todd w. anderson - Fish Ecology Lab

Curriculum Vitae: Todd W. Anderson
Professor of Biology
Director, Coastal and Marine Institute
Department of Biology, San Diego State University
San Diego, California 92182-4614
Phone: 619-594-0995; FAX: 619-594-5676; E-mail:
Years Attended
University of California, Santa
Moss Landing Marine Laboratories 1979-1983
California State University, Fresno 1976-1978
Gavilan College
Degree/Other Major Field
Biology (Marine Ecology)
Biology (Marine Science)
Agricultural Sciences
San Diego State University
San Diego State University
San Diego State University
San Diego State University
Oregon State University
Shannon Point Marine Center,
Western Washington University
Friday Harbor Laboratories,
University of Washington
University of California, Santa
California State University,
Director, Coastal &
Marine Institute
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Research Associate
2010- present
2008- present
Postdoctoral Fellow
Postgraduate Researcher
PUBLICATIONS (* = graduate student, ** = undergraduate student)
*Renick, V.C., K. Wienersmith, D. Vidal-Dorsch, and T.W. Anderson. 2015. Effects of a pesticide
and parasite on neurological, endocrine, and behavioral responses of California killifish
(Fundulus parvipinnis). Aquatic Toxicology (in press).
*Renick, V.C., T.W. Anderson, S.G. Morgan, and G.N. Cherr. 2015. Interactive effects of
pesticide exposure and habitat structure on behavior and predation of a marine larval fish.
Ecotoxicology 24:391-400.
Curriculum Vitae: Todd W. Anderson
*Jones, C.L., T.W. Anderson, and M.S. Edwards. 2013. Evaluating eelgrass site quality by the
settlement, performance, and survival of a marine fish. Journal of Experimental Marine
Biology and Ecology 445:1-68.
*Morton, D.N., and T.W. Anderson. 2013. Spatial patterns of invertebrate settlement in giant kelp
forests. Marine Ecology Progress Series 485:75-89.
Hixon, M.A., T.W. Anderson, K.L. Buch, D.W. Johnson, J.B. McLeod, and C.D. Stallings. 2012.
Recruitment, density dependence, and population regulation in marine fish: a large-scale, longterm field manipulation. Ecological Monographs 82:467–489.
*Lewis, L.S., and T.W. Anderson. 2012. Top-down control of epifauna by fishes enhances
seagrass production. Ecology 93:2746–2757.
Hunsicker, M.E., L. Cianelli, K.M. Bailey, J.A. Buckel, J.W. White, J.S. Link, T.E. Essington, S.
Gaichas, T.W. Anderson, R.D. Brodeur, K-S Chan, K. Chen, G. England, K.A. Frank, V.
Freitas, M.A. Hixon, T. Hurst, D. Johnson, J.F. Kitchell, D. Reese, G.A. Rose, H Sjodin, W.J.
Sydeman, H van der Veer, K. Vollset, S. Zador. 2011. Functional responses and scaling in
marine predator-prey interactions: contemporary issues and emerging concepts. Ecology Letters
DeMartini, E.E., T.W. Anderson, A.M. Friedlander, and J.P. Beets. 2011. Predator biomass, prey
density, and species composition effects on group size in recruit coral reef fishes. Marine
Biology 158:2437-2447.
DeMartini, E.E., T.W. Anderson, J.C. Kenyon, J.P. Beets, and A.M. Friedlander. 2010.
Management implications of juvenile reef fish habitat preferences and coral susceptibility to
stressors. Marine and Freshwater Research 61:1-9.
*Deza, A.A., and T.W. Anderson. 2010. Habitat fragmentation, patch size, and the recruitment and
abundance of kelp forest fishes. Marine Ecology Progress Series 416:229-240.
**Farlin, J.P.,*L.S. Lewis, T.W. Anderson, and C.T. Lai. 2010. Functional diversity of amphipods
revealed by stable isotopes in an eelgrass ecosystem. Marine Ecology Progress Series 420:277281.
*Floyd, E.Y., and T.W. Anderson. 2010. Interactive effects of nutritional condition and refuge
availability on survival of a temperate reef goby. Marine Ecology Progress Series 407:259-267.
*O’Connor, K.C., and T.W. Anderson. 2010. Consequences of habitat disturbance and recovery to
recruitment and the abundance of kelp forest fishes. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology
and Ecology 386:1-10.
