MINUTES OF A MEETING OF CYNGOR TREF ABERAERON HELD ON TUESDAY 14TH APRIL 2015 AT COMMITTEE ROOM 1, MEMORIAL HALL, ABERAERON PRESENT: Councillor Elizabeth Evans (Chairman); Councillors Phillip Davies, Mair Harrison, Neris Lloyd and Eleri Thomas, Michael Welham and Thomas Williams. Mr Denfer Morgan, Clerk to the Council. 1898. APOLOGIES Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Rhys Davies, Owenna James and Meirion Jones. 1899. NATURAL RESOURCES WALES The Chairman welcomed to the Meeting Jenny Higgins of Natural Resources Wales who had been invited to attend to outline the Agency’s draft proposals for the establishment of Special Area of Conservation and Special Protection Area in Cardigan Bay. Ms Higgins explained that the designation was in respect of one species, namely the harbour porpoise and that a full formal consultation exercise would commence in the summer, with a decision probably being made in December 2015. It was important that all interested parties made their views known during this consultation period. She distributed a copy of a booklet produced in support of the proposal and referred to the forthcoming drop-in session at Llwyncelyn Hall on 29 April. 1900. DISCLOSURES OF PERSONAL AND PREJUDICIAL INTERESTS Councillor David Jones and Thomas Williams disclosed a personal and prejudicial interest in planning application A150072 referred to in minute 1904 below and left the Committee Room during the discussion thereon. 1901. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 10th MARCH 2015 It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the monthly meeting held on 10th February 2015 and they were then signed as being a correct record by the Chairman. 1902. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MEETING HELD ON 10TH MARCH 2015 Minute 1889– Aberaeron TIC. Councillor Elizabeth Evans stated that a request had been made that the notice on the door clearly display that the Centre was open on Sundays. 1903. FINANCE It was RESOLVED to approve the following invoices for payment and cheques were later signed:1 One Voice Wales Clerk’s Finance Training SSE/SWALEC Lôn-yr-Hafan Feeder Pillar £35.00 £11.01 1904. PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED Consideration was given to Planning Application A150072 Oxford Street Surgery, Hafan Lane, Aberaeron. Change of use of former doctor’s surgery [Use Class D1] to offices [Use Class B1]. It was RESOLVED not to object to the application subject to drawing attention to the need to recognise existing parking rights in its vicinity. 1905. 2015-16 SERVICES Consideration was given to the Note prepared by the Clerk summarising the current position with regard to services being provided or financed during 2015-16 and it was RESOLVED as follows: a) to accept the price received from Paul Hughes in the sum of £670 in respect of footpath trashing (two cuts) b) to accept the price received from Ceredigion County Council for grass cutting at Parc-y-fro in the sum of £1657.61 c) to make further enquiries with Martin Shewring of Aberystwyth in respect of the inspection of playground equipment d) to sign the cheque for £4000 in respect of the contribution to the Aberaeron Secondary School District Swimming Pool and Recreational Project e) to appoint the serving Mayor as the Council’s representative on the Swimming Pool Management Committee f) to accept the price submitted by Advanced Forestry and Garden Services in the sum of £125 for undertaking a tree survey at Alltygraig woodland g) to note that invoices were awaited from Ceredigion County Council in respect of the following: South Beach Toilets Flower Displays Aberaeron TIC 1906. MID WALES HOUSING It was RESOLVED to note the launch of the Mid Wales Housing ‘Shared Ownership with a Safety Net’ consultation on 24 April. 1907. MINI CAR EVENT Consideration was given to a request to support the closure of Cadwgan Place and Quay Parade for a mini car event on Bank Holiday Sunday 24 May to complement the Fun Run. Following discussion, it was RESOLVED to support the request for this year and to monitor its success. 1908. ONE VOICE WALES RESPONSE TO WALES GOVERNMENT WHITE PAPER ON LOCAL GOVERNMENT REORGANISATION 2 It was RESOLVED to note the One Voice Wales response and to convene prior to the deadline for responses in order to produce a response on behalf of the Council. 1909. REPORT OF COUNTY COUNCILLOR ELIZABETH EVANS Councillor Evans referred to the following: the on-going work of the car parks task and finish group to secure greater consistency throughout the County, with a permanent sign to be placed at Penmorfa to publicise the parking facility at weekends action being taken with regard to fly-tipping bank holiday refuse collection arrangements – it was felt that leaflets were still needed for holiday lets, for example, as bags were still being put out early. 1910. ANY OTHER COMPETENT BUSINESS Matters raised by the Members included the following: the need to replace the sign at the Square Field Playground restricting its use to young children the need to ascertain the position with regard to the surface of the wooden bridge continuing visibility problems at Alban Square / North Road and Regent Street / junctions, including the parking layout and the failure to police parking on double yellow lines at Regent Street. Councillor Evans stated that the parking issue was included for consideration as part of the County Council on-street parking review problems for patients seeking parking spaces to attend the Tanyfron Surgery. The meeting closed at 7.45 pm. 3