HR340 Strategic Human Resource Management

HR340 Strategic Human Resource Management (3 cr.) HR340 Strategic Human Resource Management (3
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HR340 Strategic Human Resource Management (3 cr.)
This course examines strategic human resource functions performed in organizations. It includes planning,
job analysis and design, job description, recruiting and hiring, training, performance management,
regulation, evaluation, benefits, and labor law. Trends impacting the field are examined, including the use of
technology in managing human resource functions, and the role of human resources in a global business
Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:
Analyze human resource management and its component functions.
Appraise human resource’s organizational role in strategic planning.
Develop a strategic plan that addresses a relevant human resource issue.
Apply human resource management theories to practice in organizations.
Analyze how social and cultural factors impact human resource strategy both domestically and in the global
Explain how technology is incorporated within human resource functions.
HR370 Employee Rewards and Recognition Systems (3 cr.)
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HR370 Employee Rewards and Recognition Systems (3 cr.)
This course presents an analysis of compensation, benefits, recognition and reward systems. Topics
include compensation theory and practices, equity and market factors, pay deliver systems, job analysis
methods, and job evaluation techniques. Also covered are the theoretical, legal, and financial impact of
benefit planning, design, and plan implementation.
Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:
Identify and describe common employee compensation, benefits, recognition and reward systems used in
Analyze issues in designing and administering employee compensation, benefits, recognition and reward
Evaluate the role of compensation, benefits, recognition and reward systems in organizational planning.
Examine methods for performance measurement.
HR380 Employee Engagement (3 cr.)
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HR380 Employee Engagement (3 cr.)
This course examines organizational theories and practices relating to employee engagement and
productivity. Business strategy, organizational leadership, change management, team building, and
motivational practices relating to employee engagement are examined.
Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:
Assess the role of the human resource management regarding employee engagement.
Identify how organizational leadership influences employee engagement.
Describe change management techniques which lead to increased employee engagement.
Demonstrate team building skills that enhance employee motivation.
Examine how strategic engagement of employees leads to increased productivity.
Analyze theories on employee motivation.
HR440 Employee and Labor Relations (3 cr.)
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HR440 Employee and Labor Relations (3 cr.)
This course provides an introduction to the practical aspects of employer and employee relationships from
both union and non-union perspectives. It includes an overview of the basics of labor law and bargaining
agreements, the role of the National Labor Relations Board and how each impacts performance among
management, supervisors and employees in private, government and public organizations.
Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:
Understand the historical development of the union and non-union environments.
Identify major labor relations legislation and the government agencies charged with enforcement of these
Analyze the collective bargaining process, including methods used for resolving impasses and reaching
Understand and interpret various employment laws effecting employees in a business setting.
Describe how to legally operate business within the context of employment laws.
Devise strategies and techniques to successfully manage employees while avoiding legal liability arising out
of various employment laws.
HR455 Human Resource Development (3 cr.)
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HR455 Human Resource Development (3 cr.)
This course explores performance improvement strategies used by business and industry, focusing on
employee training and organizational development. It examines how organizations develop employees in
alignment with organizational goals and objectives. It explores several methods of measuring training and
Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:
Describe approaches to training and development at the performer, process, and organizational levels.
Identify employee assessment strategies aligned with organizational goals.
Design programs to address development areas such as employee health and wellness, career
management, and performance management.
Evaluate and measure training and development programs.
Assess the role of human resource development in organizational strategy.
BU490 Strategic Management Capstone (3 cr.)
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BU490 Strategic Management Capstone (3 cr.)
Prerequisite(s): All academic requirements of the student’s program major. This course is taken in the
student’s last semester before graduation. All general education requirements must be fulfilled.
This course integrates knowledge and skills developed in a student’s major course of study. Students
integrate and apply knowledge and skills acquired throughout their academic programs. Students also
demonstrate professional communications via written reports and oral presentations, outline continuing
education strategies, and analyze ethical and diversity issues in business organizations.
Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:
Demonstrate critical thinking skills related to their major field of academic study.
Analyze the environmental variables and available resources affecting business-related issues and
Synthesize various business-related strategies.
Identify management principles relevant for business professionals.
Assess the impact of ethical decisions in various business organizations.
Address diversity in various business environments.
Develop strategies for continuing education in their academic field of study.
Communicate using inclusive methods in a variety of modes.
Recognize current trends in their academic field of study.
Demonstrate interpersonal communication and collaboration skills required in various business settings.
Required Management Courses: 9 cr.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------BU407 Financial Management (3 cr.)
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BU407 Financial Management (3 cr.)
This course is an introduction to the theory and practice of financial management of organizations. Topics
covered include the assessment of types of business entities and capital acquisition sources, basic financial
statement analysis, the assessment of how income taxes impact the financial decision making process, the
evaluation of capital projects using the time value of money concepts, management of an entity’s current
assets and current liabilities, and the maximization of shareholder wealth.
Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:
Identify and describe the various forms of business organizations and the different ways in which they are
Explain the tax and financial reporting requirements for different types of business entities.
