Masterclass HYPE and Transitional Psychiatry

We are delighted to announce a second Masterclass HYPE
(Help Young People Early) in relation to transitional psychiatry.
Helping Young People Early
Masterclass HYPE and Transitional Psychiatry
This masterclass will take place on September 23rd 2015 from
09.30-13.00 in Utrecht. This masterclass is an opportunity for mental
health care professionals from Virenze and external mental health care
organizations to learn more in depth about the HYPE and CAT models
developed in Australia and the UK.
This HYPE approach will also be presented on “De Nationale GGZ
Kennisdag” September 22nd 2015.
September 23rd 2015: 09.30 AM-13.00 PM
Trimbos Institute, Utrecht
Andrew Chanen and Therese van Amelsvoort
The Masterclass will be held at the Trimbos Institute, Utrecht,
The Netherlands.
This Masterclass is an initiative of the Trimbos-institute and Virenze.
We are looking forward to see you!
Drs. Frans van Mierlo, senior advisor, Trimbos-institute
Prof. Dr. Therese van Amelsvoort, chairwoman of the Masterclass,
Consultant Psychiatrist and Professor Transitional Psychiatry
An Early intervention method for young people in
transition to adulthood
9.00 AM:
Reception and coffee
9.30 AM:
Welcome and opening by Prof. Dr. Th. van
Amelsvoort, chairwoman
Application form for the masterclass send to:
Sending in the form implies obligation to pay the fee
9.40 AM:
Session 1: HYPE model experiences and case
studies by Prof. Dr. A. Chanen
Registration fee
11.00 AM:
Reflection on Session 1 by Prof. Dr. Th. van
11.10 AM
CE credit
11.25 AM:
Session 2: HYPE and CAT training by Prof. Dr. A.
Is submitted for psychiatrists (NvVP), clinical psychologists and
psychotherapists (FvGzP), nurse practitioners (VSR)
12.30 PM:
Discussion panel and opportunities for the
future in transitional psychiatry
13.00 PM:
Closing and lunch
Mental health care professionals/specialists with a minimal
masters degree in psychology or psychiatry, nurse practitioners
For internal participants
For external participants
€ 0,€ 50,-
Trimbos Institute
Vincent van Goghzaal
Da Costakade 45
3521 VS Utrecht
Visit our websites for more information:
Background Presenters
Prof. Andrew Chanen
Prof. Therese van Amelsvoort
Professor Andrew Chanen and dr. Louise McCutcheon established the
‘HYPE program’ in Melbourne, Australia in 1999.
Professor Therese van Amelsvoort is a Consultant Psychiatrist at Virenze
& Mondriaan and a professor of Transitional Psychiatry at Maastricht
Andrew is a Consultant Psychiatrist and Head of Personality Disorder
Research at Orygen, the National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental
Health and the Centre for Youth Mental Health, The University of
Melbourne, Australia.
She is a CAT therapist trained at the York Clinic, Guy’s Hospital, London,
He is also Director of Clinical Services at Orygen Youth Health.