*Galst, C.J., and T.W. Anderson. 2008. Fish-habitat associations and the role of disturbance in
surfgrass beds. Marine Ecology Progress Series 365:177-186.
Curriculum Vitae: Todd W. Anderson
Anderson, T.W. 2007. Guide to identification and surveying of near shore fishes. In Sampling
biodiversity in coastal communities -- NaGISA protocols for seagrass and macroalgal habitats
(P.R. Rigby, K. Iken, and Y. Shirayama, eds.). Kyoto University Press, Kyoto p. 90-92.
Anderson, T.W., M.H. Carr, and M.A. Hixon. 2007. Patterns and mechanisms of variable
settlement and recruitment of a coral reef damselfish, Chromis cyanea. Marine Ecology
Progress Series 350:109-116.
*Davenport, A.C., and T.W. Anderson. 2007. Positive indirect effects of reef fishes on kelp
performance: the importance of mesograzers. Ecology 88:1548-1561.
DeMartini, E.E., and T.W. Anderson. 2007. Habitat associations and aggregation of recruit fishes
on Hawaiian coral reefs. Bulletin of Marine Science 81:139-152.
*Lewallen, E.A., T.W. Anderson, and A.J. Bohonak. 2007. Genetic structure of leopard shark
(Triakis semifasciata) populations in California waters. Marine Biology 152:599-609.
Reed, D.C., S.C. Schroeter, D. Huang, T.W. Anderson, and R.F. Ambrose. 2006. Quantifying the
performance of different artificial reef designs in mitigating losses to kelp bed fishes. Bulletin
of Marine Science 78:133-150 (featured article).
Steele, M.A., and T.W. Anderson. 2006. Predation. In Ecology of marine fishes: California and
adjacent waters (L.G. Allen, M.H. Horn, and D.J. Pondella III, eds.). University of California
Press, Berkeley, p. 428-448.
*Andrews, K.S., and T.W. Anderson. 2004. Habitat-dependent recruitment of two temperate reef
fishes at multiple spatial scales. Marine Ecology Progress Series 277:231-244.
Anderson, T.W., C.T. Bartels, M.A. Hixon, E. Bartels, M.H. Carr, and J.M. Shenker. 2002. Current
velocity and catch efficiency in sampling settlement-stage larvae of coral-reef fishes. Fishery
Bulletin 100:404-413.
Carr, M.H., T.W. Anderson, and M.A. Hixon. 2002. Biodiversity, population regulation, and the
stability of coral-reef fish communities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Anderson, T.W. 2001. Predator responses, prey refuges, and density-dependent mortality of a
marine fish. Ecology 82:245-257.
Anderson, T.W., and B.M. Sabado. 1999. Effects of kinship on growth of a live-bearing reef fish.
Marine Biology 133:115-119.
Anderson, T.W., and M.H. Carr. 1998. BINCKE: A highly efficient net for collecting reef fishes.
Environmental Biology of Fishes 51:111-115.
Reed, D.C., T.W. Anderson, A.W. Ebeling, and M. Anghera. 1997. Role of reproductive
synchrony in the colonization potential of kelp. Ecology 78:2443-2457.
Curriculum Vitae: Todd W. Anderson
Reed, D.C., A.W. Ebeling, T.W. Anderson, and M. Anghera. 1996. Differential reproductive
responses to fluctuating resources in two seaweeds with different reproductive strategies.
Ecology 77:300-316.
Anderson, T.W., and B.M. Sabado. 1995. Correspondence between food availability and growth of
a planktivorous temperate reef fish. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology
Anderson, T.W. 1994. Role of macroalgal structure in the distribution and abundance of a
temperate reef fish. Marine Ecology Progress Series 113:279-290.
Ambrose, R.F., and T.W. Anderson. 1990. The influence of an artificial reef on the surrounding
infaunal community. Marine Biology 107:41-52.
Anderson, T.W., E.E. DeMartini and D.A. Roberts. 1989. The relationship between habitat
structure, body size, and distribution of fishes at a temperate artificial reef. Bulletin of Marine
Science 44:681-697.
Davis, G.E., and T.W. Anderson. 1989. Population estimates of four kelp forest fishes and an
evaluation of three in situ assessment techniques. Bulletin of Marine Science 44:1138-1151.
DeMartini, E.E., D.A. Roberts and T.W. Anderson. 1989. Contrasting patterns of fish density and
abundance at an artificial rock reef and a cobble-bottom kelp forest. Bulletin of Marine Science
Williams, S.L., V.A. Breda, T.W. Anderson, and B.B. Nyden. 1985. Growth and sediment
disturbances of Caulerpa spp. (Chlorophyta) in a submarine canyon. Marine Ecology Progress
Series 21:275-81.
