Cathedral School of St. Mary Eagle Express Newsletter +J.M.J. Month of Our Lady of Sorrows September 9, 2010 Principal Mary Margaret Hitt Vice-Principal Name Here Principal’s News Art Classes-Registration papers went home about after school art classes that begin on September 14. Call Mrs. Langley 477-9857. Capri Sun Pouches-Help our collection of these empty drink pouches. Send them to the office or to Early Childhood. Contents Principal’s News 1 Saints & Prayer Requests 1 Upcoming Events 1 Pre K 3 News 2 Pre K 4 News 2 Second Grade News 2 Third Grade News 2 Spanish News 3 Birthday Club Volunteers 3 Junior High News 3 Library News 4 Reflections 4 Upcoming Events Hearing, Vision, Scoliosis ScreeningsWe will have screenings on September 16 for all grades. If you child wears glasses or contacts make sure he or she wears them that day. Chess Club-Mr. Chateau will add CHESS to his game club day. Eagle Kudos-Thank you Cecilia Kolb who drew a great picture for me. It is on my door. Cecilia is in Mr. LeGros’s fourth grade class. Girl Scout Leaders Needed-We have students who want to be in Girl Scouts, but we need leaders. Anyone Thurs., 9/16Hearing, Vision, & Scoliosis Screenings-Wear your contacts or glasses! Thurs., 9/16Progress Reports go home Help With Transportation NeededWe have a parent who lives in zip code 78617 (Del Valle) who needs transportation for her Pre K 3 and second grade students. For more details, contact either Mrs. Hitt or Ruth Resendez at 512-229-8432. Protocol-Parents: I am very interested in your concerns; however, I need for you to follow protocol with these concerns. If you have an issue of any kind, please directly approach those involved. Do not skip straight to the principal or go even higher to the rector or the Catholic Schools Office. They will send you back to the first person involved as they, and sometimes I, do not know the issue to which you are seeking a remedy. Let’s make this a win-win for everyone. Saints & Prayer Requests Thurs., 9/9-St. Peter Claver Fri., 9/10-St. Nicholas of Torinto Wed., 9/15-School Mass hosted by fifth grade 9:45 A.M. interested? Contact Mrs. Hitt. Sat., 9/11-St. Adelphus Sun., 9/12- Bl. Apollinaris Mon., 9/13-St. John Chrysostom Tues., 9/14-The Exaltation of the Cross Wed., 9/15-St. Catherine of Genoa Please pray for the repose of the souls of the victims of 9/11 and their families. Also, let us always remember our troops who serve this great nation. Lord, hear our prayers! Praise Report! Thank you students, staff, and parents for your prayers and also for the intercession of the Blessed Mother and St. Jude. I had no broken bones, no stitches, and no bruises in my fall. I guess I simply have a hard head! Thank you third grade and Mrs. Haddad for the homemade card! Page 2 of 4 Grade Level News School Newsletter Pre K 3 News Pre K 3 will be learning about fire prevention. Our students will learn how and when to call 911 as well as how to Stop, Drop, and Roll. Our perfect Pre K 3 students are also discussing the Bible story of Noah and the Animals. Students continue with the letter “C” just so they get use to the routine. Thank you, Pre K 3, Mrs. Langley, and Mrs. Ruiz for doing such a great job! Pre K 4 News “Every good painter paints what he is.” Rembrandt “Mr. Chateau will add CHESS to his game club day.” We have met Ms. W and learned all the vocabulary words that she wears on her "wonderful wearable shirt.” We have also learned about the weather, painted rain clouds, and learned what the appropriate articles of clothing are depending on the weather. The children practiced their fine motor skills by coloring Ms. W, tracing the letter W/w and cutting circles. The children also exercised their gross motor skills (& had Second Grade News Deacon Schroeder’s second graders are in the midst of unpacking a great mystery. Daily they are learning more and more about the Holy Trinity. Heart and mind combine in this lifelong quest. Plants and seeds from home now provide second graders with abundant opportunities to employ lots of fun) while dancing to Ms. W's song! We wrapped up our lesson by making wonderful, wearable, word vests