Logic Puzzle Project - Fort Bend ISD / Homepage

Logic Puzzle Project
The project is a major grade and is divided into two parts: (1) the creation of a logic puzzle, and (2)
The puzzle and form are due at the
beginning of class on _____________.
the solution of a four teacher written puzzles.
Part I – Creation of the Logic Puzzle
1) Write a sequence of six linked if-then sentences in the first section of the form provided.
2) In the second section of the form provided, disguise the sentences by rewriting them in
equivalent forms. Use variety so that no two sentences are of the same type. There should be no
sentences that use the word “if” to introduce the hypothesis. One sentence must be a
contrapositive. One sentence must have the hypothesis at the end of the sentence. For example,
one sentence could start with “no,” one with “all,” and others could have a synonym for “if” or for
3) In the third section of the form provided, rearrange the disguised sentences to make a puzzle.
(This is basically the answer key to your puzzle)
4) Prepare the display puzzle by using 8.5” by 11” paper (this is the size of typical computer paper).
Give your puzzle a title. Your name, your teacher’s name, and your class period should be written
on the back of this puzzle. The theorem should NOT be stated on either side of the display
puzzle. Decorate your puzzle appropriately – you may mount it on contrasting paper but the final
display should be 8.5” by 11” (construction paper is usually 9” by 12” so you will need to trim it).
5) Turn in the rubric (with your name filled in), the form provided (with the three sections
completed), and your display puzzle.
Part II – Solution/Evaluation Part
In class, you will be given four teacher-written puzzles to evaluate.
Part III – Final Project Grade
Your final grade will be determined by combining your evaluation of each teacher written puzzle which
are worth up to 10 points each, and your own puzzle which is worth up to 60 points.
Logic Puzzle Rubric
Original Puzzle + Solving Teacher Puzzles = Project Grade
(60 points)
_____________ = _____________
(40 points)
(possible 100 points)
Original Puzzle
Accuracy (Linking/translation)
(possible 30 points) _____________
Variety of Statements
(possible 25 points)_____________
Display of puzzle (correct size, neatness, pictures, etc.)
(possible 5 points)_____________
(lose 1 point)_______
Heading (name, teacher’s name, period#, on back)
(lose 1 point for each)_______
Spelling errors
(lose 1 point for each error)_______
Exactly 6 sentences
(lose 2 points for each extra
and 10 points for each missing sentence)_______
Sentences are scrambled
(lose 5 points for every two already in order)_______
Evaluation of Teacher’s Puzzles
(total points lost cannot be more than 40)
Each of the four teacher puzzles is worth 10 points if solved correctly
Logic Puzzle Project
I. Original If-Then Sentences
Write your sequence of six linked if-then sentences below. State the theorem on the line provided.
II. Disguise Your Sentences
Disguise the sentences by rewriting them in equivalent forms. Use variety so that no two sentences
are of the same type. One sentence must be a contrapositive. One sentence must have the
hypothesis at the end of the sentence. There should not be any sentences beginning with if.
III. “Scrambled” Sentences
Copy your disguised sentences above but put them in a different order. No sentence should end up in
the same position that it started nor should any sentences be in sequence. In the space to the left,
write the number where the sentence should appear when sequenced correctly. If you have a
contrapositive, write a C by the number.
These six sentences are now ready to put on your decorated puzzle. If you have followed directions,
the numbers in the list you wrote in part III are the solution to your puzzle.