2012. Swimming performance and population processes in coastal fishes. NOAA Fisheries,
Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Seattle, Washington
2011. Research at the Coastal and Marine Institute Laboratory. Computational Sciences
Colloquium, San Diego State University, San Diego, California.
2011. Linking swimming performance to larval traits and predation mortality in temperate coastal
fishes. Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, California
2010. Linking individual condition and performance to population processes in temperate reef
fishes. Bodega Marine Laboratory, University of California, Davis, California
2007. Population processes and individual performance in recruitment success of reef fishes.
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, California
Curriculum Vitae: Todd W. Anderson
2002. Interactive effects of habitat structure and predation on recruitment success of reef fishes.
University of Southern California Wrigley Marine Science Center, Santa Catalina Island,
2002. Recruitment success and population dynamics of reef fishes. Moss Landing Marine
Laboratories, Moss Landing, California
2002. Processes influencing recruitment success of reef fishes. American Institute of Fisheries
Research Biologists, San Juan Capistrano, California
2001. Recruitment processes and population dynamics of reef fishes. California State University,
Long Beach
2000. Population dynamics and regulation in temperate and tropical reef fishes. Scripps Institution
of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, California
2000. Population ecology of reef fishes: examples from temperate and tropical systems. University
of Southern California Wrigley Marine Science Center, Santa Catalina Island, California
1999. Exploring population dynamics in reef fishes: Patterns, processes, and mechanisms.
Department of Biology, San Diego State University, San Diego, California
1997. Density-dependent processes and population consequences for a temperate reef fish.
Department of Zoology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon
1996. Population dynamics and recruitment success in reef fishes: looking for answers and finding
more questions. Department of Marine Science, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
1996. The role of macroalgal structure in recruitment success of a temperate reef fish. School of
Fisheries, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington
1996. Density-dependent processes and population consequences for a temperate reef fish. Shannon
Point Marine Center, Western Washington University, Anacortes, Washington
1996. Density-dependent processes and their consequences for a marine temperate reef fish.
Department of Biology, University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, Wisconsin
1995. Consequences of density-dependent processes in a marine reef fish. Department of Zoology,
University of Washington, Seattle, Washington
SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATIONS (* = graduate student)
Anderson, T.W., *L.S. Lewis, and *C.L. Jones. 2009. The role of fishes in ecosystem function and
evaluating habitat quality in eelgrass beds. United States Navy 1st Annual San Diego Bay
Symposium, San Diego, California
Curriculum Vitae: Todd W. Anderson
Schroeter, S., D. Huang, T. Anderson, and R. Grove. 2005. Quantifying the performance of
different reef designs on kelp bed fish and benthic community development at the San
Clemente experimental artificial reef. Southern California Academy of Sciences, Los Angeles,
Steele, M.A., and T.W. Anderson. 2003. The role of predation in the ecology of California’s
marine fishes. Western Society of Naturalists, Long Beach, California
Anderson, T.W. 2000. Ecology of fishes in kelp canopies. Western Society of Naturalists,
Portland, Oregon
Hixon, M.A., V. Dufour, T.W. Anderson, and P.J. Doherty. 2000. Delivery mechanisms limit
larval supply in coral reef fishes. Fourth International Larval Biology Conference, University of
California, Santa Cruz, California
Hixon, M.A., V. Dufour, and T.W. Anderson. 1998. Western Society Effective barriers to dispersal
of the larvae of coral-reef fishes. Western Society of Naturalists, San Diego, California
Reed, D.C., D.R. Laur, and T.W. Anderson. 1996. The golden years: the ecology of kelp
colonization. Western Society of Naturalists, Port Townsend, Washington
Anderson, T.W., M.A. Hixon, D.R. Laur, and D.J. Stouder. 1996. Al Ebeling and surfperches:
exceptions to the rule. Western Society of Naturalists, Port Townsend, Washington
CONFERENCE CONTRIBUTED PAPERS (* = graduate student, ** = undergraduate student)
* Hayman, N.T., B.T. Hentschel, V.C. Renick, and T.W. Anderson. 2014. Effects of flow speed
and sub-lethal pesticide exposure on predator-prey interactions between an estuarine fish and a
polychaete. Western Society of Naturalists, Tacoma, Washington
*Nichols, T.A., T.W. Anderson, and A. Širović. 2014. Physiological effects of boat noise on a
coastal marine fish. 48th Annual Conference of the California-Nevada Chapter, American
Fisheries Society, Sacramento, California
*Renick, V.C., K.L. Weinersmith, D. Vidal-Dorsch, and T. Anderson. 2014. Effects of a pesticide
and parasite on neurological, endocrine, and behavioral responses of California killifish
(Fundulus parvipinnis). Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Vancouver,
British Columbia
J.P., and T.W. Anderson. 2013. Predation threat influences behavior, physiological
stress, and predation risk in a macrophyte-associated fish. Western Society of Naturalists,
Oxnard, California
Hentschel, B.T., T.W. Anderson, *N.T. Hayman, *V.C. Renick, **J. Allyn, and **J.K. Hens.
