells from a variety of kingdoms (stimulus material includes professionally prepared biological drawings) Experiment: surface area to volume ratios Experiment: movement of materials across a membrane by diffusion and osmosis Simulation: active transport Student-designed experiment: Photosynthesis and cellular respiration Data analysis: distinction between autotrophs and heterotrophs Jigsaw activity: student groups work on a selected vascular plant system Disease research: students choose a disease of interest and consider cause and treatments from system, organ and cellular perspectives Zoo excursion: structural, physiological and behavioural adaptations Homeostasis activity Animations: stimulus-response models Biomimicry research investigation Model class zoo: students each create an imaginary animal or plant that is adapted to a specified environment 31 ADVICE FOR TEACHERS Updated November 2015 VCE Biology Units 1 and 2: 2016–2020 Activity: classification of plants using a key (including student-created plants from class zoo) Activity: classification of animals using a key (including student-created Organising biodiversity (classification of biodiversity; binomial animals from class zoo) nomenclature; morphology and molecular characteristics; strategies for managing Earth’s biodiversity) Activity: binomial nomenclature – creating a key Data analysis: management of biodiversity – Bronwyn Fancourt research into Eastern Quoll decline in Tasmania 10 11 12 13 Relationships between organisms within an ecosystem (amensalism; commensalism; mutualism; parasitism; predation; keystone species; food chains and webs; factors affecting distribution, density and size of a population) 14 15 16 17 18 19 Simulation: food chains and food webs Field trip: food chains and food webs Experiment: limiting factors on duckweed population growth Negotiation with students/class to define research question – laboratory investigation and/or fieldwork (hypothesis formulation; determination of Practical aims, questions and predictions; identification of independent, dependent and controlled variables; methodology and equipment list; fieldwork techniques; investigation risk assessment; undertaking of experiment and/or fieldwork; analysis and evaluation of data, methods and models; limitations of conclusions; possible further investigations; poster presentation) ©VCAA 2015 Unit revision 32 ADVICE FOR TEACHERS Updated November 2015 VCE Biology Units 1 and 2: 2016–2020 Sample Course Outline – VCE Biology Unit 2: How is continuity of life maintained? Note: This is a sample guide only and indicates one way to present the content from the Study Design over the weeks in each school term. Teachers are advised to consider their own contexts in developing learning activities: Which local fieldwork sites would support learning in the topic area? Which local issues lend themselves to debate and investigation? Which experiments can students complete within the resource limitations of their learning environments? Week Area 1 2 How does reproduction maintain the continuity of life? 5 7 8 9 10 12 13 Cell cycle (derivation of cells from pre-existing cells; binary fission in prokaryotic cells; key events in the various stages of the cell cycle in eukaryotic cells) Experiment: mitosis in garlic tissue Activity: comparison of binary fission and mitosis Asexual and sexual reproduction (nature of a unique genetic identity; types collection over a few weeks) of asexual reproduction; biological advantages and disadvantages of asexual Experiment: plant tissue culture (for example, students may choose African reproduction; emerging issues associated with cloning; key events in meiosis violet, carnation, cauliflower or rose) including crossing over and non-disjunction; biological advantage of sexual Simulations: mitosis; meiosis including crossing over and non-disjunction reproduction) Comparative table of asexual and sexual reproduction Cell growth and differentiation (types and functions of stem cells in human development; difference between embryonic and adult stem cells; consequences of stem cell differentiation; cancer; abnormal embryonic development) 6 11 Learning activities Experiment: asexual reproduction (set up in one class, then regular data 3 4 Topics How is inheritance explained? 14 ©VCAA 2015 Genomes, genes, alleles and chromosomes (distinction between chromosome, genome, gene, allele; uniqueness of individual genomes measured at base pair level; role of genomic research; role of chromosomes; chromosome variability; autosomes and sex chromosomes; nature of homologous pairs; gene loci; creation and use of karyotypes) Genotypes and phenotypes, pedigree charts, genetic cross outcomes and genetic decision-making (symbols used in assigning genotypes; dominant and recessive phenotypes; the influence of genes, environmental factors and epigenetic factors on phenotype; polygenic inheritance leading to continuous variation using height or skin colour in humans as examples) Student investigation: set up a web dilemma that includes social, ethical and economic implications Media analysis: genomic research Chromosome analysis: students create karyotypes using provided chromosomes related to Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome), Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome), Trisomy 21 (Down’s syndrome), genotype 47, XXY (Klinefelter syndrome) or genotype 45, X (Turner syndrome) Pedigree analysis and genetic cross exercises Simulation activity: marshmallow meiosis (baby reebops) Experiment: Is a ‘sweet tooth’ inherited? Simulation: ‘toothpick’ fish survival Bioinformatics activity: researching genetic disorders using BLAST 33 ADVICE FOR TEACHERS Updated November 2015 VCE Biology Units 1 and 2: 2016–2020 15 16 17 Students register an individual research question (development of a research question and determination of aims; purpose of communication and target audience; Investigation of characteristics of effective science communication; investigation methodology, primary and/or secondary sources of information including surveys, interviews; an issue undertaking of investigation; analysis and evaluation of data and methods; limitations of conclusions; development of effective communication) 18 19 ©VCAA 2015 Unit revision 34 VCE Biology Units 1 and 2: 2016–2020 ADVICE FOR TEACHERS Updated November 2015 Appendix 5: Employability skills Assessment task Employability skills selected facets Annotations of activities or investigations from a practical logbook Communication (writing to the needs of the audience) Problem solving (testing assumptions taking the context of data and circumstances into account) Self-management (articulating own ideas and visions) Bioinformatics response Communication (sharing information; reading independently; writing to the needs of the audience; using numeracy; persuading effectively) Planning and organising (collecting, analysing and organising information) Problem solving (applying a range of strategies to problem solving; using mathematics to solve problems; testing assumptions taking the context of data and circumstances into account) Technology (having a range of basic information technology skills; being willing to learn new information technology skills; using information technology to organise data) Data analysis Communication (using numeracy; persuading effectively; writing to the needs of the audience) Planning and organising (collecting, analysing and organising information) Problem solving (applying a range of strategies to problem solving; using mathematics to solve problems; testing assumptions taking the context of data and circumstances into account) Technology (using information technology to organise data) Evaluation of research or a case study Communication (reading independently; writing to the needs of the audience; using numeracy) Learning (being open to new ideas and techniques) Planning and organising (collecting, analysing and organising information) Problem solving (testing assumptions taking the context of data and circumstances into account) Media response Communication (listening and understanding; reading independently; writing to the needs of the audience; using numeracy; persuading effectively) Problem solving (showing independence and initiative in identifying problems and solving them; testing assumptions taking the context of data and circumstances into account) ©VCAA 2015 35 ADVICE FOR TEACHERS Updated November 2015 VCE Biology Units 1 and 2: 2016–2020 Assessment task Employability skills selected facets Problem solving involving biological concepts, skills and/or issues Communication (sharing information; using numeracy; persuading effectively) Initiative and enterprise (being creative; generating a range of options; initiating innovative solutions) Learning (managing own learning; being open to new ideas and techniques) Planning and organising (planning the use of resources including time management; collecting, analysing and organising information) Problem solving (developing creative, innovative solutions; developing practical solutions; showing independence and initiative in identifying problems and solving them; applying a range of strategies to problem solving; using mathematics to solve problems; testing assumptions taking the context of data and circumstances into account) Self-management (having knowledge and confidence in own ideas and visions; articulating own ideas and visions) Scientific poster Communication (writing to the needs of the audience; persuading effectively; sharing information; using numeracy) Planning and organising (planning the use of resources including time management; collecting, analysing and organising information) Problem solving (using mathematics to solve problems; testing assumptions taking the context of data and circumstances into account) Self-management (articulating own ideas and visions) Technology (using information technology to organise data; being willing to learn new information technology skills) Student-designed investigation Initiative and enterprise (being creative; generating a range of options; initiating innovative solutions) Planning and organising (managing time and priorities – setting timelines, coordinating tasks for self and with others; planning the use of resources including time management; collecting, analysing and organising information)) Problem solving (developing practical solutions; showing independence and initiative in identifying problems and solving them) Self-management (evaluating and monitoring own performance; taking responsibility) Teamwork (working as an individual and as a member of a team; knowing how to define a role as part of the team; sharing information) Technology (having the Occupational Health and Safety knowledge to apply technology; using information technology to organise data) The employability skills are derived from the Employability Skills Framework (Employability Skills for the Future, 2002), developed by the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Business Council of Australia, and published by the (former) Commonwealth Department of Education, Science and Training. ©VCAA 2015 36