Name: ________________________________________ Periods: ____________ Date: ___________________________ Vocabulary List #3-Week #1Wildcats Stem Definition Words Origin homo same homogenize, homonym, homophone, homologous, homozygous Greek spec look spectacles, specter, specious, spectrum, respect, inspect, prospectus Latin duct lead conduct, ductile, induct, product, reduction, deduction, reproduction Latin fer carry transfer, infer, refer, defer, conifer, Lucifer, aquifer, auriferous Latin pend hang pending, pendulum, pendant, impending, depend, pendulous, suspend Latin micro small micron, microscope, microwave, microphone, microcosm, microbiotic Greek hydro water hydroplane, hydroponics, dehydrate, hydrant, hydrogen, hydrophobia Greek photo light photograph, photometer, photon, photogenic, photosynthesis Greek pan all panorama, panoply, pandemic, pantheism, pantheon, Pan-American Greek penta five pentagram, pentagon, pentameter, pentathlon, pentarchy, pentahedron Greek tele far telescope, telephone, telekinesis, telepathy, teleology, telethesia, telex Greek vid look video, invidious, Montevideo, evidence, provide, videogenic, vide, videlicet Latin omni all omnifarious, omnipotent, omnivorous, omniscient, omnibus, omnipresent Latin ex out exit, except, excise, exculpate, elucidate, exorbitant, eccentric, enumerate Latin poly many polyphony, polygyny, polygamy, allopolyploidy, polyvalent Greek re again return, review, retouch, reiterate, retail, revive, regenerate, regurgitate Latin hypo under hypodermic, hypocrite, hypotenuse, hypothermia, hypothesis Greek pseudo false pseudonym, pseudopod, pseudomorphic, pseudoscience, pseudoevent Greek neuro nerve neuron, neurosurgeon, neurosis, neurology, neuralgia, neurotomy Greek tomy cut tonsillectomy, appendectomy, neurotomy, dichotomy, anatomy, lobotomy Greek hema blood hematic, hematite, hematology, hematoma, hemal, hematogenesis Greek proto first protoplasm, prototype, protozoa, proton, protohuman, protomorphic Greek phon sound symphony, telephone, phonetic, phonograph, euphony, cacophony Greek mono one monotonous, monomania, monocular, monogamous, monolithic, monotone Greek viv life vivid, vivisection, vivacious, convivial, bon vivant, viva, viviparous, revive Greek Week 1 Assignments (check off each as you finish): □ Create a flashcard for each stem □ Review/Study all flashcards (at least 5 minutes/day) □ Complete List 3 Sentences □ Complete List 3 Review List 3 Sentences Directions: Write the meaning of each bolded word. Try to use the meaning of the stem and context clues. Make sure the definition fits in the sentences and makes sense! HIGHLIGHT THE STEM MEANING OF THE STEM IN THE DEFINITION YOU WRITE!-NOT OPTIONAL Example: Unearned income must be reported to the Internal Revenue Service unearned: not earned 1. The English language contains many homophones like two and too. 2. It was a specious argument, but it sounded convincing. 3. The youth was inducted into the army. homophone: _________________________________________________ 4. The transfer was made in the darkness of a moonless light. 5. The patent is still pending on that product. 6. The two bacteria were only a micron apart. 7. The fire hydrant stood in front of the school. 8. An overexposure to the sun’s photons gave her sunburn. 9. The god Apollo was a member of the Greek pantheon. 10. He wore a pentagram on his sleeve, not a pentagon. transfer: ____________________________________________________ 11. The strange boy could move distant objects by telekinesis. 12. The kids played video games for hours. telekinesis: ___________________________________________________ 13. The all-consuming furry muncher had an omnivorous appetite. 14. The surgeon was able to excise the tissue with a scalpel. 15. Johan Sebastian Bach composed polyphonic music. 16. His new novel was carefully reviewed by the literary critic. 17. The crash victims suffered hypothermia on the frozen tundra. 18. The amoeba used its pseudopods to move across the surface. 19. The brain is said to contain more than 100 billion neurons. 20. Single-celled animals are known as protozoa. omnivorous: _________________________________________________ specious: ____________________________________________________ inducted: ____________________________________________________ pending: ____________________________________________________ micron: _____________________________________________________ hydrant: ____________________________________________________ photons: ____________________________________________________ pantheon: ___________________________________________________ pentagram: __________________________________________________ pentagon: ___________________________________________________ video: _______________________________________________________ excise: ______________________________________________________ polyphonic: __________________________________________________ reviewed: ___________________________________________________ hypothermia: ________________________________________________ pseudopods: _________________________________________________ neurons: ____________________________________________________ protozoa: ____________________________________________________ Part 2 Directions: Read each sentence and based on the context of the sentence and the meaning of the stem choose the best dictionary definition or thesaurus synonym. _______ 21. The clown received an emergency appendectomy in the medical tent a. removal of an arm or leg b. appendix transplant c. appendix stitches d. removal of the appendix _______ 22. Iron ore is called hematite because of its deep red color. a. a red mineral b. an animal with red fur c. a red liquid d. a red dirt c. a group of musicians playing brass instruments d. a cacophony of sounds _______ 23. Musicians play together in a symphony. a. a harmony of sounds b. a group of musicians playing stringed instruments _______ 24. The German prince peered through his gold-rimmed monocular. a. a device for use with one arm b. a device for use with one eye c. a device used to treat blindness d. glasses with one level of magnification _______ 25. Laws against vivisection prevent cruelty to animals. a. harming live humans b. examination of live animals c. cutting a living body d. separating animals from their families List 2 Review Fill in the Blank: Fill in the blank with the correct word. You will not use all of the words in the word bank Word Bank: captor bicentennials dismiss braggart admission sluggard centuries capture 1. Hundreds of___________________________ ago the cavemen made fires. 2. The class was very noisy when the bell rang causing the teacher to wait to _________________________ them. 3. The camera was able to _______________________ amazingly clear images of the tiny hummingbird 4. Fran started acting like a ___________________, causing her to lose her job. Name: ________________________________________ Periods: ____________ Date: ___________________________ List 3 Week #1 Illini Stem Definition Words Origin homo same homogenize, homonym, homophone, homologous, homozygous Greek spec look spectacles, specter, specious, spectrum, respect, inspect, prospectus Latin micro small micron, microscope, microwave, microphone, microcosm, microbiotic Greek hydro water hydroplane, hydroponics, dehydrate, hydrant, hydrogen, hydrophobia Greek photo light photograph, photometer, photon, photogenic, photosynthesis Greek penta five pentagram, pentagon, pentameter, pentathlon, pentarchy, pentahedron Greek tele far telescope, telephone, telekinesis, telepathy, teleology, telethesia, telex Greek vid look video, invidious, Montevideo, evidence, provide, videogenic, vide, videlicet Latin omni all omnifarious, omnipotent, omnivorous, omniscient, omnibus, omnipresent Latin poly many polyphony, polygyny, polygamy, allopolyploidy, polyvalent Greek re again return, review, retouch, reiterate, retail, revive, regenerate, regurgitate Latin pseudo false pseudonym, pseudopod, pseudomorphic, pseudoscience, pseudoevent Greek phon sound symphony, telephone, phonetic, phonograph, euphony, cacophony Greek mono one monotonous, monomania, monocular, monogamous, monolithic, monotone Greek viv life vivid, vivisection, vivacious, convivial, bon vivant, viva, viviparous, revive Greek Week 1 Assignments (check off each as you finish): □ □ □ □ Create a flashcard for each stem (front-stem and clue word, back-definition) Review/Study all flashcards (5 minutes/day) Complete List 3 Sentences Complete List 2 Review List 2 Review Part 2 : Fill in the Blank: Fill in the blank with the correct word. You will not use all of the words in the word bank Word Bank: bicentennials precise excise herbicide herbology centuries revolution counterrevolution 1. Hundreds of___________________________ ago the cavemen made fires. 2. My mom considered using a ______________________ to get rid of some weeds in her garden. 3. In order to __________________ the mole on my face I went to a dermatologist. 4. Over two hundred years later it is still important to study the lessons of the American ________________________. List 3 Sentences Directions: Write the meaning of each bolded word. Try to use the meaning of the stem and context clues. Make sure the definition fits in the sentences and makes sense! HIGHLIGHT THE MEANING OF THE STEM IN THE DEFINITION YOU WRITE!-NOT OPTIONAL Example: Unearned income must be reported to the Internal Revenue Service unearned: not earned 1. The English language contains many homophones like two and too. 2. It was a specious argument, but it sounded convincing. 3. The two bacteria were only a micron apart. 4. The fire hydrant stood in front of the school. 5. An overexposure to the sun’s photons gave her a sunburn. 6. He wore a pentagram on his sleeve, not a pentagon. homophone: _________________________________________________ 7. The strange boy could move distant objects by telekinesis. 