2013. Hydrodynamic mediation of killifish predation on infaunal polychaetes. Western Society
of Naturalists, Oxnard, California
Curriculum Vitae: Todd W. Anderson
**Nichols, T.A., T.W. Anderson, and A. Širović. 2013. Physiological effects of boat noise on a
coastal marine fish. Western Society of Naturalists, Oxnard, California
*Wheeler, S.G., T.W. Anderson, S.G. Morgan, and J.A. Hobbs. 2013. Comparing the causes and
consequences of larval condition in rockfishes (Sebastes spp.) with alternative life history
strategies. American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, Arkansas
*Wheeler, S.G., T.W. Anderson, and S.G. Morgan. 2011. Biological and oceanographic drivers of
variation in recent settlement of copper rockfish. Western Society of Naturalists, Vancouver,
WA (best student paper award)
*Jones, C.L., and T.W. Anderson. 2011. Evaluating eelgrass habitat quality by fish settlement,
performance, and survival. Benthic Ecology Meetings, Mobile, Alabama
*Morton, D.N., and T.W. Anderson. 2011. Spatial patterns of invertebrate settlement in giant kelp
forests. Benthic Ecology Meetings, Mobile, Alabama
*Compton, V.M., T.W. Anderson, S.G. Morgan, and G.N. Cherr. 2010. Understanding the role of
habitat in mediating predation risk in larval fish exposed to a pyrethroid insecticide
esfenvalerate. Western Society of Naturalists, San Diego, California
*Compton, V.M., T.W. Anderson, S.G. Morgan, and G.N. Cherr. 2010. Understanding the role of
habitat in mediating predation risk in larval fish exposed to the pyrethroid insecticide
esfenvalerate. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Portland, Oregon
*Jones, C.L., and T.W. Anderson.2010. Evaluating eelgrass habitat quality by fish settlement,
performance, and survival. Western Society of Naturalists, San Diego, California
*Morton, D.N., and T.W. Anderson. 2010. Spatial patterns of invertebrate settlement in a giant
kelp forest. Western Society of Naturalists, San Diego, California
**Farlin, J.F, *Lewis, L.S., T.W. Anderson, and C.T. Lai. 2009. Stable isotope analysis of
amphipods in an eelgrass food web. Western Society of Naturalists, Monterey, California
DeMartini, E.E., T. Anderson, A. Friedlander, J. Beets, R. Larson, B. Zgliczynski, and R. Boland.
2008. Recent developments in recruit reef fish-habitat research in Hawaii. Joint Hawaii
Institute of Marine Biology -- Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center Mini-Symposium,
Honolulu, Hawaii
Hixon, M., T. Anderson, K. Buch, D. Johnson, and C.S. Stallings. 2008. Recruitment and
population dynamics of a coral-reef fish: a large-scale long-term field experiment. 11th
International Coral Reef Symposium, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Pondella II, D.J., T. Anderson, M. Bergen, M. Carr, J. Carroll, J. Caselle, M. Edwards, and D.
