Interest Packet

5-7th Grade Chinese 2
Term Three
Interest Packet
Upon successful completion of this term, you should be able to:
1. Talk about various issues
2. Write short articles in the target language
3. Do 1-2 minutes oral presentation to express your ideas in the target language
4. Memorize characters taught in the course and comprehend readings related to learned
5. Master YCT levels 1, 2, and 3 words
Term Introduction
You’ll cover Chinese Made Easy Book 2 lesson 7 of Unit 2 this term and Unit 3. There are 4
lessons, includes approximately 60 new characters, 80+ new words and 10+ sentence
patterns. Also, there are three pieces of simple texts introducing China and its culture and
customs (春节/端午节/中秋节). You will improve your Chinese skills in the areas of
speaking, listening, reading, and writing, and will make gains in the acquisition of
vocabulary and grammar. You have to make a grade of C in order to be promoted to the
next level of Chinese class.
Topic(s) review
7. 我最喜欢过寒假。I like winter vacation the best.
8. 我的爱好是听音乐。My hobby is listening to music.
9. 他打篮球打得最好。He is the best at playing basketball.
10. 她喜欢弹吉他。She likes to play the guitar.
Essential Words and Sentence Structures
1. Duration of time & Duration of an action:
2. Correlative words:
3. Sentence Pattern: 看上去
4. Structural auxiliary word: 得
5. Measure word: 次
Skills List
Skills should be developed (or further developed) by the end of this term. As the role of being a
young scholar, you should be able to respect others and be punctual for class. You are required
to bring the textbook and notebook for all classes.
Speaking Skills
 Using available resources to support production of an original text, e.g. cue cards,
notes, photos, and multimedia.
 Using modeled language and formulaic expressions to initiate and maintain
 Presenting or requesting information in ways appropriate to the purpose, e.g.
announcement, transaction, informal conversation, interview.
 Using appropriate intonation, pronunciation, stress and rhythm when speaking.
Reading Skills
 Searching for and selecting relevant information in order to respond to question
 Recognizing the purpose of a text from the way it is structured, e.g. message,
 Accessing available resources to assist in comprehending a text, e.g. word lists,
glossaries, dictionaries.
 Recording, organizing and presenting information in different formats, e.g. charts,
graphs, picture sequences.
Listening Skills
 Understanding purpose and context, e.g. by identifying key words and textual clues,
roles and relationships of participants.
 Using textual features to support understanding, e.g. identifying key topic areas or
questions and the sequence of ideas.
Recording, organizing and presenting information in different formats, e.g. charts,
graphs, picture sequences.
● Responding appropriately in familiar situations, e.g. confirming, requesting
repetition, seeking clarification.
Writing Skills
 Applying specific rules of grammar and access appropriate vocabulary to construct
● Using available resources to support the construction of new texts, e.g. dictionaries,
word lists, sentence models.
Study Materials:
1. Chinese Made Easy Textbook 2 (Simplified Characters Version)
2. Chinese Made Easy Workbook 2 (Simplified Characters Version)
3. Chinese Notebook
Day by Day
Class Format:
There are 3.5 hours of class each week. Usually, each lesson will take 7-8 hours to finish.
The first 2-3 hours will concentrate on the explanation of vocabulary, grammar points &
the text; the 3rd-7th hours will be pattern practice, drill, mini-dialogue &presentation;
reading exercises, reproducing the text in your own words, etc. There will be two to three
quizzes per lesson. After finishing two lessons, an oral and written test on the lesson will
be given.
