
June 28 (2:00pm – 10:30pm)
The program has the following functions: adjust, aveDist, capture, crossover, evaluate, getPos,
getSection, initialize, main, movePredators, movePrey, mutate, notGoodEnough, runGame. For each
function, the input and output parameters are described at the beginning. The program now uses the
same fitness function that was defined in the neural networks paper.
June 29 (9:30am – 7:30pm)
All parameters can be changed in main
getPhenotype(c1,pop1,c2,pop2,c3,pop3) now plots the movements of each predator depending
on the section it is in (and depending on which section another predator is in).
two methods of crossover now exists (tournament and original method)
mutate now only mutates predator populations
s, p1, p2, and p3 are strat, pop1, pop2, and pop3 sorted by fitness values
median and max fitness values are plotted as a function of generation at the end of main
a few runs are plotted in the folder 6_29_09
June 30 (11:00am – 6:00pm) // Yajun Fang had my key to the office
wrote graphMedMax (plot median and max fitness values as a function of generation)
wrote getTop (gets x number of strategies of the y highest fitnesses)
wrote phenotypes (displays phenotypes for x #of strategies of the y highest fitnesses)
wrote dis (find the distance between two agents)
changed runGame so predator always moves first
changed runGame so prey always starts at a distance of at least 4 from each predator
changed initialize to narrow search space (predators in sections 1 and 2 can only move toward
prey vertically, away from prey horizontally, or stay; sections 3 and 4 are similar)
changed mutate for same reason
run the program; save plots and phenotypes of strategies
3*3*3*3*5*5*5*5 = (3^4)*(5^4) = 81 * 625 = 50,625 (population 1)
July 1 (9:30am – 7:00pm)
modified evaluate and runGame to store runs with maximum fitness values
modified runGame so prey’s initial position (1x2 matrix) can be passed as a parameter
wrote documentation for program
July 2 (11:30am – 6:30pm)
meeting with Dr. O’Reilly
joined evodesign mailing list
modified evaluate so each strategy is ran 4x (one for each quadrant)
separated crossover and selection
crossover for population 2 and population 3 are changed using block crossover
MSRP – Faculty Breakfast (9-11am), T-shirt meeting (7pm-9pm)