Schroeder. 2008. The nearshore rocky-reef fishes of the Southern California Islands. 7th
California Islands Symposium, Oxnard, California
Curriculum Vitae: Todd W. Anderson
*Webber, J.D., and T.W. Anderson. 2008. Larval traits and swimming performance in three
temperate reef fishes. Western Society of Naturalists, Vancouver, British Columbia
Anderson, T.W., *A.A. Deza, and *K.C. O’Connor. 2007. Predator size and recruitment success in
kelp-associated fishes: implications for marine reserves? Western Society of Naturalists,
Ventura, California
DeMartini, E., T. Anderson, and A. Friedlander. 2007. Habitats and social groupings of recruit reef
fishes in Hawaii. Joint Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology -- Pacific Islands Fisheries Science
Center Mini-Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii
*Deza, A.A., and T.W. Anderson. 2007. Effects of habitat fragmentation and patch size on
recruitment and the abundance of kelp forest fishes. Western Society of Naturalists, Ventura,
*Lewis, L.S., and T.W. Anderson. 2007. Predation in eelgrass beds: do trophic manipulations
result in cascading effects? Western Society of Naturalists, Ventura, California
*O’Connor, K.C., and T.W. Anderson. 2007. Consequences of habitat disturbance and recovery to
recruitment and the abundance of kelp forest fishes. Western Society of Naturalists, Ventura,
*Galst, C.J., and T.W. Anderson. 2006. Habitat loss and fish assemblages in surfgrass
(Phyllospadix torreyi) beds. Western Society of Naturalists, Redmond, Washington
*Davenport, A.C., and T.W. Anderson. 2005. Differential effects of reef fishes on giant kelp
performance: are there differences in resource allocation? Western Society of Naturalists,
Seaside, California
*Floyd, E.Y., and T.W. Anderson. 2005. Relative importance of nutritional condition and refuge
availability for survival of the blackeye goby, Rhinogobiops nicholsii. Western Society of
Naturalists, Seaside, California
*Sharfi, S., T.W. Anderson, D.C. Reed, and S.C. Schroeter. 2005. Habitat structure and fish
production at an experimental artificial reef. 8th Conference on Artificial Reefs and Aquatic
Habitats, Biloxi, Mississsippi
*Davenport, A.C., and T.W. Anderson. 2004. Positive indirect effects of reef fishes on giant kelp
performance. Western Society of Naturalists, Rohnert Park, California
*Gregor, C.A., and T.W. Anderson. 2004. Relative importance of habitat attributes to predation
risk in a temperate reef fish. Western Society of Naturalists, Rohnert Park, California
*Lipski, D.M., and T.W. Anderson. 2004. Structural complexity of seagrass influences patterns of
recruitment of fishes in San Diego Bay. Western Society of Naturalists, Rohnert Park,
Curriculum Vitae: Todd W. Anderson
Anderson, T.W., and *A.C. Davenport. 2003. Predator-mediated recruitment of kelp-associated
fishes. Western Society of Naturalists, Long Beach, California
Anderson, T.W., M.A. Hixon, and M.H. Carr. 2002. Variation in settlement and post-settlement
processes in patterns of recruitment of a coral reef damselfish. Western Society of Naturalists,
Monterey, California
*Andrews, K.S., and T.W. Anderson. 2002. Habitat structure and recruitment of two near-shore
reef fishes at multiple scales. Western Society of Naturalists, Monterey, California
Hixon, M.A., V. Dufour, T.W. Anderson, and P.J. Doherty. 2000. Delivery mechanisms limit
larval supply in coral reef fishes. Ninth International Coral Reef Symposium, Bali, Indonesia
Anderson, T.W. 1999. Relative importance of current flow and habitat structure to recruitment
success of a temperate reef fish. Western Society of Naturalists, Monterey, California
Anderson, T.W., M.H. Carr, and M.A. Hixon. 1998. Both predators and competitors are required to
cause density-dependent mortality of a coral-reef fish.Western Society of Naturalists, San
Diego, California
Reed, D.C., T.W. Anderson, A.W. Ebeling, and M. Anghera. 1997. Role of reproductive
synchrony in the colonization potential of kelp. Fourth International Temperate Reef
Symposium, Santiago, Chile
Anderson, T.W. 1994. The role of macroalgal structure in the distribution and abundance of a
temperate reef fish. Ecological and Evolutionary Ethology of Fishes, Victoria, British
Anderson, T.W. 1991. Predatory effects on a temperate reef fish. Western Society of Naturalists,
Santa Barbara, California
Anderson, T.W. 1990. Density-dependent growth in a planktivorous temperate reef fish: a potential
determinant of aggregation size. Western Society of Naturalists, Monterey, California
Anderson, T.W., E.E. DeMartini, and D.A. Roberts. 1987. The relationship between habitat
structure, body size, and distribution of fishes at a temperate artificial reef. Fourth International
