Latin America Student Congress.

Latin American Congress Debates
7th Regional Studies
Now that you have a basic understanding of the colonization and decolonization of Latin America, we are
moving on to discuss current issues facing the region. Each class will “host” a Latin America Congress in
which four students will debate one of the proposed resolutions. Once you have participated in your debate,
you will switch roles and judge other debates. In preparation for the Latin America Congress, you will need
to complete the following:
Part One: Researching Your Assigned Topic
Due Date:
May 6
You will begin your research by understanding the background of the topic as well as the arguments that
support your side of the resolution. As you research, you will be required to take notes on, or annotate, your
articles. You and your partner will be required to complete your own set of notes and should be at least
4 pages of handwritten or 2 ½ pages of typed notes.
Part Two: Essay/Introductory Speech
Due Date:
May 16
You and your partner will work together to write a 4-5 minute introductory speech. Your speech will
defend your side of the resolution or issue. You will turn in a rough draft of your speech on May 16 and the
final copy will be due the day you debate your resolution. Your essay/speech should include the following:
☐ An introduction that explains the topic from your side’s perspective and that includes a clear thesis
statement. (What are you planning on proving in your debate)
☐Three body paragraphs AND each paragraph should include the following:
________ A clear topic sentence that relates to your thesis statement
________ Specific examples that reference statistics, historical examples or quotes from experts
_________ Analysis of your ideas to explain how your examples support the topic sentence and that
relates the whole paragraph to your the thesis statement
☐A conclusion that highlights the main reasons the audience should support your side of the debate.
Part Three: Latin American Congress
Due Dates:
May 20 & 22
Now that you have completed your research and written your essay, you will actually debate the topic. The
debates will take place in class over two days. During your debate, you will present an opening speech that
defends your side of the resolution. Then, you will need to cross-examine (ask questions of) your opponents
and answer their questions. You will also need to take questions from the class. Finally, you will have to
prepare an off-the-cuff closing speech to summarize why you have won the debate.
Listed below is what you need to prepare for the debate.
1. 3-5 minute Opening Statement: Don’t panic! This isn’t an additional assignment; it is the paper you
just completed. In other words, the paper is your opening speech. Either you or your partner will
read the speech to the audience to introduce your side of the debate.
2. List of 3-5 questions for the opposition: Based on your research, develop or come up with at least
three questions for your opposition. These questions should challenge your opposition’s opinions
and assumptions. These questions are how you will go on the attack!
3. Questions you might be asked: Think about what the opposition might ask you or how they will
attack your arguments. You should come up with 3 questions you may be asked and how you will
answer those questions. If you have already thought about where your position is the weakest and
developed defenses for those weaknesses, you will be well-prepared to win your debate.
4. Closing Speech: Finally, each side will present a closing speech that summarizes the major reasons
that the audience or debate judges should support your side. These speeches should be about two
minutes long.
At the conclusion of the debate, you will need to turn in the following:
 A final copy of your paper
 List of 3-5 questions you plan to ask the opposition.
 List of questions you might be asked and your planned answers
Part Five: Debate Judge
Due Dates:
May 20 & 22
When you are not participating in the debate, you will be expected to take notes and complete the debate
judging note sheet. You will be graded on the quality of your feedback.
Resolutions that will be debated before our Latin American Congress
Resolution #1
The United States should endorse or pursue policies that promote open trade relations with Cuba.
Resolution #2
The United States should lessen or relax immigration laws and open our border to immigrants from Mexico.
Resolution #3
The United States Drug Enforcement Agency or DEA should end the drug war* in Latin American countries,
such as Columbia and Mexico.
*DRUG WAR is a term often used when talking about the campaign of drug prohibition, military aid, and
military intervention with the goal of reducing the illegal drug trade.
Resolution #4
The United States should take an active role in protecting the rainforest in South America by boycotting
products that have a negative impact on the environment.