8. The kids played video games for hours. telekinesis: ___________________________________________________ 9. The all-consuming furry muncher had an omnivorous appetite. 10. Johan Sebastian Bach composed polyphonic music. 11. His new novel was carefully reviewed by the literary critic. 12. The amoeba used its pseudopods to move across the surface. omnivorous: _________________________________________________ specious: ____________________________________________________ micron: _____________________________________________________ hydrant: ____________________________________________________ photons: ____________________________________________________ pentagram: __________________________________________________ pentagon: ___________________________________________________ video: _______________________________________________________ polyphonic: __________________________________________________ reviewed: ___________________________________________________ pseudopods: _________________________________________________ Part 2 Directions: Read each sentence and based on the context of the sentence and the meaning of the stem choose the best dictionary definition or thesaurus synonym. _______ 13. Musicians play together in a symphony. a. a harmony of sounds b. a group of musicians playing stringed instruments c. a group of musicians playing brass instruments d. a concert hall _______ 14. The German prince peered through his gold-rimmed monocular. a. a device for use with one arm b. a device for use with one eye c. a device used to treat blindness d. glasses with one level of magnification _______ 15. Laws against vivisection prevent cruelty to animals. a. harming live humans b. examination of live animals c. cutting a living body d. separating animals from their families Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________ Periods: ______________________ List 3 Huskies-Week 1 Stem Definition Words Origin spec look spectacles, specter, specious, spectrum, respect, inspect, prospectus Latin micro small micron, microscope, microwave, microphone, microcosm, microbiotic Greek hydro water hydroplane, hydroponics, dehydrate, hydrant, hydrogen, hydrophobia Greek penta five pentagram, pentagon, pentameter, pentathlon, pentarchy, pentahedron Greek tele far telescope, telephone, telekinesis, telepathy, teleology, telethesia, telex Greek vid look video, invidious, Montevideo, evidence, provide, videogenic, vide, videlicet Latin omni all omnifarious, omnipotent, omnivorous, omniscient, omnibus, omnipresent Latin poly many polyphony, polygyny, polygamy, allopolyploidy, polyvalent Greek re again return, review, retouch, reiterate, retail, revive, regenerate, regurgitate Latin pseudo false pseudonym, pseudopod, pseudomorphic, pseudoscience, pseudoevent Greek phon sound symphony, telephone, phonetic, phonograph, euphony, cacophony Greek mono one monotonous, monomania, monocular, monogamous, monolithic, monotone Greek Week 1 Assignments (check off each as you finish): □ Create a flashcard for each stem □ Review/Study all flashcards (at least 5 minutes/day) □ Complete List 3 Sentences □ Complete List 2 Review List 3 Sentences Directions: Write the meaning of each bolded word. Try to use the meaning of the stem and context clues. Make sure the definition fits in the sentences and makes sense! HIGHLIGHT THE MEANING OF THE STEM IN THE DEFINITION YOU WRITE!-NOT OPTIONAL Example: Unearned income must be reported to the Internal Revenue Service unearned: not earned 1. It was a specious argument, but it sounded convincing. specious: ____________________________________________________ 2. The two bacteria were only a micron apart. micron: _____________________________________________________ 3. The fire hydrant stood in front of the school. 4. He wore a pentagram on his sleeve, not a pentagon. hydrant: ____________________________________________________ 5. The strange boy could move distant objects by telekinesis. 6. The kids played video games for hours. telekinesis: ___________________________________________________ 7. The all-consuming furry muncher had an omnivorous appetite. 8. Johan Sebastian Bach composed polyphonic music. 9. His new novel was carefully reviewed by the literary critic. 10. The amoeba used its pseudopods to move across the surface. omnivorous: _________________________________________________ pentagram: __________________________________________________ pentagon: ___________________________________________________ video: _______________________________________________________ polyphonic: __________________________________________________ reviewed: ___________________________________________________ pseudopods: _________________________________________________ Part 2 Directions: Read each sentence and based on the context of the sentence and the meaning of the stem choose the best dictionary definition or thesaurus synonym. _______ 11. Musicians play together in a symphony. a. a harmony of sounds b. a group of musicians playing stringed instruments c. a group of musicians playing brass instruments d. a concert hall _______ 12. The German prince peered through his gold-rimmed monocular. a. a device for use with one arm b. a device for use with one eye c. a device used to treat blindness d. glasses with one level of magnification List 2 Review Part 2 : Fill in the Blank: Fill in the blank with the correct word. You will not use all of the words in the word bank Word Bank: bicentennials excise herbology autobiography precise herbicide centuries biography 1. Hundreds of___________________________ ago the cavemen made fires. 