Conference on Artificial Habitats for Fisheries, Miami, Florida
Anderson, T.W. 1981. Identification and development of juvenile rockfishes (genus Sebastes) in
central California kelp forests. Western Society of Naturalists, Santa Barbara, California
POSTER PRESENTATIONS (* = graduate student, ** = undergraduate student)
*Morton, D.N., T.W. Bell, and T.W. Anderson. 2015. Spatial heterogeneity and synchrony of
amphipods in giant kelp forests. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Baltimore,
Curriculum Vitae: Todd W. Anderson
*Wheeler, S.G., T.W. Anderson, T.W. Bell, S.G. Morgan, and J.A. Hobbs. 2015. Regional
productivity predicts individual growth and recruitment of rockfishes (Sebastes spp.) California
State University Council on Ocean Affairs, Science, and Technology – Water Resources and
Policies Initiative Student-Faculty Research Poster Reception, Long Beach, California
*Brett, M., and T.W. Anderson. 2014. Consumptive vs. non-consumptive effects of fish on limpet
grazing behavior of a subtidal kelp. Western Society of Naturalists, Tacoma, Washington
*Hayman, N.T., B.T. Hentschel, T.W. Anderson, *V.C. Renick, **J. Savoie, **S. Allwang, and
**G.M. Tice. 2014. Combined effects of sub-lethal insecticide exposure and water flow speed
on predator-prey interactions between the California killifish (Fundulus parvipinnis) and a
spionid polychaete (Polydora cornuta). Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry,
Southern California Chapter, San Diego, California
*Sievers, K.T, R.J. Barr, *J. Maloney, T.W. Anderson, and N.W. Driscoll. 2013. Multiple habitat
structural components and the distribution of rocky reef fishes at large spatial scales. Western
Society of Naturalists, Oxnard, California
*Wheeler, S.G., **C.M. Muir, and T.W. Anderson. 2012. Biological and oceanographic drivers of
variation in recent settlement of rockfishes. The 46th American Fisheries Society Cal-Nevada
Chapter Annual Conference, San Diego, California
*Brower, J.P., and T.W. Anderson. 2011. Nonlethal consequences of predator-induced stress in a
macrophyte-associated fish. Western Society of Naturalists, Vancouver, Washington
*Wheeler, S.G., T.W. Anderson, S.G. Morgan, J.A. Hobbs. 2011. The influence of parturition
date, condition and coastal upwelling on the recruitment success of copper rockfish (Sebastes
caurinus). American Fisheries Society Cal-Nevada Chapter Annual Conference, Folsom,
*Wheeler, S.G., T.W. Anderson, S.G. Morgan, and J.A. Hobbs. 2010. The influence of parturition
date, larval condition, and upwelling on recruitment success of copper rockfish. Western
Society of Naturalists, San Diego, California
*Compton, V.M., Anderson, T.W., Morgan, S.G., and G.N. Cherr. 2009. Understanding the role of
habitat in mediating predation risk of larval fish exposed to an insecticide. Western Society of
Naturalists, Monterey, California
DeMartini, E.E., J.C. Kenyon, T.W. Anderson, A.M. Friedlander, and J.P. Beets. 2009. Species
differences in recruit reef fish-habitat electivity and coral susceptibility to stressors in Hawaii:
management-conservation implications. 8th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference, Fremantle, West
DeMartini, E.E, T.W. Anderson, A.M. Friedlander, and J.P. Beets. 2008. Density effects on
grouping behavior and habitat associations of recruit reef fishes in Hawaii: Contrasts between
years and among species. 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Curriculum Vitae: Todd W. Anderson
*Lewis, L.S., and T.W. Anderson. 2007. Predation in eelgrass beds: do trophic manipulations
result in cascading effects? Southern California Academy of Sciences, Fullerton, California
*Suk, S.H., T.W. Anderson, and J.A. Seminoff. 2006. Feeding ecology and trophic status of
pelagic sharks from the eastern north Pacific inferred from 13C and 15N. Fifth International
Conference on Applications of Stable Isotope Techniques to Ecological Studies, Belfast,
Northern Ireland
*Webber, J.D., and T.W. Anderson. 2006. Can growth history influence swimming performance in
marine fishes? Western Society of Naturalists, Redmond, Washington
*Lewallen, E., A. Bohonak, and T.W. Anderson. 2005. Population genetic structure and dispersal
of leopard sharks inferred from genetic and geospatial data. Western Society of Naturalists,
Seaside, California
Chair, “Fish Ecology” Session, Western Society of Naturalists, Port Townsend, WA 1995
Chair, “Fish Ecology” Session, Western Society of Naturalists, Monterey, CA 1999
Chair, Judging Committee for Best Student Paper Award, Western Society of Naturalists, 1999
Head Judge, Best Student Paper Award, Western Society of Naturalists, 2002