Apply the principles of managing current assets and current liabilities to different types of business entities.
Assess the existence of management problems or opportunities by analyzing company financial statements
and making comparisons to other companies in the same industry.
Compute present values and use them in financial decision making.
Prepare cash flow budgets.
Prepare a breakeven analysis for profit planning.
MG305 Managerial Ethics (3 cr.)
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MG305 Managerial Ethics (3 cr.)
This course examines the moral issues to be considered by managers in the 21st century global economy.
Also examined are the ethical frameworks and reasoning skills relevant for resolving moral dilemmas in
business organizations. The social, political, global, and economic environments within which moral issues
occur are assessed. Finally, the legal and regulatory forces that impact ethical decision making in business
organizations are examined.
Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:
Describe the moral traditions and philosophies that have influenced contemporary business ethics.
Assess the variety of ethical issues that have the potential for impacting organizations in the 21st century
global economy.
Recognize the importance of ethical decision making as a component of management and leadership.
Analyze the characteristics and significance of various ethics strategies used by business organizations.
Assess the impact of globalization on ethical decision making.
Evaluate the legal and regulatory forces that impact business practices and operations.
MG412 Critical Thinking for Organizational Leaders (3 cr.)
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MG412 Critical Thinking for Organizational Leaders (3 cr.)
This course examines the relevance and application of critical thinking and decision making techniques for
leadership and management in various organizations. Students identify and evaluate their own leadership
and management capabilities. The course focuses on eliciting new leadership insights, and on improving
problem solving and decision-making skills. Finally, the course emphasizes the skills leaders and managers
in organizations need to articulate reasoned solutions to organizational problems and opportunities.
Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:
Identify the roles and responsibilities of leaders and managers as problem solvers in organizations.
Assess the decision-making challenges facing leaders and managers in various organizational settings.
Utilize critical thinking as an imaginative process in organizational leadership and management.
Self-evaluate one’s leadership and management capabilities, strengths, and skills.
Demonstrate the use of critical thinking to navigate the complexity of organizational challenges and
Required Communication Courses: 6 cr.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------CM309 Professional Writing (3 cr.)
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CM309 Professional Writing (3 cr.)
Prerequisite(s): English Composition or equivalent
This course provides strategies for developing a clear, concise professional writing style. A variety of writing
formats are addressed. Research for professional documents, writing in an electronic environment, and
collaborative writing are considered. Voice, style, audience, purpose, the writing process, and strategies for
editing and revision are examined in the context of interpersonal and ethical dimensions.
Upon completion of the course, students are expected to be able to do the following:
Write effectively in various forms of professional writing.
Demonstrate writing in a professional environment.
Exhibit a professional voice and writing style.
Effectively incorporate relevant research into professional writing.
Understand and apply the writing process to diverse audiences and purposes.
Effectively incorporate elements of professional document design into print and electronic documents.
Employ professional revision and editing skills.
CM310 Oral Communications (3 cr.)
Elective Courses: 3 cr.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------BU400 Business Law (3 cr.)
MG405 Organizational Culture and Change (3 cr.)
MG408 Project Management (3 cr.)
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MG408 Project Management (3 cr.)
This course emphasizes leadership concepts related to directing and coordinating human and material
resources for relatively short-term projects that have been established to complete specific goals and
objectives. The skills and procedures needed to take a project from definition through completion are
MG415 Total Quality and Team Development (3 cr.)
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MG415 Total Quality and Team Development (3 cr.)
The focus of this course is the development of total quality or continuous improvement in organizations. It
reviews the phenomenon of quality, key theories and theorists, statistical process control, and quality
programs. Effective team management is emphasized as one of the key components of quality.
Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:
Understand the managerial and philosophical meanings of quality.
Describe the continuous improvement process as it relates to manufacturing/service industries.
Formulate basic problem solving approaches to implement short term solutions and eliminate the root
causes of quality problems.
Discuss quality program standards as they relate to the quality improvement process.
Develop and analyze statistical process control charts used for monitoring processes.
Discuss the different approaches to the use of teams in the quality process.
GM600 Management Principles (3 cr.)
GM643 Multicultural Perspectives (3 cr.)
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GM643 Multicultural Perspectives (3 cr.)
This course focuses on how diversity of all kinds influences both organizational behavior and client
outcomes. The place of culture in society, the marketplace, and the workplace is examined. The importance
of cultural competence is explored along with the knowledge and skills needed to work with, manage, and
serve diverse groups of workers and clients.
Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:
Identify the wide spectrum of differences included in the definitions of diversity and multiculturalism.
Demonstrate an awareness of their own cultural identity, background and biases, and forces that shape(d)
Analyze how these shaping forces and biases may influence their interactions with people from diverse
backgrounds and organizational behavior and productivity.
Demonstrate the ability to articulate, in supportive ways, the needs and concerns of diverse groups of
people with marginalized identities in the workplace.
Analyze opportunities for applying cultural competencies to create greater inclusion in the work place.
Plan for the evaluation of cultural competence initiatives, and the resulting effect on organizational behavior,
work productivity and products.