Alvarado Intermediate School 2015-2016 Teacher: Tatum Week: Sept 28-Oct 2 Grade: 6 Unit: Unit 3 Culture Content Area: Social Studies and History of Central America Content TEKS Covered: Cross-Curricular 6.1 History. The student understands that historical events influence contemporary events. The student is expected to: 6.1A Trace characteristics of various contemporary societies in regions that resulted from historical events or factors such as invasion, conquests, colonization, immigration, and trade 6.4 Geography. The student understands the factors that influence the locations and characteristics of various contemporary societies on maps and globes and uses latitude and longitude to determine absolute location. The student is expected to: 6.4B Identify and explain the geographic factors responsible for patterns of population in places and regions. 6.6 geography. The student understands that geographical patterns result from physical environmental processes, The student is expected to: 6.6A Describe and explain the effects of physical environmental processes such as erosion, ocean currents, and earthquakes on Earth’s surface. 6.7 Geography. The student understands the impact of interactions between people and physical environment on the development and conditions of places and regions. The student is expected to: 6.7B Identify and analyze ways people have modified the physical environment such as mining, irrigation, and transportation infrastructure. 6.8 Economics. The student understands the factors of production in a society’s economy. The student is expected to: 6.8B Identify problems and issues that may arise when one or more of the factors of production is in relatively short supply. 6.15 Culture. The student understands the similarities and differences within and among cultures in various world societies. The student is expected to: 6.15A Define culture and the common traits that unify a region. 6.17 Culture. The student understands relationships that exist among world cultures. The student is expected to: 6.17D Identify and define the impact of cultural diffusion on individuals and world societies. STAAR TEKS Essential /Guiding Question(s): Academic What Characteristics in Central America are a result of invasion, conquests, colonization, immigration, Vocabulary: or trade? What geographic factors are responsible for the patterns of population? What are the effects of physical environmental processes? How have people modified the physical environment? What problems and issues exist when factors of production are in short supply? (labor, capital) Supported: (nontested content areas only) 6.21 6.21B 6.22 6.22A Linguistic diversity Colonialism Social factors Economic interdependence Communism Indigenous Cultural diffusion What culture traits unify this region? How has cultural diffusion impacted the region? WICOR Components (highlight): Writing Learning Inquiry Engage Collaboration Explore Organization Explain Reading Elaborate Objective(s Evalua Closing te Task(s): ): Monday After the students fill Students will each jot down their Each group Quickwr To go over in their vocab sheets observations and then share then will be given ite: vocabulary over the Unit 3 with a small group what they wrote one of the What for the Unit vocab, without down about the culture traits of the counties listed culture as well as identifying the photographs observed. to research traits did introducing geographic the following you students to regions…post 4-8 After a large piece of paper/butcher day. notice the photographs around paper/poster is given to each group today geographic the room that reflect while a list of Central American and about regions of the geography and Caribbean countries is projected on Central Central people from Central the screen. America America America. - Belize that we and the Students will roam - Guatemala share in Caribbean. around the room - Honduras the making observations - Nicaragua United of the photographs. - El Salvador States? Explain to - Costa Rica students that - Panama they are - Cuba making - Haiti - predictions - Dominican Republic about culture - The Bahamas traits based - Jamaica on their - Santa Lucia observations - Barbados of the Then project a map of Central photographs. America and the Caribbean, where (Including 2-3 students sketch the map on the food, paper given to each group. language, - Label countries, large bodies family, of water, and the Panama education, Canal and art) Tuesday Students will use computers to Quickwr .To research the following: ite: research - Brief history In two their - Were they ever invaded? COMPL countries to - Were they colonized and if so, ETE by who? sentenc Indications of cultural es write the diffusion based on invasions about following of colonization what Modifications/adaptions/natu you’re ral hazards your What current system of country government do they have? unique, present to the class day. - - Current economic issues. Wednesday To present Video about Central Each group While