Chair, “Dispersal and Recruitment” Session, Western Society of Naturalists, Long Beach, CA 2003
Member of ‘Secretariat’, the organizing committee to plan and administer annual meetings of the
Western Society of Naturalists, 2003-08
Chair, “Dispersal and Recruitment” Session, Western Society of Naturalists, Rohnert Park, CA
Chair, “Dispersal and Recruitment” Session, Western Society of Naturalists, Ventura, CA 2007
Chair, “Fisheries Biology” Session, Western Society of Naturalists, San Diego, CA 2010
President, Western Society of Naturalists, 2011-12
Organizer for Presidential Symposium, “Integrating approaches effectively in marine ecology”,
Western Society of Naturalists Meeting, Seaside, CA, 2012 (obtained $5,000 in funding from
California Sea Grant for invited speakers)
Chair, “Community Ecology” Session, Western Society of Naturalists Meeting, Oxnard, CA, 2013
Chair, “Intertidal Ecology” Session, Western Society of Naturalists Meeting, Tacoma, WA, 2014
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Ecological Society of America
Southern California Academy of Sciences
Western Society of Naturalists
National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration / West Coast & Polar Regions National
Undersea Research Center Panel, 1997
Curriculum Vitae: Todd W. Anderson
National Science Foundation, Biological Oceanography Program Panel, 2000, 2015
California Dept. Fish & Game Nearshore Fishery Management Plan Advisory Committee, 2000-01
National Science Foundation, International Research Fellowship Program Panel, 2002
California Dept. Fish & Game Ocean Resources Enhancement and Hatchery Program Panel, 2004present
California Ocean Science Trust, Oil and Gas Platform Decommissioning Study Expert Advisory
Committee, 2008-10
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, South San Diego National Wildlife Refuge Western Salt Pond
Restoration Project Technical Advisory Committee, 2010
Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve Advisory Committee, 2011-present
Journal Editorial Boards:
Marine Ecology, Associate Editor, 2014-present
Reviewer for journals:
Aquaculture, Aquatic Biology, Behavioral Ecology, Biological Conservation, Biology Letters,
Bulletin of Marine Science, Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences, California
Cooperative Fisheries Investigations Reports, Canadian Journal of Zoology, Conservation Biology,
Copeia, Coral Reefs, Ecological Applications, Ecological Monographs, Ecology, Ecology Letters,
Ecosphere, Ecotoxicology, Environmental Biology of Fishes, Environmental Evidence, Estuaries,
Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, Fishery Bulletin, Hydrobiologia, Journal of Animal Ecology,
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, Journal of the Faculty of Science: United
Arab Emirates University, Journal of Fish Biology, Limnology and Oceanography: Methods,
Marine and Freshwater Research, Marine Biology, Marine Ecology Progress Series, Oecologia,
External reviewer of grant proposals/fellowships for funding agencies/organizations:
CSU Council on Ocean Affairs, Science, and Technology (COAST) Faculty Development Program
CSU Council on Ocean Affairs, Science, and Technology (COAST) Student Faculty Development
Electric Power Research Institute Fellowship Program
FONDECYT (National Fund for Scientific & Technological Development), Chile
Lizard Island Research Station, Australia
Minerals Management Service and University of California, Santa Barbara, Coastal Marine Institute
National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, Alaska Sea Grant Program
National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, California Sea Grant Program
National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, Coastal Oceans Program, Ecology and
Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms (ECOHAB)
National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, Florida Sea Grant Program
National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, Maryland Sea Grant Program
National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration / National Science Foundation:
Comparative Analysis of Marine Ecosystem Organization (CAMEO)
National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, National Undersea Research Program,
Caribbean Marine Research Center
Curriculum Vitae: Todd W. Anderson
National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, National Undersea Research Program,
Southeast & Gulf of Mexico Center
National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, National Undersea Research Program,
West Coast and Polar Regions Center
National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, New York Sea Grant Program