covered in "W" words. We have also been introduced to Ms. P and cannot wait to see what fun activities she has in store for us! Thank you to Kyan, Nicolas and Natalia for sharing the contents of their "Me Bag" & "Me Poster" so that we could get to know them better! Pre K 4 & Mrs. Anderson Rocks! Thank you Mrs. Raupp for assisting us as Mr. Fielder is our P.E. teacher. The P-k4 class is This askingweek for science skills. the students will make a detailed seed donations of used nature/animal life chart. that can be used by the children for aAfter variety of activities. lunch on Friday, Walter and Kay Green (Victoria’s grandparents) visited the class to sign and read for the children. Kudos and thanks for a wonderful presentation. Third Grade News Mrs. Haddad and her terrific third graders are having fun with learning! Third grade students are working with sentence structure and dividing sentences into subjects and predicates. For the month of September, the boys are the predicates, and the girls are the subjects. There is a contest to see who wins in each sentence. In October, the students change places! School Newsletter Grade Level News Page 3 of 4 Spanish News-From the desk of Sra. Romo! Remember: Every Friday is ice cream & pickles day! Bring your money. This benefits our annual Cinco de Mayo celebration. Stay tuned for more info concerning reports for grades 4-8 over famous Hispanics and Spanish Independence Day September 16. Birthday Club Volunteers We have had several parents say they would like to help volunteer with baking cupcakes, buying ice cream, decorating, taking pictures, etc. Please call Ms. Castillo to be placed on the calendar. You can volunteer every month, or select a month. Junior High News Mrs. Merhar reports that junior high school students are reviewing the foundations of grammar by distinguishing and diagramming the qualities of nouns this week. The students had a great time with the July & August celebration. Our September celebration is scheduled for Monday, September 27. “Catholic schools prepare every student to meet the challenges of one’s future by developing one’s mind, yes, but also body and soul and spirit.” Who Said It? Be the first to email Mrs. Hitt with the correct answer and receive a BUG! Library News Cathedral School of St. Mary 910 San Jacinto Austin, TX 78701 Phone: 512-476-1480 Fax: Plan ahead for our Book Fair September 20-September 24 from 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. daily. Think service-hours! Mrs. O’Dwyer needs daytime Volunteers! Please consider helping. Email Mrs. O’Dwyer at to be placed on the schedule. Also, students, remember the Box Tops drawings to win a $5 book fair gift certificate will be held on the 14th, 15th, and 16th of September. All Box Tops are due by Monday, September 13. Please place 10 Box Tops in an envelope or Ziploc baggie, and write student’s name and grade on the outside. Teachers will collect envelopes/Ziploc baggies. Students may also bring them to their library class. 512-476-9922 Reflections E-mail: Excellence in Education since 1866! We’re on the Web! Sunday’s readings were from Wisdom 9:1318, Philemon 9-10; 12-17, and the Holy Gospel of St. Luke 14: 25-33. This Gospel is particularly hard to understand. “Whoever comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and even life itself, cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:26). Do these not sound like contradictory demands? How can we hate fame, family, and treasure? For January’s Super Bowl, I was in New Orleans. I watched Peyton Manning, the Colts quarterback, play his hometown team, the Saints, the team that his dad, Archie quarter-backed from 1971-1982. In playing against the Saints, Peyton had to “hate” his hometown team where he and brother Eli grew up. Following Jesus is much harder than winning the Super Bowl; however, Jesus gives us the tools in which to fight the good fight. WE NEED PARENT VOLUNTEERS TO HELP WITH MORNING RECESS!! THIS WILL COUNT TOWARD YOUR SERVICE VOLUNTEER HOURS! TIME: 7:20 A.M. – 7:40 A.M. EVEN DAYS GRADES 1-4; ODD DAYS GRADES 5-8. CALL MS. CASTILLO TO BE PLACED ON THE SCHEDULE!