each Quickwr American Culture will present group ite: the research. their findings presents , the What to the class. other groups wat use a graphic difficult organizer to about fill in for each preparin country g for presented. your presenta tion? What could you do better for the next time you present in class? Thursday Students will read Students will list culture traits, Students will Quickwr To learn the Biographical events, and geographical factors write a letter ite: more about sketch of a new that are mentioned in the sketch. to the Describ central friend from Central teacher e3 American America. explaining culture culture what you traits through a know about that you culture traits, would biographica historical share l sketch. events, and with geographica your l factors of new Central friend America to from tell the Central teacher America about your ? friend. Students will be asked to explain their conclusions And the reasoning behind them. Friday Read In The Year of Students will refer back to their Students will Quickwr The Boar, Jackie vocab sheets and describe share out ite: To apply Robinson for 20 Linguistic diversity, social factors, their Pick a previous mins. and cultural diffusion in relation to observations Unit 1 knowledge what we have read so far in the and vocab to the readings in their journal. comparison word current s before the from the book we teacher list and are reading. explores the explain application what it of the Unit 1 means vocab and in your how it own applies to words. the biographical sketch from the previous day. Individual Customized Learning Differentiated Academic Bilingual/ESL Language Support: Support: Beginner 23 Reduced Assignments 10,11,20 Extra Time For Completing Assignments 1, 2,4,7,8,9,10,11,12,14,15,1 7,18,19,20,21 No Penalty For Spelling 12,13,16,19 Opportunity to Respond orally 10,11,15 Emphasis on Major Points 10,11,20 Alternate Assignments 20 Behavioral Advanced/Advanced High- Intermediate-24,25,26,27 28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41 Support: Clearly Visuals for classroom vocabulary Visuals for classroom vocabulary and academic concepts and academic concepts Visuals for classroom vocabulary and academic concepts Native language and adapted grade-level texts Adapted grade-level texts Grade-level Texts 10,20 Short, simple sentence stems Sentence stems Complex sentence stems Reminders Of Defined Limits Frequent Rules 10,17 Pre-teaching social and academic Pre-teaching academic vocabulary Pre-teaching low-frequency academic vocabulary Positive vocabulary Reinforcemen Peer interaction (same language Peer interaction peer, as needed) Peer interaction Adapted writing tasks with drawing and scaffolding Adapted writing tasks with scaffolding Grade-level writing tasks Gestures (basic and academic concepts) Gestures for memorization of academic concepts Gestures for memorization of academic concepts Extensive modeling Modeling Modeling Graphic organizers Graphic organizers Graphic organizers t 10,11,20 Frequent Breaks 20 Frequent Eye Contact 10 Private Discussion Writing Templates, 3 Manipulatives Manipulatives Manipulatives About choice answers 20 Use of cognates Use of cognates Use of cognates Behavior 11 Pronunciation of social/ academic language pronunciation of academic terms Pronunciation of academic terms Written Directions For How To Complete 20 Opportunity To Leave Class For Individualized Assistance 20 Linguistic simplification text* Linguistic simplification of unfamiliar texts* Oral translation of unfamiliar words Negative 20 Oral translation of words and phrases Short Instructions 11,12, Bilingual dictionary/glossary* Bilingual dictionary/glossary* 20 To Help Teacher 10,11 Slower, simplified speech No Questions In The Opportunity Supervision Linguistic simplification of complex, unfamiliar academic text During Transition Activities 10,20 Sensory Opportunity to Repeat Routine 20 and Explain Instructions First Work 11 Then Visual Aids 11,12,20 Reinforcer 20 Extra Time For Oral Visual Response 10,11,12,16,20 Schedule, Extra Time For Written Color Tape Response For Boundary 10,11,12,13,16,20 20 Exams Of Reduced Implementati Length 20 on Of BIP 11 Multiple Choice Tests With No More Than 3 Answer Choices 20 Directions Given In Multiple Ways 20 Support For Special ed Teacher Written Directions On Separate Sheet Class Agenda 20 SPED rubric for grading 20 Highlighted Materials 20 Color Coding Answer Choices 20 Slant Board Available 20 Open Book Exams Taken With Study Sheet 20 Oral Exams 1,3,4,6,7,9,10,11,12,13,14, 15,16,17,18 Small Group Testing 19 Support From General Ed Teacher 10,11,12,14,15 Consider Effort A Grade 12 Preferential Seating 1,3,4,5,6,7,9,17,18,19,21 Frequent Feedback 11,12,15,16,18 Study Sheets 20 Immediate Feedback 11,15 Encouragement For Classroom Participation 11,15,20 Reteach 1,3,4,5,6,7,9,17,18,21 Check For Understanding 21 See Nurse As Needed 2 Peer Tutoring 3,9,11,14,16,21 Frequent Reminders 5,8,9 Note Taker/Note Taking Paper 1,4,12 Assignment Notebook