National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, University of Southern California Sea
Grant Program
National Science Foundation, Biological Oceanography Program
National Science Foundation, SEES Program: Ocean Acidification
National Science Foundation, Instrumentation and Facilities Program
Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
External reviewer of doctoral dissertations:
James Cook University, Queensland, Australia
External reviewer for faculty promotion:
College of Charleston
Oregon State University
University of California, Santa Barbara
National Sea Grant Program Workshop on Essential Fish Habitat, San Francisco, CA, 1999
SDSU Regional Planning, Regional Integrated Assessment, and Research Planning Workshop to
develop collaborations between SDSU faculty and Mexican scientists, Ensenada, Mexico, 2000
California Department of Fish & Game Nearshore Fishery Management Plan Advisory Committee,
Los Alamitos and Menlo Park, CA, 2001
California Department of Fish & Game Cooperative Research for the Assessment of Near-shore
Ecosystems, Moss Landing, CA, 2001
California State University: Marine Science in the CSU: Achieving Faculty and Institutional
Excellence, Moss Landing, CA 2002
California Coastal Commission Technical Review Workshop for the San Onofre Nuclear
Generating Station Mitigation Projects, San Clemente, CA, 2003
California Department of Fish & Game Cooperative Research for the Assessment of Near-shore
Ecosystems, Los Alamitos, CA 2003
California Department of Fish & Game Cooperative Research for the Assessment of Near-shore
Ecosystems, Ventura, CA 2004
Natural Geography in Shore Areas (NaGISA), San Diego, CA 2004
National Science Foundation / National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration
Comparative Analysis of Marine Ecosystem Organization (CAMEO) Workshop on Predatorprey Interactions in Marine Ecosystems, Corvallis, OR 2010
CSU Council on Ocean Affairs, Science, and Technology (COAST) Geospatial Research,
Education and Technology Network Workshop, Monterey, CA 2012
CSU Council on Ocean Affairs, Science, and Technology (COAST) Environmental Effects on
Marine Life Network Workshop, Long Beach, CA, 2012
Curriculum Vitae: Todd W. Anderson
California State University System
Member, Interim Working Group, CSU Council on Ocean Affairs, Science and Technology
(COAST), 2008 - 2009
SDSU representative to CSU Council on Ocean Affairs, Science, and Technology (COAST), 2009present
CSU Council on Ocean Affairs, Science, and Technology (COAST) Executive Board, 2014-present
Coastal Waters Lab Planning Committee, 2001-07
Alternate for Academic Senate, 2003-05
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, 2004-present (Chair, 2013-present)
Faculty Development Program Committee, 2005
Committee Member, Undergraduate Honors Thesis of Jamie Savoie, 2015
College of Sciences
Member, Diving Control Board 1999-present (Chair, 1999-2003, 2014-present)
Judge, 1st-5th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, 2000-04
Coastal Waters Lab Advisory Committee, 2001-07
Undergraduate Advisor for Oceanography Program / Graduate Advisor for Oceanography &
Marine Studies Specialization, 2001-present
Director, Coastal and Marine Institute, 2008-present
Department of Biology 6th Annual Fall Symposium Presentation, 2000
Marine Animal Ecologist Search Committee, 2000-01
Department of Biology Curriculum Committee, 2000-03
Advisor for Marine Plant/Algal Ecologist Search Committee, 2001
Representative for Department of Biology in Workshop for Coastal Waters Laboratory on San
Diego Bay, 2001
Ad Hoc Committee to Examine Restructuring Department, 2001-02
Committee Member, Undergraduate Honors Thesis of Rachel Kushner, 2002
Chair, Teaching Assistant Resource Allocation Taskforce, 2004-05
Policy and Planning Committee, 2004-10
Chair, Marine Ecotoxicologist Search Committee, 2005-06
Marine Ecologist Search Committee, 2007-08
Committee Member, Undergraduate Honors Thesis of Rachel Alderman, 2008
Advisor, Undergraduate Honors Thesis of James Farlin, 2009
Ecology Program Area
Long-term Planning Committee, 1999-2013
Curriculum Committee, 2000-03
Sponsor of Adjunct Faculty Members (Dr. Craig Barilotti 2000-02, Dr. Stephen Schroeter 2000present)
Coordinator of Seminar in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Fall 2001
Course Assessment Committee, 2001
Faculty Mentor for Dr. Matt Edwards, 2002-07
Ecology M.S. Program Graduate Advisor, 2002-12
Curriculum Vitae: Todd W. Anderson
Farris Travel Award & PEEF Student Fund Committee, 2002-12
Space Committee, 2002-12 (Chair, 2005-12)
Ad Hoc Committee to Examine Combining Ecology and Evolutionary Program Areas, 2003
Joint-doctoral Program in Ecology Executive Committee, 2004-12