Lesson 7 I like winter vacation the best
 Explanation of vocabulary, grammar points & the text
Homework: ① Recite the new words ② Practice 4 sentence patterns: Make 3 De(得)
sentences; He looks like…(看上去(像)) sentences; Emphasizes the past action, time,
place, etc. (是~的) sentences; Measure word(次) sentences
 Words Review, pattern practice, drill, mini-dialogue
Quiz 7 (Listening & Vocabulary)
Homework: Presentation- Introduce a past winter vacation with more complicated
vocabulary and sentence patterns we learnt in this lesson. Writing Lesson 7 characters
 Textbook Exercises: Section 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Homework: L7 Workbook
 Term 2 L1-L3 Review Lesson
Lesson 8 My hobby is listening to music
 Explanation of vocabulary, grammar points & the text
Homework: ① Recite the new words ②Practice 3 sentence patterns: Make 3 Yihuir(一
会儿) sentences; after finishing…(~完~以后,~) sentences; both, all(都) sentences
Words Review, pattern practice, drill, mini-dialogue
Quiz 8(Listening & Vocabulary)
Homework: Presentation- Introduce your winter vacation with more complicated
vocabulary and sentence patterns we learnt in this lesson. Writing Lesson 8 characters
Textbook Exercises: Section 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Homework: L8 Workbook
Term 2 L4-L5 Review Lesson
Lesson 9 He is the best at playing basketball
 Explanation of vocabulary, grammar points & the text
Homework: ① Recite the new words ② Practice 3 sentence patterns: Make 3
Gen(He)~yiqi~(跟(和)~一起) sentences; Fenzhong(分钟) sentences;
 Words Review, pattern practice, drill, mini-dialogue
Quiz 9 (Listening & Vocabulary)
Homework: Presentation- Introduce your hobbies with more complicated vocabulary
and sentence patterns we learnt in this lesson. Writing Lesson 9 characters
 Textbook Exercises: Section 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Homework: L9 Workbook
 Term 3 L6-L7 Review Lesson
Lesson 10 She likes to play the guitar
 Explanation of vocabulary, grammar points & the text
Homework: ① Recite the new words ② Practice 3 sentence patterns: Make 3
Chule~yiwai(除了~以外) sentences; Yibian~yibian~(一边~一边~)sentences;
Words Review, pattern practice, drill, mini-dialogue
Quiz 10 (Listening & Vocabulary)
Homework: Presentation- Introduce someone else’s hobbies with more complicated
vocabulary and sentence patterns we learnt in this lesson. Writing Lesson 10
Textbook Exercises: Section 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Homework: L10 Workbook
Term 2 L8-L9 Review Lesson
Daily Schedule
Lesson 7
Day 1:
 To introduce the new vocabularies.
 To review the new vocabularies.
Day 2:
 To learn grammar
 To practice the dialogue
 To write characters
Day 3:
 To learn grammar
 To practice the dialogue and sentences
 To do textbook practice
Day 4:
 To learn grammar
 To learn the text and answer the question
 To practice calligraphy
Day 5:
 To check the answer of workbook and answer the question
Lesson 8
Day 1:
 To introduce the new vocabularies.
 To review the new vocabularies.
Day 2:
 To learn grammar
 To practice the dialogue
 To write characters
Day 3:
 To learn grammar
 To practice the dialogue and sentences
 To do textbook practice
Day 4:
 To learn grammar
 To learn the text and answer the question
 To practice calligraphy
Day 5:
 To check the answer of workbook and answer the question
Lesson 9
Day 1:
 To introduce the new vocabularies.
 To review the new vocabularies.
Day 2:
 To learn grammar
 To practice the dialogue
 To write characters
Day 3:
 To learn grammar
 To practice the dialogue and sentences
 To do textbook practice
Day 4:
 To learn grammar
 To learn the text and answer the question
 To practice calligraphy
Day 5:
 To check the answer of workbook and answer the question
Lesson 10
Day 1:
 To introduce the new vocabularies.
 To review the new vocabularies.
Day 2:
 To learn grammar
 To practice the dialogue
 To write characters
Day 3:
 To learn grammar
 To practice the dialogue and sentences
 To do textbook practice
Day 4:
 To learn grammar
 To learn the text and answer the question
 To practice calligraphy
Day 5:
 To check the answer of workbook and answer the question
 To review Unit 2
Day 6:
 To test Unit 2
Assessments and Projects
Grade Distribution
Class Participation
Writing Assessment
Speech Project
Your final grade will be determined in the following way:
Class Participation:
Attendance and active participation are required in the class. No
make up assignments will be given. It is the responsibility of the
student to find out what material was covered when he/she misses a
class. Please contact the teacher or another student if you have
questions. In addition to daily review and preparation outside of the
classroom, constant listening and speaking exercises in class are
required to learn the language well. Your daily participation is the key
to obtaining maximum practice, and it counts for 30% of your grade.
This will be given after each lesson has been taught. And various
expressions in earlier books are encouraged. Students will attend a Quiz
using various materials such as
Flashcards/Learn/Speller/Test/Scatter/Space Race etc. It will be 15% of
your grade.
Writing Assessment:
This makes up 30% of your grade. You will be responsible for the
completion of all textbook exercises and workbook exercises indicated on
the weekly schedule, as well as those assigned by the teacher. All tasks are
proceeding in the class, but incomplete task will be assigned for
Speech Project:
Final project will be assigned by the end of each term, which includes oral
test, handmade work, research topic and Presentation. They will be 25%
of your final grade.
★ Day by Day daily plan is adjustable and flexible based on content of textbook and
assessment standards as well as depending on actual student progress and class