2. My mom considered using a ______________________ to get rid of some weeds in her garden. 3. In order to __________________ the mole on my face I went to a dermatologist. 4. Even though I’m only 12 I decided to write my own _________________________________ to share all of my amazing life stories. Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________ Periods: ______________________ List 3 Week 1-Redbirds Stem Definition Words Origin spec look spectacles, respect, inspect Latin micro small microscope, microwave, microphone Greek hydro water dehydrate, hydrant, hydrogen Greek penta five pentagram, pentagon, pentameter Greek vid look video, evidence Latin poly many polyphony, polygamy, polytheistic Greek phon sound symphony, telephone, euphony Greek mono one monotonous, monopoly, monochrome Greek Week 1 Assignments (check off each as you finish): □ Create a flashcard for each stem □ Review/Study all flashcards (at least 5 minutes/day) □ Complete List 3 Sentences □ Complete List 3 Review Definitions Sentences monochrome (adj) one color The blue, monochrome painting was boring. monopoly (n) control by one person or by one company Thomas Rich had a monopoly on all the real estate in the center of the city. The teacher drew a star-shaped pentagram on all the papers with perfect scores. The colorful quilt was polychromatic. pentagram (n) any figure made of five lines polychromatic (adj) having many colors polytheistic (adj) the belief in more than one religion or god microphone (n) a device that changes sound waves to electrical impulses so they can be recorded or amplified microbe (n) a very small living thing, especially bacteria; a germ hydrophobia (n) fear of water speculate (v) to think about something; viewing it from different points of view spectrum (n) colored bands that are arranged by their wave lengths when a white light passes through a prism. phonetics (n)the study of speech sounds video (n) something that has been recorded to be watched (ex. movie, TV, or music performance) The ancient Greeks and Egyptians had polytheistic religions with gods and goddesses for different forces in nature. You’ll need to turn the volume down if you don’t want to get a screeching noise through the microphone. A small microbe that was found in the drinking water was responsible for the illness. His hydrophobia prevented him from ever learning how to swim. She speculated about her chances of getting the part in the play. The spectrum of the rainbow changed from yellow to purple. After studying phonetics, she was able to spell and read better. I was able to capture the amazing scenery of Yellowstone on video. List 3 Sentences: Directions: Fill in the blanks using the correct vocabulary words. Word Bank: video polychromatic speculate symphony microbe monopoly hydrant spectator pentagram dehydrate 1. I was unable to see the sky so I was unable to ________________________ as to whether it was a full moon. 2. By the end of the game of ___________________my dad was the only one to control the hotels. 3. The scientist believed the disease was spread by a small _____________________________. 4. If you are listening to a ________________________ you are probably listening to group play music. 5. The city allowed us to use a fire _______________________ to fill our pool with water. 6. I chose to be a _____________________ at the tennis match and look at the action instead of participating. 7. I prefer to watch ________________________ television as opposed to the ancient black and white picture. 8. I had my mom make a ___________________________ of my soccer game so I could look at my playing. 9. Athletes can __________________________ very quickly in hot weather and it is important they drink water. 10. During our last geometry unit my teacher asked me to draw a ___________________________ with five sides. List 2 Review: Fill in the Blank: Fill in the blank with the correct word. You will not use all of the words in the word bank Word Bank: autograph autobiography bibliography biography credible scribble credit 11. I couldn’t believe the author left so many events out of Thomas Jefferson’s _____________________________. 12. I nervously asked the celebrity for her ____________________________. 13. The dolphin trainer was a very _________________ source on aquatic animals. 14. Due to a lack of a _____________________ I had no way of knowing where the student got her information for her research report.